高考英语复习备考:同源高考-感恩有你 等3则_第1页
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1、高考英语复习备考:同源高考一感恩有你等3那么感恩有你在2021年东京奥运会上,中国选手苏炳添在男子百米半决赛中跑出9秒83的成绩, 大幅刷新了个人最好成绩和亚洲纪录,从而成为第一位晋级奥运会男子百米决赛的中国人。Chinese sprinter Su Bingtian has dedicated his emotional mens WOmeter final run in Tokyo to star hurdler Liu Xiang, the first Chinese athlete to win a gold medal on the track in the mens 110 m h

2、urdles in Athens 2004.Finishing sixth in 9.98 seconds, Su is the first Chinese to qualify for the Olympic 100 m final after setting an Asian record of 9.83 seconds in a highly competitive semifinal. Before Su, the last time an Asian runner reached the final of the Olympic blockbuster event was at th

3、e 1932 Olympics in Los Angeles, where Japans Takayoshi Yoshioka finished last.“I have always been in contact with Liu Xiang, and he is constantly encouraging me and supporting me. Su told China Media Group after learning that Liu was singing his praises on social media. When I broke the 10?second ba

4、rrier, Liu was there. So, for me, he is not only my idol but also probably my god of luck. I am very grateful to him because he is really a trailblazer for our Chinese track and field team, he said.Liu held the world record in 110 m hurdles with a time of 12.88 seconds in 2006 but was affected by an

5、 Achilles problem in the latter stages of his career and pulled out of the Beijing and London Olympics due to recurring injuries.Su highlighted the fact that before Liu, no Chinese athlete had ever won a medal in an Olympic sprint event and for all Lies injury records, he is an inspiration to all. I

6、f Liu Xiang had not come to prominence, many people might not have dared to dream that we could appear in the final of the Olympic Games and that we Asians were able to win a track and field gold, 5, said Su. ul finished sixth in the 100 m final, and hopefully, I could also bring encouragement to yo

7、unger athletes and drive more young Chinese players to break the 10?second barrier.55Reading CheckWhy did Su Bingtian mention Liu Xiang before the media in Tokyo?A. To cheer himself up. B. To express his gratitude.C. To make a comparison. D. To show he was ambitious.What information can we get about

8、 Su Bingtian from paragraph 2?He set a new record with a time of 9.83 seconds in the semifinal.He was the first Asian to run in the Olympic 100 m final.He was the second Asian to reach the Olympic 100 m semifinal.He finished sixth in the Olympic mens 110 m hurdles in Tokyo.Which is the closest in me

9、aning to the underlined word “trailblazer in paragraph 3?A. Coach. B. Follower. C. Volunteer. D. Pioneer.Language StudyI . Theme - centered chunksdedicate to 奉献qualify for合格;有的资格be in contact with 同保持联系highlightv.突出;强调;使显著II. Difficult sentence in the text“If Liu Xiang had not come to prominence, ma

10、ny people might not have dared to dream that we could appear in the final of the Olympic Games and that we Asians were able to win a track and field gold, “ said Su.苏炳添说:“如果没有刘翔崭露头角,很多人可能不敢梦想我们亚洲人能够出现在奥运 会决赛中,并且还能够赢得田径金牌。”【点石成金】本句是由if引导的虚拟语气,主句用了 might have done,从句用了 had done的结构, 表示对过去的虚拟。其中dream在句子

11、中作动词,后面有and连接的两个并列的宾语从句。99岁的功夫奶奶99岁高龄的张荷仙老人不仅能向外国游客展示她的武术技能,还能当教练指导孩子们练习武术。A video of an elderly Chinese woman demonstrating her martial art skills at a recent local gathering has quickly become a hit on YouTube, where it was viewed over 440, 000 times and given more than 4, 500 likes. Even Zhao Lij

12、ian, spokesman for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Peoples Republic of China, has taken notice, saying about the video on Twitter, “Kung fu spirit never gets old! ”Kung fu grandma, Zhang Hexian, had already established a reputation by 2017, although in nearly 10 decades she has never left her

13、 hometown, the village of Zhangkeng in Ninghai County, Zhejiang Province. Zhang stands about 1.5 meters tall. Her kung fu movements are fluent and her steps are steady. Zhang began learning kung fu at the age of 5 from her father, who was a sixth - generation inheritor of Zhang Boxing, a martial art

14、 style found mainly in southern China.“I started learning the basics: a firm stance. Use your hands to chop and push. Thrust with the palms,“ Zhang said. ul used to practice every day when I was young. Now Im getting older and I have less strength than before, but I still have vigor (活力)She added, “

15、Kung fu is not for violence, but to protect ourselves and help others when necessary.Zhang, a warmhearted, lifelong farmer, gets along well with her neighbors. Feng Chuanyin, her youngest son, said, “My mother is always ready to help. She would help people who are about to get married in the village

16、, doing needlework and cooking. Her life is ordinary but well - organized. She gets up at 5 in the morning, cooks three meals every day, visits her friends and chats occasionally after lunch. In the afternoon, she practices kung fu.”Kung fu grandma has passed her fathers style of Zhang Boxing down t

17、o her grandchildren, who come to her house on weekends and holidays. Upon learning the news that a primary school in a neighboring town had set up a martial art class recently, Zhang volunteered to coach the children and offered all the help she could. Feng said his mother and family want to pass do

18、wn the spirit of kung fu to the younger generation, and hope it will help keep them healthy.Reading CheckWhafs her purpose of learning kung fu according to Zhang Hexian?To stop violence.To protect herself and help others.To remain young.To practice every day and help others.Which of the following wo

19、rds can describe Zhans feeling about kung fu?A. Bored. B. Enthusiastic.C. Confused. D. Neutral.What do we know about Zhang Hexian?She is indifferent but kind.She is negative but active.She is persistent and helpful.She is ambitious and easy-going.What can be inferred from the last paragraph?Zhang be

20、lieves the kung fu spirit never gets old.Zhang sets up a primary school to learn kung fu.Zhang wants to leave the spirit of kung fu to the young.Zhang passes her fathers style of Zhang Boxing down to her grandchildren.Language StudyDifficult sentences in the textA video of an elderly Chinese woman d

21、emonstrating her martial art skills at a recent local gathering has quickly become a hit on YouTube, where it was viewed over 440, 000 times and given more than 4, 500 likes.一段中国老奶奶在最近一次当地的集会上展示武术技巧的视频迅速在YouTube上走 红,该视频被观看超过44万次,获得4, 500多个赞。【点石成金】本句是一个主从复合句,where引导的是一个定语从句,先行词是YouTube。其中 become a hi

22、t意为成为热点;风行一时”。Kung fu grandma, Zhang Hexian, had already established a reputation by 2017, although in nearly 10 decades she has never left her hometown, the village of Zhangkeng in Ninghai County, Zhejiang Province.尽管在近100年的时间里,张荷仙从未离开过自己的家乡浙江省宁海县涨坑村, 但截至2017年,这位功夫奶奶已经名声在外。【点石成金】本句是一个主从复合句,although

23、引导让步状语从句,其中主句为Kung fu grandma, Zhang Hexian, had already established a reputation by 2017,其时间状语为 by + 过去 的时间,故用过去完成时。句中的 the village of Zhangkeng in Ninghai County, Zhejiang Province 是 her hometown 的同位语。创意艺术的重要性核心素养强调的不是知识和技能,而是获取知识的能力,尤其是学生的创新能力。创 意艺术是艺术与跨学科知识与技能、过程与方法、情感态度和价值观的整合。In my years in th

24、e classroom, I have had the pleasure of teaching several children who have either one or two artists as parents. These children, who have a higher than average exposure to art and the media for creating it, possess some qualities that many other children do not have: in addition to their artistic ta

25、lent, I have observed that they usually read and write better than their peers. My conclusion is that their exposure to art affects other aspects of their learning.I suggest that parents expand their definition of art. If you are a baker or a cook, or if you like to arrange flowers, you are an artis

26、t. These expressions of creativity are as valuable as those of painters and the other people we call artists. If you are a scientist and enjoy inventing and experimenting, you may include yourself in the definition of “artist”.Art is a delightful way through which you can record the development of y

27、our childs growth. Just as you will notice that writing and reading improve with age, so does artwork. The role of parents and teachers is to expose children to a variety of materials so that they can create art. Once the variety is offered, children will then have a choice as to whether they want t

28、o use the materials or not.Creating art is a fine way for children to make choices and solve problems. Every step involves making a decision: what color to use, how to make a line, what size to make something. With every choice, the object becomes more and more their own.Everyone has an imagination.

29、 Art takes it a step further. Through art, children create something that, until that point, was only imagined. Thus, they create visual manifestations (显示;说明)of abstract ideas.Children who may be having difficulties in other parts of the school curriculum may find an expressive outlet through art.

30、Its a way to uncover talent that may not be seen otherwise. Art is a means of communicating ideas, feelings, and solutions in a way other than verbally or written.Families can create a harmonious balance in their childrens lives when they make plans for the arts. Be there to appreciate and encourage

31、 them during every step of the creative process.Reading CheckWhat has the author found through his teaching career?Kids are more likely to be affected by their parents.Artistic talent is the most important quality of kids.Kids whose parents are artists can usually read and write better.Learning art can make kids have easy access to success.What does the author want to tell us in paragraph


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