



1、日月光华GoAbroad版留学申请经验交流会主办方日月光华GoAbroad版5月14日(周二)18:30三教 3108讲者WKFB出国申请互助小分队WKFB是复旦的出国申请互助小组。成立互助小组的目的是将有志出国深造的同学组织起来、成为团队,鼓励大家相互交流经验、互相鼓励、增进感情,让大家在GA飞得更好。WKFB是We Keep Flying Better!的首字母组合。互助小组活动分为两大类。第一类是所有团队共同参加,由GA版组织的全版性活动:具体包括材料合寄、快递、团购、经验交流会等;第二类是团队内分组进行的活动:包括选校探讨、互相修改PS/CV、交流陶瓷经验、互相督促等。WKFB2014

2、队长招募现在进行时!申请2014 Fall的项目有意愿带领同学一起申请能参加队长培训填写报名表WKFB wants You!注意事项请将调整至静音在教室内抽烟出口在教室前后方,拥挤万一发生停电事故,请停留在原位,切勿惊慌WKFB队长报名表也可以从GoAbroad版Together, We Keep Flying Better!GotoBSchoolMeBiz MajorFDU 2013PhDMasterjiBIZSchoolAbout myselfBusiness Administration Ph.D in UWash, concentrating in ISNUSUConnUWGatech

3、UCIUTDFDUDept S, SMFDUGPA:10% UCSB GPA:3.90Writing Sle Seminar Workshop C-BernTOEFL: 106Speaking 26GRE 329Biz MajorOMFinanceISBSchoolOB/MgmtAcctMktBiz, Advertising, Communication, Psycho.Consulting, MktDept, Sales DeptSociology, Mgmt,Consulting, AdmindeptBiz, EconBig 4, Finance DeptCS, I-School, IS,

4、CommunicationIT consulting, IT CompanyBiz, Econ,MathFinanlInstitutesOM, Industrial Eng, Math, SOM dept,Consulting2013 FDU B-School & -related ApplicantsMFE: CMU UCB Columbia Cornell Stanford ChicagoMSF: MIT LSE UIUC UTMKT: Northwest NYU USC UVA ICMasterAcct: HEC TilburgIS & OR: Columbia Cornell CMU

5、UMich IUBEcon: UT UMW UVA Geetown A&M GWUPhD ECON Chicago UMD UCSD UCSB UCSC; Biz UCI UWOthers MBA UWM Actu Columbia Biz UMNGenerally speaking, we are still Top 4 among all ChiUniversitiesApply for Ph.DAcademic-oriented:e a professor in B-SchoolRes ear chConn ectio nGPAMiracleGT Big Tree Big Placeme

6、nt Record PS+CV+RLApply for Profesal MasterJob-oriented: go to job market after your graduationer nResearchMiracleGPAGTTop 10Top 20Top 30PS+CV+RLApplying for MFE/MSF Programs a little reflection on major switchanTianTuesday, May 14, 2013FO BackgroundO09 PHYS GPA: 3.59/ 4.00, Ring: 1020/108OUCSD 1-qu

7、arter exchange: GPA: 4.0OGRE: 630(162) + 800(166) + AW 3.5OTOEFL: 114 (Speaking: 26) ; 104 for UC exchange applicationernship:nvestment + PE + PolicyOOCertification: CFA Level I passed ( Dec 2012 )O Application Results:OAD: MFE: Columbia, Cornell, ChicagoMSF:MITOORej: CMU(r1)/NYU/Princeton/Stanford

8、MS&EOWL/Pending: UCLA, Columbia MAFN1Master of Finanl Engineering (MFE)OCMU/Princeton/NYU/ UC Berkeley Columbia/Cornell/Stanford/MIT/Baruch Chicago/UCLA/Columbia MAFNO O O O OGaTech/Umich/ton U/U Toronto/Rugters/UIUC/USC.Asia: HKUST / NUS, NTU (Singapore)Classification by nature of hosting departmen

9、t IEOR/ B-school / MathOMaster of Finance (MSF)OPrinceton, MIT,WUSTL, Vanderbilt, Rochester, JHU, Brandeis, HKU. Cambridge,LSE, Oxford,HEC ParisO O OKnow the strengths of the programs:career service/alumni connection/industry collaborationTeaching/ Faculty/ curriculumUniversity resouror platforms*Us

10、eful Resour: QuantNet/ 1po3Ar/ Chasedream(CD)23Essay A* What are your short-term and long-term goals? How will your previous academic and profesal experience contribute to help you achieve those goals, and also help you to succeedhe MSCF Program at CMUEssay B* Describe your background and preparatio

11、nhe four concentration areas of the MSCF program finance, computer science, mand sistics. In particular, please detail your background in calculus-based probability.Preferred Major: MATH + ECON Decent GPA (structure, coursework)O OGood TOEFL: 100+/105+/110+?, SpeakingOernship(*): Relevant ! + Big na

12、mesOOverseas Exchange(*)OTime to know yourselfOTry different courses: Skip your major courses ifORLOsible.Related Research/ProjectsOLearn cool terms and definitions/ be an “expert”OOForm you ownuition and tasteIs it difficult for me to finish them all?O4OEmphasis on relevant coursework:OMATH:Calculu

13、s, Linear Algebra, Probability& Sistics, ODE&PDE,Numericalysis, Optimizationnon-Math major: Real*GRE Sub:ysis, Measure Theory (if youd like to try)OSStochastic Proses(M, Calculus), Time Series, Regres,Multivariate, Machine LearningOFinance/Econ :Micro, Macro, Econometrics,*CFA/FRM/SOAOCS(extremely i

14、mportant for job-ro to Fath/FE, Asset Pricingtinghe U.S.):O C+,OO SQLfor front-office(FO) roles, JAVA for BO, VBA for all roles, R, SA, EViews, SAS .*eractive programming learning/ Coursera ( Coding, S, Quant Finance)5Go for a trial application for CMU MSCF program.OORead the admisrequirements of To

15、p Tirograms and tailor yourprofile as they suggestsFind your missing pie- fix them 1 by 1. No excuse, please.OOSet your application goals by knowing cases from previous years as well as your peersOComparative Advantages among Fudan applicantsOMy case for MIT MSFTry to figure out your careath,east fo

16、r you PS.OOMake full use of summer andOCareer Options:ernshipsMFE: Quant, desk quant, Structuring,Risk Management, Algorithmic Trading,Sales Trading, Asset Management Technical, deal with NumbersMSF: Investment b capital market, finan tradingO If you want to staying, sales & trading, equity research

17、, risk management, l advisory/consulting, private equity, prop broader career opportunities & exit optionshe U.S.6O Resume:OFormat : consistencyOFind your style through the websites from MIT,NYU,Princeton,Cornell7O PS/EssaysOShort-term/long-term goalsOyou eligibility, why school, why matchOPut these

18、 things in a coherent manner, and make it sound and clear? How good I am, what skills I have my goal is 1、2、3.Your goals- What preparations you have make you feelerestedO The miscellaneous: Please refer to the CMU application system8Treat yourself as a profes careeral and get prepared for your futur

19、eOOSearch for useful information. e.g. Rerofiles of current students inyour dream school, read usefults on Quantnet/CD.OLearn to network(, LinkedIn, private correspondence)OMaturity: Words from director of Cornell MFEKnow the concepts, follow the markets, know what to expectPlan Early and improve yo

20、ur execution(ernship & Exchange)OPush yourself really hardhe semester of application seasonOernship, exchange, certification exam, make up for pre-requisites.ONever let go any chance to make you better till the last minuteOOLast Wer holidays and the last semester9DIY or NOTCurrent Job market is extr

21、emely bad, think twice and re-evaluate yourOOopportunity cost. Are you seeking normal or exs returns?Figure out your career goals and do thingst are relevant! Start yourOpreparation as soon assible; but it is never too late.MFE/MSF application is highly competitive and getting even harder year by ye

22、ar. Consider a BACKUP plan, if you cannot reject the lure of Big-name UniversitiesOive up thesibilities of getting a PhDOOR/S/System Engineering: finance, consulting, data scienceOColumbia, UPenn, UCBOConsidrogramshe UK/HK for brand namesProfesal mastrogram is tough and stressful. Time is limitederm

23、s of eriodsO1-1.5 years duration.egrate your plans in &t- mastrogro consideration. School Ads are not as important as your JOB OFFERS.102013 出国申请经验交流会从套磁说开去liID: gluke微电子2013 年 5 月 14 日liID: gluke2013 出国申请经验交流会从套磁说开去背景介绍本科 GPAGPAResearchGT定位最终去向不容乐观, 3.3 左右尚可, 3.7 左右发过一些 p尚可r, 但和大部分都不太 match专排 30 左右

24、学校的 PhD oerECE PhD University of Maryland, College Park (UMD, 专排 16 左右)就今年而言,UMD 的 ECE 对复旦的 EE/ME 都很友好,据我所知,一共发了 4 个 PhD oer(只有 oldcat 没接收 PhD oer,他去了 UMich)liID: gluke2013 出国申请经验交流会从套磁说开去申请概览AppdOer24 所学校, all ECE PhD UMD, NYU PolySU, NCSU, UCIrvine, UDelStanford, Gatech, Purdue, UTAustin, UCLA, UM

25、N, VT, TAMU, Notre Dame, WUSTLUSC, OSU, Northwestern, UCDavis, UBC (CAN), UWaterloo (CAN)UFL, RutgersRejPendingWithdrawGatech 和 UCLA 都拿到了面试,也是通过套磁拿到的面试,可惜最后都被拒掉了 . . .liID: gluke2013 出国申请经验交流会从套磁说开去为何要套磁?登堂入室并不知道你是谁,不了解你的以,你需要给一个 rst impres概率!,增加自己的录取确定是否招人 有些主页上不会明说招人与否。这时候,就需要你去套磁来获得 further infor

26、mation了!如何用得体的语言和牛写信? 措辞要很注是!很好的锻炼机会liID: gluke2013 出国申请经验交流会从套磁说开去哪些人需要套磁?如果有逆天的 GPA,那么光凭 GPA 就可以秒杀大部分人了,如果还没找到特别合适的,可以不用套磁,等拿到fellowship 以后再去好好研究这所学校的。如果 GPA 是申请的瓶颈,那就需要大规模套磁了。无论是以上哪种情况,如果有心仪的术套吧!,那就早点开始学liID: gluke2013 出国申请经验交流会从套磁说开去套磁的种类学术套 从该或组内学生的某一篇 pr 说开去,然后提出自己的思路改进这篇 pr,抑或这篇pr(oldcat 很有经验

27、)关系套 (内推) 假设你和 Prof. A 很熟 (比如复旦的海归),而 Prof. A 和 Prof. B 很熟,或者 Prof. B 是 Prof.A PhD 阶段的,这时候就需要你好好利用这个关系来进行套磁!海套对于大部分,你是不会有时间去做深入了解的,那就只好海套了。通过这个组的 publication 的题目来了解这个组目前的方向,套磁的时候说对这些方向感 ,并且 match 自己当前的研究 (即使不 match 也可以这么说)liID: gluke2013 出国申请经验交流会从套磁说开去套磁的方式面套可以选择本土套,比如利用去旅游的机会,去感的学校转转,和约好时间见个面聊聊(ol

28、dcat 很有经验);也可以利用开学术会议的机会,和见个面套适合口语好的同学,不过可以先发邮件约个时间邮件套最常用的方式,绝大部分人都是通过发邮件的方式和的套磁liID: gluke2013 出国申请经验交流会从套磁说开去哪些学校套磁管用?有些学校是 comittee 决定一切的,有些是说了算。比如:大写字母学校基本都是强 comittee 的据我所知,UMD 也是 comittee 制,但套磁能起作用!Gatech 是拍板的!其他学校可以网上查阅,有很多这样的文章!liID: gluke2013 出国申请经验交流会从套磁说开去套磁的前期准备工作 海选根据 USNEWS 的专业,开始逐校研究

29、ECE 下面各个各个。如果没发现合适的,那么就先 skip 掉这个学校如果只有一个感的,那么就放到套磁列表里面去,如果套磁不回复,除非你对这个学校非常喜欢,否则可以不申请。如果有 2 个感的,又不想等待套磁结果,可以将该校放到申请列表中去。注意 这是一个迭代的过程!假如你对领域 A 感,在研究了若干学校,看了组里不少 pr 之后,发觉对领域 B 也感,当你回过头来重新海选的时候,还会加进去一些/学校!liID: gluke2013 出国申请经验交流会从套磁说开去套磁的前期准备工作 海选, cont.如果你已经在干过活,对于以后想从事的领域已经有所了解,那么,你一定知道这个领域里面的几个大牛。但

30、有些大牛深藏功与名,在比较一般的学校任职。如果大牛在好学校,那就果断套磁吧!对于其他你可能不太了解的,只好一个一个打开主页去研究了。我一般是看以下几点:的 h-index最近几年的研究方向和顶级会议/期刊的1234情况最近是否有 funding,有些会在主页上写明主页上有没有明说今年招几个 PhD 学生 (有多少 lastyear PhD? 可以通过是否在找工作判断!)主页的,只好通过 IEEExplore,对于有些没有Scholar,liAcademic Search 搜索其。ID: gluke2013 出国申请经验交流会从套磁说开去套磁的前期准备工作 深藏功与名的牛们Figure: 左边

31、Prof. Leonard J. Cimini, Jr. UDel, 右边 Prof. Ted Rappaport NYU-Poly如果你权衡下来,觉得的名气和实力比学校更重要的话,可以把这些大牛列为首选!PhD 毕业以后的工作肯定不用愁啦!liID: gluke2013 出国申请经验交流会从套磁说开去套磁的前期准备工作 那些年追过的期刊和会议VLSI 期刊 JSSC,TCASI,TCASII,TVLSI,ELVLSI 会议 ISSCC,Sym. on VLSI,CIC通讯期刊SCIRC,ASSCCm. letterC,VTC通讯会议信号处理期刊 TSP,SPL信号处理会议 ICASSP红色为

32、期刊,蓝色为会议,情况!组里在这些期刊/会议上的liID: gluke2013 出国申请经验交流会从套磁说开去套磁的前期准备工作 制作自己的 research pageFigure: 左边Research Page, 右边yticsResearch page 是你 CV 的拓展,在套磁中可以起到非常关键的作用!sites 和ytics(因为使用的关系,在大部分情况下需要。貌似 IPV6 下可以直接登录)。ytics 可以追踪从茫茫人海中,抓出对你感者的 IP 及所在城市。这对于的,是很重要的!liID: gluke2013 出国申请经验交流会从套磁说开去套磁的前期准备工作 制定详细的套磁计划优

33、先级高/最感后套!的先套,优先级较低的阈值是一周! 一周不回复,则立即移师下一个!Figure: 制定套磁计划liID: gluke2013 出国申请经验交流会从套磁说开去套磁进行时 套组里学生/毕业生中国学生可以直接发中文,显得亲切!其他国家的就发英文,显得专业!如果是已经毕业的,可以问诸如是否 push 这种问题,当然,请注意措辞可以问每年招多少人啦,待遇如何啦,是否一直有 funding啦人人网/FB 上骚扰也是可行的!有些年轻的 AP 也是有人人网/FB 的,但我没敢尝试 . . .liID: gluke2013 出国申请经验交流会从套磁说开去套磁进行时 套除了特别感,并且对其工作非常

34、了解的,其他都可以使用模板来套磁,如下:第一段自报家门,介绍自己情况,并说对该感哪些方向第二段用最简单的语句,简述自己的研究的意图,询问是否招 PhD 学生,第三段表明写此并留下自己的 research page 地址nk you very much for your time.第四段记得在邮件中附上自己的 CV。尽量在时间的 22:00 之后发邮件,这样刚到。liID: gluke2013 出国申请经验交流会从套磁说开去套磁结果不回,也不看你个人主页 希望不大不回,但看你个人主页 有希望认真回,并看你个人主页 非常有希望要到面试,甚至直接录取认真回,不看你个人主页 非常有希望要到面试模板回

35、说不清楚就我而言,回复率大概只有百分之十。所以,套磁不回是非常正常的事情,不要气馁! 如果回复了,就请保持联系。不回复也没关系,可以过一段时间再发一封邮件过去。有些会隔个两三个月再回。很多是在第二年才知道有没有 funding,所以在第一年年末的时候套磁,他们也不知道有没有钱招新的 PhD 学生。liID: gluke2013 出国申请经验交流会从套磁说开去感言GPA 很重要,但是如果 GPA 和我一样渣,dont panic, just套 it!GT 成绩没那么重要科研可以加分,但是 match 还是不 match的 research,觉得不的判断。即使你觉得 match,是match,那也

36、是白搭!申请 = 实力 (大部分)+ 运气 (小部分)。如果当初没有申 UMD 的话 . . .liID: gluke2013 出国申请经验交流会从套磁说开去! 祝各位申请顺利! 并感谢 WKFB!liID: gluke2013 出国申请经验交流会从套磁说开去2013 Phys PhD申请经验09物理硬件09物理小本 GPA 3.85/4.00 R没有明显的短板+一些亮点1/112MajPA 3.97/4.00TOEFL 104 (R29 L28 S22 W25)GRE V155 Q170 W3.5一年半的经历Feng Group无pr,无交流、FDUROP等其他经历信:Prof DL Fen

37、gProf L Zhou 电动力学老师Prof Y Shi 量子力学老师申请方向:PhDPhys&App experimental CMPd Physexperimental AMO申请结果:Offer:Appd PHYSStanfordPHYSUCBerkeley CUBoulder Uchicago Harvard CaltechReject:PHYSPrinceton MITWithdraw:PHYSUIUC UCSB Cornell Columbia Maryland UCSD Purdue Rice PSU申请的要素科研经历课程学习 ETS申请技巧PrReference Letter

38、GPASUBPSCVTOFEL&GRE更重要的要素Why Phys?Why PhD?科研经历r 可遇而不可求PRL, PS, CV 努力就有结果课程学习大一一年的GPA和基本决定了申请时的GPA和。(好的开始是成功的一半。)四大力学&Graduaevel课程其他专业课其他课ETSGRE&TOEFL早点考完,过关即可GRE 155+170+3.5TOEFL 100+(Speaking 22+)SUB准备20天,满分不难。Hus 复旦物理申请手册申请技巧PS&CV多看教授们怎么写CV和Research多与导师、师兄师姐们交流模板是别人的,内容是自己的erestBe Profesal选方向、选校导师

39、的意见自我定位很重要,多和往年数据比较理论方向比实验方向难申仔细看学校,方向match很重要套磁对top6没什么用 对其余的可能有用面试和等待面试为什么选这个领域?为什么选这所学校?为什么做这些科研项目?在2月初拿到S大offer之前,我什么消息也没收到Acknowledgement物理系的老师们帮我改文书的X Xie & HS LiMy Family members大家!Researaster Application Tipsfor M.A.byal BackgroundJun XiangFudan University, B.A. in Communication Studies,GPA

40、at application:3.84,ring: 1/248Exchange Experience: WUSTL summer ses exchange, CUHK semesterApplication results:Offer: M.A. at the University of Arizona (Tuition Waive + Teaching Assistantship $13,716 /9 months. + Graduate Fellowship $2,500 )Ad: the Ge Carolina-Che Washington University, the Univers

41、ity of North l Hill,Reject: the University of Pennsylvania (Ph.D.), the University ofMaryland (Ph.D.), the University of Illinois Urbana Chaignal BackgroundYuting YinFudan University, B.A. in Journalism,GPA at application:3.62,ring: 5/112Exchange Experience: the University of MelbourneApplication: M

42、.A. and Ph.D. for Anthropology ProgramsApplication:MA: Oxford, LSE, ANU, Brandeis, GWU, Purdue, M.Phil in CUHK Phd: BU, Washington U. in St. LouisResults:Offer: GWU, LSE, ANUDeci: GWU选校ProgramFacultyGraduate Students RLocationProgramPhd & MAProgram Requirement LengthCurriculumFaculty有没有相符合的老师,可尝试联系可

43、以看graduate student directory,了解项目的详细情况可以考虑学校内其它可能可以辅助你研究的学术资源R专排综排可参考:NRC(ResearchDoctorate Program Ringses):he United SPetersons:http:/Graduate caf上的:LocationCountryCityCountryU.S.Canada U.K.AustraliaEurope OthersCityResourAtmosphere Living Cost Weather OtherWriting Sle写作WS可以展示两方面的才能:1.你的写作能力2.你的思维

44、能力、对申请专业的理解和洞见总之,可以体现学术能力WS Tips尽量不要提交文献综述型的文章保持逻辑清晰格式、规范(e.g.:tyle)符合字数限制le的来源writing s的过去的课程作业etc.Polishing Your WS文书润色机构寻找朋友或老师帮忙:最理想的是找“懂行”的人帮忙修改。al SementPS,SoP, Sal Sementement of Purersonal sement answers several questions:Why do you want to get an advanced degree in this field?Why do you wan

45、t to get a degree from this department, specifically?How are you qualified?Five Sections for PS1. Early MotivationDescribe what event, or experience got you seriouslyerestedhibject.Later MotivationDescribe what convinced you to goResearch/Experienceo this field profesally.Describe your profes4. Futu

46、re Plansal experieno far.Explain what you want to do with this advanced degree.5.Why this school, this department?PS vs SoPIf a school asks forrsonal sement and asement of pure, then split the contentement will explain yourwo.Theal smotivation anderesthe field.e will explain your careerThe sement of

47、 purplans, including the reasons for choosing your subfield, and show how a degree from this department will help you achieve these goals.Reference LetterReference Letter, alsomendation Letter3 letters for professors,ernshipsupervisors, and 学界业界大牛Most Chistudents, reference letters arenott important

48、EQ: Tips for requesting reference letters from professorsIQ: Tips for how to write a strong mendation lettersLetters whichI have prepared:1 from Emeritus1 from Asso1 from Assote Dean of Journalism Schoolte Professor1 from Founder and Director of one NGOQ&Ank you. Please feel free to contact us if yo

49、uhave any questions.,0930013,junx之PS复旦大学09学系主要内容申请条件及申请结果PS的写法之个人概括版申请的一些心路历程申请条件GPA:3.62/4.00,GPA:专业第四,专业GPA:3.79/4.00托福:105,GRE:151+169+4.0,GRE Chem Sub:920 (98%)科研经历:复旦大学化学系表面化学圣母大学化学系多相催化多相催化及表面化学2011.62012.62012.8Publication: Xiaoyu Liu,jun Guo, Bin Wang, Zheng Jiang, Yan Pei, Kangnian Fan, Min

50、ghua Qiao,J. Catal., 2013(300): 152162.Jiye Hu, Xiaoyu Liu, Bin Wang, Yan Pei, Minghua Qiao, Kangnian Fan, Chin. J. Catal.,2012(33): 12661275主要申请方向:大学化学PhD申请结果Offer: Corneliversity, Emory University, ESPCI ParisTechReject: UC Berkeley, Northwestern University, Princeton University, University of Chi

51、cago,University of Pennsylvania, GeiaTechWithdraw: University of Notre Dame, NUS, HKUement的写法之个人概括版al SI was born to be curious and eager to know the essence of nature, always with many whysy mind.* at my early age.Maybets thetime I heard about the word .Due to my excellent achievements in chemistry

52、 study, I wastudents to take chemistry competition training courseected as one of the niney high school.I also began to realize my gift in chemistry, as I was always able to learn new knowledge morequickly and grasp the pomore accurayn others.个人经历1:说明自己在这个学科上面是有一定的天分的引入段:把自己与这个学科的一些渊源扯上去ement的写法之个人概

53、括版al SI was able to rtop *% in GPA among all students in our department.Such excellent academic records also enabled me to be selected as one of ten students in ourdepartment to be in.Since *, I have been working in Prof. *s group for over X years.My research is focused onDuring the year, I also had

54、 my thirdauthored pr (published on ).个人经历3:自己的一些研究经历个人经历2:说明在这个学科的学习过程中取得的一些成绩ement的写法之个人概括版al SAnd sure I am notdant who only knows to study.I took active part in extracurricular activities during my university life.Im convincedt such characteristics will contribute much to ones way to sucs,whateve

55、r he does.I beve my effort will contribute to the formation of a more compact chemistry system, andDepartment of Chemistry in Corneliversity may be my best choice.Based on my research experience, my researcherest can be in I knowt Department of Chemistry in Corneliversity has one of the best faculti

56、esheworld. I have also got to know many of the professors in Department of Chemistry, such asProf. *, Prof. #, Prof. $, etc., who are all quite consistent with my researcherest.结尾段:陈述选择这所学校、这个专业的理由个人经历4:自己的一些课外活动经历申请的一些心路历程纠结于工作与出国纠结于转专业与继续在本专业深造纠结于去哪个国家Q & A八年学医路漫漫一个在校生赴美行医的心路历程Lihang Chen M.D.2013

57、-05-14在做医生PhDt-Doc绿卡考Board面试生活的压力,家庭的重担上医在当行医六百多遇上西雅图大二起,读Lehningers Biochemistry蹲三个暑,SCI一篇考GRE、考TOEFL实习:Nationaiversity of Singapore当中国医学生Board: United S Exam, USMLEStep 1, Step 2 Clinical Knowledge,Step 2 Clinical Skill, Step 3es Medical License全自费临床实习University of Texas SouthwesternUniversity of

58、Texas San Antonio遇上医学生申请171个Program,25 USD program面试:7个大学医院、2个社区(全自费)University of Hawaii Residency Programernal Medicine第一个在遇上行医的应届医科毕业生医学生当遇上梦生活文化当理想遇上现实科研实业当理想遇上现实当存敬畏的心,度前书1章17节在世寄居的日子。是客旅,是寄居的。前书2章11节 God has His Plan for YoueToHonolulu,Hawaiilnk You!Profesal MasterApplication inComputer Scienc

59、e孙 宸2013.5.14Master VS PHDShort Period of Time: 1, 1.5 or 2 years.PHD usually lasts for 56 years.Cover specific area of topics. Cover one narrow specifictopic.Research is main part of life.No research work involved or required.Usually a Project/ Thesis for graduation.Coder, DeveloperSuc dissersfully

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