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1、试卷第 =page 22 22页,共 =sectionpages 22 22页试卷第 =page 1 1页,共 =sectionpages 3 3页2022届江西省临川第一中学高三5月实战演练冲刺英语试题学校:_姓名:_班级:_考号:_一、阅读理解School activities for students during COVID-19The COVID-19 pandemic is causing worldwide concern for elementary and secondary school students mental condition. The following ar

2、e some possible activities that can be carried out to help them and also create a safe and healthy school environment.Johns and Marys thoughtsStudents are presented with a picture which says that John and Mary have different thoughts after they have heard of the coronavirus. Then students are invite

3、d to guess and write the characters thoughts on the picture. This activity uses a “projective” method, as students are not asked what their feelings are, but instead, they project their feelings onto the characters.When Im worriedAfter talking about what the characters may think, students can now tu

4、rn their attention to themselves. They are asked to list their common worries, but most importantly, they are directed to think about some response measures and the helpful relationships they can rely on. This is a vital exercise, for it shifts students focus from their worries to the coping strateg

5、ies.Seeking a balanceStudents are asked to provide three key recommendations to prevent infection. Teachers can pick out the positive behavior and correct any incorrect suggestions. Its also important to strike a balance between the recommended healthy behavior and the concept that microorganisms ar

6、e a natural part of the environment and that many of them play a key role in sustaining human life.Videos to know and understand virusesIt is advisable to plan science lessons on microorganisms. Students can know more about the pandemic by studying microbial (微生物的) life, and thus they can understand

7、 what viruses are and how they spread. But be careful not to bring anxiety and avoid talking about scary messages.1. Which activity requires students to express their feelings indirectly?A. Seeking a balance.B. When Im worried.C. Johns and Marys thoughts.D. Videos to know and understand viruses.2. W

8、hy is the second activity important?A. It puts students at ease.B. It enables students to share experiences.C. It directs students attention to the solutions.D. It helps students to establish good relationships.3. What can students learn in both the third and the last activities?A. Knowledge about m

9、icroorganisms.B. Suggestions on preventing infection.C. Positive ways to stay healthy.D. The concept of science.【答案】1C2C3A【解析】【导语】本文为一篇说明文。文章介绍了因新冠肺炎大流行而引起的全球对中小学生心理状况的关注的大背景下,为创造一个安全和健康的学校环境,学校可以开展的四项学生活动。1. 细节理解题。根据Johns and Marys thoughts的最后一句“This activity uses a “projective” method, as students

10、 are not asked what their feelings are, but instead, they project their feelings onto the characters. (这个活动采用了一种“投射”的方法,学生不会被问到他们的感受是什么,而是把他们的感受投射到人物身上)”可知,Johns and Marys thoughts这个活动没有要求学生直接表达,而是用“投射”方式表达情感。故选C项。2. 细节理解题。根据When Im worried的最后一句“This is a vital exercise, for it shifts students focus

11、 from their worries to the coping strategies.(这是一个非常重要的练习,因为它将学生的注意力从担忧转移到应对策略上)”可知,When Im worried这个活动之所以重要,是因为它能引导学生关注解决方案。故选C项。3. 细节理解题。根据Seeking a balance的第三句“Its also important to strike a balance between the recommended healthy behavior and the concept that microorganisms are a natural part of

12、 the environment and that many of them play a key role in sustaining human life. (同样重要的是,要在被推荐的健康行为和微生物是环境的自然组成部分,且许多微生物在维持人类生命方面发挥着关键作用的这个概念之间取得平衡)”,Videos to know and understand viruses的第一句“It is advisable to plan science lessons on microorganisms.(计划有关微生物的科学课程是可取的)”可知,这两个活动中,学生可以学到关于微生物的知识。故选A项。N

13、obody ever imagined that after being lost for more than half a century the intangible cultural heritage (非物质文化遗产) known as Gaolou Mixian would be restored and passed down by a young man. “As someone of Gaolou origin, I have a responsibility to restore our ancestors art form,” said Chen Guorui, the w

14、orlds only inheritor (继承人) of this ancient art.Gaolou Mixian uses rice paste to glue together selected grains of transparent (透明的) rice to create realistic figures or structures. It is a unique folk art that developed during the Qing Dynasty and reached its peak during the first half of the 20th cen

15、tury. Each household in Gaolou village would make rice structures that they put on display in their ancestral halls (祠堂) during the Chinese New Year, which attracted people from all sides.However, due to the wet weather in southern China, these rice-made artworks would only last three to four months

16、 before losing their shape. It is for this reason that these works are not seen in museums in China. Due to various historical reasons, most people in Gaolou village did not pass down the art form, which caused it to disappear nearly 70 years ago.Chen found out about this after hearing one former re

17、sident express disappointment about its loss. Curious, he started to do research and tried out the methods he heard about from older people in the village. After several months of exploration, Chen finally completed his first successful work.Over the past five years, Chen has gradually improved his

18、skills and even begun using new techniques, such as making some colorful artworks with colored grains of rice. Since 2017, people at home and abroad have taken an interest in this long-lost art form. To avoid being the last inheritor, Chen has been giving classes to some students at a primary school

19、 in Fuzhou with the support of local education authorities.4. What do we know about Gaolou Mixian?A. It is stable in wet environment.B. It is mainly made of rice.C. It is a popular art form nationwide.D. It was created for religious reasons.5. What does the underlined word “this” in Paragraph 4 refe

20、r to?A. The techniques of the artworks.B. The disappearance of the art form.C. The disappointment of the villagers.D. The reasons for shape loss of the artworks.6. Which of the following can best describe Chen Guorui?A. Cooperative and kind.B. Outstanding and calm.C. Courageous and cautious.D. Respo

21、nsible and creative.7. What message does Chens story convey to us?A. Its never too old to learn.B. Strike while the iron is hot.C. It is no use crying over spilt milk.D. Nothing is impossible to a willing heart.【答案】4B5B6D7D【解析】【导语】这是一篇新闻报道,文章主要介绍了已经消失的非物质文化遗产高楼米线被一位年轻人重现并传承下去的故事。4. 细节理解题。根据文章第二段“Gao

22、lou Mixian uses rice paste to glue together selected grains of transparent (透明的) rice to create realistic figures or structures.(高楼米线用米糊把精选的透明米粒粘在一起,创造出逼真的人物或结构。)”可知,高楼米线主要是由大米制成的。故选B。5. 词句猜测题。根据文章第三段“Due to various historical reasons, most people in Gaolou village did not pass down the art form, wh

23、ich caused it to disappear nearly 70 years ago.(由于各种历史原因,高楼村的大多数人都没有把这门艺术传承下去,导致它在近70年前就消失了。)”可知,高楼米线这门艺术形式由于各种原因消失了,结合划线词所在句子的句意“陈是在听到一名前居民对这样的损失失望后得知这一情况”可知,this指代上文提到的高楼米线的消失。故选B。6. 推理判断题。根据文章第四段“After several months of exploration, Chen finally completed his first successful work.(经过几个月的探索,他终于成功

24、完成了自己的第一部作品。)”和最后一段“Over the past five years, Chen has gradually improved his skills and even begun using new techniques, such as making some colorful artworks with colored grains of rice.(在过去的五年里,陈国锐逐渐提高了自己的技艺,甚至开始使用新技术,比如用彩色米粒制作一些彩色艺术品。)”可知,陈国锐有决心且富有创意。故选D。7. 推理判断题。根据文章内容,结合文章第一句“Nobody ever imagi

25、ned that after being lost for more than half a century the intangible cultural heritage (非物质文化遗产) known as Gaolou Mixian would be restored and passed down by a young man.(谁也没有想到,失去半个多世纪的非物质文化遗产高楼米线,会被一个年轻人修复并传承下去。)”可知,文章主要介绍了消失的非物质文化遗产高楼米线被一位年轻人重现并传承下去,由此可推知,文章主要告诉我们有志者事竟成。故选D。In simpler times, we n

26、ever had to consider a loved ones privacy when gift-buying. But as technology has continued its high-speed advance and growth at all costs, many companies and the products they create have long been skirting (回避) adequate data and privacy protection, leaving users at risk. For example, the audiobook

27、 reader you give to your children to send them to sleep at night now captures data on what they like.As we continue to integrate (整合) the Internet into more of our devices and cover our homes and lives with cameras, microphones and trackers, the lack of data protection and privacy is becoming danger

28、ous. Very few companies are being honest about how they collect, store and use data, and the only loser is the very individuals who use these products.But that, right there, is the one chance consumers have to turn the tide (扭转局势).The change starts with us. Buying a small device isnt simply buying a

29、 product any more; its a conscious decision about whether you trust the company behind it to work in your best interests and keep you safe. Its your responsibility as a consumer to be aware of this choice and act on it. In an ideal future, it wont require hours of research whether done by the buyer

30、or by organizations to buy safe, responsible products. But for now, its the best option available as these companies continue to get a free pass.We can demand more. We must demand more. We can demand that privacy and security be taken seriously by the companies who build the products we buy. Yes, te

31、chnology has vastly improved our lives, but that shouldnt come at the cost of our safety. So if you want to give someone a gift, give them the gift of privacy. Its the only way to make the Internet and our lives a little safer in this digital world.8. What does the writer try to tell us in the first

32、 paragraph?A. Gift-buying nowadays is much more complicated.B. Many products nowadays put users privacy at risk.C. Companies are expanding their businesses rapidly.D. Audio-book readers are popular with young children.9. What might happen if more of our home devices are linked to the Internet?A. We

33、can better protect our privacy.B. They will make our life more convenient.C. We are more likely to reveal our privacy.D. More companies will keep watch on them.10. What does the underlined phrase “get a free pass” in Paragraph 4 mean?A. Do as they wish.B. Mislead the users.C. Shift the responsibilit

34、y.D. Offer services free of charge.11. What is the main purpose of the passage?A. To introduce a new trend in gift-buying.B. To analyse the causes of users privacy leak.C. To raise peoples awareness of privacy protection.D. To explain the reasons for privacy abuse.【答案】8B9C10A11C【解析】【导语】本文为一篇说明文。文章阐述

35、了数字时代,互联网融入生活后,人们的数据和隐私被产品背后的公司收集、存储并使用,使得用户隐私处于危险之中,以此来提醒大家,要提高自身的保护隐私的意识。8. 推理判断题。根据第一段第二句“But as technology has continued its high-speed advance and growth at all costs, many companies and the products they create have long been skirting (回避) adequate data and privacy protection, leaving users at

36、 risk. (但随着技术的持续高速发展和增长的成本,许多公司和他们创造的产品一直在回避足够的数据和隐私的保护,这使得用户处于危险之中。)”可推知,现在有很多产品都没有好好保护用户的隐私,用户的隐私被置于危险之中。故选B项。9. 推理判断题。根据第二段第一句“As we continue to integrate (整合) the Internet into more of our devices and cover our homes and lives with cameras, microphones and trackers, the lack of data protection a

37、nd privacy is becoming dangerous. Very few companies are being honest about how they collect, store and use data, and the only loser is the very individuals who use these products. (随着我们继续将互联网融入更多的设备,在我们的家庭和生活中安装摄像头、麦克风和追踪器,数据保护和隐私的缺乏正变得危险。很少有公司会诚实地说明他们是如何收集、存储和使用数据的,唯一的输家就是使用这些产品的个人。)”可知,家庭设备连接进互联网

38、,我们的隐私和数据因缺乏保护,将可能被泄露在网络上,这是件危险的事情。故选C项。10. 词句猜测题。根据第四段“The change starts with us. Buying a small device isnt simply buying a product any more; its a conscious decision about whether you trust the company behind it to work in your best interests and keep you safe. Its your responsibility as a consum

39、er to be aware of this choice and act on it. In an ideal future, it wont require hours of research whether done by the buyer or by organizations to buy safe, responsible products. But for now, its the best option available as these companies continue to get a free pass. (改变从我们开始。购买小型设备不再是简单地购买产品;这是一

40、个有意识的决定,决定你是否相信背后的公司会为你带来最大的利益,并保证你的安全。作为消费者,你有责任意识到这种选择并采取行动。在理想的未来,购买安全、负责任的产品将不需要花费数小时的研究无论是由买家还是组织进行的研究。但就目前而言,这是最好的选择,因为这些公司继续获得get a free pass。)”可知,就目前来说,我们得花时间去研究哪一款产品是对我们的隐私、数据能起到保护作用,因为一旦购买并使用这个产品,它背后的公司就会收集、存储、使用我们的信息数据。短语get a free pass,意为“得到免费通行证”,在文中,指代产品背后的公司“能按照他们的意愿”收集、存储、使用我们的信息数据。A

41、项“Do as they wish. (按他们的意愿去做。)”与get a free pass的语意相近。故选A项。11. 推理判断题。通读全文,尤其第一段第二句“But as technology has continued its high-speed advance and growth at all costs, many companies and the products they create have long been skirting (回避) adequate data and privacy protection, leaving users at risk. (但随着

42、技术的持续高速发展和增长的成本,许多公司和他们创造的产品一直在回避足够的数据和隐私的保护,这使得用户处于危险之中。)”,以及第三段“But that, right there, is the one chance consumers have to turn the tide (扭转局势). (但这正是消费者扭转局面的唯一机会)”,以及最后一段“We can demand that privacy and security be taken seriously by the companies who build the products we buy. Yes, technology has

43、 vastly improved our lives, but that shouldnt come at the cost of our safety. (我们可以要求生产我们购买的产品的公司认真对待隐私和安全问题。是的,科技极大地改善了我们的生活,但这不应该以我们的安全为代价。)”可知,文章主要阐述了数字时代,用户的隐私和数据保护的缺乏令用户处于危险中的现象,目的是提高人们的保护隐私的意识。故选C项。Every driver loves sailing through a series of green lights without having to stop and wait at a

44、 traffic light. Now, thanks to artificial intelligence, German researchers have found a way to reduce time spent at intersections (十字路口).Called the KI4LSA project and funded by the Ministry of Transport and Digital Infrastructure, the innovation is being tested. Scientists first studied algorithms (

45、算法) taken from a busy intersection to learn about traffic patterns and where improvements were most needed. The new AI method uses radar sensors and high-resolution cameras to interpret traffic patterns in real time. They can determine the speed of traffic as well as waiting time and combine this wi

46、th self-learning algorithms. Scientists are currently trying this out at a busy intersection in Lemgo, Germany, with encouraging results.The intelligent lights are said to improve traffic flow by 10 to 15 percent, which results in money saved; the EU estimates that traffic jams create economic damag

47、e that adds up to 100 billion euros a year. Aside from reducing commuting (通勤) time, these traffic lights will reduce noise and CO2 emissions from cars idling (未熄火) at intersections.Another exciting development in this research is the K14PED project, which studies pedestrians (行人) crossing intersect

48、ions. Using AI, researchers can identify how many people are waiting at a pedestrian crossing and whether some of these people will need extra time to cross the street. Using a 3D points cloud, they can tell if someone has disabilities or is elderly without identifying the individual. Since pedestri

49、an buttons that are presently at intersections cannot determine if some people have special needs or are elderly, this is a real win. Such a needs-based system could reduce pedestrian waiting time by 30 percent, which could then decrease jaywalking (乱穿马路) by 25 percent.Testing will be done until the

50、 summer of 2022 in the German towns of Lemgo and Bielefeld, with researchers optimistic that it will be adopted by many countries. This technology is exciting news for pedestrians and drivers alike. It encourages safety, protects the environment, and may even give you more time to enjoy your morning

51、 coffee before heading off to work!12. What is the function of AI in the KI4LSA project?A. To detect road conditions and noise pollution.B. To provide real-time information about traffic.C. To control traffic lights and the speed of vehicles.D. To remind people of traffic rules at intersections.13.

52、What is paragraph 3 mainly about?A. Advantages of the intelligent lights.B. Ways of improving traffic flow.C. The development of artificial intelligence.D. The effect of traffic jams on the environment.14. What is special about the K14PED project?A. It has been applied to streets in many countries.B

53、. It ensures pedestrians cross the road quickly.C. It helps to avoid traffic accidents with a 3D points cloud.D. It can meet the demand of pedestrians with special needs.15. Which of the following could be the best title for the text?A. The Bright Future of AI TechnologyB. The New Traffic Service fo

54、r Senior CitizensC. Digital Traffic System: A Start to Smart CitesD. The Intelligent Lights: A Blessing for Transportation【答案】12B13A14D15D【解析】【导语】本文是说明文。利用人工智能,德国研究人员找到了一种减少十字路口停留时间的方法。12. 推理判断题。根据第二段“The new AI method uses radar sensors and high-resolution cameras to interpret traffic patterns in r

55、eal time.”(这种新的人工智能方法使用雷达传感器和高分辨率摄像头实时解读交通模式。)可知,人工智能在KI4LSA项目中的作用是提供实时的交通信息。故选B。13. 主旨大意题。根据第三段“The intelligent lights are said to improve traffic flow by 10 to 15 percent, which results in money saved; the EU estimates that traffic jams create economic damage that adds up to 100 billion euros a ye

56、ar. Aside from reducing commuting (通勤) time, these traffic lights will reduce noise and CO2 emissions from cars idling (未熄火) at intersections.”(据说,智能灯可以使交通流量提高10%到15%,从而节省了资金;欧盟估计,交通拥堵每年造成的经济损失总计达1000亿欧元。除了减少通勤时间,这些交通信号灯还将减少十字路口车辆怠速行驶时产生的噪音和二氧化碳排放。)可知,第三段主要讲述了智能灯的优点。故选A。14. 细节理解题。根据倒数第二段“Another exc

57、iting development in this research is the K14PED project, which studies pedestrians (行人) crossing intersections. Using AI, researchers can identify how many people are waiting at a pedestrian crossing and whether some of these people will need extra time to cross the street. Using a 3D points cloud,

58、 they can tell if someone has disabilities or is elderly without identifying the individual.”(这项研究中另一个令人兴奋的进展是K14PED项目,它研究行人穿过十字路口。通过人工智能,研究人员可以确定有多少人在人行横道前等待,以及其中一些人是否需要额外的时间过马路。通过使用3D点云,他们可以在不识别个体的情况下分辨出某人是残疾人还是老年人。)可知,K14PED项目的特殊之处在于可以满足有特殊需求的行人。故选D。15. 主旨大意题。根据第一段“Every driver loves sailing thro

59、ugh a series of green lights without having to stop and wait at a traffic light. Now, thanks to artificial intelligence, German researchers have found a way to reduce time spent at intersections (十字路口).”(每个司机都喜欢通过一系列的绿灯,而不必在红绿灯前停下来等待。现在,多亏了人工智能,德国研究人员找到了一种减少十字路口停留时间的方法。)可知,本文主要讲述了利用人工智能,德国研究人员找到了一种减

60、少十字路口停留时间的方法。因此“智能灯:交通的福音”是最佳标题。故选D。二、七选五A growing number of young people are having treatment for pain caused by taking pictures of themselves for social media. Jokingly named “selfie (自拍) wrist”, the condition is actually called CTS carpal tunnel syndrome (腕管综合征)._16_ If this is done repeatedly, t


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