已阅读5页,还剩19页未读 继续免费阅读








5、要信息息并能摘摘录要点点;写简单的的应用文文,如书书信、电电子邮件件、告示示、海报报等;根据上下下文猜测测说话人人的意图图,完成成对话。本部分侧侧重考查查学生运运用所学学知识,以书面面的形式式进行信信息沟通通,再现现生活经经历,描描述周围围事物,表达意意见和观观点的能能力,将将尽可能能考查学学生表达达真实意意义或个个人经验验的能力力。三、试题题描述1、听力力技能(计200分,主主观题110分,客观题题10分分)A)理解解 根根据你所所听到的的对话,选择正正确的答答案。听下面五五段对话话,选出出与所听听内容相相符的图图片;听下面一一段对话话,做第第6、77小题;听下面一一段对话话,做第第8、99

6、、100小题;本题型属属于客观观性试题题,主要要测试学学生对功功能意念念项目和和话题项项目的掌掌握情况况,重点点考查学学生理解解所只内内容的主主旨要义义和具体体信息的的能力,考查学学生推断断说话人人的身份份、意图图和观点点等的能能力。B)反应应 根根据你听听到的内内容和实实际情况况,写出出尽可能能简要的的答语;本题属于于主观性性试题,测试学学生对功功能意念念项目和和话题项项目的掌掌握情况况,重点点考查学学生针对对所听内内容并结结合自己己的实际际情况进进行应答答的能力力。C)笔录录要点 根据据你听到到的内容容,填写写下面的的表格。以能力立立意,属属于主观观性试题题。测试试学生对对话题项项目的掌掌

7、握情况况,重点点考查学学生对所所听内容容进行归归纳并笔笔录要点点的能力力。2、知识识运用(计255分)单项填空空 从从A、BB、C、D四个个选项中中选择正正确的答答案填空空;以知识立立意,属属于客观观性试题题,测试试学生对对语法项项目的掌掌握情况况,重点点考查学学生在一一定语境境下正确确运用语语法、常常用相似似词语以以及功能能意念项项目的能能力。B)完形形填空 以能能力兼知知识立意意,属于于客观性性试题,重点考考查学生生的阅读读理解能能力,同同时测试试学生通通过上下下文灵活活运用语语法知识识的能力力。3、阅读读技能。(计330分)A)阅读读短文,判断下下列句子子是否符符合短文文内容。符合的的写

8、T,不符合合的写FF。B)阅读读短文,从每题题A、BB、C、D四个个选项中中,选出出最佳回回答问题题或完成成句子;C)阅读读下列图图表,从从每题所所给的AA、B、C、DD四个选选项中,选出最最佳选项项回答问问题或完完成句子子。D)阅读读下列材材料,从从所给的的AE五个个选项中中,选出出正确的的选项填填空,使使短文通通顺、内内容完整整。以上题型型都是以以能力立立意,属属于客观观性试题题。主要要测试学学生理解解各种题题材和体体裁的文文章以及及其他载载体信息息的能力力。4、写作作技能(计255分)A)摘录录要点 阅读读短文,然后完完成内容容摘要以能力立立意,属属于主观观性试题题,重点点测试学学生从文

9、文章中获获取主要要信息并并加以摘摘录的能能力。B)翻译译 阅阅读下面面的句子子,按要要求完成成其翻译译以能力立立意,属属于主观观性试题题,主要要测试学学生对两两种语言言表达习习惯异同同的理解解和掌握握情况,考查汉汉英互译译的能力力和表达达能力。5、综合合运用部部分(两两部分,计200分)A)完成成对话 通读读下面的的对话,然后根根据上下下文补全全对话。属于主观观性试题题,测试试学生对对功能意意念项目目、话题题项目的的掌握情情况,重重点考查查学生提提出问题题、请求求帮助等等方面的的能力,考查学学生积极极、主动动与人交交流的能能力。B)情景景作文 以能力立立意,属属于主观观性试题题,本题题型提供供


11、考考试命题题的要求求,以考考试标准准上的要要求为向向导,进进行知识识点的讲讲解,语语法知识识的系统统复习、巩固、练习、测试。听力技能能:5课课时 基础础知识:10课课时阅读技能能:122课时写作技技能:112课时时附加题: 112课时时综合运运用:66课时第二阶段段:全面面复习、巩固、提高阶阶段在县模拟拟考试后后,进行行全面的的综合复复习,针针对今年年中考的的试卷要要求,依依据英英语课程程标准和考考标要要求对学学生进行行综合试试卷的考考试,查查漏补缺缺,解决决学生的的遗留问问题。进进行中考考模拟题题型练习习、检测测,使学学生有针针对性的的进行提提高。综合复习习:400课时第一部分分:课本本知识

12、复习习重点Gradde SSeveen (A)1. WWhatts herr faamilly nnamee? (P5) ffamiily namme= lasst nnamee 姓姓 fiirstt naame = ggiveen nnamee 名姓名顺顺序:英英美人的的名在前前,姓在在后。如如:Jiim GGreeen中,Jimm 是ffirsst nnamee/ ggiveen nnamee, Greeen是是fammilyy naame/ laast namme; 中国人人的姓在在前,名名在后。(1)单单姓单名名:姓与与名的首首字母分分别大写写。如:Li Pinng(2 ) 单姓姓双名

13、:名的双双字写在在一起,只大写写第一个个名的首首字母。如:YYangg Liiweii(3 ) 复姓姓:把复复姓写在在一起,只大写写第一个个字母。如:ZZhugge LLianngfammilyy(家庭庭)、cclasss(班班级),作主语语,谓语语用单数数形式。fammilyy(家庭庭成员)、cllasss(同学学们),作主语语,谓语语用复数数形式。如:MMy ffamiily werre eeatiing dinnnerr whhen unccle Li camme iin. I hhavee a fammilyy, tthe fammilyy iss a happpy onee.2. T

14、Thannks forr thhe pphotto oof yyourr faamilly. (P 17)Thaankss = Thaank youu Thhankks aa loot = Thhankk yoou vveryy muuch.= MManyy thhankks.Thaankss foor ssth./dooingg stth. 谢谢谢你 Thhankks ffor youur hhelpp. Thaankss foor hhelppingg mee wiith my Engglissh. Thannks to多亏,由于于 TThannks to treees andd fllo

15、weers, ouur sschoool is beccomiing morre aand morre bbeauutifful.a pphotto oof mminee 我我的一张张照片 a phooto of me 一张张我本人人的照片片3. HHeree iss myy faamilly pphotto. ( PP17)以heere, thheree等副词词开头的的句子,主谓倒倒装。(主语为为代词时时则不倒倒装)如:Heere commes thee buus. Herre iis yyourr peen. Heere youu arre.=Herre iit iis. Noot oon

16、lyy haave I bbeenn too Beeijiing, buut aalsoo I havve bbeenn too Taaiyuuan.4. PPleaase takke tthesse tthinngs to youur bbrottherr. CCan youu brringg soome thiingss too scchoool?(P233)takke:把把东西从从此处带带走。 briing:把东西西由别处处带来。 feetchh/geet:去去把东西西带来(go andd brringg) caarryy:携带带,搬运运(无方方向性)somme和aany都都可以修修饰可

17、数数名词复复数和不不可数名名词。区区别如下下: somme用于于肯定句句中,如如果用于于疑问句句,则表表示希望望得到肯肯定的回回答或表表示诚意意。 any用用于否定定句、疑疑问句和和条件状状语从句句,如果果用在肯肯定句则则表示“任何一一个”的的意思。5. TThatt sooundds ggoodd.(PP27)系动词词后用形形容词作作表语。souund/seeem/llookk/beecomme/gget/turrn/ttastte/ffeell/smmelll/toouchh+addj.souund:声音的的总称。 noiise:噪音 vooicee:嗓音音6. DDo yyou likk

18、e bbanaanass?(PP31)likke ssb. to do sthh. likke ssb. nott too doo stth. 以此类类推:wwantt,teell,teaach,askk,likke ddoinng ssth.:一贯贯性喜欢欢做某事事,经常常性喜欢欢做某事事 likke tto ddo ssth. 具具体某一一次喜欢欢做某事事likke vv. 喜欢 pprepp.介词词 像一样7. HHow mucch iis tthiss T-shiirt? (PP41)Howw muuch is/aree? 多少钱钱? Its/TTheyyreeHoww muuch 修

19、饰不不可数名名词;HHow manny 修修饰可数数名词复复数 它它们都是是“多少少”的意意思。8. CCan I hhelpp yoou? (P443)售货员招招呼顾客客:Caan II heelp youu?=WWhatt caan II doo foor yyou?=Maay II heelp youu?顾客告诉诉售货员员:Yees, pleeasee. II waant to buyy/IIm loookinng ffor/Id llikee too buuy 或或者:NNo, thaankss. II onnly havve aa loook.询问顾客客想买东东西的特特征:WWhat

20、t coolorr/siize/kinnd ddo yyou wannt?向顾客推推荐商品品:Whhat/Howw abboutt thhis onee? TThiss onne iis ccheaap aand nicce.顾客询问问价格:Howw muuch is/aree? Hoow mmuchh dooes it cosst? WWhatts thee prricee off itt?买卖达成成:Ill takke/hhavee/buuy/gget it.9. WWhenn iss yoour birrthdday? Hoow oold aree yoou?(P499)询问年龄龄:Ho

21、ow oold aree yoou? WWhatts youur aage?回答年龄龄:主语语+bee+数词词 (+yeaars oldd)He is an eigght-yeaar-oold boyy.= He is eigght yeaars oldd.howw olld, howw offtenn, hhow sooon, howw faar, howw loong, hoow mmanyy, hhow mucch, howw maany timmes, 10. I wwantt too seee aan aactiion movvie. (PP53)wannt ssth. waant

22、to do sthh. wannt ssb. to do sthh. wannt ssb. nott too doo stth.loook:发发生看的的动作 loook at 看看 ssee:看见没没有的结结果 liisteen:发发生听的的动作 lisstenn too 听听 heaar:听听见没有有的结果果 waatchh: 强强调观看看运动着着的事物物或影像像。如:看电视视,看比比赛,看看电影,看表演演等 reead: 阅读读,朗读读 如:看书,看报,看信,看杂志志,看地地图11. Cann yoou pplayy thhe gguittar? (PP 599)cann, mmay, m

23、uust, neeed是是情态动动词,后后面必须须跟动词词原形一一起构成成谓语。plaay tthe + 乐乐器 pplayy +球球/棋/牌类12.WWhatt a funnny timme tto eeat breeakffastt! (P677)感叹句:How + aadj./addv. (+ 主语+谓语)! 如:Howw haard he worrks!Whatt a/an + aadj. +名名词单数数(+ 主语+谓语)! Whaat + addj. +名词词复数(+ 主主语+谓谓语)! Whaat + addj. +不可可数名词词(+ 主语+谓语)!如:Whaat bbad wea

24、atheer/mmusiic/nnewss/waaterr/addvicce iit iis!13.交交际用语语:1)A:HHow do youu doo? B:HHow do youu doo? 22)A:Nicce tto mmeett yoou B: Niice to meeet yyou 3)AA:Hoow aare youu? B: Imm fiine, thhankk yoou. Andd yoou? A:Im ffinee , tooo . 4)AA:Goood morrninng(aafteernooon, evveniing) BB: GGoodd moorniing (af

25、fterrnooon, eveeninng)单词归类类记忆:乐器:gguittar, drrum, piianoo, ttrummpett, vviollin球类:ffoottballl, socccerr, bbaskketbballl, vvollleybballl, bbaseeballl, tennniss, ppingg-poong星期:SSundday, Moondaay, Tueesdaay, Weddnessdayy, TThurrsdaay, Friidayy, SSatuurdaay月份:JJanuuaryy, FFebrruarry, Marrch, Apprill, M

26、May, Juune, Juuly, Auugusst, Sepptemmberr, OOctooberr, NNoveembeer, Deccembber电影:aactiion movvie, coomeddy, doccumeentaary, thhrilllerr, BBeijjingg Opperaa, ccarttoonnGradde SSeveen( B)1. SShes ffromm Jaapann. (P1)be froom= comme ffromm国家人语语言ChinnaCChinneseeChhineese AmmeriicaAmeericcanEngglissh Eng

27、glanndEEngllishhmannEnngliish CCanaadaCannadiianEngglisshGeermaanyGerrmannGeermaan FrrancceFFrennchmmanFreenchh IItallyIItalliannIttaliian IIndiiaIIndiianInddiann2. MMy ffavooritte ssubjjectt inn scchoool iis PP.E. Itts funn.(PP5)onees favvoriiteV+ddoinnghavee fuun, be bussy, cannt hellp, givve uup,

28、 loook fforwwardd too, bbe/gget useed tto, feeel llikee, hhavee trroubble/proobleem/ddiffficuult/ a harrd ttimee, ppay atttenttionn too, bbe wwortth, keeep oon, putt offf, endd upp, mmindd, ffiniish, keeep, prractticee, eenjooy, perrmitt, sspennd, keeep, conntinnue, coonsiiderr, ssugggestt, ccant hh

29、elpp, mmisss + doiing sthh3. TThe payy phhonee iss accrosss ffromm thhe llibrraryy.(PP8)acrrosss frrom= bee opppossitee too 在的对面面询问方方向:Wherress thhe nnearrestt? Whhichh iss thhe wway to? Hoow ccan I gget to thee ? IIs ttherre aa neaar hheree?Can youu teell me thee waay tto tthe ? I donnt knoow/ I ww

30、antt too knnow/ Coouldd yoou ttelll mee whheree iis?指点方方向:Go/WWalkk allongg/accrosss tthiss rooad/strreett. TTakee thhe ffirsst/ssecoond/thiird turrninng oon tthe lefft/rrighht. Its aabouutkkiloometterss foorm herre.The iss allongg thhe rroadd onn thhe rrighht. Itts oveer ttherre oon tthe rigght. It

31、s qquitte ffar froom hheree.4. WWhatt dooes shee doo?(PP19)现在的职职业:WWhatt dooes sb. doo? Whhat am/is/aree sbb? WWhatts sbs jjob?将来的工工作:WWhatt dooes sb. waant to be? Sb. waantss too bee5. HHows tthe weaatheer iin BBeijjingg? IItss suunnyy.(PP31)Howw iss thhe wweattherr toodayy?= Whaatss thhe wweatther

32、r liike todday?sunnsuunnyy winndwwinddy cllouddcllouddy snnowsnoowy raiinrrainny ffogfogggy6. HHi, Aliice? Thhis is Bobb.( P333)打电话给给某人:Mayy/Caan/CCoulld II sppeakk too? Id llikee too sppeakk too询问对方方是谁:Is thaat(speeakiing)? WWhos tthatt? Whhoss caalliing/speeakiing, plleasse?自我介绍绍:Thhis is (sspeaak

33、inng)。 iss sppeakkingg. HHelllo, heere.转告某人人接电话话:Yoourre wwantted on thee phhonee. Thherees a ccalll/phhonee foor yyou. SSomeeonee waantss yoou oon tthe phoone.转告的人人就在身身边:IItss foor yyou.或Foor yyou.请对方稍稍等:HHoldd onn (tthe linne), plleasse. HHoldd onn foor aa moomennt. Donnt hanng uup, pleeasee.7. SS

34、he nevver stoops tallkinng.(P433)对频率率提问,用Hoow oofteen. ( neeverr, eeverr, ssomeetimmes, offtenn, uusuaallyy, ooncee , twiice, thhreee tiimess a dayy, hharddly, haardlly eeverr )stoop tto ddo ssth.停止现现在的事事,去做做另一件件事。 sstopp dooingg stth. 停止止做某事事8. IIt wwas timme tto ggo hhomee. (P588)Itss tiime to do

35、sthh. IItss tiime forr sbb. tto ddo ssth. Its ttimee foor ssth.9. II fooundd a litttlee booy ccryiing in thee coorneer.(P633)感官动动词:不不论感官官动词是是动词的的什么形形式,其其后只有有两种形形式。(1)ssee/wattch/heaar/nnotiice/finnd ssb. do sthh. 某人做做了某事事 (全全过程) (2)ssee/wattch/heaar/nnotiice/finnd ssb. doiing sthh. 某人正正在做某某事 (正在进进行)

36、in thee coorneer 在一角角/角落落里 at thee coorneer 在拐角角处10. Thaat mmadee mee feeel verry hhapppy.(P633)makke/llet/staay/kkeepp sbb. + addj. makke/llet sb. doo stth. 在被动动语态中中,省略略的too要还原原。makke ssb. sthh. = maake sthh. ffor sb. 为为某人做做makke oonesselff doone 让某人人被11. Donnt arrrivee laate forr cllasss.(PP71)be

37、latte bbe llatee foorarrrivee inn + 大地方方 arrrivee att + 小地方方 gett too + 地方 rreacch + 地方方 注意:hhomee, hheree, ttherre, upsstaiirs, doownsstaiirs, abbroaad 是是副词,他们前前面的介介词要去去掉。Gradde EEighht (A)1. WWhatts thee maatteer wwithh yoou? I hhavee a sorre tthrooat.( PP7)Whaatss thhe mmattter= Whhats tthe troou

38、blle?=Whaatss wrrongg?=WWhatts up?Theeres ssomeethiing wroong witthhavve aa soore thrroatt, hhavee a sorre bbackk, hhavee a sorre lleghavve aa cooughh, hhavee a colld, havve aa feeverr, hhavee a tooothaachee, hhavee a stoomacchacche havve aa heeadaachee2. IItss eaasy to havve aa heealtthy liffesttyl

39、ee, aand its iimpoortaant to eatt a ballancced dieet.Itss + adjj. + too doo stth. 做某某事3. HHow do youu geet tto sschoool? I usuuallly wwalkk ,bbut sommetiimess I takke tthe buss.(PP20)回答交通通方式时时,常用用下列形形式:takee + 限定词词+ 交交通工具具+ tto + 某地地 go/gett too + 某地 + bby + 交通通工具单单数 go/gget to + 某某地 + iin/oon + 限定定

40、词+ 交通工工具 waalk/ridde/ddrivve/ffly too + 某地如: WWe ttakee a buss too scchoool. Hee gooes to worrk bby bbikee. Hiis mmothher driivess hiim tto sschoool. I goo too scchoool iin mmy ffathhers ccar. go tto byy buus/sshipp/booat/carr/trrainn/suubwaay= takke aa buus/sshipp/booat/carr/trrainn/suubwaay ttogo

41、tto onn fooot = wwalkk too goo too by plaane/airr = flyy too go tto onn thhe bbus/bikke go to iin tthe carr4. IItss taakess abboutt 255 miinuttes to wallk aand 10 minnutees bby bbus.(P221)It takkes sb. soome timme tto ddo ssth.Sb. sppendd oon ssth./(iin) doiing sthh. Sbb. ppayforr stth.Sthh. ccostt

42、5. LLiu Yinng iis nnot as goood aat ssporrts as herr siisteer.(P333)be goood aat= do welll iin 擅擅长.be ggoodd foor 对.有好好处。 be ggoodd too = be friienddly to 对.很友友善。be ggoodd wiith sb. 和相处融融洽 ass + 原级 + aas 和和一样样 nnot as/so+ 原级级 + as 和不一样样6. II amm a litttlee taalleer tthann heer. (P333) a litttlee = a

43、 bbit =a litttlee biit= kinnd oof 有点儿儿 a kinnd oof 一种种 alll kiindss off各种种各样的的 ddifffereent kinnds of 不同同种类的的 be kinnd 和和蔼的能放在在形容词词比较级级的前面面,表示示程度的的词有:mucch, a llitttle, a lott, eevenn, ffar不能放放在形容容词比较较级前的的词有:quiite, veery, tooo, rattherr7. TTurnn onn thhe bblennderr. (P 441) tuurn on, tuurn offf, tt

44、urnn upp, tturnn doown 祈使使句的反反义疑问问:Wiill youu? Leetss ,shaall we? Lett uss, willl yyou?祈使句句的否定定句:在在句首加加 Doontt即可。8. YYou aree neeverr tooo yyounng tto sstarrt ddoinng tthinngs. (PP55) tooo (foor ssb.)to 主语语为物时时,不定定式后不不能再带带宾语。如:TThe boxx iss tooo hheavvy ffor me to carrry it.(itt应该去去掉)toootoo可用用notte

45、nnouggh或或 soo tthatt来改改写。如如: Hee iss tooo yyounng tto ggo tto sschoool. = He isnnt oldd ennouggh tto ggo tto sschoool. = He is o yyounng tthatt hee caantt goo too scchoool.9. iin OOctooberr, 220000, LLi YYunddi ttookk paart in thee 144th CChoppin Intternnatiionaal ppianno CComppetiitioon iin PPolaan

46、d. ( P577)takee paart in :指参参与群众众性活动动、会议议、竞赛赛、考试试等。 joinn: 指指参加团团体、组组织后,成为其其中的一一员。也也可参加加某人。10. He wonn fiirstt prrizee inn hiis ggrouup.(P5)win: 赢得得比赛 loose: 输掉掉比赛 beaat: 打败对对手 hitt: 打打人11. Whaat aare youu gooingg too bee whhen youu grrow up? ( P599)将来时时的表达达:1). bbe ggoinng tto + V原原 2). wiill + VV原

47、 33). be doiing sthh. whhen: 当时; 什么么时候12. Imm gooingg too moore sommethhingg innterresttingg. ( P661)形容词做做定语修修饰不定定代词时时,形容容词后置置。(ssomeethiing, soomebbodyy, ssomeewheere, annythhingg, aanytthinng, anyywheere, noothiing)13. borrroww soome monney.(P668) boorroow ssth. frrom sb = bborrrow sb. stth. 主语语借进

48、 lennd ssth. too sbb. = leend sb sthh. 主语语借出 借了了多长时时间用kkeepp; 买买了多久久时间用用havve; 死了多多长时间间用bee deead, 开始始了多久久用bee onn14. Aboout 2000 yuuan a nnighht iis eenouugh.(766) eenouugh + nn. addj./advv. + ennougghGradde EEighht BB1. DDo yyou thiink theere willl bbe rroboots in peooplees homme? (P22) Doo yoou t

49、thinnk 后后跟宾语语从句。 Thheree bee 句型型中不能能在出现现havve/hhas; Thheree bee stth/ssb. doiing sthh. 就近近原则:Theere be, Eiitheer or , Neiitheernnor , Nott onnly buut aalsoo,离离动词最最近的主主语决定定动词的的单复数数形式2Att thhe wweekkendds, Illl bbe aablee too drresss moore cassuallly.( PP 6) bee abble to 用于任任何时态态;caan 用用于一般般现在时时和过去去时态

50、 drresss + 人: 给穿衣HHis mottherr drresssed himm inn neew cclotthess. 表示“穿着”的状态态时用:be ddresssedd inn + 衣服或或颜色。dreess up as, drresss onneseelf, bee/geet ddresssedd inn + 衣服、颜色put on :穿衣衣的动作作 wwearr : 穿着衣衣服的状状态 be in + 颜颜色、衣衣服、帽帽子等,强调状状态She wass drresssed in Russsiaan sstylle. PPut on morre cclotthess, o

51、or yyoull be colld. Marry iis wwearringg a yellloww drresss toodayy. He iis wwearringg a sweeateer. Whoose thaat mman in a rred coaat ooverr thheree?3. TTheyy miightt fiind it diffficcultt too pllan thiingss foor tthemmsellvess. (P166) Sbb. ffindd/thhinkk/feeel it adjj. ffor sb. too doo stth. pllanp

52、laanneedpplannninng baabyssit baabyssatbabbysiittiing4. WWhatt waas tthe girrl ddoinng wwhenn thhe UUFO toook ooff? (PP19)takee offf : (脱下;飞机/小鸟起起飞;事事业/经经济的腾腾飞,迅迅速发展展)takee+ 时时间+ooff 休休假5. LLanaa saaid shee waasnt mmad at Marrciaa annymoore.(P227) annymoore = aany morre nott anyy loongeer = noo loon

53、geer(谓谓语用延延续性动动词) nnotanyy moore = nno mmoree bee/geet mmad at sb. = be/gett anngryy wiith sb. 生某人人的气 bbe mmad aboout 对对狂狂热的6. IIf yyou go to thee paartyy, yyoull havve aa grreatt tiime.( PP34) iff :在在条件状状语中是是“如果果”的意意思,在在宾语从从句中是是“是否否”的意意思。I doontt knnow if he willl ccomee baack, iff hee coomess baac

54、k, plleasse ccalll mee . 在状状语从句句中(由由wheen, aftter, iff, uuntiil, unllesss, aas ssoonn ass等引导导),主主句是下下列情况况之一,从句用用一般现现在时表表示将来来的意思思:主句句有情态态动词;主句是是祈使句句;主句句是将来来时)7. IIf yyou aree faamouus, peooplee wiill wattch youu alll tthe timme aand follloww yoou eeverrywhheree.(PP38) faamouus = weell-knoown bee faam

55、ouus ffor 因而出出名 (跟跟出名的的原因) bbe ffamoous as以而出名名(跟跟职业身份地位)alll tthe timme 总是,一直 aall thee saame 仍然然、还是是8. TThannks forr seendiing me thee snnow gloobe of thee moonstter. (PP48)sendd sbb. ssth. = sennd ssth. too sbb. givve ssb. sthh.=ggivee stth. to sb ppasss sbb. ssth=passs ssth. too sbb. offfer sb.

56、stth.=offfer sthh. tto ssb.lendd sbb. ssth. = lennd ssth. too sbb borrroww sbb. ssth.=boorroow ssth. too sbb. buuy ssb. sthh.=bbuy sthh. ffor sb.当直接宾宾语是代代词时,只能放放在间接接宾语的的前面。如:ppasss itt too mee buyy thhem forr heer9. BBy tthe wayy, wwhatts youur hhobbby?(P488)by tthe wayy顺便说说一下 in thee waay妨碍碍、挡路路 on

57、 thee waay在途途中 iin tthiss waay 以这种种方式 10. Thee moore I llearrn aabouut CChinnesee hiistoory, thhe mmoree I enjjoy livvingg inn Chhinaa.(PP50) Thhe + 比较较级,tthe + 比比较级 越, 就越 比较较级 +andd + 比较级级 ; morre aand morre + 原级级(能加加morre的形形容词) 越来越越11. Forr exxampple, drropppingg liitteer iis aalmoost newwer alllo

58、weed. 例如如: ffor exaamplle, succh aas动名词词/不定定式做主主语,谓谓语用三三单形式式。allloww sbb too doo stth. bee alllowwed to do sthh.12. Whyy doontt yoou gget herr a scaarf? ( P600 )提建议议: Whhy ddont yyou + VV原? Whhy nnot + VV原? YYou shoouldd + V原. Youud bettterr + V原.Lets + V原原. Howw abboutt +VVingg? Whhat aboout+Vinng?

59、13. Peooplee doontt neeed to speend tooo muuch monney. Innsteead, maakinng aa meeal is enooughh.(PP65) Sbb. nneedd too doo stth. (主语语为人) Sthh. nneedd dooingg stth.(主语为为物) neeed: 情态态动词、行为动动词 tooo mmuchh + 不可数数名词 ttoo manny + 可数数名词复复数 mmuchh tooo + 形容容词 innsteead: 代替替(放在在句尾);然而而,相反反的(放放在居首首) innsteead

60、 of: 代代替 (放放在句中中) 14. Havve yyou eveer bbeenn too ?(P 68) hhavee/haas bbeenn too 去过,已回来来 haave/hass goone to 去,未未回来 haave/hass beeen in 在15. Me, neeithher. ( P 669 )甲方怎怎样,乙乙方也怎怎样: So + 谓谓语+ 主语甲方不不怎样,乙方也也不怎样样: NNeittherr/Noor + 谓语语+ 主主语甲方怎怎样,乙乙方赞同同: SSo + 主语语 + 谓语甲方不不怎样,乙方赞赞同: Neiitheer/NNor + 主主语 +


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