五年级上册英语教案-Unit3 What would you like PartB |人教PEP版_第1页
五年级上册英语教案-Unit3 What would you like PartB |人教PEP版_第2页
五年级上册英语教案-Unit3 What would you like PartB |人教PEP版_第3页
五年级上册英语教案-Unit3 What would you like PartB |人教PEP版_第4页




1、PEP5 Unit3 B Read and write教学目标知识与能力目标1. 学生能够在图片的帮助下读懂两张便条,完成读后选图的活动。2. 学生能够参考范例填充单词完成一张给机器人留的便条。情感态度、文化意识、学习策略目标1. 学生能够提高合作意识和进行自主探究、归纳的能力。2. 学生能够进一步提高从阅读中提取信息的能力和按意群阅读的能力。教学重点学生能够理解短文,完成读后选图活动,并在情境中完成个性化写的活动。教学难点学生能够按意群阅读,并能进行个性化写的活动。教学过程Step1 Pre-reading课前播放视频 “He likes food.”1导入主题回顾短片大意,揭示主题: Fo

2、od.Game: 30 seconds Non-stop Talking-food or tastes.Lead in: sweet, deliciousT: Hello, boys and girls. Ss: Hello, Miss Yang.T: Nice to meet you.Ss: Nice to meet you, too.T: Look, this is the video we just look. Its about? / They are all?Ss: Food.T: So, first, lets play a game about food, ok?Ss: Ok.

3、T: Look, the game is about “30 seconds Non-stop Talking”. Four students in a group, and talk about food or tastes. Ready? Go.T: Now, times up. Who can show us, what did you say? Any more? Very good. You remember so many words. 贴 sweet.T: And some of you said thisSs: Delicious.贴2 deliciousT: Yes, de-

4、li-cious. You can say like this “Mmdelicious.”3-4 students try to read it.2.讨论自己喜欢的食物及原因My favourite food is Its/ Theyre (about 3 students)T: Yes, that sounds good. And I like delicious food very much. And my favourite food is tomatoes, theyre sweet and sour. What about you? Whats your favourite foo

5、d? You can say “My favourite food isIts/ Theyre”贴3 My favourite food is Its/ TheyreT: Thats good. Pay attention, we say?Ss: TheyreStep2 While-reading1. 呈现人物,导入文本情景猜猜Robin最喜欢的食物呈现课题T: Boys and girls, today, a friend comes with me. Look, whos he?Ss: Robin.T: Yeah, say hello to Robin.Ss: Hello, Robin.T

6、: Whats Robins favourite food? Can you guess?About 3 students guess.T: Maybe. Ok, we know Robin is a robot. So, he doesnt eat food. But he can cook food. Listen.Robin: Robin will cook today.贴4 Robin will cook todayT: Who can try this sentence?2 students read the sentence.T: Together.2. 课本文本教学1)阅读回答(

7、Read and answer.)Robin: What can I cook?Task1: Read and answer.Whats Wu Yifans favourite food? Why?Whats Wu Yifans favourite vegetable?Whats Grandpas favourite food? Why?学生阅读后,回答问题。课件一一呈现答案,并链接到原文,跟读T: Today, Robin will cook for?Ss: Wu Yifan and his grandpa.T: They left two notes to Robin. Lets see.

8、 This is a?Ss: Note.T: Now, Robin is reading the two?Ss: Notes.T: And he has some questions. Lets listen.Robin: What can I cook?T: What can I cook for Grandpa and Yifan? So, lets help him, ok?Ss: Ok.T: First question istogether./ Two/ ThreeT: Yes, the answers are on the notes. Before you read, pay a

9、ttention to the tips. Please read quickly, find the answers. And underline the key sentences. Ok? Open your books, turn to P29. Are you ready? Lets go.Check the answer.T: Lets check it. Which is the key sentence?Imitate.2) 阅读判断(Read and tick or cross.)Robin: What dont they like?Task2: Read and tick

10、or cross.Wu Yifan doesnt like beef, but he likes chicken. ( )Wu Yifan doesnt like salad. ( )Grandpa likes vegetables, but doesnt like carrots. ( )学生做完后校对,并链接到原文,跟读。教师引导学生按意群阅读,并进一步理解原文意思。T: So, Robin knows whats their favourite, but Robin has more questions. Lets listen.Robin: What dont they like?T:

11、 What dont they like? Here, Wu Yifan doesnt like What is “doesnt”? Doesnt means dont. So, lets help Robin again. Please read silently, and tick or cross. Dont forget to underline the key sentences with wavy lines. Lets go.Check the answers.T: Why? Which is the key sentence?Eg. That means, I dont lik

12、e beef, but I dont like chicken or I like chicken?贴5 I dont likebut I like That means I like vegetables, but I? (dont like)Imitate.3) 阅读打勾(Read and tick.)Guess: What does Robin cook?观看动画,理解这是一道怎样的菜。学生跟读,同桌演一演。If you are Robin, what will you cook? Task3: Read and tick. What can they both eat?学生勾出正确答案

13、,回答后,可以追问其他两幅不对的原因。T: Now, Robin knows what they like, and what they dont like. So he saysRobin: I know.T: Can you guess, what does Robin cook?Ss guess.T: Lets see.Robin: Here you are. Chicken ice cream.T: Ok, chicken ice cream. What is chicken ice cream? Tell me. How to make it? Do you like it? Lis

14、ten and follow.Act in pairs.T: Do they like the chicken ice cream? Of course not. If you are Robin, what will you cook for them? You can say “I will cook”(板书:I)2 students.T: I see, you have many ideas. Here, I have 3 choices. What are they?Ss:1 2 3CAI: What can they both eat? T: Read again and tick

15、on your books.Check the answer.Ss: Picture 1.T: Why not Picture 2/3? (板书加:doesnt like)You did very good job. SoRobin: Thank you.T: So now, Grandpa and Yifan can both eat.Step3 Post-reading1. 课文朗读(Listen and read.)Task4: Read it better要求:Stress. Intonation. Pause.逐句跟读,并显示重音、停顿、声调标记。遇到重点或难点句子,多跟读几遍。请学

16、生根据课件的标记提示,自由朗读,并展示。T: Now, its time for us to read it better. While were reading, pay attention to the stress, intonation and pause. Got it? First time, look at your books, just listen看书本Second time, look at the screen, listen again, pay attention to the marksFollow itThis time, read by yourselves.

17、Feedback.(4 students together.)T: Then this one2. 了解note的体裁Robin: What about you? Write a note to me. I will cook for you.教师示范,给板书画上边框,问:Is it a complete note? 引导学生对比课本中的note, 一起讨论怎样写一则完整的note.课件播放教师的note拓展书写示范。指导书写小知识。T: Today, we help Robin a lot. Hes very happy. He saysRobin: What about you? Writ

18、e a note to me. I will cook for you.T: Robin will cook for us. So, let me be the first. (完成板书,增加同义句:I dont like fish, but chicken is ok./ I like chicken, but not fish. 指导便条格式。)This is my note Is it complete? Lets compare with this note. Whats missing?贴6 Dear Robin, Thanks! Yang LipingT: I have the b

19、ig letter Y and L. Now, my note is complete. But it is very simple. And I can also write like this. (CAI) Pay attention to the red lettersThey all have long legs, yes? When were writing, please use the line as third lines. Its your turn now. Write your note to Robin. You can choose this one, or this

20、 one. Just choose one.3. 个性化书写活动:Your note to Robin.Task5: Write your note to Robin.呈现两种层次的书写要求,请学生自选一种书写。若干学生在投影仪下示范朗读自己的note,并请其他同学扮演Robin进行互动。请学生挑一挑其中的书写错误或语法错误,教师在投影仪下批改。T: Who can be Robin? Whats your idea? Anything wrong with this note?Step4 Assessment课外链接:Cooking is fun.Robin: Cooking is so much fun.T: Today, Robin is very happy to see your notes, and we know


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