已阅读5页,还剩4页未读 继续免费阅读




1、企业职工或员工保密协议甲方(企业): 公司乙方(职工或员工):鉴于乙方在甲方任职,并将取得甲方支付的相应报酬,各方当事人就乙方在任职期间及离职以后保守甲方技术 秘密和其他商业秘密的关于事项,订定下列条款共同遵守:第一条 各方确认,乙方在甲方任职期间,因履行职位或者主要是利用甲方的物质技术条件、业务信息等造成或产生的发明创造、作品、计算机软件、技术秘密或其他商业秘密信 息,关于的知识所有权均属于甲方享有。甲方可以在其业务范围内充分自由地利用这些发明创造、作品、计算机软件、技术秘密或其他商业秘密信息,进行生产、经营 或者向第三方转让。乙方应当依甲方的要求,提供所有必要的信息和采取所有必要的行动,包

2、括申请、注册、登记等,协助甲方取得和行使关于的知识所有权。上述发明创造、作品、计算机软件、技术秘密及其他商业秘密,关于的发明权、署名权(依照法律规定应由甲 方署名的除外)等精神权利由作为发明人、创作人或开发者的乙方享有,甲方尊重乙方的精神权利并协助乙方行使这些权利。第二条 乙方在甲方任职期间所履行的、与甲方业务相关的发明创造、作品、计算机软件、技术秘密或其他商业秘密信息,乙方没有申明的,推定其属于职位成果,甲方可以 使用这些成果进行生产、经营或者向第三方转让。乙方申明后,甲方对成果的权属有异议的,可以通过协商解决;协商不成的,通过诉讼途径解决。第三条 乙方在甲方任职期间,必须遵守甲方规定的任何

3、成文或不成文的保密规章、制度,履行与其工作岗位相应的保密职责。甲方的保密规章、制度没有规定或者规定不明确之处,乙方亦应本着谨慎、诚实的态度,采取任何必要、合理 的措施,维护其于任职期间知悉或者持有的任何属于甲方或者虽属于第三方但甲方承诺有保密义务的技术秘密或其他商业秘密信息,以保持其秘密性。第四条 除了履行职位的需要之外,乙方承诺,未经甲方同意,不得以泄露、告知、公布、发布、出版、传授、转让或者其他任何方式使任何第三方(包括依照保密制度的规 定不得知悉该项秘密的甲方其他职员)知悉属于甲方或者虽属于他人但甲方承诺有保密义务的技术秘密或其他商业秘密信息,也不得在履行职位之外使用这些秘密信 息。乙方

4、的上级主管人员同意乙方披露、使用关于的技术秘密或其他商业秘密的,视为乙方已同意这样做,除非甲 方已事先公开明确该主管人员无此权限。第五条 各方同意,乙方离职之后仍对其在甲方任职期间接触、知悉的属于甲方或者虽属于第三方但甲方承诺有保密义务的技术秘密和其他商业秘密信息,承担如同任职期间 一样的保密义务和不擅自使用关于秘密信息的义务,而无论乙方因何种原因离职。乙方离职后承担保密义务的期限为下列第 种(没有做出选择的,视为无限期保):(A)无限期保密,直至甲方宣布解密或者秘密信息实际上已经公 开;(B)有限期保密,保密期限自离职之日起,计算到。甲方同意就乙方离职后承担的保密义务,向其支付保密费。保密费

5、的支付方式为下列第种:(A)乙方离职时,一次性支付元。(B)乙方认可,甲方在支付乙方的工资报酬时,已考虑了乙方离 职后需要承担的保密义务,故而无须在乙方离职时另外支付保密费。第六条 乙方承诺,在为甲方履行职位时,不得擅自使用任何属于他人的技术秘密或其他商业秘密信息,亦不得擅自实施可能侵犯他人知识所有权的行为。若乙方违反上述承诺而致使甲方遭受第三方的侵权指控时,乙方应当承担甲方为应诉而支付的所有费用;甲方 因此而承担侵权赔偿责任的,有权向乙方追偿。上述应诉费用和侵权赔偿可以从乙方的工资报酬中扣除。第七条 乙方在履行职位时,依照甲方的明确要求或者为了履行甲方明确交付的具体工作任务必然致使侵犯他人知

6、识所有权的,若甲方遭受第三方的侵权指控,应诉费用和侵权 赔偿不得由乙方承担或部分承担。乙方的上级主管人员提出的要求或交付的工作任务,视为甲方提出的要求或交付的工作任务,除非甲方已事先 公开明确该主管人员无此权限。第八条 乙方承诺,其在甲方任职期间,非经甲方事先同意,不在与甲方生产、经营同类产品或提供同类服务的其他企业、事业单位、社会团体内担任任何职位,包括股东、 合伙人、董事、监事、经理、职员、代理人、咨询顾问等等。第九条 乙方因职位上的需要所持有或保管的所有记录着甲方秘密信息的资料文件、资料文件资料、图表、笔记、报告、信件、传真号码、磁带、磁盘、仪器以及其他任何形式的载体,均归甲 方所有,而

7、无论这些秘密信息有无商业上的价值。若记录着秘密信息的载体是由乙方自备的,则视为乙方已同意将这些载体物的所有权转让给甲方。甲方应当在 乙方返还这些载体时,给予乙方相当于载体自身价值的经济补偿。第十条 乙方应当于离职时,或者于甲方提出请求时,返还全部属于甲方的财物,包括记载着甲方秘密信息的所有载体。但当记录着秘密信息的栽体是由乙方自备的,且秘密信息可以从载体上消除或复制出来时,可以由甲方将秘密 信息复制到甲方享有所有权的其他载体上,并把原载体上的秘密信息消除。此种情况乙方无须将载体返还,甲方也无须给予乙方经济补偿。第十一条 本协议提及的技术秘密,包括但不限于:技术方案、工程设计、电路设计、制造方法

8、、配方、工艺流程、技术指标、计算机软件、数据库、研究开发记录、技术报 告、检测报告、实验数据、试验结果、图纸、样品、样机、模型、模具、操作手册、技术文档、相关的函电,等等。本协议提及的其他商业秘密,包括但不限于:客户名单、行销计划、采购资料文件资料、定价政策、财务资料文件资料、进货渠 道,等等。第十二条 本协议中所称的任职期间,以乙方从甲方领取工资为标志,并以该项工资所代表的工作期间为任职期间。任职期间包括乙方在正常工作时间以外加班的时间,而无论 加班场所是否在甲方工作场所内。本协议中所称的离职,以任何一方明确表示解除或辞去聘用关系的时间为准。乙方拒绝领取工资且停止履行职 务的行为,视为提出辞

9、职。甲方无正当理由拒绝发给乙方全部或部分工资的行为,视为将乙方解聘。第十三条 因本协议而引起的纠纷,如协商解决不成,任何一方均有权提起诉讼。各方同意,选择甲方住所地的、符合级别管辖规定的人民法院作为各方协议纠纷的第一审管 辖法院。上述商定不影响甲方请求知识所有权管理部门对侵权行为进行行政处理。第十四条 乙方如违反本协议任一条款,应当一次性向甲方支付违约金元;无论违约金给付与否,甲方均有权不经预告立即解除与乙方的聘用关系。乙方的违约行为给甲方造成损失的,乙方应当赔偿甲方的损失。违约金未能代替赔偿损失,但可以从损失额中 抵扣。第十五条 本协议自各方签字或盖章履行之日起生效。第十六条 本协议如与各方

10、以前的口头或书面协议有抵触,以本协议为准。本协议的修改必须采用各方同意的书面形式。第十七条 各方确认,在签署本协议前已仔细审阅过协议的内容,并完全了解协议各条款的法律含义。立协议人签字、盖章:乙方: 身份证号码:甲 方:公司法定代表人:Non-Disclosure Agreement for EmployeesParty A (Enterprises): CompanyParty B (Employees):Whereas:Party B is employed for Party A and will obtain the corresponding remunerations from P

11、arty A as an employee.Now therefore, with respect to the obligations of Party B to keep confidentiality of know-how and other trade secrets of Party A during his term and thereafter, both parties hereto hereby agree as follows:Article 1 Both Parties acknowledged that Party A is entitled to the relev

12、ant intellectual properties in respect of any inventions, creations, works, computer softwares, know-how or other trade secrets generated by Party B during the performance of his duties or taking use of materials, technologies and business information of Party A. Party A has right to fully make use

13、of such inventions, creations, works, computer softwares, know-how or other trade secrets to the extent of its business, and Party A may apply them into manufacture and management or assign them to a third party. Party B shall offer all necessary information and take all necessary actions (including

14、 application and registration) as required by Party A, so as to facilitate Party A to obtain and exercise the relevant intellectual properties.Moral rights such as right of invention, right of authorship (excluding the authorship that Party A has right to claim in accordance with laws) with respect

15、to such inventions, creations, works, computer softwares, know-how and other trade secrets shall be owned by the Party B as inventors, creators or developers. Party A respects such moral rights of Party B and provides appropriate assistance for Party B to exercise them.Article 2 The intellectual pro

16、perties with respect to the inventions, creations, works, computer softwares, know-how or other trade secrets created in his term in connection with the business of Party A shall be deemed to service achievements if Party B fails to make representation to Party A, under such circumstance Party A may

17、 apply such achievements into manufacture and management and assign them to a third party.In the case that Party A proposes objections to the representations by Party B, both parties shall settle the disputes through friendly negotiation, and if they fail to resolve such dispute, they shall submit i

18、t to courts.Article 3 Party B shall comply with any written or unwritten ordinances and bylaws with regarding to confidential information prescribed by Party A in his term, and perform his confidential obligations appropriate to his position.In the event that there are no confidential ordinances and

19、 bylaws provided by Party A or such ordinances and bylaws are indefinite, Party B shall take any necessary and reasonable measures with care and honest to maintain the confidentiality of any know-how or other trade secrets known to or hold by Party B, which is owned by Party A or owned by a third pa

20、rty while Party A is committed to keep confidential.Article 4 Party B hereby acknowledges that except for performance of his duties, Party B shall not disclose, inform, publicize, release, publish, transmit, assign or otherwise make a third party (including other employees of Party A who are not all

21、owed to obtain such confidential information in accordance with the ordinances and bylaws of confidentiality) know the know-how or other trade secrets which is owned by Party A or owned by other persons while Party A is committed to keep confidential without the consent of Party A, and shall not use

22、 such confidential information for the purpose other than performance of his duties.Any disclosure or use of any relevant know-how or other trade secrets consented by supervisors of Party B shall be deemed as consented by Party B unless Party A has made prior statements that the supervisors have no

23、such authority.Article 5 Both parties hereto agree that the obligations of confidentiality of Party B after his termination shall be no less than his duties in his term to keep the confidentiality of the know-how and other trade secrets accessed to or obtained by Party B in his term, which are owned

24、 by Party A or owned by a third party while Party A is committed to keep confidential, and Party B also shall not make use of such confidential information after his termination without the consent of Party A, regardless of the reason for termination of employment.The terms for Party B to keep confi

25、dentiality after termination are as follow (Party B shall be deemed to keep confidential without limitation of terms if he made no choice):(a) keep confidential until Party A announces that such information is not confidential or they have been actually known to the public;(b)keep confidential from

26、his termination to.Party A agrees to pay Party B for his obligations of confidentiality after termination. And such payment shall be made in following ways:(a)Party B will be paid RMBon a lump-sum basis when terminating the employment.(b)Party B acknowledges that there is no need for Party A to make

27、 such additional payment when terminating the employment if Party A has taken it into account when paying the remunerations to Party B.Article 6 Party B undertakes that Party B shall not make use of any know-how or other trade secrets owned by any other persons without the consent during performance

28、 his duties, and shall not infringe any intellectual properties of other persons.Party B shall be liable for any court fees Party A has suffered for infringement charge by a third party incurred due to its violation of such undertaking aforementioned; Party A has right to claim against Party B for s

29、uch indemnifications. The court fees and indemnifications above-mentioned might be deducted from the remunerations of Party B.Article 7 If Party B performs his duties as required by Party A or completes the works specially assigned by Party A, which unavoidably constitutes an infringement of intelle

30、ctual properties of a third party, Party B shall not be liable for, or partly liable for any court fees and indemnifications Party A has suffered for the accusation of infringement by such party.The requirements provided or the special works assigned by supervisors of Party B shall be deemed as prov

31、ided or assigned by Party B unless Party A has made prior statements in public that supervisors have no such authority.Article 8 Party B undertakes that Party B shall not take any such position in his term as a shareholder, partner, director, supervisor, manager, employee, agent and consultant in an

32、y enterprises, institutions or social groups which manufacture or manage the same products or provide the same service without the prior consent of Party A.Article 9 Party A shall be entitled to all files, materials, notes, reports, letters, faxes, tapes, disks, instruments and any other kind of med

33、ias containing its confidential information hold or kept by Party B for the performance of his duty, regardless of their commercial values.If such medias containing confidential information are prepared by Party B, it should be deemed that Party B has consented to assign them to Party A. Party A sha

34、ll provide economic compensations equivalent to such medias for Party B when Party B returns such mediasArticle 10Upon terminationof his employmentor upon written request byParty A,Party B shall return all properties, including all medias containing confidential information.In the event such medias

35、containing confidential information are prepared by Party B and such confidential information can be deleted or copied, Party A may copy such information to other medias owned by Party A and delete the information on the original medias. Under such circumstance, Party B needs not return such medias

36、and Party A need not provide economic compensations.Article 11 The know-how referred to in this agreement includes but not limited to technology schemes, engineer plans, circuit designs, manufacturing methods, recipes, craftwork processes, technology indexes, computer softwares, databases, research

37、and development records, technical reports, inspection reports, experimental data, experimental results, drawings, samples,prototypes,models, moulds, operating manuals, technical documents, relevant letters and telegrams and so on.Other trades secrets referred to in this agreement includes but not l

38、imited to clients list, marketing plans, procurement materials, pricing policies, financial materials, supply chains and so on.Article 12 The “terms” referred to in this agreement mean the working periods in which Party B was paid by Party A. The terms includes the overtime working time and normal w

39、orking time, regardless of whether the overtime work is done in the workplace of Party A or not.The “termination ” referred to in this agreement shall start from the time when either party explicitly terminate the employment or resign his position. It should be deemed that Party B has applied resign

40、ation if he refuses to receive his remunerations and ceases to perform his duties. It should be deemed that Party A has fired Party B if he refuses to pay the remunerations in whole or in part to Party B.Article 13 Either party shall has right to bring an action if any disputes arising out of the contract could not be resolved through negotiation. Both parties agree that the peoples court where Party A is located shall be the governi


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