



1、PAGE 竞赛辅导导(199)单项选择择( )221. Thiis iis eerasser. Itt iss noot rruleer.A. aa, aa BB. aan,a C. a, ann ( )222. Thaankss yoour phooto of youur ffamiily.A. ttoB. att CC. ffor( )223. PleeaseetheeEngglissh bbookk too hiis rroomm.A. ttakee B. haave C. briing ( )224. Thee boookss arre vveryy goood, I likke. A

2、A. thhey B. thheirr C. theem( )225. .Is thiis yyourr peenciil ccasee?A. HHelllo BB. IIm ssorrry C. Exxcusse mme ( )226. I Liin DDongg, MMy EEngllishh naame Ginna.A. aam, am B. is, amm C. am, iss ( )227. Li Leii ann Enngliish boook.A. ddont hhavee B. doeesnt hhavee CC. ddoessnt hhas( )228. 26个字字母中小小写

3、字母母手写体体能占三三格的字字母是.A. ii, ff, g B. f, j C. g, p, y( )229. is my fattherr,namme iis WWangg Jiian.AHee; HHessBHe; HiisCHiss; HHis( )330. I eeat forr luunchh.A. cchicckenn BB. aa chhickken C. chhickkenss( )331. I caan ssee somme bballls, andd thhey areethee flloorr.A. iin B. to C. on ( )332. Jimms bbrot

4、therr ffivee baaskeetbaallss.A. hhavee B. haas CC. iis( )333. Davvid andd Jiim llikee baanannas?A. DDoess B. Doo C. Iss( )334. Letts baaskeetbaall.A. pplayy B. pllay a C. plaay tthe( )335.AAre theese youur bbookks? A. YYes, thheyre. B. Yees, theey aare CC. YYes, thhesee arre.完形填空空My nnamee 1. Jaack

5、Greeen. Jaack is my 2. namme,33. GGreeen iis mmy llastt naame. Im ttwellve . IIm 44. EEngllishh booy. I 55. aa siisteer. 6. namme iis MMaryy. SShe is sevven . SShe is a 77. SShe 8. wattchiing TV. Myy faatheer aand my mottherr arre 99. , annd 110. likke ttheiir wworkk. .( )336. A. am BB. iis C. aree

6、( )337. A. fammilyy B. lasst CC. ffirsst( )338. A. andd BB. bbut C. or ( )339. A. a BB. aan C. thee ( )440. A. havve BB. hhas C. am( )441. A. Hiss BB. HHer C. Shee( )442. A. teaacheer B. sttudeent CC. bboy( )443. A. likke B. likkes CC. iis llikee( )444. A. teaacheer B. a tteaccherr C. teaacheers( )4

7、45.AA.Thhey B. Theem C. Theeir阅读技能能Thiss iss Jiims rroomm. IIts ssmalll bbut verry nnicee. TTherre iis(有有) aa chhairr, aa deesk andd a bedd inn thhe rroomm. AA coompuuterr annd ssomee boookss arre oon tthe dessk. Thee beed iis nnextt too thhe ddeskk. UUndeer tthe dessk, theere is a bbaseeballl. Hiss

8、 coompuuterr gaame is undder thee beed. Theere is a pphotto oof hhis fammilyy onn thhe wwalll(墙). HHe llikees hhis rooom.( )446. Theere is inn thhe rroomm. A. a ddeskk B. twwo ddeskks C. thrree chaairss( )447. arre oon tthe dessk. AA. AA boook andd a commputter BB. AA coompuuterr annd ssomee boookss

9、 CC. SSomee boookss annd ssomee coompuuterrs( )448. Theere is unnderr thhe ddeskk. AA. aa chhairr B. a ccompputeer ggamee CC. aa baasebballl( )449. Theere is onn thhe wwalll. AA. aa phhotoo off hiis cclasssmaatess BB. aa phhotoo off hiis tteaccherrs C. a pphotto oof hhis fammilyy( )550. Thee rooom i

10、s . AA. ssmalll BB. nnicee C. smmalll annd nnicee 阅读短文文,判断断下列句句子是否否符合短短文内容容,符合合的写TT,不符符合的写写F。Goodd moorniing, cllasss. MMy nnamee iss Maa Weeibiing. Myy Enngliish namme iis JJohnn. IIm yyourr Enngliish teaacheer. My tellephhonee nuumbeer iis 5569885055. TThiss iss Jiim GGreeen. He is a nnew stuudenn

11、t. He is an Engglissh bboy. Hiis tteleephoone nummberr iss 566890005.( )551. Johhn iis MMa WWeibbinggs EEngllishh naame.( )552. Jimm iss a stuudennt.( )553. Jimms tteleephoone nummberr iss 566985505.( )554. Ma Weiibinng aand Jimm arre ffrieendss.( )555. Johhn iis aan EEngllishh booy.从方框中中所给的的六个选选项中,

12、选出正正确的选选项填空空,使对对话通顺顺,内容容完整(有一个个选项是是多余的的)。Lets have hamburgers for lunch.Yes. I like them.Do you like eggs?No, he doesnt.I dont like tomatoes.Excuse me.Frannk: Hi, Daavidd. DDo yyou likke hhambburggerss?Daviid: 566butt I donnt llikee Frrencch ffriees. Frannk: 57Daviid: No. I donnt llikee thhem.Frannk

13、: Whaat aabouut ttomaatoees?Daviid: 58Frannk: Doees yyou brootheer llikee thhem?Daviid: 59Frannk: 60Daviid: OKK. D)回答答问题Thiss iss thhe rroomm off AlliceeItts verry nnicee annd ccleaanAA deesk,a bbed andd twwo cchaiirs aree inn thhe rroommThhe ddeskk iss neeartthe dooorWWe ccan seee soome boooks,penn

14、cills aand a ccompputeer oon tthe desskTThe commputter is bluueAAlicce llikees hher commputterThee beed iis nnearr thhe ddeskkA balll iis uundeer tthe beddA nicce pphotto iis oon tthe walllWWhoaare in thee phhotoo? HHer parrentts aand graandppareentssAllicee loovesstheem61. Wheere aree thhe cchaiirs

15、?62. Is thee baall undder thee beed?63. Whaat ccoloor iis tthe commputter?64. Doees AAlicce llikee heer ccompputeer?65. Whaat ccan we seee onn thhe ddeskk?阅读对话话,然后后完成内内容摘要要。(每每空最多多填写三三个词)Bobbby: Goood aafteernooon ,caan II heelp youu?Mikee: YYes pleeasee. CCan I jjoinn(参加加) yyourr baaskeetbaall cluu

16、b?Bobbby: Surre .Mayy I havve yyourr naame, plleasse?Mikee: MMy nnamee iss Miike Hunnt.Bobbby: Howw olld(多多大年纪纪) aare youu ?Mikee: Im 225 yyearrs oold.Bobbby: Wheere aree yoou ffromm(来自自)?Mikee: IIm ffromm thhe UUSA.Bobbby: Andd whhats yyourr phhonee nuumbeer?Mikee: IIts 55264470881.Bobbby: Alll rii

17、ghtt. HHerees aa caard. Plleasse ffilll itt ouut.Mikee: TThannks a llot.Bobbby: Youure wellcomme.Firsst nnamee66 Lastt naame67 Age(年龄)68 Phonne nnumbber69 Sporrts youu pllay70 写作技能能 完成成对话(共5小小题,每每小题22分)阅阅读下面面对话,根据上上下文补补全对话话内容。A: GGoodd moorniing,!B: 771 .A: IIm yyourr neew EEngllishh teeachher. Myy

18、naames GGao Huii. 772.B: NNicee too meeet youu, ttoo.A: 773?B: MMy nnamees LLi LLei.A: 774.B: LL-I, L-E-II.A: OOh. Li Leii, 775?B: IIts 2278996588.A: TThannk yyou.阅读下列列短文,将文中中画线的的句子翻翻译成汉汉语。My nnamee iss Emmma. 766 I amm ann Enngliish girrl. I llikee spportts vveryy muuch. I havve aa frriennd. Herr naame is Hann Meei. 77 Shee haas aan EEngllishh naame, Liindaa. LLindda llikees sspor


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