1、精品自学考试资料推荐 全国 2018 年 10 月高等教育自学考试综合英语(一)试题课程代码:00794请将答案填在答题纸相应位置上I用适当语法形式或词汇填空。从 A、B、C和D四个选项中选出一个最佳答案,并填入答题纸相应位置。(本大题共30 小题,每小题1 分,共30 分)late 1990 s, about two thousand adults were enrolled in corresponcdeesntudy in thecommunity.A. TheB. In theC. It was theD. It was in theMary the meeting yesterday
2、. She was in the hospital.A. cannot have attendedB. cannot attendD. must not attendC. must not have attendedBy the time Jack comes back from his hometown, we all the preparations.A. finishC. had finishedTo speak quite frankly, IA. don t involveC. were not involvedB. have finishedD. shall have finish
3、edd rather you in such affairs.B. didn t involveD. are not involvedtime, Denny would certainly have come and help me.A. If she hadB. Had she hadD. Did she haveC. If she would haveJanet s uncle insists in the hotel near the city square.A. not stayingC. that he not stayThe reason my sister didnA. beca
4、use she gotC. why she gotB. not to stayD. that he doesn t stayt go abroad was a new job here.B. that she gotD. that because she gotIt was not until Mary arrived at the theatre she realized she had forgotten her ticket.B. andA. thenC. butD. that精品自学考试资料推荐A. committedB.opened 精品自学考试资料推荐A. toughB. big
5、I d met Cynthia several times before this gathering. .A. I did, tooB. So did IC. So had ID. I met, alsoin an atmosphere of simple living was what her parents wished for.A. The girl s being educatedB. The girl being educatedC. The girl was educatedD. The girl who was educatedAnn likes doing some read
6、ing at home to the cinema.A. than to goB. more than goingC. rather than to goD. than goingYou d better come to ask the teacher yourself tomorrow, ?A. didn t youB. shouldnt youC. wouldn t youD. hadn tyouMary filled in the application form, but she didn t know which office A. to be sent toB. to send i
7、t toC. to be sentD. to send itDo you know what made Jenny sad?A. it was thatB. was it thatC. it wasD. was itParents love their children with a devotion no return.A. which they ask forB. which they askC. for which they ask forD. for which they askI really don t want to go to the party, but I don t se
8、e how I can it.A. get awayB. get overC. get out ofD. get back fromThe captain an apology to the passengers for the delay caused by bad weather.A. broughtB. presentedC. madeD. didIt is wise to have some money for old age.A. put awayB. put inC. put aboutD. put downThe motor isn t enough to drive the c
9、ar up steep hills.C. strongD. powerfulWe agreed to meet in the office but so far she hasn t yet.A. turned aroundB. turned inC. turned upD. turned outIf we work with a strong will, we can overcome any difficulty, great it is.A. asB. soC. thoughD.howeverWe decided not to climb the mountains because it
10、 was raining .A. hardlyB. heavilyC. sharplyD. stronglyA pause can make all the in the world between an effective speech and an ineffectiveone in the hands of a master.A. differenceB. effectC. impressionD. contributionNot many people were actually his plan. They did not object to it openly, though.A.
11、 in line withB. in common withC. in favor ofD. in the interest of25.Bad management will inevitably poor efficiency.A. come withB. result inC. result fromD. come intoBesides giving, love such elements as care, responsibility, respect and knowledge.A. composes ofB. makes up ofC. makes fromD. consists
12、ofHow can you succeed without a desire to take of all available opportunities?A. privilegeB. advantageC. chanceD. careHer success in work in her deep love and compassion for her pupils and her strongsense of responsibility.A. lainB.laidC. liedD.layChina is to building a sound environment for foreign
13、 investors.精品自学考试资料推荐 C. loyalD. activeOnce the students started to talk, the discussion became so that no one wanted to stopwhen the bell rang.A. likelyB. livelyC. lovelyD. interestinglyn.认真阅读下面两篇短文,每篇短文后有五个问题。根据短文的内容从四个选项中选择一个最佳答案,并填入答题纸相应位置。(本大题共10 小题,每小题1 分,共 10 分)Passage 1I never saw my father
14、or mother. My first most vivid impression of things seemed to me to have been gained on a memorable afternoon towards evening near my parents g raves in the churchyard (教堂墓地).“ Hold your noise! ” came a terrible voice, as a man started up from among the graves at the side of the church porch.“ Keep
15、still, or I ll cut your throat! ”A fearful man with a great iron on his leg. A man with no hat, and with broken shoes, and with an old cloth tied round his head. He seized me by the chin (下巴).“ Tell me your name! ” said the man. “ Quickly! ”“ Pip, sir. ” I tried to keep myself froinmg.cry“ Show me w
16、here you live, ” said the man. “ Point out the place! ”I pointed to where our village lay, a mile or more from the church.The man, after looking at me for a moment, turned me upside down, and emptied my pockets.There was nothing in them but a piece of bread.“ You young dog, now look here! ” said the
17、 man. “ Where s your mother? ”“ There, sir!” said I.He looked surprised, made a short run, and stopped and looked over his shoulder.“ There, sir!” I explained, pointing to the tombstone.“ That s my mother. ”“ Oh! ” said he, coming back. “ And is that your father along your mother?”“ Yes, sir, ” said
18、 I,“ him too. ”“ Ha! ” he said then.“ Who do you live with supposing you re kindly let to live, which I hadnmade up my mind about? ”“ My sister, sirMrs. Joe Gargery wife of Joe Gargery, the blacksmith, sir.”“ Blacksmith, eh? Now look here, ” he said, “ the question being whether you re to be lelive.
19、 You get me a file (锉) and food, and bring both to me, or I ll have your heart and live out.I said that I would get him the file and what broken bits of food I could find, and I would come to him at the Battery, early in the morning.“ Say Lord strike you dead if you don t! ” said the man.I said so,
20、and he took me down.When he came to the low church wall, he got over it, and then turned around to look for me. When I saw him turning, I set my face towards home, and made the best use of my legs.Which of the following do you think the man was?A policemanAn escaped prisonerA travelerA soldierWhich
21、of the following statements CANNOT be used to describe the man?He was poorly dressed.He was afraid to be found by other people.He was hungry.He was kind to the boy.How did the boy feel when the man was talking to him?FrightenedExcitedFearfulSadAccording to the passage, which of the following stateme
22、nts is WRONG?The boy s village was a mile or more fromethchurch.The boy s parents were both dead.The boy s bro-tihne-lraw was a blacksmith.The little boy didn t promise he would do what the man asked him to do.Why did the word blacksmith catch the man s attention?He was afraid that the blacksmith wo
23、uld kill him.He was certain that the blacksmith would help him break his chains.He thought he might ask the boy to get him a file to break his chains.He was worried that the blacksmith would not let the boy bring him any food.Passage 2Most of us have got at least one elderly relative mother, father,
24、 great-aunt granny even, still alert and cheerful, with a comfortable warm home, plenty of helpful neighbors and ourselves to drop in now and then.But how about the other old folks? Those whose children have moved elsewhere, or don tcare? Perhaps a nobody s Mum, who s lived alone for years in an old
25、 house-soirttbinegd room without any help or having friends or relatives around.The local council do what they can: a cooked dinner brought on weekdays, a home help on two mornings to clean up and do the shopping, a district nurse calling now and then. But most of the time they are lonely and unhapp
26、y.“ Put her in an Old People s Home. They ll look after her. ”They would if they could. With a garden, a room with the television, good meals, someone to see she asll right, and, above all, company. There are some very cozy Council Old People s Homes around.And the flats for the more active, with ce
27、ntral heating, a restaurant if they don t feel like cooking for themselves, a room to get together in, a warden to give an eye.Just what the old folks need if they can get in. In our town there are two homes taking sixty people together and flats for about a hundred and fifty. And a waiting list of
28、more than a thousand.It may seem unlikely now but it s on the cards that you ll be old one day. Maybe one of thelucky ones with a family to live with or helpful neighbors and friends. And maybe alone, cold, even bedridden. With nobody at all to keep you company.So won tit be yourselves you lbl e hel
29、ping if you start moving your local council to do something more for those who ve done their bit for society and now just aren t wanted?More old people s flats for the active, more homes where the nobody s Mum can find a bitcomfort and friendship in their last but unhappy years.According to the pass
30、age, which of the following statements is true?Old people are the burden of the society.Few people take care of their parents.Old people have made contributions to the society.There are enough Council Old People s Homes around.37. In the authors opinion, who are considered lucky ones?Old people who
31、have comfortable homes to live in.Old people who have a family to live with or helpful neighbors and friends.Old people who live alone.Old people who live in the Council Old People s Homes.38. When the author says that if you start moving your local council to do something for old people, you will b
32、e helping yourselves, what does he mean?You will be old one day.You will be helping your own parents.You will find a lot of fun from helping others.Old people will thank you.What does the phrase on the cards in paragraph 8 mean?OrdinaryCertainRightTrueWhat is the main purpose of the author by writin
33、g this article?Urging people to help old people and build more homes for old people.Criticizing the local council.Criticizing young people.Giving a descript ion of the Council s Old People s Homes.m .用国际音标标出下列单词中划线字母或字母组合的读音(本大题共20小题,每两小题1分,共10分)a土思:使用新式或老式音标均可)41. willingness/42.announcer/43. accep
34、tance/44. apartment/45. mechanic/46. bookish/47. paragraph/48. loose/49. enquiry/50. triumph/ TOC o 1-5 h z sympathetic/immobile/patiently/awkward/stretch/appointment/withdrawal/rarely/transition/acquaintance/.完形填空(本大题共20小/,每两小题1分,共10分)alwaysformustoverwouldunlessfixingfromlikeseemedifupA.从下列单词中选择适当
35、的词填,每个词只能用一次。Little Grace died in the fall. She was a beautiful little girl. But she only lived a little 61two years. She died of polio and she suffered. She had a slight fever 62 a couple of days, but it didn t seem63 anything and we just kept her in bed. And we 64 certainly have called the doctor,
36、 but the fever dropped, and she 65 to be all right. So we thought it had just been a cold. Then, one day, she was 66 , playing. Isabel was in the kitchen 67 lunch for the two boys when they d come ir68 school, and she heard Grace fall down in the living room. When you have a lot of children you don
37、t 69 start running when one of them falls, 70 they start screaming or something. And, this time, Grace was quiet.B.根据课文的内容在每个空白处填入一个恰当的词。It may seem strange that, in an age 71 it was fashionable for ladies to 72 their hair styled, Mr. Budd should search for opportunities of making money. 73 recently a new “ Ladies Hairdressing Department had opened opposite. The result was7ah stream of young ladies who hurried there to 75 appointments. Day after day, Mr. Budd watched them going in and 76 of the rival shop and hoped that some of them 77 come over to him; but they never did. And yet
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