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1、21秋学期(1709、1803、1809、1903、1909、2003、2009、2103、2109)大学英语(二)在线作业试卷总分:100 得分:100一、单选题 (共 50 道试题,共 100 分)A: Can you help me with my homework? B: ( )else can. You have to do it yourself.EverybodyNobodySomebody答案:B2.My sister isnt good at singing. Im not good at singing, ( ).eitherneithertoo答案:A3.Medical

2、science is _ rapidly in our ceedingprogressingmovingdevelop答案:B4.Mr Smith has a ( ) daughter.five-year-oldfives-year-oldfive-years-old答案:A5.Look at the car! This is ( ) car I have ever seen.a most beautifulthe most beautifulthe more beautiful答案:B6.She ( ) jogging every morning.goesdoespla

3、ys答案:A7.He bought two books. ( ) I.So wasSo didSo do答案:B8.Wheres ( ) newspaper?todaytoday stodays答案:B9.She didnt go to the party ( ) she was tired.soalthoughbecause答案:C10.The boys hair stuck _ straight with fright.toupup toon答案:B11.She was ( ) the grandchildren again.looking forlooking forward toloo

4、king around答案:B12.( ) Nick ( ) a good time at the party last night?Did, hasDoes, haveDid, have答案:C13.Mary didnt turn ( ) until the train left.outinup答案:C14.If I dont have to work late on Friday, I might ( ) dancing with friends.playgetgo答案:C15.Just wait for a moment! Ill get the car ( ).startingstar

5、tstarted答案:C16.You may leave your bag ( ) in the room.nowhereanywheresomewhere答案:B17.( ) of these books are yours?WhatWhichHow答案:B18.This bridge ( ) iron.is made ofis made fromis made by答案:A19.My uncle ( ) in this city since 1980.has livedlivedis living答案:A20.She _ that if he didnt give her enough m

6、oney, she would make it public.threatenedtorturedfearedscared答案:A21.Nowadays many species of animals are no longer _.in commonexistlivingin existence答案:D22.I am getting on very well ( ) the new job.withonin答案:A23.Everybody( ) a good time at the party.enjoyedgothad答案:C24.Can you help me to clear ( )

7、my desk?awayoutup答案:C25.Ill go and see you ( ) Im in England.whileuntilbefore答案:A26.( ) see the film this evening?Why dont we go toWhy didnt we go toWhy arent we go to答案:A27.We have _ with the company for 10 tons of steel.contractedcontactedconstructedconvinced答案:A28.In a few minutes, Mrs. Smith sud

8、denly _.overcameregainedcame torecovered答案:C29.They ( ) him for the job because he is a good teacher.recommendedintroducedmade答案:A30.Youd better stop ( ). Were listening to the news.to talktalkingtalk答案:B31.Come here ( ). The meeting will begin in five minutes.fastsoonerquickly答案:C32.A: Have you bee

9、n to Canada before? B: ( ).No, I haveYes, I haveYes, I did答案:B33.( ) is ready now for the party.EverythingsomethingAnything答案:A34.( ) stole his camera while he is lying on the beach.AnyoneSomeoneEveryone答案:B35.( ) was she dancing with? Her new boyfriend?WhoWhatWhich答案:A36.He ( ) his clothes and got

10、into the bath.put ontook offdressed off答案:B37.If you agree to have this operation, _ are that you may recover sooner.chancesopportunitiesoccasionsfortunes答案:A38.You ( ) the exam in English if you ( ) hard.pass, workwill pass, workpass, will work答案:B39.Last Saturday I ( ) an old English friend of min

11、e.has metmeetsmet答案:C40.A house in Beijing ( ) cost a lot of money.canshouldmust答案:A41.Ill just go and ( ) whats going on outside.findfind outlook答案:B42.Dont let ( ) in. The doctor is operating on the patient now.anyonesomeonenobody答案:A43.His mother ( ) his father is busy with work.as well asandas w

12、ell答案:A44.If you ( ) mistake, you ( ) pass the exam.make a, wontwill make a, arentmake a, mustnt答案:A45.The child is ( ) his father.called asnamed asnamed after答案:C46.He looks tired, he ( ) too little sleep.must havemust have hadmust have been答案:B47.A: Whose book is this? B: Its ( ).meminemy答案:B48.He got his leg ( ) while he was playing football with a g


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