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1、Mr. Speeakeer, Mr. Viice Preesiddentt, MMembberss off Coongrresss, ddisttingguisshedd guuestts, andd feelloow AAmerricaans:Toniightt I wannt tto bbegiin bby cconggrattulaatinng tthe menn annd wwomeen oof tthe 1122th Conngreess, ass weell as youur nnew Speeakeer, Johhn BBoehhnerr. AAnd as we marrk tt

2、hiss occcassionn, wwe aare alsso mminddfull off thhe eemptty cchaiir iin tthiss Chhambber, annd pprayy foor tthe heaalthh off ouur ccollleaggue aand ourr frriennd Gaabbyy Giiffoordss.Itss noo seecreet tthatt thhosee off uss heere tonnighht hhavee haad oour diffferrencces oveer tthe lasst ttwo yeaars

3、. Thhe ddebaatess haave beeen cconttenttiouus; we havve ffougght fieerceely forr ouur bbeliiefss. AAnd thaatss a goood tthinng. Thaatss whhat a rrobuust demmocrracyy deemannds. Thhats wwhatt heelpss seet uus aaparrt aas aa naatioon.But theeres aa reeasoon tthe traageddy iin TTucsson gavve uus ppauss

4、e. Amiid aall thee nooisee annd ppasssionns aand ranncorr off ouur ppubllic debbatee, TTucsson remmindded us thaat nno mmattter whoo wee arre oor wwherre wwe ccomee frrom, eaach of us is a ppartt off soometthinng ggreaaterr sommethhingg moore connseqquenntiaal tthann paartyy orr poolitticaal ppreffe

5、reencee.We aare parrt oof tthe Ameericcan fammilyy. WWe bbeliievee thhat in a ccounntryy whheree evveryy raace andd faaithh annd ppoinnt oof vvieww caan bbe ffounnd, we aree sttilll booundd toogettherr ass onne ppeopple; thhat we shaare commmonn hoopess annd aa coommoon ccreeed; thaat tthe dreeamss

6、off a litttlee giirl in Tuccsonn arre nnot so diffferrentt thhan thoose of ourr owwn cchilldreen, andd thhat theey aall desservve tthe chaancee too bee fuulfiilleed.Thatt, ttoo, iss whhat setts uus aaparrt aas aa naatioon.Now, byy ittsellf, thiis ssimpple reccognnitiion wonnt ushher in a nnew eraa o

7、ff cooopeerattionn. WWhatt coomess off thhis mommentt iss upp too uss. WWhatt coomess off thhis mommentt wiill be dettermmineed nnot by wheetheer wwe ccan sitt toogettherr toonigght, buut wwhettherr wee caan wworkk toogettherr toomorrroww.I beelieeve we cann. II beelieeve we musst. Thaatss whhat the

8、e peeoplle wwho sennt uus hheree exxpecct oof uus. Witth ttheiir vvotees, theeyvve ddeteermiinedd thhat govvernningg wiill noww bee a shaaredd reespoonsiibillityy beetweeen parrtiees. Neww laaws willl oonlyy paass witth ssuppportt frrom Demmocrratss annd RRepuubliicanns. We willl mmovee foorwaard to

9、ggethher, orr noot aat aall ffor thee chhalllengges we facce aare bigggerr thhan parrty, annd bbiggger thaan ppoliiticcs.At sstakke rrighht nnow is nott whho wwinss thhe nnextt ellecttionn aftter alll, wwe jjustt haad aan eelecctioon. At staake is wheetheer nnew jobbs aand inddusttriees ttakee rooot

10、 in thiis ccounntryy, oor ssomeewheere elsse. Its wwhettherr thhe hhardd woork andd inndusstryy off ouur ppeopple is rewwardded. Itts wheetheer wwe ssusttainn thhe lleaddersshipp thhat hass maade Ameericca nnot jusst aa pllacee onn a mapp, bbut a llighht tto tthe worrld.We aare poiisedd foor pproggr

11、esss. Twoo yeearss affterr thhe wworsst rreceessiion mosst oof uus hhavee evver knoown, thhe sstocck mmarkket hass coome roaarinng bbackk. CCorpporaate proofitts aare up. Thhe eeconnomyy iss grrowiing agaain.But we havve nneveer mmeassureed pproggresss bby tthesse yyarddstiickss allonee. WWe mmeassu

12、ree prrogrresss byy thhe ssucccesss off ouur ppeopple. Byy thhe jjobss thhey cann fiind andd thhe qquallityy off liife thoose jobbs ooffeer. By thee prrosppectts oof aa smmalll buusinnesss owwnerr whho ddreaams of turrninng aa goood ideea iintoo a thrriviing entterpprisse. By thee oppporrtunnitiies

13、forr a bettterr liife thaat wwe ppasss onn too ouur cchilldreen.Thatts thee prrojeect thee Ammeriicann peeoplle wwantt uss too woork on. Toogettherr.We ddid thaat iin DDeceembeer. Thaankss too thhe ttax cutts wwe ppasssed, Ammeriicanns payycheeckss arre aa liittlle bbiggger todday. Evveryy buusinnes

14、ss caan wwritte ooff thee fuull cosst oof tthe neww innvesstmeentss thhey makke tthiss yeear. Thhesee sttepss, ttakeen bby DDemoocraats andd Reepubbliccanss, wwilll grrow thee ecconoomy andd addd tto tthe morre tthann onne mmilllionn prrivaate secctorr joobs creeateed llastt yeear.But we havve mmore

15、e woork to do. Thhe sstepps wwevve ttakeen ooverr thhe llastt twwo yyearrs mmay havve bbrokken thee baack of thiis rreceessiion bbut to winn thhe ffutuure, weelll neeed to takke oon cchalllenngess thhat havve bbeenn deecaddes in thee maakinng.Manyy peeoplle wwatcchinng ttoniightt caan pprobbablly rr

16、emeembeer aa tiime wheen ffinddingg a goood jjob meaant shoowinng uup aat aa neearbby ffacttoryy orr a bussineess dowwntoown. Yoou ddidnnt alwwayss neeed a ddegrree, annd yyourr coompeetittionn waas pprettty mucch llimiitedd too yoour neiighbborss. IIf yyou worrkedd haard, chhancces aree yooudd haav

17、e a jjob forr liife, wiith a ddeceent payycheeck, goood bennefiits, annd tthe occcasiionaal pprommotiion. Maaybee yooudd evven havve tthe priide of seeeingg yoour kidds wworkk att thhe ssamee coompaany.Thatt woorldd haas cchanngedd. AAnd forr maany, thhe cchannge hass beeen paiinfuul. Ivve sseenn it

18、t inn thhe sshuttterred winndowws oof ooncee booomiing facctorriess, aand thee vaacannt sstorrefrrontts oof ooncee buusy Maiin SStreeetss. IIvee heeardd itt inn thhe ffrusstraatioons of Ameericcanss whhovve sseenn thheirr paaychheckks ddwinndlee orr thheirr joobs dissapppearr prooud menn annd wwomee

19、n wwho feeel llikee thhe rrulees hhavee beeen chaangeed iin tthe midddlee off thhe ggamee.Theyyree riightt. TThe rulles havve cchanngedd. IIn aa siinglle ggeneerattionn, rrevooluttionns iin ttechhnollogyy haave traansfformmed thee waay wwe llivee, wworkk annd ddo bbusiinesss. Steeel millls thaat oon

20、cee neeedeed 11,0000 wworkkerss caan nnow do thee saame worrk wwithh 1000. Todday, juust aboout anyy coompaany cann seet uup sshopp, hhiree woorkeers, annd sselll thheirr prroduuctss whhereeverr thherees an intternnet connnecctioon.Meannwhiile, naatioons likke CChinna aand Inddia reaalizzed thaat ww

21、ithh soome chaangees oof ttheiir oown, thhey couuld commpette iin tthiss neew wworlld. Andd soo thhey staarteed eeduccatiing theeir chiildrren earrlieer aand lonngerr, wwithh grreatter empphassis on matth aand sciiencce. Theeyrre iinveestiing in ressearrch andd neew ttechhnollogiies. Juust reccenttl

22、y, Chhinaa beecamme hhomee too thhe wworlldss laargeest priivatte ssolaar rreseearcch ffaciilitty, andd thhe wworlldss faasteest commputter.So yyes, thhe wworlld hhas chaangeed. Thee coompeetittionn foor jjobss iss reeal. Buut tthiss shhoulldnt ddisccourragee uss. IIt sshouuld chaalleengee uss. RRem

23、eembeer foor aall thee hiits weve takken theese lasst ffew yeaars, foor aall thee naaysaayerrs ppreddicttingg ouur ddecllinee, AAmerricaa sttilll haas tthe larrgesst, mosst pprossperrouss ecconoomy in thee woorldd. NNo wworkkerss arre mmoree prroduuctiive thaan oourss. NNo ccounntryy haas mmoree suu

24、cceessfful commpanniess, oor ggrannts morre ppateentss too innvenntorrs aand enttrepprenneurrs. We aree hoome to thee woorldds besst ccolllegees aand uniiverrsittiess, wwherre mmoree sttudeentss coome to stuudy thaan aany othher plaace on Earrth.Whatts morre, we aree thhe ffirsst nnatiion to be fouu

25、ndeed ffor thee saake of an ideea thhe iideaa thhat eacch oof uus ddeseervees tthe chaancee too shhapee ouur oown desstinny. Thaat iis wwhy cennturriess off piioneeerss annd iimmiigraantss haave risskedd evveryythiing to comme hheree. IItss whhy oour stuudennts donnt jusst mmemoorizze eequaatioons,

26、buut aanswwer queestiionss liike “Whhat do youu thhinkk off thhat ideea? Whaat wwoulld yyou chaangee abboutt thhe wworlld? Whaat ddo yyou wannt tto bbe wwhenn yoou ggroww upp?”The futturee iss ouurs to winn. BBut to gett thheree, wwe ccant jjustt sttandd sttilll. AAs RRobeert Kennneddy ttoldd uss, “

27、Thee fuuturre iis nnot a ggiftt. IIt iis aan aachiieveemennt.” Suustaainiing thee Ammeriicann Drreamm haas nneveer bbeenn abboutt sttanddingg paat. It hass reequiiredd eaach genneraatioon tto ssacrrifiice, annd sstruugglle, andd meeet thee deemannds of a nnew agee.Now its oour turrn. We knoow wwhatt

28、 itt taakess too coompeete forr thhe jjobss annd iinduustrriess off ouur ttimee. WWe nneedd too ouut-iinnoovatte, outt-edducaate, annd oout-buiild thee reest of thee woorldd. WWe hhavee too maake Ameericca tthe besst pplacce oon EEartth tto ddo bbusiinesss. We neeed tto ttakee reespoonsiibillityy fo

29、or oour defficiit, andd reeforrm oour govvernnmennt. Thaatss hoow oour peooplee wiill proospeer. Thaatss hoow wwelll wwin thee fuuturre. Andd toonigght, Id llikee too taalk aboout howw wee geet ttherre.The firrst steep iin wwinnningg thhe ffutuure is enccourragiing Ameericcan innnovaatioon.Nonee off

30、 uss caan ppreddictt wiith cerrtaiintyy whhat thee neext bigg inndusstryy wiill be, orr whheree thhe nnew jobbs wwilll coome froom. Thiirtyy yeearss aggo, we couuldnnt knoow tthatt soometthinng ccallled thee Innterrnett woouldd leead to an ecoonommic revvoluutioon. Whaat wwe ccan do wwhatt Ammeriica

31、 doees bbettter thaan aanyoone iis ssparrk tthe creeatiivitty aand imaaginnatiion of ourr peeoplle. We aree thhe nnatiion thaat pput carrs iin ddrivvewaays andd coompuuterrs iin ooffiicess; tthe nattionn off Eddisoon aand thee Wrrighht bbrottherrs; of Goooglee annd FFaceeboook. In Ameericca, innnova

32、atioon ddoessntt juust chaangee ouur llivees. Its hhow we makke aa liivinng.Our freee eenteerprrisee syysteem iis wwhatt drrivees iinnoovattionn. BBut beccausse iitss noot aalwaays proofittablle ffor commpanniess too innvesst iin bbasiic rreseearcch, thrrougghouut hhisttoryy ouur ggoveernmmentt haas

33、 pprovvideed ccutttingg-eddge sciienttistts aand invventtorss wiith thee suuppoort thaat ttheyy neeed. Thhats wwhatt pllantted thee seeedss foor tthe Intternnet. Thhats wwhatt heelpeed mmakee poossiiblee thhinggs llikee coompuuterr chhipss annd GGPS.Justt thhinkk off alll tthe goood jjobss froom mma

34、nuufaccturringg too reetaiil thhat havve ccomee frrom thoose breeaktthrooughhs.Halff a cennturry aago, whhen thee Soovieets beaat uus iintoo sppacee wiith thee laauncch oof aa saatelllitte ccallled Spuutniik? we hadd noo iddea howw weed beaat tthemm too thhe mmoonn. TThe sciiencce wwasnnt theere yet

35、t. NNASAA diidnt eevenn exxistt. BBut aftter invvesttingg inn beetteer rreseearcch aand eduucattionn, wwe ddidnnt jusst ssurppasss thhe SSoviietss; wwe uunleeashhed a wwavee off innnovvatiion thaat ccreaatedd neew iinduustrriess annd mmilllionns oof nnew jobbs.Thiss iss ouur ggeneerattionns Spuutnii

36、k mmomeent. Twwo yyearrs aago, I saiid tthatt wee neeedeed tto rreacch aa leevell off reeseaarchh annd ddeveeloppmennt wwe hhaveentt seeen sinnce thee heeighht oof tthe Spaace Racce. In a ffew weeeks, I willl bbe ssenddingg a buddgett too Coongrresss thhat hellps us meeet tthatt gooal. Weelll innves

37、st iin bbiommediicall reeseaarchh, iinfoormaatioon ttechhnollogyy, aand esppeciiallly ccleaan eenerrgy tecchnoologgy ann innvesstmeent thaat wwilll sttrenngthhen ourr seecurrityy, pprottectt ouur pplannet, annd ccreaate couuntllesss neew jjobss foor oour peooplee.Alreeadyy, wwe aare seeeingg thhe pp

38、rommisee off reenewwablle eenerrgy. Rooberrt aand Garry AAlleen aare brootheers whoo ruun aa smmalll Miichiigann rooofiing commpanny. Aftter Sepptemmberr 111th, thhey volluntteerred theeir besst rroofferss too heelp reppairr thhe PPenttagoon. Butt haalf of theeir facctorry wwentt unnuseed, andd thhe

39、 rreceessiion hitt thhem harrd.Todaay, witth tthe hellp oof aa gooverrnmeent loaan, thaat eemptty sspacce iis bbeinng uusedd too maanuffactturee soolarr shhinggless thhat aree beeingg soold alll accrosss tthe couuntrry. In Robbertts worrds, “WWe rreinnvenntedd ouurseelvees.”Thatts whaat AAmerricaans

40、 havve ddonee foor ooverr twwo hhunddredd yeearss: rreinnvenntedd ouurseelvees. Andd too sppur on morre ssucccesss sttoriies likke tthe Alllen Brootheers, weevee beegunn too reeinvventt ouur eenerrgy pollicyy. WWerre nnot jusst hhanddingg ouut mmoneey. Were isssuinng aa chhalllengge. Were telllinng

41、AAmerricaas sciienttistts aand enggineeerss thhat if theey aasseemblle tteamms oof tthe besst mmindds iin ttheiir ffiellds, annd ffocuus oon tthe harrdesst pprobblemms iin ccleaan eenerrgy, weelll fuund thee Appolllo PProjjectts oof oour timme.At tthe Callifoorniia IInsttituute of Tecchnoologgy, the

42、eyrre ddeveeloppingg a wayy too tuurn sunnligght andd waaterr innto fueel ffor ourr caars. Att Oaak RRidgge NNatiionaal LLaboorattoryy, ttheyyree ussingg suuperrcommputterss too geet aa loot mmoree poowerr ouut oof oour nuccleaar ffaciilittiess. WWithh moore ressearrch andd inncenntivves, wee caan b

43、breaak oour deppenddencce oon ooil witth bbioffuells, andd beecomme tthe firrst couuntrry tto hhavee 1 milllioon eelecctriic vvehiiclees oon tthe roaad bby 220155.We nneedd too geet bbehiind thiis iinnoovattionn. AAnd to hellp ppay forr itt, IIm askkingg Coongrresss too ellimiinatte tthe billlioons

44、in taxxpayyer dolllarrs wwe ccurrrenttly givve tto ooil commpanniess. II doontt knnow if youuvee nooticced, buut ttheyyree dooingg juust finne oon ttheiir oown. Soo innsteead of subbsiddiziing yessterrdayys eneergyy, llets iinveest in tommorrrows.Now, clleann ennerggy bbreaakthhrouughss wiill onlly

45、ttrannslaate intto ccleaan eenerrgy jobbs iif bbusiinesssess knnow theere willl bbe aa maarkeet ffor whaat ttheyyree seelliing. Soo toonigght, I chaalleengee yoou tto jjoinn mee inn seettiing a nnew goaal: by 20335, 80% off Ammeriicas eelecctriicitty wwilll coome froom ccleaan eenerrgy souurcees. So

46、mme ffolkks wwantt wiind andd soolarr. OOtheers wannt nnucllearr, ccleaan ccoall, aand natturaal ggas. Too meeet thiis ggoall, wwe wwilll neeed theem aall aand I uurgee Deemoccratts aand Reppubllicaans to worrk ttogeetheer tto mmakee itt haappeen.Mainntaiininng oour leaaderrshiip iin rreseearcch aan

47、d tecchnoologgy iis ccrucciall too Ammeriicas ssucccesss. BBut if we wannt tto wwin thee fuuturre iff wee waant innnovaatioon tto pprodducee joobs in Ameericca aand nott ovversseass theen wwe aalsoo haave to winn thhe rracee too edducaate ourr kiids.Thinnk aabouut iit. Oveer tthe nexxt tten yeaars,

48、neearlly hhalff off alll nnew jobbs wwilll reequiire eduucattionn thhat goees bbeyoond a hhighh scchoool ddegrree. Annd yyet, ass maany as a qquarrterr off ouur sstuddentts aarennt eveen ffiniishiing higgh sschoool. Thhe qquallityy off ouur mmathh annd sscieencee edducaatioon llagss beehinnd mmanyy

49、ottherr naatioons. Ammeriica hass faalleen tto 99th in thee prropoortiion of youung peooplee wiith a ccolllegee deegreee. Andd soo thhe qquesstioon iis wwhettherr alll oof uus ass ciitizzenss, aand as parrentts arre wwilllingg too doo whhats nneceessaary to givve eeverry cchilld aa chhancce tto ssuc

50、cceedd.Thatt reespoonsiibillityy beeginns nnot in ourr cllasssroooms, buut iin oour hommes andd coommuunittiess. IItss faamilly tthatt fiirstt innstiillss thhe llovee off leearnningg inn a chiild. Onnly parrentts ccan makke ssuree thhe TTV iis tturnned offf annd hhomeeworrk ggetss doone. Wee neeed t

51、o teaach ourr kiids thaat iitss noot jjustt thhe wwinnner of thee Suuperr Boowl whoo deeserrvess too bee ceelebbratted, buut tthe winnnerr off thhe sscieencee faair; thhat succcesss iis nnot a ffuncctioon oof ffamee orr PRR, bbut of harrd wworkk annd ddisccipllinee.Our schhoolls ssharre tthiss reesp

52、oonsiibillityy. WWhenn a chiild wallks intto aa cllasssrooom, it shoouldd bee a plaace of higgh eexpeectaatioons andd hiigh perrforrmannce. Buut ttoo manny sschooolss doontt meeet thiis ttestt. TThatts whyy innsteead of jusst ppourringg mooneyy innto a ssysttem thaatss noot wworkkingg, wwe llaunnche

53、ed aa coompeetittionn caalleed RRacee too thhe TTop. Too alll ffiftty sstattes, wee saaid, “IIf yyou shoow uus tthe mosst iinnoovattivee pllanss too immproove teaacheer qquallityy annd sstuddentt acchieevemmentt, wwelll sshoww yoou tthe monney.”Racee too thhe TTop is thee moost meaaninngfuul rrefoor

54、m of ourr puubliic sschooolss inn a genneraatioon. Forr leess thaan oone perrcennt oof wwhatt wee sppendd onn edducaatioon eeachh yeear, itt haas lled oveer 440 sstattes to raiise theeir staandaardss foor tteacchinng aand leaarniing. Thhesee sttanddardds wweree deevellopeed, nott byy Waashiingtton,

55、buut bby RRepuubliicann annd DDemoocraaticc gooverrnorrs tthrooughhoutt thhe ccounntryy. AAnd Racce tto tthe Topp shhoulld bbe tthe appproaach we follloww thhis yeaar aas wwe rrepllacee Noo Chhildd Leeft Behhindd wiith a llaw thaat iis mmoree fllexiiblee annd ffocuusedd onn whhats bbestt foor oour k

56、idds.You seee, wwe kknoww whhats pposssiblle ffor ourr chhilddrenn whhen refformm issntt juust a ttop-dowwn mmanddatee, bbut thee woork of loccal teaacheers andd prrinccipaals; scchoool bboarrds andd coommuunittiess.Takee a schhooll liike Bruuce Ranndollph in Dennverr. TThreee yyearrs aago, itt waas

57、 rrateed oone of thee woorstt scchoools in Colloraado; loocatted on turrf bbetwweenn twwo rrivaal gganggs. Butt laast Mayy, 997% of thee seenioors recceivved theeir dipplomma. Mosst wwilll bee thhe ffirsst iin ttheiir ffamiily to go to colllegge. Andd affterr thhe ffirsst yyearr off thhe sschoools t

58、trannsfoormaatioon, thee prrinccipaal wwho madde iit pposssiblle wwipeed aawayy teearss whhen a sstuddentt saaid “Thhankk yoou, Mrss. WWateers, foor sshowwingg tthatt wee arre ssmarrt aand we cann maake it.”Lets aalsoo reememmberr thhat aftter parrentts, thee biiggeest imppactt onn a chiilds ssuccce

59、sss coomess frrom thee maan oor wwomaan aat tthe froont of thee cllasssrooom. In Souuth Korrea, teeachherss arre kknowwn aas “nattionn buuildderss.” Herre iin AAmerricaa, iitss tiime we treeateed tthe peooplee whho eeduccatee ouur cchilldreen wwithh thhe ssamee leevell off reespeect. Wee waant to re

60、wwardd goood teaacheers andd sttop makkingg exxcusses forr baad ooness. AAnd oveer tthe nexxt tten yeaars, wiith so manny BBabyy Booomeers rettiriing froom oour claassrroomms, we wannt tto pprepparee 1000,0000 neww teeachherss inn thhe ffiellds of sciiencce, tecchnoologgy, enggineeeriing, annd mmath


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