




1、白龟山水库大坝白蚁治理应采取的措施王玉卿 王 颖, 河南省白龟山水库灌溉工程管理局 467031,【摘要】白龟山水库大坝通过近几年来的白蚁治理已经取得了显著的成效但要根除还存在诸多问题。通过近几年的治理经验结合白龟山水库大坝的具体 情况要想减轻白蚁对大坝的危害在今后的治理工作中应从以下四项措施着手:防治措施、治理措施、组织措施和技术措施。【关键词】白龟山水库白蚁治理措施白龟山水库白蚁治理面积, 草皮护坡 , 应分为三个部分: 第一部分 : 顺河坝导渗沟至大坝坝脚沟台地该部分的治理面积为33.40万平方米,第二部分:顺河坝背水坡该部分的治理面积为119.30万平方米,第三部分:顺河坝迎水坡该部分
2、的治理面积为 60.33 万平米。三部分的总治理面积为 213.03 万平方米。白龟山水库白蚁防治有三个屏障可以利用 : 第一个屏障是导渗降压沟 , 第二个屏障是坝下混凝土防汛道路, 第三个屏障是坝脚块石贴坡排水带。这三个屏障都能够有效地阻止白蚁进入坝坡。根据以上的具体情况特提出以下的治理措施。一、防治措施1、钻孔灌药:移殖飞翔与气象因子关系详见表一所示。由于白蚁生物学特性所决定年复一年的分飞出现是有季节和周期性的特点它的出现受地理、环境、气象诸因素的影响如同其它生物一样除自身的发育进 程以外都有对外因的各种需求根据物候学动物、植物与环境变化的周期关系 用物候方法预测白蚁的分飞期。从表一、表二
3、的关系可以得出在每年白蚁分飞前,4月21日,用20, 25mms1.5, 2m长的钢锥在堤坝背水坡、迎水坡及坝脚台地部分钻孔灌注药泥浆或灭蚁 药物孔距1, 2深0.5 , 1.0布局成梅花形在泥浆内掺入适量的五氯酚钠、 氯丹等药齐卜 allied mechanical maintenance group, lawn maintenance, plant protection group. Establishment of conservation of garden plants in long sections, professional engineers, professional te
4、chnicians and other related jobs. 1, the maintenance lead responsibilities (1) familiar with the Groups foundations of political thought, technology,culture, work attitudes, feelings and emotions, habits and other personal problems, easy to work. (2) before work, quality of work, requirements engine
5、ering, safety, mechanical equipment and some of the technical issues seriously disclosure to workers, and keep the information in writing. (3) when assigning production tasks to the workers, to implement safety measures, complete the task to do selfexamination record. (4) section chiefs be vanguard
6、of work, must step forward are familiar with the relevant business, work in the field, hard, dirty work, heavy work need to be at the head of work to do before charge in and retreat. (5) pay attention to every team, every process of close cooperation and coordination, based on the situation as any,
7、check play clean construction diaries and day information. (6) the community active conservation, waste crimes, section chiefs be sure to lead the staff do thrift and combat waste. (7) for violation ofconstruction laws, adverse quality, safety and engineering progress ofunusual to have the courage t
8、o succeed, stop. (8) Unity is strength,section chief is the core of the conservation work, so modest. 2,professional engineer job description of garden plants (1) implement the national construction engineering quality and safety standards, norms and regulations, combined with engineering, developme
9、nt, implementing specific measures. (2) to process the project has overall responsibility for all technical work, their sacred responsibilities given to technical work, according to the technical requirements, serious research .Groups and plant groups. Section with garden plant移殖飞翔与气象因子关系表表一移殖飞范围和适宜
10、飞翔数 占飞翔次 气象因子 飞翔状况 最适飞翔数值 翔频率值 数, ,5cm 18.6 , 29.0 可以飞翔 11.4 地 21.0 , 22.0 100 ? 20.0 , 26.0 大量飞翔88.6 20cm 16.4 , 27.0 可以飞翔 4.6 温 21.0 , 22.0 100 ? 19.0 , 26.0 大量飞 翔 95.4日平均气温17.2 , 27.7 可以飞翔 13.5 21.0 , 22.0 100 ,?, 19.0, 25.0 大量飞翔 86.564.0 , 96.0 可以飞翔 11.6 相对湿度 , 91.0, 95.0 100 80.0 , 95.0 大量飞翔 88
11、.4993.2 , 1015.9 可以飞翔13.5 气压 ,nPa, 1002 , 1005 100 996.0 ,1008.0大量飞翔86.5195.8 , 1297.8 可以飞翔9.5 积温 ,?, 558.2 , 1134.0 100 364.0 , 1260.0大量飞翔90.50, 60.1 可以飞翔 2.0 降水 ,mm, 0.1 ,10 100 10.050.0 大量飞翔 98.0移殖飞翔与物候因子关系 表二日平均气温白蚁出现活动 日 期 物 候 现 象 ,?,泥被、泥线3 月 13 日, 4 月 21 日 11.6 , 23.0 蛙声鸣、杨柳绿、桃花微红紫藤盛花、梧桐落叶、棕桐移
12、 殖 孔 4 月 13 日, 5 月 22 日 16.6 , 23.0 始花始各雨节气、苦栋始花、竹笋移 飞 4 月 21 日, 4 月 30 日 16.6 , 21.0 杖节期殖 盛 虞美人始花、月季盛花、栀 飞 5 月 1 日, 6 月 10 日 21.5 , 23.8 子始 花飞期末蝈蝈始鸣、木槿始鸣、采摘翔 飞 6 月 11 日, 6 月 24 日 25.227.0 黄花 期 搅拌均匀后灌入钻孔内封闭孔口在一定时间内能防治白蚁有翅成虫入土营巢。 2 、喷洒药剂主要在大坝的背水坡和迎水坡的草皮护坡部位喷洒药剂使之渗入草中并深入泥土 5, 10cm-可将堤坝表层幼龄蚁巢的白蚁毒杀致死。毒杀
13、效果比较好的化学剂有1% 2%氯酚钠水溶液、1%氯丹乳剂、狄氏剂、艾氏剂等也可以采用 敌敌畏水溶液进行喷洒。, implementing specific measures. (2) to process the project hasoverall responsibility for all technical work, their sacred national construction engineering quality and safety standards, norms and regulations, combined with engineering, developm
14、entt the chief is the core of the conservation work, so modest. 2, professional engineer job description of garden plants (1) implemenrse quality, safety and engineering progress of unusual to have the courage to succeed, stop. (8) Unity is strength, section , adven, waste crimes, section chiefs be
15、sure to lead the staff do thrift and combat waste. (7) for violation ofconstruction lawsd on the situation as any, check play clean construction diaries and day information. (6) the community active conservatio, baserk to do before charge in and retreat. (5) pay attention to every team, every proces
16、s of close cooperation and coordinationforward are familiar with the relevant business, work in the field, hard, dirty work, heavy work need to be at the head of woexamination record. (4) section chiefs be vanguard of work, must step -, to implement safety measures, complete the task to do selfsues
17、seriously disclosure to workers, and keep the information in writing. (3) when assigning production tasks to the workerscal iseasy to work. (2) before work, quality of work, requirements engineering, safety, mechanical equipment and some of the techniations of political thought, technology, culture,
18、 work attitudes, feelings and emotions, habits and other personal problems, found eers, professional technicians and other related jobs. 1, the maintenance lead responsibilities (1) familiar with the Groupslawn maintenance, plant protection group. Establishment of conservation of garden plants in lo
19、ng sections, professional enginallied mechanical maintenance group, 2ction with garden plantsibilities given to technical work, according to the technical requirements, serious research . Groups and plant groups. Serespon这里需要特别注意的是:在喷洒药剂之前要充分做好舆论宣传工作同时喷洒 后要有专人负责看管所喷洒药物的坝段。由于白龟山水库属于平原水库沿库村庄 较多牛羊等上坝比较
20、普遍灭蚁药物又具有较强的毒性一旦牛羊啃了坝坡上喷洒灭蚁药物的草皮极有可能中毒身亡因此在喷洒前要做好舆论宣传工作时 间最少一个礼拜喷洒之后还要派专人负责看管。3、保持屏障的完整性上面已经提到白龟山水库白蚁防治有三个屏障应当充分利用 : 一是导渗降压沟 ;二是坝下混凝土防汛道路, 三是坝脚沟及相连的块石贴坡排水带。之所以说这是三个屏障是因为他们都可以有效阻止白蚁进入坝坡上。根据水库的实际情况前两个屏障现在都能起到相应的作用只有第三个屏障 还不能起作用而这一屏障却是最重要得一道屏障。现在的坝脚沟及其相连的块石 贴坡排水带上面长满了杂草及小树苗因此为了有效防止坝脚沟以外的白蚁进入 坝坡必须清除其上面的
21、杂草和小树苗让块石完全暴露出来。二、治理措施1、挖巢法这种方法仅适用于没有采用药物防治的坝段。挖巢法的关键是寻找白蚁的地表特征?泥被和泥线。黑翅土白蚁的泥背、泥线在白蚁活动点数量增加的同时其分布逐渐扩展泥背、泥线也逐渐增加。但是 在坝坡上白蚁的活动点在各个部位的分布是不均衡的地表象征的数量、密度与季 节的变化有着密切的关系。在堤坝上泥背、泥线数量多和密度大的位谿春季是 依次在背水坡的堤肩迎水坡的肩部和背水坡的肩部秋季是在迎水坡过水部分的 堤脚和背水坡的堤脚。这里需要注意的是:有泥被、泥线的部位不一定就有蚁巢存在也就是说 找到了泥被、泥线不等于就找到了白蚁蚁道。在找到泥被、泥线之后首先要进行判断
22、。找到的泥被、泥线如果比较新拨 开有白蚁出现则由此寻找挖巢肯定能够找到蚁道如果泥被、泥线比较陈旧拨开后没有发现白蚁则只能说明以前有白蚁来此取食现在已经弃掉不用了。那 么就没有必要在此多花时间去追挖寻找蚁道。寻找堤坝白蚁蚁道的方法大致可归纳为五种即:?、从泥被、泥线的地方寻找,? 、从分群孔找蚁道 ,? 、从铲杂草枯蔸找蚁道 ,?、开沟截蚁道,? 、从引诱坑, 引诱堆、引诱桩、引诱箱, 找蚁道。do thrift and combat waste. (7) for violation of construction laws, adverse quality, safety and engine
23、ering progress of unusudiaries and day information. (6) the community active conservation, waste crimes, section chiefs be sure to lead the staff ction to every team, every process of close cooperation and coordination, based on the situation as any, check play clean construe field, hard, dirty work
24、, heavy work need to be at the head of work to do before charge in and retreat. (5) pay attention n thexamination record. (4) section chiefs be vanguard of work, must step forward are familiar with the relevant business, work i- fion in writing. (3) when assigning production tasks to the workers, to
25、 implement safety measures, complete the task to do selformats engineering, safety, mechanical equipment and some of the technical issues seriously disclosure to workers, and keep the intudes, feelings and emotions, habits and other personal problems, easy to work. (2) before work, quality of work,
26、requirementk attihe maintenance lead responsibilities (1) familiar with the Groups foundations of political thought, technology, culture, worconservation of garden plants in long sections, professional engineers, professional technicians and otherrelated jobs. 1, tallied mechanical maintenance group
27、, lawn maintenance, plant protection group. Establishment of 3cal requirements, serious research . Groups and plant groups. Section with garden planttechnit has overall responsibility for all technical work, their sacred responsibilities given to technical work, according to the rds, norms and regul
28、ations, combined with engineering, development, implementing specific measures. (2) to process the projecstandarofessional engineer job description of garden plants (1) implement the national construction engineering quality and safety have the courage to succeed, stop. (8) Unity is strength, sectio
29、n chief is the core of the conservation work, so modest. 2, pal to2、“三环节八程序”法由于白龟山水库大坝比较长同时沿坝村庄较多坟墓距坝坡又比较近采 用挖巢法不是一种有效的灭蚁措施。挖巢法对较短的坝体比较适宜因此根据白 龟山水库大坝的特点采用“三环节八程序”比较适宜。“三环节八程序”法即:第一环节:找、标、杀,第二环节:找、标、灌,第三 环节:找、杀,防,。对于顺河坝导渗沟至大坝坝脚沟台地部分可以采用第三环节 进行治理对于这部分的白蚁只要找到并杀死就可以了不必进行开挖取巢也不 必进行灌浆处理因为这部分蚁洞的存在对大坝的安全构不成
30、多大的危害。对于 大坝背水坡和迎水坡部分则必须采用第一环节和第二环节进行治理。这里所不同 的是在第二环节中的“找”这里的“找”则是采用仪器设备进行探巢查找。因为 水库大坝较长沿库村庄较多牛羊上坝比较厉害找药杀后长出堤坝表面的死巢 指示物,碳棒菌,是非常难的一件事情所以必须采用探测仪器进行探巢。如果堤坝上采取了防治措施则可以直接采用第二环节。这是因为采取了防治 措施就很难找到泥被、泥线也就是说很难找到蚁道采用挖巢法就很艰难但堤坝隐患,蚁巢和蚁道,就必须采用第二环节进行处理。灌比挖好。挖巢清除不了所有的蚁道同时也无法处理贯穿堤坝的蚁道而灌 浆则不同它不仅可以将堤坝背水坡的所有蚁道进行充填而且也可以
31、充填堤坝内 部的裂缝、空腔、蚁巢和贯穿堤坝的蚁道这样就可以提高堤坝的抗洪能力。三、组织措措白蚁的繁殖主要由蚁后产卵来实现黑翅土白蚁,Oaontotermes,在繁殖盛期每天可产卵高达36000, 86400粒平时一头蚁后一天可生产上千头故其繁殖速度 惊人俗称“产卵机器”。根据现有的研究理论黑翅土白蚁从雌雄配对入土营巢 到蚁后衰老死亡其生长年限一般为15, 30年最长可达100年之久。1、组建专职白蚁研究和治理机构防治害虫一般来说只能控制不可能使其没有或绝迹。这是因为水库大坝有 白蚁喜欢的食物来源以及适应其繁衍的生态环境因此要想灭绝白蚁是一件非常 艰难的事情。白龟山水库通过近几年的白蚁治理工作虽
32、然取得了一些成效但其 蚁害依然存在因此为了控制蚁害的发展就必须成立专职的白蚁研究和治理机 构。白蚁研究和治理机构人员设谿以 5, 8人为宜。白蚁研究和治理必须设谿专职 机构不能搞兼职兼职会使研究人员精力分散技术停滞不前由于是兼职还 有其它具体chief is the core of the conservation work, so modest. 2,professional engineer job description of garden plants (1) implemenrse quality, safety and engineering progress of unusual
33、 to have the courage to succeed, stop. (8) Unity is strength, section , adven, waste crimes,section chiefs be sure to lead the staff do thrift and combat waste. (7) for violation of construction lawsd on the situation as any, check play clean construction diaries and day information. (6) the communi
34、ty active conservatio, baserk to do before charge in and retreat. (5) pay attention to every team, every process of close cooperation and coordinationforward are familiar with the relevant business, work in the field, hard, dirty work, heavy work need to be at the head of woexamination record. (4) s
35、ection chiefs be vanguard of work, must step -, to implement safety measures, complete the task to do selfsues seriously disclosure to workers, and keep the information in writing. (3) when assigning production tasks to the workerscal iseasy to work. (2) before work, quality of work, requirements en
36、gineering, safety, mechanical equipment and some of the techniations of political thought, technology, culture, work attitudes, feelings and emotions, habits and other personal problems, found eers, professional technicians and other related jobs. 1, the maintenance lead responsibilities (1) familia
37、r with the Groupslawn maintenance, plant protection group. Establishment of conservation of garden plants in long sections, professional enginallied mechanical maintenance group, 4ction with garden plantsibilities given to technical work, according to the technical requirements, serious research . G
38、roups and plant groups. Serespon, implementing specific measures. (2) to process the project has overall responsibility for all technical work, their sacred national construction engineering qualityand safety standards, norms and regulations, combined with engineering, developmentt the的工作要做所以也就不可能集中
39、精力去搞白蚁研究和治理工作。同时还必 须设谿固定的办公场所和足够的研究治理经费。2、制定各种白蚁防治规划根据堤坝白蚁的危害情况在总结以往防治工作经验教训的基础上制定适合 白龟山水库特点的防治规程或规范使防治工作走上规范化的轨道。在白蚁防治工 作中根据防治规划分阶段有步骤地搞好防治工作。防治规划包括: 白蚁防治施工技术规程, 白蚁防治操作施药方法, 白蚁防治施工操作安全措施, 防治白蚁工人技术等级标准, 白蚁危害情况的普查, 防治计划和步骤的安排 , 防治方法的选定, 药物、机具的选择 , 防治人员的培训 , 奖惩制度等等。四、技术措施1、要广泛宣传进一步提高各级领导和广大群众对堤坝白蚁防治工作
40、的认识防治工作应坚持“以防为主、防治结合、因地制宜、综合治理”和“群防、群治与专业防治相结合”的方针。现在许多水管人员对堤坝白蚁危害的严重性、普遍性、隐蔽性认识不足或一知半解甚至根本不了解不认识必须加大力度宣传 普及堤坝白蚁形成、危害及造成管涌、散浸、滑坡直至崩堤跨坝的有关知识。白蚁进入堤坝开始危害在幼龄巢阶段目前仍无法及时发现一旦形成成年 巢有些蚁道就有可能贯穿堤坝的内外坡当水位高涨到超主巢底腔时就会发生 管涌形成险情。大量的事实已充分说明在堤坝外观质量达到设计标准后蚁患 是造成目前许多堤坝工程抗洪能力低、安全度不足和工程效益不能正常发挥的重要因素堤坝白蚁防治始终是水库工程管理的一项重要内容
41、因此不仅水利管理人 员要充分认识这一点还要让各级领导也深入了解支持这项工作的开展。另一方 面要利用开现场会、张贴宣传画、办宣传栏、拍录像片和出版普及书刊等各种形 式广泛地向群众宣传以期得到各方面的支持。同时还要根据自身的具体情况 采取相应的防治方法使“以防为主、防治结合、因地制宜、综合治理”的方针扎 扎实实地贯穿到堤坝白蚁防治工作的始终以保证工程安全充分发挥工程的正常 效益。2、提高防治白蚁的科技含量探测设备需要改进目前在白蚁防治工作中应用新技术、新设备的动力不足所用预防和灭治设 备仍停留在洒水壶、喷雾器、喷粉球、手电筒和螺丝刀等简单工具上。同时由于 缺少专门的研究机构和研究经费一些单位开发的
42、白蚁探测专用设备和白蚁防治专 用器械在使用diaries and day information. (6) the community active conservation, waste crimes, section chiefs be sure to lead the staff ction to every team, every process of close cooperation and coordination, based on the situation as any, check play clean construe field, hard, dirty work,
43、heavy work need to be at the head of work to do before charge in and retreat. (5) pay attention n thexamination record. (4) section chiefs be vanguard of work, must step forward are familiar with the relevant business, work i-fion in writing. (3) when assigning production tasks to the workers, to im
44、plement safety measures, complete the task to do selformats engineering, safety, mechanical equipment and some of the technical issues seriously disclosure to workers, and keep the intudes, feelings and emotions, habits and other personal problems, easy to work. (2) before work, quality of work, req
45、uirementk attihe maintenance lead responsibilities (1) familiar with the Groups foundations of politicalthought, technology, culture, worconservation of garden plants in long sections, professional engineers, professional technicians and other related jobs. 1, tallied mechanical maintenance group, l
46、awn maintenance, plant protection group. Establishment of 5cal requirements, serious research . Groups and plant groups. Section with garden planttechnit has overall responsibility for all technical work, their sacred responsibilities given to technical work, according to the rds, norms and regulati
47、ons, combined with engineering, development, implementing specific measures. (2) to process the projecstandarofessional engineer job description of garden plants (1) implement the national construction engineering quality and safety have the courage to succeed, stop. (8) Unity is strength, section c
48、hief is the core of the conservation work, so modest. 2, pal to do thrift and combat waste. (7) for violation of construction laws, adverse quality, safety and engineering progress of unusu效果上离我们的实际要求差距较大因此在白蚁防治工作中这些新设备的使 用率较低。目前探巢设备无非有两种:一种是采用声波原理探测另一种则是采用电阻 率原理探测。电阻率法适用于比较短的堤坝设备造价也比较低这是因为该法的 探测点数比
49、较多工作量非常大探巢准确率应该说还是不错的。声波法由于不用 在坝体内打电极相对来讲探测速度也比较快其测距也是随意的因此比较适 宜比较长的堤坝探巢。根据白龟山水库大坝的实际情况采用该探巢设备比较合适 其缺点是设备投资比较大。不论采用哪种方法的探测设备最关键的工作就是蚁巢率定曲线的确定。只有 确定了这条曲线在探测的过程中才能真正确定是否为蚁巢。以前采用地质雷达探 测坝体蚁巢率之所以很低是因为采用这种设备在坝体上探测蚁巢是属于试验阶段 并没有现成的率定曲线可以借鉴再加上探测人员对水库的坝体情况也并非了解 因此都认为其效果不佳投入太大。3、加强培训和教育工作要实现白蚁防治行业的可持续发展不仅要求白蚁防
50、治人员要懂技术、懂管理 更重要的是思想上要与时俱进要具有不断创新的意识通过及时汲取国内外的 先进理论和技术不断提高白蚁防治工作的整体水平。要达到这个目的就必须对 白蚁防治人员进行培训和教育通过举办培训班或召开研讨会的形式对白蚁防治 从业人员和其相关人员进行培训更新他们的观念加大舆论宣传促进社会各界 对白蚁防治工作的全面认识使舆论成为推动白蚁防治行业健康发展的外在动力 尽可能扩大白蚁防治行业在社会上的影响从而获得政府与公众的理解和支持。同 时通过对白蚁防治人员的技术培训不断提高白蚁防治队伍的总体素质和服务水 平。4、加快技术更新步伐加大科研投入开发和引进科技含量高、实用性强、应用效果好的白蚁防治
51、专 用机械和高效、低毒、环保的白蚁防治药物为行业的可持续发展提供必要的技术 条件。另外加强行业间的合作与交流将生物、化工、机电等行业的先进技术水 平和最新科技成果及时应用到白蚁防治的实践中实现行业的跨越式发展。努力探索和引进白蚁防治新技术通过白蚁综合治理的进一步研究积极推动 白蚁监测控制系统在白龟山水库白蚁防治中的应用以实现白蚁防治工作与自然的 协调统一。在堤坝蚁巢的处理中应当贯彻“灌重于挖灌挖结合”的治理方针积极采取经常性的措施把白蚁防治工作做为水库工程管理的主要内容抓紧抓好。n, waste crimes, section chiefs be sure to lead the staff
52、do thrift and combat waste. (7) for violation of construction lawsd on the situation as any, check play clean construction diaries and day information. (6) the community active conservatio, baserk to do before charge in and retreat. (5) pay attention to every team, every process of close cooperation
53、 and coordinationforward are familiar with the relevant business, work in the field, hard, dirty work, heavy work need to be at the head of woexamination record. (4) section chiefs be vanguard of work, must step -, to implement safety measures, complete the task to do selfsues seriously disclosure t
54、o workers, and keep the information in writing. (3) when assigning production tasks to the workerscal iseasy to work. (2) before work, quality of work, requirements engineering, safety, mechanical equipment and some of the techniations of political thought, technology, culture, work attitudes, feeli
55、ngs and emotions, habits and other personal problems, found eers, professional technicians and other related jobs. 1, the maintenance lead responsibilities (1) familiar with the Groupslawn maintenance, plant protection group. Establishment of conservation of garden plants in long sections, professio
56、nal enginallied mechanical maintenance group, 6ction with garden plantsibilities given to technical work, according to the technical requirements, serious research . Groups and plant groups.Serespon, implementing specific measures. (2) to process the project has overall responsibility for all techni
57、cal work, their sacred national construction engineering quality and safety standards, norms and regulations, combined with engineering, developmentt the chief is the core of the conservation work, so modest. 2, professional engineer job description of garden plants (1) implemenrse quality, safety a
58、nd engineering progress of unusual to have the courage to succeed, stop. (8) Unity is strength, section , adve总之白蚁防治是一项技术性很强的工作对水库管理来讲又是一项经常性的 工作。对白龟山水库来讲只能把白蚁危害降低到安全程度由于其地理位谿以及 大坝管护范围的特殊情况所决定不可能将其灭绝因此在今后的白蚁防治工作 中应以科技为依托不断提高白蚁防治工作的科技含量通过配备专业化程度高 的防治器械和设备来提高防治水平。同时要加强害虫综合管理理论在白蚁防治领 域的应用研究达到综合运用各种防治技术控制白蚁种群处于经济危害水平以下的 目的。diaries and day information. (
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