



1、2021-2022学年山东省威海市塔山中学高一英语月考试题含解析一、 选择题1. Tracy wanted to be _ of her parents after graduation, and tried to live alone.A. aware B. confident C. independent D. proud参考答案:C2. Mo Yan, _ won the 2012 Nobel Prize for literature, has received worldwide praise.A. which B. whose C. what D. who参考答案:D3. Hurry

2、 up! The train _. You know, it _ at 8: 30 am.A. leaves; leaves B. is leaving; leaves C. leaves; is leaving D. is leaving; is leaving参考答案:B4. -Do you know the timetable of the school bus ? -Sure, the first trip _at 6:30 a.m. and usually continues until 4 p.m. on weekdays .A. will start B. starts C. i

3、s starting D. started参考答案:B5. -Youve left the light on.-Oh, so I have. _and turn it off. A. Ill go B. Ive gone C. I go D. Im going参考答案:A6. Many people now choose Alipay to pay taxi _. A. cost B. charge C. fee D. fare 参考答案:D7. Some students are seriously ill and they cant _ class for several days. A.

4、 give B. attend C. make D. assume参考答案:B8. I bought a car yesterday, _ cost me 200,000 yuan.A. that B. why C. who D. which参考答案:D9. A hike through the _ can involve real danger, such as getting lost or being attacked by animalsAgenre Bcottage Cjungle Dstream参考答案:C10. From her _ expression,I knew she h

5、adnt expected I would ask her such an _ question.Aastonished;astonishing Bastonishing;astonishedCastonished;astonished Dastonishing;astonishing参考答案:A11. He missed gold in the high jump, but will get second chance in the long jump. A. the; the B. 不填;a C. the; a D. a; 不填参考答案:C略12. The cars give off a

6、great deal of waste gas in the street.Yes, But Im sure something will be done to air pollution.Areduce Bremove Ccollect Dwarn参考答案:A13. The little girl couldnt work the problem out. She wasnt _ clever.A. that B. much C. enough D. too参考答案:A略14. I am very busy with urgent things _ every minute of the d

7、ay.A. fill with B. filled C. filling D. are filling参考答案:C15. David said that it was because of his strong interest in literature_he chose the course.Athat Bwhat Cwhy Dhow参考答案:A16. Early in the day _ the news _ the energy were gone.A. come; that B. came; thatC. comes; that D. came; what参考答案:B17. -I f

8、orget the name of an old school friend at the party. -_. It must have been very embarrassing. A. Take it easy B. Thats too bad C. Nothing serious D. Dont mention it参考答案:B略18. These wild flowers are so special that I would do _ I can to save them. A. whichever B. that C. which D. whatever参考答案:D略19. W

9、e live in an age _ more information is available with greater ease than ever before.A. why B. when C. to whom D. on which 参考答案:B二、 新的题型82. This is the reason. He gave the reason for his being late._83. Look at the boy and his dog. I meet them every day on my way to school._84. My hometown has taken

10、on a new look. I spent most of my childhood there._85. We visited the lady yesterday. She taught us Chinese when we were in primary school._86. I disliked the way. He solved the problem in the way._参考答案:82. This is the reason which/ that he gave for his being late. 83. Look at the boy and his dog th

11、at I meet every day on my way to school. 84. My hometown, where I spent most of my childhood, has taken on a new look. 85. We visited the lady who taught us Chinese when we were in primary school yesterday. 86. I disliked the way that/ in which/ he solved the problem.【82题详解】考查定语从句。句意:这就是原因。他为自己迟到给出的

12、原因。找出相同的名词reason作为先行词,第二个句子作为定语从句,先行词reason在从句充当gave的宾语,应用关系代词which/that引导,故本句改写为:This is the reason which/ that he gave for his being late.【83题详解】考查定语从句。句意:看男孩和他的狗。我每天上学路上都会遇见他们。them指代前文的boy and his dog,故用boy and his dog作为先行词,第二个句子作为定语从句,先行词boy and his dog在从句中充当meet的宾语,应用关系代词,又先行词有人有物,所以只能用that引导,故

13、本句改写为:Look at the boy and his dog that I meet every day on my way to school.【84题详解】考查定语从句。句意:我的家乡已经呈现出一派新的景象。我童年的大部分时光是在那儿度过的。there指代前文的my hometown,故用my hometown作为先行词,第二个句子作为定语从句,先行词my hometown在从句中充当地点状语,应用关系副词where引导,故本句可改写为:My hometown, where I spent most of my childhood, has taken on a new look.【

14、85题详解】考查定语从句。句意:我们昨天去拜访了这位女士。我们读小学时她教我们语文。she指代前文的the lady,故用the lady作为先行词,第二个句子作为定语从句,先行词the lady在从句中充当主语,应用关系代词who引导,故本句改写为:We visited the lady who taught us Chinese when we were in primary school yesterday.【86题详解】考查定语从句。句意:我不喜欢这种方式。他用这种方式解决问题。用两句相同的词the way作为先行词,第二个句子作为定语从句,先行词是the way时,用that/ in

15、 which/ 引导定语从句,故本句改写为:I disliked the way that/ in which/ he solved the problem.【点睛】第5小题考查先行词是the way的特殊情况先行词是the way时用 that/ in which/ 引导定语从句,例如:我不喜欢他对待父母的方式。I dislike the way he treats his parents.I dislike the way that he treats his parents.I dislike the way in which he treats his parents. 三、 阅读理解

16、21. One morning, I stepped out of bed and put my feet on the floor. Suddenly, a mean little man jumped out from under the bed and stabbed (刺,扎) an ice pick (碎冰锥) through my left foot.Figuratively (比喻地) speaking, yes.I took another step and he stabbed it again. This went on all day. Step, stab, screa

17、m. Over the next few days, I started limping (跛行). My whole body hurt. Even my hair. I kept thinking that the little man would get tired of stabbing me and go pick on somebody else.We often take things for granted until we lose them or they start to hurt.My brother deals with pain every day. Hes als

18、o blind and suffers from cerebral palsy (脑瘫), needs a walker to walk, doesnt take much for granted. I had to wonder: What would he think about my foot?Finally, after a week of pain, I went to see a very nice foot doctor. The doctor studied my foot, took X-rays, shook his head, and said the little ma

19、ns name: Arthur Itis, or Arthritis (关节炎).I knew it well. Id often heard it hissed angrily by my grandparents and parents, all attacked by Arthurs ice pick when they got older.“Wait,” I said. “Doesnt Arthur usually just pick on old people?”The doctor smiled, looking at my chart. “How old are you?”I g

20、ave him a look. “Never mind,” I said. “Can you fix it?”“Well,” he said, “we can try.”He listed several options and I chose the injection (打针). It didnt hurt much. Not half as much as the ice pick.That was yesterday. This morning, I awoke, took a few careful steps and hallelujah!It hurt just a bit, b

21、ut no ice pick. I looked under the bed. No sign of Arthur. Maybe he was hiding in the closet, waiting for another day.But for now, he was gone, and I was grateful.My mind began to race with plans to do all the things Id been putting off for days:unpack, clean the house, wash my hair Then it hit me.

22、Another stab. Not in my foot. In my heart. I remembered that I hadnt called my brother in a long time.Its easy to take some things for granted. But it should never be the people we love.48.Why didnt the author go to see the doctor for the first week?A. Because she was afraid that her brother would l

23、augh at her.B. Because she thought it was too cold to step out of her room.C. Because she expected that the pain would gradually disappear.D. Because she believed that she could endure the pain like her brother did.49.Who had a disease that was different from the other people mentioned?A. The author

24、. B. The authors brother.C. The authors parents. D. The authors grandparents.50.After having the injection, the authors _.A. felt regretful because it hurt so muchB. was first satisfied with her recoveryC. felt better but could still feel the “ice pick”painD. was busy with housework that had been de

25、layed for days51.From her experience of arthritis, the author learned that _.A. a stabbing pain in the heart is as painful as one in the foot B. people who help us relieve pain should be thanked properlyC. we should always remember to show our love to those we loveD. we should never take for granted the pain we experience in life参考答案:48-51.CBBC48C推理判断题。由第三段中的“I kept thinking that the little man would get tired of stabbing me and go pick on somebody else. We often take things for gra


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