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1、酒店英语学习情境二:餐厅服务英语22TakingOrders酒店英语学习情境二:餐厅服务英语22TakingOrders学习任务: 受理西餐点菜 1Name : Joey Job: WaitressResponsibility: To serve guests in a western restaurant 学习任务: 受理西餐点菜 1ContentsLearning Objectives 学习目标1Working Procedures 工作程序2Working Knowledge 工作知识 3Hotel Task 酒店任务45Words and Expressions6ActivityCon

2、tentsLearning Objectives 学习Learning Objectives 学习目标After finishing this task, you should be able to: Recommend and explain Western food Take orders in a western restaurantLearning Objectives 学习目标After Working Procedures 工作程序 Pass the menu to the guest from his right side. 站在客人右侧,呈上菜单Ask the guest if

3、 he is ready to take order. 询问客人是否可以点餐 Recommend some dishes to the guest. 给客人介绍菜式Mark down the guests order. 记下客人的菜单Repeat the guest order for him. 重复客人的订单Ask the guest how he would like his egg (steak). 询问客人鸡蛋、牛排等食物的生熟程度Mark down the guests requirement. 记下客人的特殊要求Ask the guest to wait for a while f

4、or the dishes. 让客人稍等片刻,马上为他上菜Working Procedures 工作程序 Working Knowledge 工作知识(1)1. When taking orders, ask the guests the following questions:The appetizer、main course and dessert requested by the guests. (客人需要的前菜、主菜、饮品和甜品) Wine or vegetable go with the main course. (客人需要配搭主食的酒或蔬菜) Particular eating h

5、abits (客人的特殊的饮食习惯) Recommendation of some dishes to the guests (询问客人是否需要推荐菜式)Working Knowledge 工作知识(1)1. WhWorking Knowledge 工作知识(2)2. Names of western foodAppetizer 前菜鱼子酱caviar蘑菇汤mushroom soup沙拉salad熏三文鱼smoked salmon焗蜗牛baked snail鹅肝酱 goose liver pasteWorking Knowledge 工作知识(2)2. NaMain Course 主菜 Wor

6、king Knowledge 工作知识(3)牛腿排rump steak 三文鱼排salmon filletT形骨牛排T-bone steak羊排lamb chop脊扒fillet steak 沙朗牛排sirloinMain Course 主菜 Working KnowledWorking Knowledge 工作知识(4)Dessert 甜品布丁pudding栗子蛋糕chestnut cake冰激凌 ice-cream提拉米苏tiramisu奶酪cheese苹果派apple pieWorking Knowledge 工作知识(4)DesseHotel Task 酒店任务Suppose you

7、are Joey, now youre going to help the guest take orders. Please perform the task according to the hints below with your partners. 角色A: 你是George Brown, 准备到西餐厅用晚餐。看了菜牌后发现鱼子酱、沙 拉、蘑菇菌汤都不错,各要了一份。角色B: 你是西餐厅服务员Joey,你为George Brown推荐了当晚的特色菜菲力牛排和香草冰激凌 Hotel Task 酒店任务Suppose you areWords to knowcaviar n. 鱼子酱 r

8、ecommend vt.& vi. 介绍salad n. 沙拉 instead adv. 代替baked snail n. 焗蜗牛 chef n. 厨师mushroom soup n. 蘑菇汤 rare adj. 半熟的、嫩的steak n. 牛排 medium adj. 适中的pudding n. 布丁 well done adj. 全熟的pie n. 馅饼 House Specialty n. 招牌菜Words to knowcaviar n. Useful expressions1. Presenting the Menu 呈现菜单 (1) Please show me the menu

9、. (2) Heres the menu, sir. (3) Can I take your order? (4) Would you like something to drink? 2. Recommending Dishes 介绍菜式 (1) What would you like to go with your steak? (2) Would you please recommend something? (3) How would you like your steak? (4) How about trying some other dishes? (5) Will there

10、be anything else? (6) Its the specialty of our restaurant.Useful expressions1. PresentinUseful expressions3. About Food Allergies 食物过敏 (1) Leave off MSG, please. (2) Im allergic to pepper. (3) I told you to leave off the onion.4. When Certain Item Is Running out 食物售罄 (1)We havent got any more duck t

11、oday. (2)How about steak instead?Useful expressions3. About FooActivity 1. Look at the sentences below and put them in the correct column below.看下面的句子,然后把它们归类。 A table for two, please. What do you recommend? And heres the menu. Are you ready to order? I recommend the steak. Rare, medium or well done

12、? Are you ready to order? I would like some mineral water, please. Ill have the lamb chops. Can we have the bill, please. The lasagna for me, please. Would you like anything to drink?Activity 1. Look at the sentenActivityWAITER / WAITRESS CUSTOMER ActivityWAITER / WAITRESS CUST2. Organize a group of

13、 4 or 6 students and design a menu for a western restaurant. Menu Garlic bread 2.10 Green salad 2.90 Grilled mushrooms 3.10 Vegetable soup 3.50 Onion rings 3.50 Pasta salad 3.90 Cornish pasty 3.90 Chicken wings 4.10 Meatballs 4.40Menu Spaghetti 6.00Meatloaf 7.20Grilled chicken 7.50Lasagna 8.50Steak

14、8.90Lamb chops 9.20King prawns 9.90Menu Corn cob 1.90Baked beans 2.10Peas 2.50Chips 2.90Baked potatoes 3.10Rice 3.10Grilled vegetables 5.00Activity2. Organize a group of 4 or 6 3. Make a dialogue using the sentences from exercise A and the Cottage Restaurant Menu. Then present it in front of the class. Activity3. Make a dialogue using the s 西餐注重酱汁,注重香料。下面让我们为大家


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