



1、七下期末押题作文A环境生活假设你是Anna,你的笔友Lucy想了解你居住的城市和你的学校生活。请你根据以下 提示给她回复一封电子邮件。.要点:1)你所居住的城市的历史、气候、食物和居民,2)学校生活,如:最喜欢的科目、课外活动。.要求:1)词数:100左右,可适当发挥;2)邮件中不能出现自己的姓名和所在学校的名称。Dear Lucy,I am writing to tell you something about Nanyang and my school life here. Nanyang has a long history. The weather in Nanyang is warm

2、 in spring, cool in autumn but hot in summer and cold in winter. The food here is delicious and people here are friendlyT I have a busy school life with seven lessons every day from Monday to Friday. My favorite subject is my not English and I like watching English movies. I* m in d h the basketball

3、 club and Im good at playing basket ball.What about your city and your school life? Can you tell me something about them?Yours,Anna假设你是李华,请根据以下提示用英语介绍自己的学校和学习生活情况。 提示:L学校很大很漂亮;有图书馆、电脑房、实验室;操场在教学楼前面。.学校生活很有趣;老师和同学对我很好;自己最喜欢的科目及原因。.放学后,和同学一起运动 要求:L充分利用所给提示,并适当发挥。.词数:70词左右。(开头和结尾已给出,不计入词数).不得出现真实的校名和人名

4、。Hi! Im Li Hua, a student of No. 1 Hiqh School in Beijing. My school is very large and beautiful. There is a library, a computer room and a lab in the school. In front of our classroom building, there is a playground. My school life is very interesting. My teachers and classmates are very kind to me

5、. I like English best because I think its easy and interesting. I often speak English with teachers. After school, I often do sports with my classmates on the playground. I go to the school library every Tuesday.Is my school life interesting? What about yours? Can you tell me something about it?假如你叫

6、刘梅,请根据以下信息,给你的同学Jane写一封信。70词左右(开头和结尾 已经给出,不计入总词数)。下下星期六是你的生日。你准备在家里开一个生日聚会,邀请 好朋友参加。晚会7: 00开始。你家住在光明路12号,乘23公共汽车在光明路站下车, 然后向南(south)走50米,在右边。你家的房子是红色的,很容易找到。范文:Dear Jane,Next Saturday is my birthday. I plan to have a birthday party at home. It starts at 7:00p.m. Some friends will come to the party.

7、Would you like to come?I live at 12 Guangming Road. You can take Bus No.23 and get off at the stop of Guangming Road. Then walk south for 50 metres. You can see a red house on your right. You cant miss itI hope youll come.Yours Liu Mei B道路平安假如你的朋友小强来自偏远的山村,初次到城里来,不懂得交通规那么,为了他的平安, 请以“We should keep s

8、afe on the street”为题写一篇短文给他读读,让他在街道行走时要注 意平安。Keep Safe on the StreetWhen you come to the city, you should obey the traffic rules, or youll get hurt on the street. First, you should walk on the sidewalk along the road. Second, if you want to cross the street, you should stop and look after and right.

9、 Then you can go across the street when you see the “stop sign. You must be careful on the street when you walk near traffic.C生日聚会根据下面的提示,写一篇语句正确、意思连贯的短文,描写在Mary生日那天发生的事。 词数60个以上。提示:上周六是Mary的十三岁生日。妈妈带她去一家大商店,准备给她买一条新裙子。可 是Mary不喜欢新裙子,她想要吃的东西,于是妈妈给她买了两公斤苹果。Ma”还想要图 画书和彩色笔,妈妈也给她买了。Mary is thirteen years

10、 old Last Saturday was her thirteenth birthday. Mary and her mother were in a bic shop. Mother wanted t。buy a new dress for her. But Mary didnt like the new dress. She liked something to eat. So her mother bought two kilos of apples for her. Mary also wanted to buy some picture books and color penci

11、ls, and her mother bought some for her, too. Mary was very happy. She had a happy birthday-假如这个星期天是你父亲(母亲)的生日,你想对他(她)说些什么?Dear father, this Sunday is your birthday. I want ta say “Happy birthday to you! My dear father.” You always work so hard for our family. But I never say “Thanks. to you. Today,

12、I will tell you, “Thanks for your hard work, for giving us so much. I will study hard at school. I will try my best to become a good on/daughter.”七年级二班的学生将在班里举行(hold) 一次英语沙龙(English Salon)。学生们唱歌、跳 舞、表演英语短剧(English play)等。课后,学生们感到非常高兴。请以English Salon为 话题,写一篇6080词的短文。Today is May 211d. In the afternoo

13、n, all the students ane very happy, because our class will hold a special class-English Salon.The class begins at 4:20. AH the students sit on their seats. Our English teacher comes into the classroom with a smile on her face and says, “Lets beqin our English Salon.”First, our teacher sings an Engli

14、sh soni 殴Once More. And then ever team eats their procrams. We put on an English play “Borrowing a Pan”. My friends Li Lei acts as the farmer and Wei Hua acts as the woman. They speak English very well and act very funnily. Among all of the proqrams, ours is the best.We have a qood time. AH the stud

15、ents hope to have the special class again.D今昔比照根据以下信息,写一篇短文介绍你的好朋友李华的基本情况。NameLi HuaAgeJobBirthdayBeijing13StudentAbilityActivityPastNowfly kitesnot at alldo well inmake model planesnot at alla littleplay soccernot wellvery much要求:所给信息必须全部用上,词数在80词以上。范文:Li Hua is my good friend. He is a middle schoo

16、l student. He is 13 years old. He was born in Beijing. He couldnt fly kites at all when he was ten years old, but now he can do well in flying kites. He couldnt make model planes two years ago, but now he can do it a little. He couldnt play soccer at the age of ten, but now he can play soccer very w

17、ell. He studies very hard and does well in all the subjects. He is a good student.E节日假如有几位外国朋友要在中国过春节,他们想了解有关春节的情况。请根据下面的要 点写一篇不少于60个词的短文,不能逐字翻译。要点:1 .春节是中国的新年,一般在一月下旬或二月份。.春节前人们要大扫除,给孩子们买新衣服。.大年夜家人在一起吃团圆饭,吃饺子。.大年初一人们开始走亲访友。(relative亲戚)Chinese New Year is also called the Spring Festival.lt usually c

18、omes in late January or February. Before the Spring Festival, Chinese people usually clean their houses and buy new clothes for children. On the last day of the old year, theres a big family dinner. And people often eat dumplings at that time. All the members of family go out to visit their relative

19、s and friends on the first day of the New Year. People have a very good time during the Spring F estiva楼设你是李华,刚收到Julia的来信。请你根据提示回信告诉她昨天你过春节的一些情 况。开头已给出,词数在60左右。提示:早上你和家人一起去超市购物;下午在家搞大扫 除;晚上一家人包饺子、吃团圆饭、守夜;一起等待新年的到来。Dear Julia,Im very clad to hear from you. I had a eood time yesterday. It was the Spri

20、ng Festival. In the morning I went shopping in the supermarket with my family. We did some cleaning in the afternoon and made our house more beautiful. We made dumplings together and had a big dinner in the evening. We stayed up until midnight to welcome the Spring Festival. We had a nice time.Best

21、wishes to you!Yours,Li HuaF游记&经历上周末你和张明乘飞机去了北京,天气很好,你们在那待了两天。第一天,你们去了天 安门广场,然后参观了一些名胜古迹,你们玩得很愉快。第二天你们乘车去了长城,照了许多 照片,那儿有许多人,你们遇到了一个迷路的小孩并帮他找到了他母亲。Last weekend, I flew to Beijing with Zhann Ming. The weather was fine. We stayed there for two days. On the first da乂 we went to Tiananmen Square, then vis

22、ited some places of interest. We had a good time. The next day we went to the Great Wall by bus. We took some photos. There were many people there and a little boy lost his way. We helped him to 皆nd his mother. We had a happy day!假如你和家人上周去了桂林旅游,请根据下面表格的内容写一篇短文,介绍一下你的 旅游经历。词数在60个单词左右。How was your tri

23、p?Wonderful.How did you go to Guilin?By train.How long did you stay there?For five days.What did you see there?Green hills, clear water, strange caves(岩洞).What did you do?Go boating in Lijiang River.What did you eat?Guilin rice noodles.I had a wonderful trip to Guilin.I went to Guilin with my family

24、 last week. We went there by train. We stayed there for five days. We saw beautiful green hills, dear water and some strange caves. We went boating in Lijiang River. We had some delicious local food. Guilin rice noodles were really delicious We all had a great time. I hope to go to Guilin aeain one

25、day.假如你是王悦,请根据表格内容和提示词,给你的美国笔友乔(Joe)写一封60词左 右的电子邮件,谈谈你上周末的活动。电子邮件的开头和末尾已经给出,不计入总词数。 可适当发挥。时间活动星期六去乡村、爬山星期日上午在家做家庭作业星期日下午和妈妈购物提示词:tired疲倦的weekend周末Dear Joe,Let me tell yeu something about my last weekend. On Saturday, I went to the countryside with my cousin. The air there was very fresh. We climbed

26、the mountain. We were a little tired, but we had a great time. On Saturday morning, I did my homework at home. And I went shopping with my mother on Sunday afternoon. My mother bought a red skirt for me. I had a happy weekend.Yours,Wan Yue生活像一只快乐的小船,承载着无数的欢声笑语。请以“A Happy Day”为题,写一篇短 文。要求:1.描述你经历过的一件

27、快乐的事;.包括事件发生的时间、天气、地点、具体经过,亦可适当发挥;. 6080 个词。A Happy DayMy uncle lives in the country. Last fall, there was an apple harvest on his farm. He asked my family to enjoy the apples.On a sunny morning, my family drove to the farm. After we got there, I ate a big and red apple at once. The apple was so swe

28、et. Then we helped harvest apples. In the afternoon, we had a big meal there. I thought it was delicious.I was very happy on that day!G季节人文我国是一个地域辽阔、四季清楚的国家。四季的轮回变化给我们的生活增添了许多色 彩!不同的季节、不同的天气、不同的景色、丰富多彩的地域文化和日新月异的变化,使 中国正在成为许多国外朋友的旅游目的地。请你以“Four Seasons in China”为题,用英文介 绍一下中国的四季。提示:1.中国四季开始和持续的时间;.每个

29、季节的气候特点。要求:L80个词左右;.语言表达准确、连贯,内容可适当发挥。Four Seasons in ChinaThere are four seasons in a year. They are spring , summer, fall and winter. Each of them lasts three months.In China, spring comes in March. It is warm and it often rains. Trees turn green and there are flowers everywhere. Summer is very ho

30、t and sometimes it rains heavily. It often begins in June. Fall is a good season. It comes in September and the weather is cool. Leaves turn yellow and fall from the trees. Winter is a very cold season. It comes after fall. There is strong wind and sometimes it snows heavily. People all wear warm cl

31、othes.My Favorite Festival (我最喜欢的季节)I like spring best. I think spring is a wonderful season.In China,spring comes in March. The weather lets warm ard sunny. Everything comes back to life. Trees turn green. Flowers start to come out. Sometimes it rains a little in spring,but the air is clean and fre

32、sh.Spring is a good season to do some activities outside. I like flyinw kites in the park with my friends. Sometimes I wo for a short trip with my family.This is myfavorite season. What about yours?假如你是李华,广州人,Robin是你的笔友。你最近收到了 Robin的来信,请按下面 的提示回信,词数在50个单词左右。提示:收到Robin的来信很高兴,并向他介绍一下广 州的情况。广州是一个国际大都市(

33、an international city),气候温暖,从春到冬都有很多鲜花和水果, 因此有人称它为“花城”。广州有许多名胜(places of interest),例如:白云山(the Baiyun Mountain),越秀公园(the Yuexiu Park),中山纪念堂(Sun Yatsen Memorial Hall)o 参考范文:Dear Robin,Pm glad to get a letter from you! Now, I will tell you something about Guangzhou. Guangzhou is a big and international city. The weather is always good and warm. The wind is wet. There are many flowers and fr


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