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1、仁爱版七年级下英语短语归纳Unit 5 Our School LifeTopic 1 I usually come to school by subway 。1. at the school gate 在学校大门口2. looks very nice 看起来漂亮3. come by bike= ride(s) a bike 骑自行车4. go by subway=take(s) the subway= in a subway 乘地铁 5. go by bus=take (s) a bus / in a bus / on a bus 乘公车6. by plane / by air /in a p

2、lane / on a plane 乘飞机46. twenty past six= six twenty 47. at twenty to six = five forty 48. half past seven=seven thirty 49. a quarter past five= five fifteen 50. have / has breakfast51. a quarter to ten52. go / goes to bed六点二十分 在五点四十分 七点半 五点过十五分 吃早餐 十点过十五分 上床睡觉7. by car /in a car / take a car坐小汽车53.

3、 drive a car开小汽车8. by train / in a train / on a train / take a train 乘火车54. the Great Wall长城9. by ship/by boat / on a ship/boat / take the ship 坐船 10. go on foot=walk to 步行Topic 2 A few students are runningaround the playground。11. do ones homework 做家庭作业 12. see a movie 看电影13. want to do sth. 想要做某事1

4、4. what time 什么时间15. get up 起床16. on weekdays 平日1. classroom building2. swimming pool3. on the playground 4. at the moment = now 5. clean the blackboard6. make cards教学楼游泳池在操场上 此刻,现在擦黑板制作卡片17. at about six oclock 在大约六点钟 18. come on 快点7. Would you like to - - ? 你 想 做 - 吗?19. Its time for + n。 该上课了20.

5、Its time to do sth。 该上课了21. know about 了解- - 的情况22. take a yellow school bus 乘一辆黄色的校车 23. have/has lunch 吃午餐24. eat out 外出吃饭25. on school days 在校期间26. have a short rest 休息一会儿27. after supper/after dinner 晚饭后8. May I borrow - -吗?9. a few + 可数 n.10. a little + 不可数 n.11. of course = sure = certainly 12

6、. on time13. in time14. (how) many + 可数 n。 复数 15. (how) much + 不可数 n。我可以借 - -几个,一些当然准时及时28. after class29. after school下课后放学后16. do well in= be good at sth / doing sth 在- - 做得 好30. listen to music31. read books 32. go to the park听音乐看书去公园17. do better in得更好18. on the shelf在 - 做在书架上33. go to work34. c

7、lass is over去上班下课了19. return = give back 20. look for归还寻找35. in ones free/spare time 在某人的业余时间里21. a picture of my family一张全家福36. play basketball37. play the piano38. go swimming打篮球弹钢琴去游泳22. a pair of shoes 23. two pairs of shoes 24. show sb around一双鞋两双鞋带领某人参观39. go shopping去买东西25. in the center of=

8、in the middle of 在- - 的中间40. how often41. four times a year42. once / twice a week 43. three times a week 44. have ball games 45. Work must come first!多久一次每年四次 每周一次/两次 每周三次举行球赛 工作(学习)第一26. on the left/ right27. next to着28. at the back of29. talk about their families30. between - and -在左/右边 在- 旁边,紧挨在

9、- -后部, 谈论他们的家庭在 - 和 之间31. look(looks) happy 32. love / like +v.ing看起来高兴 喜欢做什么旁边 21. In the front of 22. Close to在 - 前面 离- - 近,紧挨着33. talk to a Japanese girl 34. on the playground和一个日本女孩交谈 在操场上的23. Dont put it / them here 别把它/它们放在这儿我很高兴24. Im very glad to do25. Get a letter from sb= hear from sb 收到某人

10、的来信Topic 3 My school life is very interesting.1. What day is it today? 用来提问“星期几”26. Tell sb about sth 27. Tell sb to do sth告诉某人关于某事 告诉某人做某事2. have a music class / lesson上一节音乐课28. Tell sb sth告诉某人某事3. every week每周Topic 2 My home is in an apartment building.4. drawing pictures画画1. Live with sb和某从居住在一起5

11、. Working on math problems 做数学题说英语6. speaking English了解过去7. learning about the past2. Look for3. Lets ( let us ) help him 吧寻找我 们 去 帮 助 他8. What do you think of it = How do you like it ? 你觉4. Small apartment for students 小型学生公寓得它怎么样?5. ¥850 a month每月 850 元9. Difficult and boring10. Easy and interesti

12、ng11. At school难学而且乏味 容易又有趣 在学校6. House with three bedrooms 一套三居室的房子7. House with furniture for a family of three 适 合 三 口 之家,家具齐全的房子12. be friendly to sb = be kind to sb 对某人友好8. Looking for a quiet double room 求租一间安静的双人13. And so on14. Thank sb for doing sth 15. best wishes等等感谢某人做了某事 致以美好的祝愿间9. unde

13、r ¥300 per month 月租低于 300 元10. Apartment for a family of two 适合两口之家的公寓16. play soccer at school 17. read a book at home在学校踢足球 在家看书11. On the street corner 12. Park cars park在街道拐角处 停车Unit 6 Our Local Area13. Keep money bank存钱Topic 1 There is a study next to my bedroom。14. Take trains train station乘火车

14、1. On the first/ second floor在一/二楼15. See a doctor hospital看医生2. Why not =Why dont you 为什么不 - - ?16. Buy food supermarket 17. Mail letters post office买食物邮寄信3. Go upstairs / downstairs上/下楼18. Buy books bookstore买书4. Have a look看一看19. Keep and show things museum 保存和陈列物品5. A moment later6. So many book

15、s7. Play with his pet dog 8. Talk about过了一会儿 这么多的书 和他的宠物狗玩耍 谈论20. Lot of = lots of21. Far from 反 close to 22. Not far from23. Call it for help许多离- - 远 离- - 不远打电话向它求助9. My family photo我的全家福照片24. This is Linda speaking. 我是琳达10. Put it / them away请把它/它们放好25. Whats the matter?有什么事吗?11. Put n. away=put a

16、way n。 把放好26. There is something wrong with = Something is wrong12. Look after = take care of照看,照顾with 某人/某物出问题,有毛病了13. In the tree树上(外来物品。比如说 鸟)27. Get someone to check it派人去检查一下14. On the tree 树上(树上长出来的.比如说 苹果)28. Right now = at once = right away 立刻,马上15. In the drawer16. In17. On18. Behind19. Nea

17、r在抽屉里在- - 里面 在- - 上面 在- - 下面在- - 附近29. From- to-30. The traffic is heavy31. The cost of living is high从 - - 到 - 交通拥挤生活费用高20. Next to在 - - Topic 3 How can I get to the library?1. Go up this street to the end 沿这条街一直走到尽头里?2. On your left / right 3. How can I get to- ? ?在你左边 / 右边 我怎样才能去 - -40. You need

18、to take bus No。718。 你需要乘坐 718 路车。 41. How far is it from here? 离这里有多远?42. Its about away from here。 离这里大约-4. Which is the way to- ? 哪一条是到- 远。- 路?5. Go along Xinhua Street 沿着新华路走Unit7 The Birthday Party Topic 1 When is your birthday?6. Turn left at the first street 在第一条街口向左转1. Plan to + 动词原形+sth打算/准备

19、做某事7. Go across the bridge穿过桥2. Want to do sth想做某事8. On the corner of 9. Across from在- - 拐角处 在 - - 正对3. What day is it today? 今天是星期几? 4. Whats the date today? 今天是几号?面10. Between - and - - -之间在- 和5. January 1st6. February 2nd7. Be born一月一日二月二日出生11. Turn left and walk on 向左拐并一直往前走8. In 用于表示周、月、季节、年,泛指

20、上午、下午、12. Be - away from 13. Need to do sth离- - 远 需要做某事晚上;9. On 用于星期,某日,某一天的上午、下午(具体某一14. Take bus No.718 = take the NO. 718 bus 乘坐 718 路车 15. Change to the No.108 bus at Anzhen Bridge 在 安 贞 桥换乘 108 路车天时,常用 on)10. Whats the shape of your present ?= What shape is your present?你的礼物是什么形状的?16. How far17

21、. No right turn18. Go straight19. No parking20. Make the road safe 21. Get hurt22. Lose their lives23. In traffic accidents“多远”,问距离。 禁止右转直走禁止停车使道路安全受伤丧生,失去生命 在交通事故中11. Have a rest12. Looks like a flower13. Just now = A moment ago 14. An oval15. How wide16. How far17. How long18. How soon休息一会儿 看起来像一朵

22、花刚才 一个椭圆形 多宽多远多长多久24. Obey the traffic rules遵守交通规则19. 10 centimeters long 10 厘米长25. In most parts of China 在中国大部分地区 26. Stop and look both ways 停下来左右看看 27. Must never play on the street 绝对不能在街上玩耍 28. Its good to do sth 做某事是助人为乐的 29. Cross the road = go across the road 过马路20. 6.4 centimeters wide 6.4

23、 厘米宽21. What do we use it for? 我们用它做什么呢? 22. We use it to study English .我们用它用来学习英语 23. Was born on May 22nd ,1967 生于 1967 年五月 22日30. A ticket for speeding 31. Wait for超速行驶罚单 等候24. Would like to do sth = want to do sth 想要做某事 25. A beautiful light blue dress 漂亮的浅蓝色的连衣裙32. Be careful小心26. Do some clea

24、ning做扫除33. Go down this road沿看这条路往前走27. When were you born? 你什么时候出生的?34. Excuse me, is there a(an) near here? 打 扰 了,请问这附近有 - 吗?35. Excuse me, how can I get to- ? 请问我怎样才能到 ?28. Where were you born? 你在什么地方出生的Topic 2 Can you sing an English song?1. Sing Chinese / English songs 唱汉语/英语歌曲 2. Have a good t

25、ime = enjoy oneself 玩得开心36. Excuse me,which is the way to? 请 问 去 走 哪3. At the party在生日聚会上条路?37. Excuse me, could you tell me the way to- 打扰了, 你能告诉我怎样- -?38. Go along this road until you get to- 沿着这条路走, 直到你到达- -?39. Excuse me, where is -? 打扰了,请问 - 在哪4. Take these flowers to the party 把花带到聚会上去5. Take

26、- to - 把- - 送/带到 - -6. Be good at doing sth =Do well in 擅长7. Kangkang is good at playing soccer 康康擅长踢足球 8. Kangkang does well in playing soccer9. Have a good time =have a great time10. = have a nice time =Have a wonderful time 玩得开心20. Need to do sth21. Remember to do sth需要做某事 记得去做某事11. Two years ago

27、 12. When I was five 13. At the age of five两年前 当我五岁时 在五岁时22. Remember doing sth23. Later on24. Be different from记得做过某事 以后,后来,随后和 - 不同14. Life was hard / difficult to her 生活对她来说很艰辛 15. With her mothers help 在她妈妈的帮助下25. Go on a trip to a big city 去一个大城市旅行 26. Spring returns in March 三月春归16. Begins to

28、do开始做27. Get warm28. Come back to life变暖和苏醒,复苏,复活Topic 3 Everyone had a good time.29. It rains heavily雨下得大1. Its your turn2. Fell down现在轮到你了 摔倒了30. Be busy doing sth 31. From- to -忙于做某事从 - - 3. Hurt oneself4. Fell down5. Come back home伤着某人自己 摔倒回家来到- -Topic 2 The summer holidays are coming. 1. I want

29、 to go to England 我想去英国6. Come back to school回到学校2. I plan to Japan我计划去日本7. At that time那时3. I wish to travel around the country 周游全国8. Go to the movies = see a movie 到电影院去,去看电影 9. Lie to sb = tell a lie to sb 对某人撒谎4. I hope to do sth5. Id like to = I want to希望做某事 我想要10. Tell me the truth跟我说实话6. Tak

30、e pictures = take photos 照相11. Each of us +谓语动词用单数 我们每个人 12. Made the card by hand 手工制作贺卡7. Go back to Cuba 8. Get together with回古巴与- - 在一起13. Sat around the cake围坐在蛋糕旁9. places of interest名胜14. Make a silent wish默默许个心愿10. Tell something about 告诉一些关于的情况15. Blow the candles out = blow out the candles

31、 吹灭蜡烛11. All (the )year round一年到头16. In one breath一口气12. It sounds really interesting 听起来真有趣Unit 8 The Seasons and the Weather13. Go on a trip外出旅行Topic 1 Whats the weather like in summer?14. Enter someones home 进入别人家里1. Whats the weather like in spring? 2. = How is the weather in spring?15. Take off

32、16. Put on脱下,脱掉,起飞 穿上3. Its a good time to do sth 好时候是 - - - 的17. Point to18. Point at指向指着4. It is a good time for sb to do sth 是- - 的好时候 5. It is a good time for sth/ for doing sth 是- 19. Point out20. Be on time提出,指明 按时的好时候6. Which season do you like best 你最喜欢哪个季节 7. = Whatsyour favorite season21.

33、Pass something to old people with both hands 22. During the May Day holiday 五一假期23. Greetings from New York! 来自纽约的问候!8. My favorite season is winter 我最喜欢的季节是冬季24. The day before yesterday前天9. = I like winter best. 10. Its hard to say 11. Its warm and nice这很难说很暧和25. Please give my love to your parents 26. Make money = earn money 挣钱Topic 3 Lets celebrate!12. Take a walk = have a walk =go out for a walk 散步1. Perform


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