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1、辽宁省辽河油田第二高级中学2020_2021学年高一英语3月开学考试试题辽宁省辽河油田第二高级中学2020_2021学年高一英语3月开学考试试题PAGE PAGE 21辽宁省辽河油田第二高级中学2020_2021学年高一英语3月开学考试试题辽宁省辽河油田第二高级中学2020-2021学年高一英语3月开学考试试题翻译句子(共10小题,每小题2.5分,满分25分)通过互联网,我们可以很方便地相互联系._我们的钱如此有限,以至于我们不能买那所新房子。_3。这个男孩已经在我们省举行的演讲比赛中获胜了。_4.我很高兴代表我们学校向你们介绍这些活动。_5.你需要和你的老板经常保持良好的沟通_6.男孩们备好

2、食物和水出发了_7.和那些女清洁工相比,我做的工作不仅容易而且报酬还高_8。在做决定之前我们必须权衡利弊_9。Jennifer没在学习,这让她妈妈非常担心_10.根据他的表情判断,他对这个结果感到满意。_第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分50分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2.5分,满分37。5分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。AMagazines can got your students to enter the world of English speakers, read interesting articles and improve their la

3、nguage skills。 Today we are going to introduce the most popular magazines that may come in your classes.Students WeeklyThis is a weekly magazine published by a Thai company, which has a history of 25 years。 The readers of the magazine are mostly teenagers of middle level. Here you can find articles

4、on the topics of education, entertainment, current affairs, latest events, and song lyrics。 In addition, there are also some vocabulary and grammar exercises to memorize the newly learnt material。 National GeographicThe magazine is being published since 1888. It mainly contains articles about geogra

5、phy, science, history and world culture. Its language is a little bit complicated, and thats why this resource will suit only for higherlevel students. Al part from articles, you can also find a huge collection of photos of nature. Readers DigestThe magazine was founded in 1922。 It is a general inte

6、rest family magazine, published ten times a year. Here you will find inspiring true stories about people and what they have done, some funny moments in the lives of personalities. And you can also read articles about how to be responsible parents.SunsetThis is a lifestyle magazine that first was pub

7、lished in 1898 in the USA. It focuses mainly on traveling, home and gardening, lifestyle, food and drink. The magazine is full of amazing pictures and interesting articles about places in the United States. The magazine is suitable for students with middle or higher levels。11。 Which magazine has the

8、 longest history?A。 Sunset. B。 Student Weekly。 C。 Readers Digest. D. National Geographic。12. What does Sunset mainly focus on?A。 The vocabulary and grammar exercises B. The funny moments in the lives of personalities.C。 The lifestyle and family life in America。 D。 The geography, science, history and

9、 world culture。13. It is possible that the readers of the text are_.A。 Teenagers B. students C. teachers D。 parentsBJo Du was being helped into her beautiful white wedding dress this week when a tooth on the zipper ( 拉链) broke。 It was Sunday in Guelph, Ontario, and no tailor (裁缝) shop was open。 Jo D

10、u didnt want to marry Earl Lee with pins (别针) in the back of her dress. But no one in the wedding party knew how to make the repair。 The best man knocked on a neighbors door to ask David Hobson if he might have a pair of scissors they could borrow。 Mr. Hobson said, “Ive got better than tools. Ive go

11、t a tailor.” David Hobson had a family of Syrian refugees (难民) living in his home for a few days: a mother, father, and 3 children. The father of the Syrian family was Ibrahim Halil Dudu. He was a tailor in Syria for 28 years, and as soon as he saw the dress, Ibrahim Dudu got out his sewing (缝) tool

12、s and set to work.“He really sewed her wedding dress back onto her,” Lindsay Coulter, the wedding photographer, told CTV News。 “Everyone was so thankful. They said thank you a million times.” “Every weekend I take photos of people on the happiest days of their lives, and today one man who has seen s

13、ome of the worst things our world has to offer came to help,said Lindsay Coulter, who posted photos and wrote on her Facebook page。 “I was so excited and so happy,” Ibrahim Halil Dudu said through a translator。“I like to helpCanadian people from my heart.” Earl Lee called the tailors skillful repair

14、, an “unbelievable act of kindnessfrom a“complete stranger who had only stepped foot in this country days ago.” 14。 What was a big problem for Jo Du? A. Her wedding dress had to be repaired soon。 B. It was not easy for her to find some pins. C。 She didnt know where to buy a new zipper。 D。 There was

15、something wrong with her scissors。 15. How did Hobson help Jo Du? A。 He helped organize her wedding. B。 He lent a pair of scissors to her. C。 He helped her find the best man. D。 He introduced a tailor to her.16。 Who solved Jo Dus problem in the end? A。 Earl Lee. B. David Hobson。 C. Ibrahim Dudu。 D.

16、Lindsay Coulter。 17. What can we infer about Lindsay Coulter? A。 She felt sorry for the tailor. B. She worked as a translator.C。 She was a refugee from Syria。 D. She was a news reporter.CReggie was a normal boy, but he had been born deaf. He was well known to everyone in town, and they were all very

17、 fond of him。 Unfortunately, though, he always seemed to end up being treated differently from everyone else. Children worried that they would hurt him, and that may be because he wouldnt hear the ball being hit in his direction. Adults acted like he couldnt understand them, as though he was some ki

18、nd of baby. Reggie didnt like this. But the person who disliked it the most was his friend Michael, who determined one day that things had to change. Michaels father was the towns mayor, and Michael finally convinced him that this year, in honor of Reggie, they should offer one day of the festival t

19、o the deaf。 During that whole day everyone in town would have to wear earplugs. People liked the idea, because everyone loved Reggie. The day became known as The Day of Silence, and when it arrived, everyone stuck plugs in their ears, in a spirit of great fun. That morning was filled with practical

20、jokes and laughter. But, as the hours passed, people became more and more aware of how difficult life was when you couldnt hear anything. However learning about how life was more difficult for the deaf was nothing compared to the greatest discovery of the day: Reggie was amazing!So The Day of Silenc

21、e was the day when everyone realized you had to give people a chance to show how valuable they are。 People wanted to make sure that others would learn this lesson. So, from that day on, whenever a visitor came, they were welcomed joyfully and a helmet with great thick car laps, was put on their head

22、。18。 What does the underlined word deaf mean?A. unable to speak。 B。 unable to hear. C。 unable to walk D。 unable to write19. According to Paragraph 2, we learn that_.A。 Reggie disliked Michael very muchB。 Michaels father didnt respect the deafC. Michael understood Reggie better than othersD. The idea

23、 to offer one day of the festival to the deaf was refused20。 What did people discover by wearing earplugs?A. Reggies life wasnt easy as imagined. B. Daily life was rather difficult to everyone.C。 They should help Reggie as much as possible。 D. Reggie had achieved a lot by working hard.21。 Which woul

24、d be the best title for the passage?A。 Reggies miserable life B。 A devoted friendC. A funny story of a town D. The origin of The Day of SilenceDDo you still remember the scene in the famous movie Titanic, directed by Cameron, where Jack was frozen to death in the icy cold water so that Rose could su

25、rvive on the floating door alone? It broke many peoples hearts. Two decades later, people are still asking the question, “wasnt there enough room on the door for both of them?” Cameron once responded by saying: it wasnt a question of room, but buoyancy(浮力)if both of them had tried to stay on the doo

26、r, he argued, the whole thing would sink。But several guys from “Mythbusters”, an Australian-American science entertainment television program, decided to put the theory to the test themselves. They discovered that if Rose had took off her life jacket to the bottom of the door, there would have been

27、enough buoyancy to keep both of them afloat.“It was an artistic choice, the thing was just big enough to hold her, and not big enough to hold him,” Cameron said. “I think its all kind of silly, really, that were having this discussion 20 years later。 But it does show that the film was effective in m

28、aking Jack so attractive to the audience that it hurts them to see him die. The film is about death and separation; he had to die.Since Jack was doomed to die, Cameron said, it could have happened in a variety of different ways. Its not about the door not being big enough: thats just a practical met

29、hod for his death。 “Whether it was that, or whether a chimney ( 烟 囱 )fell on him, he was going down,” Cameron said。 “Its called art: things happen for artistic reasons, not for physics reasons。”According to Cameron, why cant audience accept Jacks death? AThey are artistic people. BThey love Jack.CTh

30、ey like the movie。 DThey are eager for truth.23。 What can we learn from the last paragraph?Jack died by accident。 B。 Jacks death was unavoidable。 CThe chimney fell on Jack. D. The door could make a difference。24. Which of the following can be the best title for the text?AScience Behind Movie BA Door

31、 of Life and DeathCAudience Knew Better DJack Had to Die 25。Where can you probably find this article?A. A government report. B。 A movie poster. C。 A popular magazine。 D。 A notice board。第二节(共5小题;每小题2。5分,满分12。5分)阅读下列短文,从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项、选项中有两项多余选项。How to Make Friends at a New SchoolStarting with

32、a new school can be difficult. Everything seems to be different, and you don t even know where to go for your own classes. 26 However, if you use these skills, you can quickly turn some of those strangers into friends.Be yourself 27 If some people dont accept you, theyre not the kind of friends you

33、need。 People often stay together because they have similar interests. For example, someone who does a lot of sports may make friends with those who also run or swim a lot。 28 Remember to be nice to the people you meet at your new school。 If you think that you will say something that may make them fe

34、el sad, do not say anything and just nod your head if they talk to you。 Also, remember to be as helpful as possible!Believe in yourself A smile goes a long way。 When you walk in the halls, dont keep your eyes on the floor. Raise your head and make eye contact with other people。 29 Introduce yourself

35、. Tell them your name and where youre from。Remember peoples namesYou like it when people use your name, and so do other people。 _30_Besides, ask them in a kind way if they have a nickname。 Youd be surprised how often this may come in handy.A. Be friendly to others。B。 Join after-school activities you

36、 like。C. Making new friends can be hard too.D. Never change what you are to try and fit in。E. If you see someone you know, smile or say “Hi”。F. People may become angry if you just begin by saying “Hey” each time。G。 Don t sit at the back of the classroom where other people dont notice you!第三部分语言运用(共两

37、节,满分30分)第一节(共l5小题:每题l分,满分15分)阅读下面短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。It was New Year time. We were travelling in a small truck _31_ toys to the homeless. When we _32_ the spot, something caught my eyes. Something or someone was moving in the rubbish. Soon I realized that it was the home of a poor fa

38、mily。 There were two _33_,both about my age at the time, and a lady I supposed to be their mother. They sat there _34_。 As a little girl myself I was especially interested in the little girl. How _35_ our lives were。 She lived for the day, _36_ through the rubbish for something to fill her stomach。

39、I on the other hand was well looked after and never had to worry about food。 I had a good education and a _37_ future。 I looked at the little girl. The only_38_ she had was the worn-out dress that she was wearing.Seeing this little girl I made the decision to _39_ her a doll that had belonged to me

40、for a while. When the truck came to a stop, I stepped out, called the girl over and _40_ the doll in her hand. At first she looked at me with _41_ and wasnt certain what to do, but then she smiled and I saw _42_ in her eyes. I went back into the truck and we started to _43_ off, and thats when we re

41、alized the little girl was running _44_. We stopped again and opened the door。 The girl had _45_ with us。 She looked directly at me and said two simple words “Thank You”。31。 A. handing out B. handing in C。 giving away D. giving back32. A。 approached B. changed C。 chose D.left 33. A. boys B。 drivers

42、C. children D。 adults34。 A。 happily B。 angrily C。 hopefully D. helplessly35. A. different B. similar C. difficult D。 ordinary36。 A。 breaking B。 getting C。 running D。 searching37. A. doubtful B. promising C。distant D。 magical38。 A。 present B. possession C。 requirement D。decoration39. A。 gift B。 show

43、C。 recommend D。 sell40。 A. tore B。 threw C. dropped D. placed41. A. anger B。 pain C。 surprise D。 disappointment42。 A。 doubt B。hope C. anger D。 astonishment43。 A。 walk B. get C。 lift D。 drive44。 A. out B。 away C.behind D。 in45. A. got along B. caught up C。come along D. turned up第二节(共10小题:每小题1。5分,满分15

44、分)阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式A firefighter prevented a woman from being hit by a trainIt was late, about 10:15p。m。 Esposito_46_(get) off the train at Bellport, New York, went to her car and started driving home。 She was so familiar with the road that she almost drove automatically turned left to the Station Road, then another let onto Montauk Highway, and then - bam! When Espositos car had just crossed the two railroad_47_(track), it hit a big tree and was pushed back. _48_(injure) but mostly shocked by the


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