五年级英语上册知识梳理-学一学Unit 5 There is a big bed(Section B~Section C)-人教版PEP_第1页
五年级英语上册知识梳理-学一学Unit 5 There is a big bed(Section B~Section C)-人教版PEP_第2页
五年级英语上册知识梳理-学一学Unit 5 There is a big bed(Section B~Section C)-人教版PEP_第3页
五年级英语上册知识梳理-学一学Unit 5 There is a big bed(Section B~Section C)-人教版PEP_第4页
五年级英语上册知识梳理-学一学Unit 5 There is a big bed(Section B~Section C)-人教版PEP_第5页
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1、小学英语学一学(Unit 5 There is a big bed(Section BSection C))学习目标1. 能够听懂、会说、认读并在句子中使用本单元所学的重点词汇。2. 能够会读、会用所学词汇替换本单元所学的句型,并在交流中正确运用。重点:学习本单元描述位置的词汇和短语。难点:能够运用本课单词正确描述某地有某物。知识梳理【精彩视听】 Can you describe the living room?【单词领读】grandparent n. (外)祖父(母)front adj. 前面的beside prep. (介词)在旁边(附近)between prep. 在之间behind p

2、rep. 在之后above prep. 超过;在上面【词汇精讲】1. grandparent n. (外)祖父(母)复数:grandparents (外)祖父母grandmother (外)祖母grandfather (外)祖父I love my grandparents. Are yourgrandparentsstill alive? 根据中文意思写出相应句子。它们是我祖母的植物。_答案:They are my grandmothers plants.思路分析:根据句意,它们用they,后面的be动词用are,祖母是grandmother,植物是plant,这里用复数比较合适:plants

3、。2. front adj. 前面的1. front用作形容词的基本意思是“前面的,前部的”,也可指“正面的”。2. front没有比较级和最高级形式。3. in front of 在前面The red car is in front of me. My grandparents have a garden in front of their house. in front of 是在一个整体的前面in the front of 是在一个整体前半部分的位置 He is standing in front of the house. He is standing in the front of

4、the classroom. My grandparent _in _of our house. A. is, front B. is, the front C. are, front 答案:A思路分析:grandparent是一个整体,所以用is,在房子前面,指在一个整体的前面应用in front of,所以选A。3. beside prep. 在旁边beside, by, near这组词的共同意思是“靠近,在旁边”。beside是一般用语,其宾语可以是表示任何人或事物的名词;by强调“紧贴”,其宾语可以是一般的人或事物,但更常见的是side或含有side的名词;near所指的距离要比by远

5、得多,其宾语可以是任何表示人或事物的名词。Come and sit beside me. The ball is beside the dog. 近义短语:next to 在旁边翻译下列句子。The little girl is sittingbesideher mother._答案:小女孩正坐在她妈妈旁边。思路分析:根据句意,是现在进行时,可以用is sitting, 在她的妈妈旁边:beside her mother.4. between prep. 在之间between的基本意思是“在之间”,一般地,between指两者之间,其宾语可以是有具体数目的人或物,也可以是用and连接的两个具体

6、的人或物。Im sitting between Jim and Tom. The bank is between the park and the school. 选择最佳选项。I will come_twelve _ one oclock. A. between;to B. between;and答案:B思路分析:句意:我会在12点至1点之间来。和between连接的词是and。5. behind prep. 在后面1. behind用于表示时间,意思是“迟于”。2. behind用于表示空间位置,意思是“在后面”。The broom is behind the door. Who is t

7、he girl standing behind Richard? 选择最佳选项:There is a raincoat_the door. A. behind B. front C. between 答案:A思路分析:句意:雨衣在门后面。如果选B,应是in front of, 如果选C,应用between and,而且是两者间的。6. above prep. 在上面用作介词时,above表示位置时笼统指“在上方”,不一定垂直,也不与其宾语相接触。The bird is flying above the water. 翻译句子:The elephant is above the hill. _答

8、案:大象在小山的上面。思路分析:above the hill 在山上。总结表示位置关系的词语:介词(短语)词义例句in在里面The bag is in the desk. on在上面The cat is on the bed. under在下面There is a ball under the chair. behind在后面Alice is behind the door. near在旁边There is a dog near the tree.in front of在前面There is a car in front of the house. beside在旁边My school is

9、beside the bookshop.between在中间There is a chair between the two desks. 即学即练一、请根据提示,写出下列单词及中文解释。1. gr_dp_ent (外)祖父(母)2. fr_t 前面的3. be_de 在旁边(附近)4. betw_n 在之间5. beh_d _6. ab_ve 在上面答案:grandparent (外)祖父(母)front 前面的beside 在旁边(附近)between 在之间behind 在之后above 在上面二、英汉互译:1. 在书桌上面_2. beside the bed_3. 这么多植物_4. i

10、n front of the house_5. 在两幅地图中间_6. lots of flowers _7. 我奶奶的花园_答案:1. on/above the desk2. 在床旁边3. so many plants4. 在房子前面5. between two maps6. 许多花7my grandmothers garden思路分析:根据中文或英文写出相应的翻译。三、看图填单词:Millie sits _ me.Amy sits _ Millie _Simon.Kitty sits _ Sandy.Sandy sits _ Kitty _ me.Kitty sits _ Simon.答案:

11、in front of, between, and, next to/beside, between, and, behind同步练习 (答题时间:15分钟)一、从给出的四个选项中选出不同类的一项。( )1. A. bedroomB. living roomC. kitchenD. closet( )2. A. mirrorB. living roomC. curtainD. closet( )3. A. inB. onC. ownD. under( )4. A. behindB. clothesC. overD. near( )5. A. roomB. playC. goD. come二、单

12、词翻译1. 厨房_ 2. 卧室_ 3. 在下面_4. 在上面_5. 在里面_ 6. 在后面_7. lookat_8. infrontof_9.beside_三、单项选择题。( )1. Can you tell me more? A. Yes, I cant. B. No,I cant. C. No,he cant.( )2. Whats _ like? A. it B. they C. him( )3. There is a window _ the desk. A. on B. near C. in( )4.There _ some water in the glass. A. am B.

13、is C. are( )5. She _ two end tables. A. has B. there is C. have ( )6.What can you see _ the picture? A. at B. in C. of( )7. _ are the picture? Theyre on the wall. A. What B. Which C. Where( )8. There _ a bathroom in the flat. A. are B. is C. am( )9.What can you do _ home? A. in B. at C. go答案一、D B C

14、B A解析:知道意思,并能把词划分为某一类。1. A. bedroom 卧室B. living room客厅C. kitchen厨房D. closet衣橱2. A. mirror 镜子B. living room 客厅C. curtain窗帘D. closet衣橱3. A. in在里面B. on在上面C. own自己D. under在下面4. A. behind在后面B. clothes衣服C. over在上面D. near在旁边5. A. room房间B. play 玩C. go 去D. come来二、kitchen, bedroom, under, on, in, behind, 看,在前面,在旁边三、1. B 解析:can的回答是Yes, I can. No, I cant.


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