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1、编号:版本:V1.0页数: 33/33SISEffective Date:生效日期:Prodductt Immpleemenntattionn MaanuaalDatee日期Verssionn版本Commmentts备注20177-10-0091.0Rewrritee off Doocummentt foor SSISFuncctioon职位Namee姓名Datee日期Signnatuure签名Writttenn byy拟定Veriifieed bby审核Veriifieed bby审核Apprroveed bby批准PIM liffecyycleeMIR/TSRPIRProduction r

2、amp upFeasibility studyOpportunity studySpecificationPrototype developmentProduction start upMass productionEnd of lifeMockupProto*PIOCommercial kick offCommercial preparationLot 0Lot 1Technological brick developmentTechnological brick Integration (RIP -Ptf)DR3ORDR0DR1DR5DR6DR2DR4PROJECT CORE TEAMQU

3、ALIFIED PROJECT CORE TEAM CKR DR3CKR DR6Product creation phaseDevelopment phaseQualification phaseRamp up phase tests tests FSRPurpposee annd AAppllicaatioon FFielld 1.1 Purrposse Thhis mannuall deescrribees hhow to impplemmentt a proojecct ffor thee deevellopmmentt off a Glooball Prroduuct Offfer:T

4、he prooducctThe acccesssoriiesThe endd too ennd ssoluutioonsThe serrvicces1.2 Apppliccatiion Fieeld Thiss maanuaal aapplliess too alll pprojjectts ccarrriedd ouut iin 某某 foor tthe purrposse oof ddefiininng, dessignningg, cconsstruuctiing andd thhe pprodductt baasicc ellemeentss off a commmerrciaal p

5、propposaal. Thee meethood ddesccribbed herre mmustt bee addaptted to eacch pprojjectt inn liine witth tthe connstrrainn sppeciificc too thhe pprodductt offferr inn quuesttionn.Respponssibiilitty The PIMM iss acccommpanniedd byy a Proojecct DDeveeloppmennt PPlann (PPDP) unnderr thhe rrespponssibiilit

6、ty oof tthe Proojecct MManaagerr annd iin kkeeppingg wiith thee baasicc prroceedurre; in inccluddes in parrticculaar aany adaaptaatioons/ siimpllifiicattionn off thhe pprocceduure.Projjectt coore teaam rrespponssibiilitty, seee 4.3Refeerennce Doccumeent NoneeDesccripptioon Projjectt Liife Cyccle The

7、 liffe ccyclle oof aa prrojeect is madde uup oof tthe folllowwingg ass shhownn inn thhe aattaacheed ffiguure:Lifee cyyclee off a prooducctSalees ccyclle oof aa prroduuct offferPostt coommeerciialiizattionn (AAfteer SSalees) The impplemmenttatiion of a pprojjectt iss baasedd onn coomplliannce witth t

8、thiss liife cyccle, spplitt innto phaasess.Everry pphasse, excceptt thhe llastt, ffiniishees wwithh ann ennd- of- phhasee reevieew ccallled “ aa deecissionn reevieew” (DRR) rreprreseentiing a fformmal deccisiion- maakinng pproccesss. TThe finnal phaase, caalleed tthe “ennd- of- liife”, iis iinittiat

9、ted by a ddeciisioon rreviiew in whiich thee phhasee iss pllannned.A “PPhasse” is chaaraccterrizeed bby aa sppeciificc obbjecctivve aand ressponnsibbiliity forr thhe pperfformmancce oof tthe acttiviitiees rrequuireed ffor thiis “phaase” too bee coomplleteed iin aassiigneed tto aa “PProjjectt Maanagg

10、er”.DR LListt DRRPHASSES DECIISIOON RREVIIEW Oppoortuunitty SStuddyO.ROppoortuunitty RReviiew (Kiick Offf Reevieew)Feassibiilitty SStuddyD.R.0Feassibiilitty RReviiewSpeccifiicattionnD.R.1Projjectt Coommiitmeent RevviewwProttotyype DevveloopmeentT.S.RTooll Sttartt Reevieew M.I.R (*)P.I.RMockk upp Inn

11、teggrattionn Reevieew Prottotyype Inttegrratiion RevviewwD.R.2Prodductt Peerfoormaancee annd PProccesss Vaaliddatiion RevviewwCommmercciall Kiick- offfC.K.RCommmercciall Kiick-offf ReevieewCommmercciall PrrepaarattionnD.R.3Commmercciall Laauncch RReviiewFirsst SShippmennt F.S.RFirsst SShippmennt RRe

12、viiewProdducttionn Raamp- uppD.R.4Prodductt Reeleaase RevviewwMasss PrroduuctiionEnd of Phaase kicck ooffMasss PrroduuctiionD.R.5C.K.RD.R.6Fulll Quualiificcatiion RevviewwEnd of phaase Kicck-ooff RevviewwChannge to Endd off liife RevviewwEnd of Liffe(*): Deepenndinng oon tthe commpleexitty oof rradi

13、io/ diggitaal ddeveeloppmennt, thee prrojeect teaam ccan deccidee too skkip thee moock up devveloopmeent phaase.Projjectt orrgannizaatioon aand mannageemenntDefiinittionn The PIMM iss inntenndedd too appplyy too thhe ddefiinittionn, ddesiign, coonsttrucctioon aand prooducctioon oof tthe basse eelemm

14、entts oof oour commmerrciaal ooffeer (prooducct, acccesssoriies, ennd- to- ennd ssoluutioons e.gg.).Prodductts MManaagedd Purcchassed prooduccts (deevellopeed oor mmanuufaccturred to speecifficaatioons or doccumeent filles).Comppatiibillityy wiith serrvicces proovidder offfer, PCC orr PDDA ooffeerTh

15、e folllowwingg geenerral objjecttivees vvaliidatted at DR11, aare thee reeferrencce ffor thee prrojeect.- Sccheddulee(deecissionn reevieews )- Quualiity(FPPY, retturnn raate )- Quuanttityy(Raamp up, prroduuctiion cappaciity )- Coost(FCCP, buddgett )- Prroduuct Chaaraccterristticss(Maarkeetinng sspec

16、cifiicattionns, ordderss annd ddeliiverriess prroceess,)- Prroduuct Warrrannty(Duurattionn, rrespponssibiilitty,)- Liiabiilittiess- Suupplly CChaiin(Ruuless, oordeers andd deelivveriies proocesss, )Theyy arre aall menntioonedd inn PDDP.In ccasee off paartnnerss annd/ or subbconntraactoors, booth wil

17、ll aagreee.Projjectt Sttruccturre Projjectts aare orgganiizedd innto phaasess. EEachh phhasee ennds witth aa Deecissionn Reevieew.Phasse Eachh phhasee haas aa sppeciificc obbjecctivve wwithh deediccateed aactiivittiess. IIt ttrannsfoormss sppeciificc innputts iintoo ouutpuuts.Respponssibiilitty ffor

18、 thee peerfoormaancee off thhe aactiivittiess reequiiredd foor aa phhasee too bee coomplleteed iis aassiigneed tto tthe proojecct mmanaagerr.A deecissionn reevieew iis pperfformmed at thee ennd oof eeachh phhasee inn orrderr too vaaliddatee thhe ooutpputss annd tto aacknnowlledgge tthe traansiitioon

19、 tto tthe nexxt pphasse.See: PIIM cchecck llistt:O.RO.R Cheeck LisstD.R.0D.R.0 CChecck LListtD.R.1D.R.1 CChecck LListtD.R.2D.R.2 CChecck LListt (iinclludiing P.II.R)C.K.R./ D.R.33F.S.RC.K.R tto DD.R.3 CChecck LListtF.S.R CChecckliistD.R.4D.R.4 CChecck LListtD.R.5D.R.5 CChecck LListtD.R.6D.R.6 CChecc

20、k LListtProjjectt Deevellopmmentt Pllan The conndittionns ffor appplyiing thee prrojeect perrforrmannce metthoddoloogy to a ggiveen ccasee arre ddefiinedd inn thhe PProjjectt Deevellopmmentt Pllan draawn up by thee prrojeect mannageer ffor DR11.Deciisioon tto CCreaate A PProjjectt The connceppt oof

21、aa prrojeect is inssepaarabble forrm tthe commpannyss coommiitmeent to invvestt thhe rresoourcce (humman, maaterriall annd ffinaanciial) neeedeed tto eenlaargee itts rrangge.A prrojeect is undderttakeen ffolllowiing a DDeciisioon RReviiew callledd “KKickk offf RReviiew” orr “OOR- Oppporttuniity Revv

22、ieww”.The proocesss oof ddefiininng tthe proojecct aand setttinng uup tthe proojecct tteamm annd tthe asssociiateed bbudgget is a ggradduall onne iinvoolviing phaasess off maarkeetinng aanallysiis aand speecifficaatioon.A buudgeet llinee iss sttartted at thee ORR.The commpannyss coommiitmeent to car

23、rry outt a proojecct iis mmadee offficciall byy a Deccisiion Revvieww caalleed tthe “Prrojeect Commmittmennt RReviiew” orr “DDR1”.Builldinng TThe Proojecct TTeamm The Proojecct CCoree Teeam is apppoinntedd (pparttiall orr coomplletee):To pprepparee thhe OO.R (Oppporrtunnityy Reevieew).At tthe O.RR,

24、aappoointtmennt oof aa paartiial or commpleete Proojecct CCoree Teeam to preeparre aand preesennt tthe DR00.(Inccluddingg thhe ddeveeloppmennt oof ttechhnollogiicall brrickks, if neeededd).The reqquesstedd reesouurcees tto pprepparee thhe DDR0 musst bbe ddefiinedd annd sscheedulled.At lleasse, thee

25、Prrojeect Corre TTeamm deediccateed tto aa Prrojeect is apppoinntedd att thhe DDR0.(*) If neeededd: MMajoor ttechhnollogiicall gaaps (exx: nnew reffereencee deesiggn, neww prroduuct connceppt, neww teechnno: HWDD/SWWD)Accoordiing to proojecct rrequuireemennts, thhe pprojjectt teeam is madde uup oof

26、ppermmaneent or asssignned memmberrs, andd exxperrts mayy bee coo- oopteed tto mmeett sppeciificc neeedss. IIf ggeneerallly commpriisess:Projjectt MaanaggerPJMProdductt MaanaggerPDMTechhniccal Proojecct MManaagerrTPMInduustrriall Prrojeect MannageerIPM Purcchassingg Prrojeect MannageerPPMQuallityy P

27、rrojeect MannageerQPMCusttomeer SServvicee Prrojeect Mannageer CPMOperratiion Proojecct MManaagerrOPM(*)Softtwarre PProjjectt MaanaggerSPMHarddwarre PProjjectt MaanaggerHPMMechhaniicall Prrojeect MannageerMPMValiidattionn Prrojeect MannageerVPM(*)OPM & VVPM exiist onlly ffor WNVV brrandd prrojeect.

28、(ssee Apppenddix I PProjjectt coore teaam oorgaanizzatiion chaart).Projjectt Sccopee Chhangge CConttrollFor DR11 onnwarrds, anny cchannge afffecttingg thhe ddefiinittionn off thhe pprodductt annd/ or altteraatioons of chaaraccterristticss, ffor whaatevver reaasonn, aare subbjecct tto aa sppeciificc

29、prroceessECR/ECNN- PProdductt chhangge mmanaagemmentt prroceedurreAlloocattionn Annd CConssoliidattionn (RResoourcces Andd Buudgeet) The ressourrcess annd eexpeendiiturre pprioor tto DDR1 aree allloccateed aat tthe OR, annd rreviieweed aat DDR0 by thee BUU diirecctorr.The finnal buddgett allloccatee

30、d tto aa prrojeect is vallidaatedd att DRR1. It musst ccompprisse tthe phaasess frrom DR11 too DRR5. As rregaardss off thhe ddediicatted tooolinng, commmittmennts aree auuthoorizzed at thee Toool Staart, appartt frrom a ffew exccepttionns (cf secctioon aabovve)Thiss buudgeet hhas to be connsollidaat

31、edd boottoom uup bby tthe BU dirrecttor.Withhin thee liimitts oof tthe buddgett allloccatiionss, tthe Proojecct MManaagerr iss reespoonsiiblee foor hhow ressourrcess annd eexpeendiiturre aare commmitttedd.Budgget appprovval willl bbe rreleeaseed aand re-appprovval perrioddicaallyy annd mminiimumm at

32、t eaach Dessignn reevieew. In casse oof pparttnerrs aand/or subbconntraactoors, booth willl aagreee.Scheedullingg Annd PProggresss FFolllow- upp The genneraal sscheedulle vvaliidatted at DR11, iis tthe reffereencee sccheddulee foor tthe proojecct. In casse oof pparttnerrs aand/or subbconntraactoors,

33、 booth willl aagreee.Ongooingg coonsooliddatiion andd addjusstmeent of thee geenerral schheduule takke pplacce dduriing thee weeeklly oor bbi-mmontthlyy prrojeect proogreess meeetinngs heaadedd byy thhe PProjjectt Maanagger. Alll tthesse mmeettinggs aare reccordded andd uppdatted acttionn poointt an

34、nd rriskk foolloow-uup llistts aare draawn up.A foormaal, conncisse, rellevaant proogreess repportt too thhe ddireectoors is madde oon aa moonthhly bassis, frrom DR00 too DRR5. Thee maain objjecttivee iss too reeporrt ccritticaal/mmajoor rriskks. Thee prreseentaatioon cconttainns tthe folllowwingg i

35、ttemss:- Hiighllighhts forr thhe pprevviouus mmontth- Prrojeectss Riiskss TOOP 55 onn gllobaal pprodductt offferr - Ottherr Prrojeectss Riiskss / maiin pprobblemms (if neccesssaryy, ootheerwiise in thee reeporrt)- Q/C/TT Prrojeect Inddicaatorrs (Plaanniing, Buudgeet, FPCC, QQuallityy)- Maain Deccisi

36、ionss taakenn thhe pprevviouus mmontth oor tto ttakee duurinng tthe preesenntattionn. iif nneceessaary- Ottherr inndiccatoors (iff neecesssarry, othherwwisee inn thhe rrepoort)- Hiighllighhts forr thhe ccurrrentt moonthhA foormaal pproggresss rrepoort is reccordded andd seent to thee maanaggemeent a

37、cccorddingg too thhe ddifffusiion lisst wwithh inn paartiicullar thee syynthhesiis oof aactiionss annd ddeciisioons takken durringg thhe rreviiew.In aaddiitioon, eveery DR willl bbe ffollloweed bby aa deebriiefiing by thee prrojeect teaam, forr alll tteamms iinvoolveed iin tthe phaasess off thhe ppr

38、ojjectt, pposssiblly wwithh thhe iinvoolveemennt oof tthe dirrecttorss.Moniitorringg iss allso donne bby AALL memmberrs oof tthe teaam wwithh a weeeklyy orr byy-moonthhly proogreess repportt annd llistt off acctioon ppoinnt.Misssionns SSheeet Misssionns oof PProdductt Prrojeect Teaamss Meembeers Pro

39、jjectt Maanagger (PJJM)The proojecct mmanaagerr iss reespoonsiiblee foor aachiieviing thee coommiitmeentss vaaliddateed aat DDR1. Hee accts as arbbiteer wwithhin hiss teeam, foor ooptiimizzatiion forr thhe QQ/C/T oobjeectiivess.Thesse mmisssionns:- Maanagge aall thee sppeciificcatiion (syysteem llev

40、eel) forr thhe pprodductt.Drivve tthe corre tteamm maanaggemeent (weeeklly mmeettingg wiith thee baasicc prrojeect teaam, connfliict ressoluutioon ). Andd taake autthorrizaatioon oof ccoree teeam memmberrs perrforrmannce evaaluaatioon.- Deefinne aand appply thee Prrojeect Devveloopmeent Plaan ffor t

41、hee prrojeect Q/CC/T objjecttivees.- Cooorddinaate thee acctivvitiies rellatiing to thee deevellopmmentt, iinduustrriallizaatioon aand commmerrciaal pprepparaatioon oof tthe prooducct ooffeer. (Reeleaasess )- Caarryy ouut tthe proojecct rrepoortiing (inndiccatoor, e.gg.)- Asssurre tthatt thhe oobjee

42、ctiivess suuch as Cosst- Timme tto mmarkket rammp uup, aree coonsiisteent witth tthe iniitiaal pprodductt P&Loobjeectiivess prreseenteed aat DDR1 andd addjusstedd att DRR3 (FOPPDI).- Cooorddinaate witth BBU ddireectooralll tthe acttionns ddefiinedd annd ffolllow theeir impplemmenttatiion in thee prr

43、ojeect.He hhas to takke ccaree off alll aaspeectss whhichh caan ssignnifiicanntlyy chhangge tthe P&LL off thhe pprodductt annd mmakee deecissionns oor ppropposaal tto tthe dirrecttionns wwhenn thhis is rellevaant.In ccasee off paartnnerss annd /or subbconntraactoors, thhe pprojjectt Maanagger cenntr

44、aalizzes alll innforrmattionn fllow bettweeen tthe parrtneers andd /oor ssubcconttracctorrs aand 某 (iinclludeed nnon-connforrmitty, warrninng, cusstommerss pprobblemm, pprevventtivees aactiion) wwithh thhe ssuppportt off thhe QQPM.Prodductt Maanagger (PDDM) 产品经经理He/sshe is thee reepreesenntattivee o

45、ff thhe pprojjectt foor tthe dowwnsttreaam ddepaartmmentts Prroduuct & SSoluutioons, Saaless & Marrkettingg, CCommmuniicattionn, DDesiign, Paack & ttrannslaatioon.Thesse mmisssionns:- Deefinne oof tthe fulll pprodductt offferr, iinclludiing dessignn, ppackkagiing, errgonnomiic aand graaphiic ppresse

46、nttatiion chooicees, cusstommizaatioon nneedds, andd shhop cosst aand marrginn obbjecctivves. Ellabooratte MMU, ID carrd aand thee Prroduuct Funnctiionaal SSpeccifiicattionn.- Drrivee thhe ccoree teeam mannageemennt (weeeklly mmeettingg wiith hiss/heer tteamm, cconfflicct rresooluttionn , ) itt meea

47、nss coo-orrdinnatiion of thee acctivvitiies invvolvved in erggonoomicc sppeciificcatiionss , dessignn, ttrannslaatioon, pacckaggingg, uuserr maanuaal, commmerrciaal llaunnch andd maarkeet aanallysiis.- Deefinne tthe messsagges traansllatiion, thhe uuserr maanuaals andd thhe pprodductt reeleaasess.-

48、Ennsurre tthatt thhe ccommmercciall tooolss reequiiredd foor tthe prooducct llaunnch aree avvaillablle.- Reealiize thee prroduuct infformmatiion (prriciing strrateegy) inn thhe BBusiinesss PPlann.- Reespoonsiiblee off thhe pprodductt Q.C.TT.Techhniccal Proojecct MManaagerr (TTPM)The tecchniicall prr

49、ojeect mannageer iis rrespponssiblle ffor thee teechnnicaal cchoiicess annd pperfformmancces of thee gllobaal pprodductt offferr wiithiin tthe proojecct, inccorpporaatinng tthe Q/CC/T criiterria. Hee iss reespoonsiiblee foor eensuurinng cconssisttenccy iin tthe chooicees bbetwweenn thhe hharddwarre,

50、 sofftwaare andd meechaaniccal parrts. Thesse mmisssionns:- Innsurre oof tthe sysstemm sppeciificcatiionss innteggrattionn- Innsurre oof tthe tecchniicall paart of thee deevellopmmentt pllan andd teechnnicaal ddocuumenntattionn- Teechnnicaal iinteerfaace witth tthe prooducctioon ccenttre / vvaliidat

51、tionn / Prooducct aand Sollutiionss- Ovveraall tecchniicall acctivvitiies rellatiing to thee deevellopmmentt /iinteegraatioon (tecchniicall coo-orrdinnatiion: haardwwaree, ssofttwarre aand mecchannicaal.)Induustrriall Prrojeect Mannageer (IPMM)The IPMM maanagges thee inndusstriialiizattionn off thhe

52、 pprodductt foor pprodducttionn, iinduustrriall vaaliddatiion of thee coompoonennts inccluddingg muultii-soourcce ccompponeentss. TThe IPMM ennsurres thaat tthe tecchniicall sooluttionns aare connsisstennt wwithh thhe pprodducttionn prroceess andd thhe qquanntitty, schheduulinng, quaalitty aand proo

53、ducctioon ccostt taargeets.He iis tthe intterffacee beetweeen thee Suub-cconttracctorr annd tthe Corre-tteamm, dduriing thee inndusstriialiizattionn prroceess andd maass prooducctioon (Inccomiing insspecctioon, prooducctioon pproccesss, ccusttomiizattionn prroceess, paackaaginng pproccesss, pproccur

54、eemennt pproccesss, sservvicee affterr saaless prroceess, suub-cconttracctinng pprodducttionn prroceess, ovversseass prroduuctiion proocesss ttrannsfeer) andd hee drrivees tthe inddusttriaal ccoree teeam mannageemennt.Thesse mmisssionns:- Bee reespoonsiiblee foor tthe inddusttriaalizzatiion plaan aa

55、nd inddusttriaal oobjeectiivess foor tthe proojecct, sugggesst iinduustrriall prroceess oriienttatiion (neew ttechhnollogiies); advvisee onn inndusstriial chooicee.- Moonittor commpliiancce wwithh prroduuctiion cosst ttarggetss annd ttakiing corrrecctivve mmeassurees tto rreduuce nonn-quualiity coss

56、ts; bee reespoonsiiblee off taargeet ppressentted forr DRR1 aand menntioonedd innto thee inndusstriial plaan - inn orrderr too reeachh coost tarrgett fiixeddforr DRR0.- Wrritee annd iimpllemeent thee prroduuct/proocesss qquallityy coontrrol plaan.- Reealiize pillot runns (froom mmockk-upp), anaalyzz

57、e pprodducttionn reesullts andd appplyy coorreectiive acttionn pllan to impprovve qquallityy leevell.- Buuildd upp NPPI bbudgget andd sppeciificc jiig aand toool bbudgget (jiigs andd tooolss foor, cusstommizaatioon, andd paackaaginng).- Moonittor thee deevellopmmentt orr addapttatiion of prooducctio

58、on llinees (macchinnes, teest andd reepaiir ttoolls) forr thhe pprojjectt. (Froom IIncoominng IInsppecttionn too CCCS vvia Glooball Opperaatioon DDepaartmmentt, iinclludiing subbconntraactiing prooducctioon aand oveerseeas prooducctioon).- Pllan andd foolloow pproccesss quualiificcatiion plaan rrega

59、ardiing proojecct pplannninng; verrifyy thhe ccoheerennce bettweeen pproccesss quualiificcatiion plaan aand cappaciity neeeds acccorddingg too thhe FFOPDDI ttilll DRR5.- Esstabblissh tthe prooducctioon RRampp-upp inn thhe sstarrt-uup pphasse;- Waarraantyy thhe ccompponeent inddusttriaal vvaliidattio

60、nn.- Waarraantyy teechnnicaal lleveel oof tthe prooducct rregaardiing proojecct rrequuireemennt aand be in chaargee off prroduucinngmaanuffacttureed aand solld pprodductt teechnnicaal lleveel ddocuumennt.- Prrocuure tooolinng ssupppliees sstarrtinng wwithh thhe pprottotyypess/moock-up andd thhen the


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