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1、第 页2021云南工程硕士(GCT)考试考前冲刺卷本卷共分为1大题50小题,作答时间为180分钟,总分100分,60分及格。一、单项选择题(共50题,每题2分。每题的备选项中,只有一个最符合题意) 1.To get a high score _.Aworking hard is neededBone must work hardCworking hard is very importantDrequirement is what is needed 2.Jane: _ Tom: Well, its 250 dollars a month, including heat.AHow much do

2、es the heater costBWill it be cheaper to have a heaterCHow do you pay the rent for your apartmentDHow about the apartment you are renting 3.Peter: _ Cathleen: Do you know that place next to the travel agency on South Street Peter: Sure. Ill go and have a look.ACool! Your dress is new. How much is it

3、BHow do you like your new dressCWhere do you get your new dressDHow much did you spend on your new dress 4.Susan: Do you think we should accept Johnsons research proposal Barry: I dont know. _AWho caresBWhat do you thinkCYeah. He is a smart guy.DId better rely on it. 5.Rita: How about some more cake

4、, dear Alex: _AYou wouldnt have to force me to take another helping.BJust a piece, please.CAll right. How are youDOK, but you need to force me to take another helping. 6.Joan: Look, Im sorry to bother you about this, but this wall between our rooms is not very soundproofing and Im doing my homework.

5、 Steven: _AOK. I dont mind.BJust a moment. Ill close the door.CAll fight. How about change another roomDSorry, Ill turn the music down. 7.David: Could you have my car fixed before noon, please Clerk: _ASure. The damage is minor.BSure. Ill fasten it fight here.CYes. Its only a matter of time before i

6、t breaks down.DYes, Ill have your car. 8.Jack: _ Mary: How are you going to be able to fall asleep if you keep on like thisADo you want a cup of coffee to help you wake upBI decided not to have any more coffee from now on.CThis must be my tenth cup of coffee today.DYou never have enough coffee. 9.Ma

7、nager: _ Secretary: Someone did call. But I can hardly understand the dialect he used.AAny visitor this morningBAny messages for meCCan you understand the dialectDWho gave me a buzz 10.Student A: I missed Prof. Lis linguistics class again yesterday. Student B: _ACongratulations!BGood Luck!CWhat a pi

8、ty!DHave a nice weekend! 11.Beth: Have you ever been to the Fragrance Hill in Beijing Jerry: _ANo, but I have no time.BNo, but Id like to.CYes. I was too busy then.DYes. I couldnt do it fight now. 12.泰勒是科学管理的创始人,他创立了_。通过改进操作方法,科学地制定劳动定额;采用标准化,极大地提高了效率、降低了成本。A时间研究B动作研究C甘特图D工序图 13.工业工程首先在_中产生和应用。A生产车间

9、B制造业C军事后勤D服务业 14.人机系统的研究对象为_。A人一机系统B机器系统C人一机一环境系统D控制系统 15.在生产现场中,常有_同时对一台设备(一项工作)进行操作,则称为联合操作作业。A一个工作人员B一组工作人员C班组人员D两个或两个以上操作人员 16.生产率的定义是_。A一切经济价值的源泉B产出与投入之比C衡量生产系统转换效率D生产要素(资源)的使用效率 17.对于缺少投资的作业系统的改进应采用的技术是_。A设备更新改造B采用新工艺C采用新材料D开展工作研究 18.以操作者为对象开展程序分析适宜采用_。A人一机操作分析B人型流程图分析C物型流程图分析D双手操作分析 19.标准的对象应

10、该是_。A经常性出现的事物B偶然出现的事物C最新出现的事物D重复性的事物和概念 20.工作研究的对象应为_。A作业系统B工程系统C社会系统D环境系统 21.作业系统主要由以下几方面因素组成_。A设备B人员C方法D能源E材料 22.It was in the name of freedom () Kennedy led his country deeper into its cruel, hopeless war in Vietnam.AwhenBasCwhileDthat23.The former governor withdrew from political life and as ()

11、he was soon forgotten.Aan endBa resultCan outcomeDan event24.It has been estimated that the earths surface temperature has increased () one quarter to three fourths of a degree since 1850.AbyBatCtoDwith25.(), we went out for a swim in the lake.AThe day being hotBIt was hotCIt is hotDThe day was not2

12、6.Corruption in the running of the citys largest bank was () in Peoples Daily yesterday.AdetectedBdetestedCexposedDdiscovered27.Your first contact with an employer will be either to apply for a known job opening or to find out if any jobs are ().AopenedBhiredCavailableDvariable28.With the gradual im

13、provement of transportation and communications, farmers have now had easier () to cities and towns.AaccessBreachCapproachDtouch29.Most people have come to realize that it is about time the government () further measures to control the population.Amust takeBis takingCtakesDtook30.Scarcely () such an

14、exciting football match.Ahave I ever seenBI have ever seenCsaw IDI saw31.The software is a popular tool in business, where it () and simplifies such procedures as budgeting.Aputs onBputs forwardCtakes afterDspeeds up32.A: Why do you always tell me what to do To be frank, I dont like it.B: I know, bu

15、t ().AI dont like it neither.BHow do I do for youCI just want the best for you.DObviously. You are right.33.A: ()B: Do you know that place next to the travel agency on South StreetA: Sure. Ill go and have a look.ACool! Your dress is new. How much is itBHow do you like your new dressCWhere do you get

16、 your new dressDHow much did you spend on your new dress34.A: How much would it cost me to send this parcel to New YorkB: Thatll be twenty-five dollars.A: Twenty-five dollars ().AWhats the next quickest way to New YorkBThis is a day light delivery.COkay. Please give me two stamps, also.DCan you lowe

17、r the price35.A: Would you like to renew your subscription to China DailyB: Yes. For another year.A: Great. ()AHow come do you like itBYou can renew it now.CYou are thankful.DI promise you will regret it.36.A: Where can we get the computer fixedB: ()AYes. I have no idea.BWhy not ask John about it.CN

18、o. I believe there is one at the comer.DWhy do you want it repaired737.A: Hello. Customer Service. What can I do for youB: Yes. Theres something wrong with my electric oven. It doesnt work now.A: All right. May I have your telephone number and addressB: ()AI beg your pardon.BWhat do you needCSure. H

19、ere you are.DPlease just forgive me.38.A: Id like some icecream. Do they have Coke onlyB: ()AOf course not. They have almost everything you can name.BSorry, I have no idea about what you said.CYoud better choose what you like.DYoud probably have to go by yourself.39.A: Have you ever been to the Temp

20、le of Heaven in BeijingB: ()ANo, but I have no timeBNo, but Id like toCYes. I was too busy thenDYes. I couldnt do it right now40.A: I missed Prof. Wangs linguistics class again yesterday.B: ()ACongratulations!BHow nice you are!CWhat a pity!DHave a nice weekend41.A: Is everyone always so helpful to y

21、ou in your officeB: ()AYes. What can I do for you nowBYes, there is a hotel nearby.CYes. Can I help youDYes. Its a great place to work.42.The pressure _ causes American to be energetic, but it also puts them under a constant emotional strain.Ato competeBcompetingCto be competedDhaving competed 43.You have nothing to _ by refusing to listen to our advice.AgainBgraspCseizeDearn 44.I hope that youll be more carefu


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