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1、市场定位策略PapakSmark管理学报,第五卷,1999,pp.79-97的性角色对于拥有两个或两个以上经营的大公司来说,通常会有三个层次的,分别是: 企业总体,企业的经营,和。一个公司的在公司使命上提供了方向,它说明了公司的业务范围和相应的成长政策。一个经营说明了在一个行业里的竞争情况。最后,一个提供了一个规划,公司在特定细分市场的总体目标必须注意次的为低层次的提供目标与指导。在公司层面,管理部门必须协调多个经营的活动。因此,有关该组织的业务范围和适当的资源部署,在其或经营活动中分配是企业的主要焦点。试图开发和独特能力的公司往往会把重点放在创造卓越的财务、资金和人力资源,设计有效的组织结构




5、是说产品传递给顾客需要,更为重要的是它比竞争更能带来好处。有效的定位需要评估竞争产品所占据的位置,确定潜在的某些重要的方面,并选择在市场上选择一个合适的能使该组织的工作将产生最大影响的位置。定位为利益的重要工具是感性的地图。顾客需求和知觉图:方法与程序感知图代表主要客户需求的产品的位图视觉感知维度总结了客户使用产品的感知和判断,并确定如何把有竞争力的产品放在这些方面上。在实践中,需要知道一些维数,这些维数的名字,和一些更详细客户需要弥补的维数,并且要知道竞争在哪里,为新产品或重新定位的理想位置在哪里。一套有用的消费者行为模式已被拟订来把握市场上消费者态度对各种品牌的反映。Hauser 和 Ur

6、ban(1977 年),在一个新产品的背景下,描述产品属性的处理如压缩成较小的维数的总和,这被称作为 Aevaluation 标准。其中心是,在市场上的品牌可以由一组分在一个空间的点组成。这个空间的坐标轴代表认为属性所特有的刺激。两种主要的分析方法,最常用的评价标准和建立派生感性地图itional 方法,都以尺度为基础,并且构图方法要基于因子分析(丽莲和1983 年)。这些程序的每一个在下面一节。多个维度:尺度(MDS)是一个程序,其中一个产品的替代品通过跨产品的距离设置减少了空间的反映知觉和相似产品之间的异同。要使用尺度来创建感知图:1.有顾客根据自己的相对相似性评估现有产品,形成平均的相似

7、性矩阵,其作品代表了产品的每个组要分析客户之间的相似性或相异性。2.使用尺度来拟定图。3.根据管理经验,由于刺激次数的限制,以及 Astress 情节选择尺寸适当的名额。4.在增长图或者图上某个相应的位置,对维度进行命名,以此来调和属性的比率。尺度是一个强大的技术,但必须慎用。有几个问题需要考虑。第一个问题是有关所需人数的刺激(即产品)。 Klabir(1969)显示,至少有八个产品都需要创造一个良好的二维地图。,(1973)表明,维数应比产品数量的三分之一少。第二个问题是有关维度命名。分析师普遍使用产品类别的知识来解释好的产品=定位的维度。这个程序是任意的,涉及高度的创造力。最后一个问题是有

8、关维数。没理论来指导的维数的选择。然而,从 MDS 的应力测量获得的可以绘制对维数来确定边缘的应力变化是越来越小。广泛使用如 SAS 和 SPSS 统计等简便的数据包含尺度的方案。例如,在 SPSS中,可以通过选择尺度得到规模,然后从统计菜单尺度中得到分析。因子分析因子分析最初是用在努力查明弥补人类智力的。教育与心理研究并不认为每一个教育规则能测量智力的不同方面。事实上,某些对测试的测试成绩是高度相互关联的,表明一个更基本的心理测试性能的基础。因子分析,试图说明在一些基本的智力的测试随后作为口头表达能力,定量能力,空间能力鉴定结果,这些相互关联。自那时以来,因子分析已应用到许多其他问题,是在执

9、行市场产品的评估分析常用的技术。基本因子分析模型假设一个产品的原始感性获隐变量或产生的少数,而在每个原始知觉差异变量的观察是占了部分由一系列的共同部分由和一个特定于该变量。在一个由感性分析图的构建中,产品的位置/品牌研究可以得到平均为每个产品/品牌的受访者的因子得分。因子得分计算出来的因子得分系数,它描述作为原始评分分数矩阵的线性函数。用因子分析来建立感知图:1、曾经有消费者把所有研究中的产品/品牌归功于一系列的属性。你可以使用李量表(锚尺度非常赞成并坚决不同意),或在你的语意差别量表问卷(双极形容词量表)。2、用因子分析与旋转(如 varimax roion)分析数据。还要求所有的产品/品牌

10、因子得分。3、对所有的平均每/品牌产品的受访者因子得分。4、使用每个产品/品牌为坐标来绘制的空间位置上的感性的平均分数。通常二维图是有意义的,容易理解。如果超过两个是提取/确定从产品的属性集,多个二维地图可能会生成。5、使用负荷表,这是一个输出代表的属性表和该计算机算法确定的因素的相关性来命名的。6、Theideal 线(得分的决定对品牌态度的重要性),可以鉴定出作为因变量和自变量因子得分的多元回归函数的态度。因子分析是一种非常强大的生产感知图和有用的技术。还有许多的 PC包含此统计技术(如 SPSS,SAS,BMDP)。在上学习了短暂的目标市场的概念(其中包括市场细分,目标和定位),品牌管理



13、两个或两个以上部分或全部都只有一个,他们是你的目标市场定位)(4)利基定位策略(即选择一个小市场,是你的目标市场)市场定位:定位有两层含义。首先,定位是最重要的好处是被特定目标市场的客户所驱动的。其次,定位是通过组合策略(即 4Ps)创造(以利益而言)在客户的心中品牌形象的过程。 必须反映品牌形象的最重要的好处,目标客户很重要。要在目标市场中定位你的品牌,首先要进行定位研究,以建立可在目标竞争品牌的感知地图。策略正如您可能已经知道的,任何企业的主要目标是利润。另一方面,也有非营利性的或不以为目的的组织在社会上存在着。他们的主要目标是实现一个非目的,或起到一定的其它作用,例会希望获得足够的血液来

14、帮助。这些非组织仍然需要赚钱或获取金钱。但他们不为了赚钱这样做,他们这么做是为了争取足够的资源来帮助他们实现他们的非利润目标。为了实现其目标,企业和非组织需要有不同的人来执行不同方面的功能。他们通常让组织人执行相同的“部门”相同的功能。像会计,财务,生产,研发,物流,和销售部门,通常是在中存在的例子。“?”用(1985 年)的定义,市场是“规划和构想,定价,分销,商品,服务和交流,促进建立或满足个人和组织目标的促销执行的过程。”在定义的基础上,这里有个很清楚的定义是:一个业务功能倾向于对市场(或什么样的人)。从本质上讲,市场的功能是识别正确的目标市场(消费者或企业客户组),创造、沟通,并提供本

15、公司的产品(可以是货物,服务,理念,或货物,服务的结合,和想法)给所选择的客户。做营销策划和执行计划的都是什么样的人,这由产品策略,价格策略,分销策略和沟通策略组成。执行计划的人将或促进该组织与目标客户之间的交流。当在市场由 AMA 的定义(2004 年)看,你可以看到,市场作为一种管理理念,要求每一个功能或部门整合到一起,以满足目标客户。目标客户是该公司的业务重点。(1)大家一起努力创造,交流和传递价值给客户(2)好的管理与客户的方式有利于建立公司内及其利益相关者良好的关系。然后,谈论价值公式,以证明客户创造价值,从每一个公司的雇员综合努力来看。价值=质量/价格+关系质量:你的产品得到的质量

16、代表一切。因此,质量必须由您的客户来评判。有两种质量类型:(1)客观质量(即实际的质量,根据该规范可在实验室测试)(2)知觉或质量(即:以质量为“知觉”或“相信”的客户)。研发和生产,确保了公司产品的客观质量是可以接受的。质量标准,如全面质量管理,质量控制,国际标准化组织,措施等,以确保使用的客观质量。人用整合(IMC),以建立在顾客心中的感知质量。重要的是有一个客观和感知质量之间的匹配。价格:价格的决定之一是成本问题。今天,有两个主要来源可以降低成本:1、全球采购 2、物流管理。全球采购的关注与两个连续决定:(1)制造或(即生产的产品由自己或分合同的其他人对你产生)(2)哪里可以制造出或哪里

17、可以买到。适当的全球采购可以给公司带来一定的成本优势。物流是有关于转移,产品到公司的并流出企业。或到港物流的和原料储存,加工材料,零得到公司的关注。生产支持物流的和公司半成品问题。最后,物流配送站或出站物流与成品从公司转移到客户的关注。物流的主要概念是:(1)提供所需的服务水平,包括和外部的客户(2)以最低的总成本。物流系统由 3 个周期的表现:(1)进货物流(或采购),(2)内部或物流(或制造支持),和(或物流)外向物流。一个良好的物流系统不仅为公司减少了成本,也为公司提供了竞争优势。换言之,一个良好的物流系统可以给公司提供适当的服务水平和最低的总成本师公司能持续竞争优势。在物流服务水平包括

18、:1、可用性2、经营绩效 :a.速度 b.一致性 c.灵活性 d.故障和恢复3、可靠性物流费用包括:1、订单管理成本2、库存管理成本3、物料搬运成本4、成本5、仓储成本关系:(1)与客户关系(即关系和客户关系管理或)(2)与供应商和成员(即:/伙伴)关系。与客户和供应商的强烈关系/成员都在为客户创造价值的过程很重要。作为一个公司,采用其管理理念或公司定向将尝试在满足生存和成长的需要为重点的长期和希望(即喜好更准确)通过在公司的每一个人综合努力。因此,一个导向的公司具有以下特点:(1) 长期关注(即利润和增长的客户忠诚度/持久关系的结果)(2)以客户为中心或以客户(即了解目标客户的需要/希望/问

19、题及其替代品的现在和未来)(3)竞争对手或客户的重点方向(即了解各主要竞争对手的目标和,现在和将来)(4)跨职能或跨部门协调(即每一位员工对对公司的成功/失败负责)ITIONING IN PRACTICPapakSmarkJournal of Sasanagement. 1999,Vol. 5 , pp.79 - 97Strategic Role of MarketingFor large firmsve two or more strategic businenits (SBUs), there aregenerally three levels of strategy: corporaev

20、elstrategy, strategic-businenit-level(or business-level) strategy, and marketing strategy. A corporate strategy providesdirection on the companys mis, the kinds of businesses it should be in, and itsgrowth policies. A business-level strategy addresses the way a strategic businenitwill compete within

21、 its industry. Finally, a marketing strategy provides a plan forpursuing the companys objectives within a specific market segment. Notet thehigher level of strategy provides both the objectives and guidelines for the lower level of strategy.At corporate level, management must coordinate the activiti

22、es of multiplestrategic business units.Thus the decis about theanizations scope andappropriate resource deployments/allocation across its various divis or businessesare the primary focus of corporate strategy.Attempts to develop and maaindistinctive competencies tend to focus on generating superior

23、finanl, capital, andhuman resour; designing effectiveanizational structures and proses; andseeking synergy among the firms various businesses.At business-level strategy, managers focus on how the SBU will compete within its industry. A major ie addressed in business strategy is how to achieve andsus

24、tainacompetitiveadvantage.Synergyfortheunitissoughtacrossproduct-markets and across functional department withhe unit.The primary pure of a marketing strategy is to effectively allocate andcoordinate marketing resourand activities toplish the firms objectiveswithin a specific product-market. The dec

25、is about the scope of a marketingstrategy involve specifying themarket segment(s) to pursue and the breadth ofthe product line to offered.At this level of strategy, firms seek competitiveEadvantage and synergy through a well-egrated program of marketing mix elementstailored to the needs and wants of

26、 customershesegment(s).Strategic Role ofitioningBased on the above discus, it is cleart marketing strategy consists of twoparts:market strategy and marketing mix strategy.market strategymarket s of creating aconsists of three proses: market segmenion,ing (orselection), anditioning. Marketing mix str

27、ategy refers to the prounique blend of product, distribution, promotion, and pricing strategies (the four Ps)designed to satisfying the needs and wants of customers.marketing mix strategy are closely linked and have a strongmarket strategy anderdependence. Theition of a product identified from thefo

28、r formulating marketing mix strategy.market strategy serves as a guidelineMarket segmenion is the pros bywhich a market is dividedo distinctcustomer subsets of people with similar needs and characteristicst lead them torespond in similar ways to a particular product offerings and strategic marketing

29、programs.segments toing ormarket selection is the pros of selecting a segment orserve by evaluating the relative attractiveness of each segment, thebenefit sought, and the firms relative business strengths.Finally,itioning is thepros of designing product offerings and develostrategic marketing progr

30、amswhich collectively create an enduring competitive advantagehemarket.The concept ofmarket strategy espellyitioning is well-known andwidely accepted by most marketing practitioners espelly consumer goods managersas useful Atheoretical concepts in formulating marketing mix strategy. In practice,howe

31、ver, marketers tend to bypass formalitioning and go directly to formulatemarketing mix strategy. This may be due to the factt these managers do not knowhow to obtain perceptual maps, which are mapsa set of primary customer needs.t show theitions of products onThe objective of this pr is to demonstra

32、te a practical way for marketingpractitioners to obtain perceptual maps forformulation. Specifically, perceptual mapitioning and marketing mix strategyand its relation toitioning aret can be used todiscussed. This is followed by discus create perceptual maps. Finally, a exis demonstrated.of sistical

33、 techniquesle ofitioning pros by factorysisPerceptual Map: Identification of StrategicBenefitsitioning is the perceived fit betn a particular product and the needs of themarket, and thusitioning concept must be defined relative to the customersneeds and competitive offerings. It is one of the most i

34、mportant strategic conceptsbecause it is concerned with differentiation.itioning reflect the careful efforts ofmarketing firms to portray the benefits they offer customers and to differentiatethemselves from competition.itioning is critical for a product=s sucs. Notonly must the product deliver the

35、benefits the customer needs, but it must do so bettern competition.Effectiveitioning requires assessingtheitions occupied by competingproducts, determining the important dimens underlying theseitions, andchoosing aitionhe market where theanizations marketing efforts will havethe greatest impact. An

36、essential tool for strategic benefitmaps.itioning is perceptualCustomer Needs and Perceptual Map: Method and ProceduresPerceptual maps represent theitions of products on a set of primary customerneeds. Perceptual maps visually summarized the dimenst customers use toperceive and judge products and id

37、entify how competitive products are placed onthose dimens. In practice, marketers need to know the number of dimens, thenames of those dimens, what more detailed customer needs make up thedimens, where competition isitioned, and where the idealition for a newproduct or for reitioning is.A set of use

38、ful consumer behavior mhas been developed to handleconsumer attitudes toward various brands in a marketplace. Hauser and Urban (1977),in a new-product setting, describe the proo smaller number of aggregate dimensing of productributes as compress called Aevaluation criteria. The centralidea ist the b

39、rands in a market canbe represented as a set of pos in amultidimenal space. The axes of this space represent the perceived attributestcharacterize the stimuli. Two mainytical approaches most frequently used toderive evaluation criteria and build perceptual maps areitional methods,based on multidimen

40、al scaling, and comitional methods, based on factorysis (Lin and Kotler 1983). Each of these procedures is discussed in thefollowing section.Multidimenal Scaling (MDS)Multidimenal scaling (MDS) is a set of procedures in which a reduced spaceof product alternatives reflects perceived similarities and

41、 dissimilarities betnproducts by theroduct distan.menal scaling to create perceptual maps:1.Have customers evaluate existing products according to their relative similarityand form an average proximity matrix whose entries represent the similarities ordissimilarities among the products for each grou

42、p of customers you wish toyze.2.Use multidimenal scaling to produce a map in 2, 3, . dimens.3.Based on managerial judgments, limiions owing to the number of stimuli,and a plot of Astresect the appropriate number of dimens.4. Name the dimens based on the relativeition of the stimuli or aregresof the

43、map coordinates on attribute ratings.Multidimencaution. Several ial scaling is aerful technique, but it must be used withes need to be considered. Theie is concerned with thenumber of stimuli (i.e., products) needed. Klabir (1969) showst at least eightproducts are needed to create a good two-dimenal

44、 map. Green and Wind (1973)suggestt the number of dimens should be lessn one-third of the number ofproducts. The second ie is concerned with the naming of the dimens. Theyst generally names the dimens by using knowledge of the product categoryto explain best the products=itions. This procedure is ar

45、bitrary and involves ahigh degree of creativity. The final ie is concerned with the number of dimens.There is little theory to guide the selection of the number of dimens. However, thestress measure obtained from MDS can be plotted against the number of dimensto determine when marginal changes in st

46、ress areing small.Widely used, user-friendly sistical packages such as SAS and SPSS containthe programs for multidimenal scaling. For exysis from the sisticsle, in SPSS, one can obtain aby choosing scale and thenmultidimen multidimenFactorFactoral scaling al scaling.ysisysis was originally developed

47、 in connection with efforts to identifythe major factors making up humanelligence. Educational and psychologicalresearchers did not bevet every test in an educational battery measured adifferent facet ofelligence. In fact, test scores for certain pairs of tests were highlyer correlated, indicatingt

48、a more basic mental ability unders test performance.Factorysis was developed to explaheseercorrelationshe test results of afew basicelligence factors, subsequently identified as verbal ability,iveability, and spatial ability. Sincet time, factorysis has been appd to manyothroblems and is a frequentl

49、y used technique in performing product-evaluationysesarketing.The basic factor-ysis mamest original perceptual ratings about aproduct are generated by a small number of latent variables, or factors, andt thevariance observed in each original perceptual variable is accounted for partly by a setof com

50、mon factors and partly by a factor specific tot variable.he constructionofrceptual map by factorysis, theitions of the products/brands studiedcan be obtained by averaging the factor scores of the respondents for eachproduct/brand. Factor scores are calculated from the matrix of factor-score coeffici

51、ents, which describes factor scores as a linear function of the original ratings.To use factorysis to create perceptual map:1. Have consumers rate all the products/brands under studied, one aime, on aset of product attributes. You can use Likert scales (scales anchored with stronglyagree and strongl

52、y disagree) or semadjectives) in your questionnaire.differential scales (scales witholar2.yze the data by factorysis with roion (e.g., with varimax roion).Also request for factor scores for all the products/brands.Average the factor scores over all the respondents for each product/brand.Use the aver

53、age factor scores for each product/brand as coordinates to plot theition on the perceptual space. Normally, two-dimenal maps are meaningfuland easy to understand. If moren two factors are extracted/identified from the setof productributes, moren one two-dimenal maps may be generated.5. Use factor lo

54、ading table, which is an output representing the correlationsbetn the attribute scales and the factorst the computer algorithm identified, toname the factors.6. Theideal line (representing the relative importance of the factor scores in determining attitude toward the brand) can be identified from t

55、he multiple regresfunction wivariables.ttitude as the dependent variable and factor scores as the independentFactorysis is a veryerful and useful technique for producing perceptual maps.There are also many software for PCSPSS, SAS, BMDP).t contains this sistical technique (e.g.,his ses, we briefly w

56、ent through the concepts ofmarket strategy (whichitioning), strategic brandconsists of market segmenion,ing, andmanagement, anditioning research.Then we went through the concept and thestepshe dataysis foritioning research.Market Strategymarket strategy is the pros of identifying one (or moremarkets

57、)and its (or their) uniquesegmenion, (2)itioning(s).market strategy consists of (1) marketing, and (3)itioning.Market Segmenion.Market segmenion is the pros of segmenting aheterogeneous potential marketo a few or several homogeneous segments.Inother words, customers in a potential market may have di

58、fferent preferen.Assuch, it is not effective and efficient to teach all of them by one product and one plan.To be effective and efficient, a manager needs to group the potential customersogroup according to their unique preferenand serves one or more of these groupsaccording to the companys strength

59、.The other way to look at market segmenionist it is the pros to test if the potential market is homogeneous in terms ofpreferen.Good market segmenion should result in segments with thefollowing characteristics: (1) substantiality ( i.e., each segment is large enough), (2)profilability/identifiabilit

60、y/measurability (i.e., each segment can be describedermsof demographic or psychographic characteristics), (3) acsibility (i.e., the mediaconsumption and shopbehavior can be identified), and (4) differentialresponsiveness (i.e., each segmens a unique preference).ing.ing ormarket selection is the pros


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