已阅读5页,还剩17页未读 继续免费阅读




1、MBA写作内部讲义Model 1 问题解决型1贫富差距距 Inncomme GGap 2假文凭现现象 FFakee Diiplooma 3人口老年年化及养养老问题题 Aggingg poopullatiion proobleem4住房问题题 Hoousiing Proobleems in Bigg Ciitiees 练习一: Inncomme GGapTherre hhas beeen aa heeateed ddisccusssionn ovver thee grrowiing inccomee gaap nnow. SSomee peeoplle hholdd thhatthe gapp

2、iss naaturral beccausse iit rrefllectts ddifffereent conntriibuttionns tthatt diiffeerennt ppeopple makke iin ttheiir wworkk. In theeir vieew, thoose peooplee wiith higgh iincoome worrk hhardd annd llongg. BBesiidess, tthesse ppeopple briing higgh eeffiicieencyy, aand creeatee moore weaalthh. AAccoo

3、rdiinglly, theey ddeseervee hiigh payy. On tthe othher hannd, theere aree allwayys ssomee peeoplle wwho vieew tthiss gaap nnegaativvelyy. TTheyy beelieeve thaat aa loot oof ccrimmes happpenn ass a ressultt off thhis inccomee gaap. Somme ppeopple makke sso llitttle froom ttheiir wworkk thhat theey rr

4、iskk taakinng ccrimminaal aactss too geet rrichh. IIn ffactt, eexpeertss haave lonng ffounnd oout thaat mmostt caasess off crrimee arre ddireectlly rrelaatedd too loow iincoome. Thheree iss annothher poiint to bacck uup aa neegattivee viiew agaainsst iincoome gapp. FFor mosst ppeopple, inncomme ggap

5、 mayy deestrroy thee saatissfacctioon tthatt thhey obttainn frrom worrk. As aanytthinng hhas twoo siidess, sso hhas thee prrobllem of inccomee gaap. Perrsonnallly, I bbeliievee thhat thiis ggap mayy mootivvatee peeoplle tto ccomppetee beetteer iin jjob marrkett. WWhenn thhis gapp iss grrowiing tooo

6、wiide, hoowevver, ouur ggoveernmmentt shhoulld mmakee soome polliciies to gett riid oof iits neggatiive connseqquenncess. 练习二:Dirrecttionns: Forr thhis parrt, youu arre tto wwritte wwithhin 30 minnutees aa coompoosittionn off noo leess thaan 1150 worrds undder thee tiitlee off Yoour commpossitiion s

7、hoouldd bee baasedd onn thhe ffolllowiing outtlinne ggiveen iin CChinnesee. PPleaase wriite it cleearlly oon tthe COMMPOSSITIION sheeet.The Badd Efffeccts of Fakke DDipllomaas.1) SSomee peeoplle bbeliievee thhat fakke ddipllomaas aare harrmfuul tto oour soccietty. 2) Thee trruthh iss deeep andd prro

8、fooundd. 3) Ass wee knnow, thhe vvicttimss off faake dipplommas aree fiirstt off alll eemplloyeers, whho ppay higgh ssalaariees bbut do nott geet rreall taalennts. 4) Inn adddittionn, ppeopple whoo haave gennuinne ddipllomaas aare alsso hhurtt grreattly.5) MManyy exxamppless caan bbe ffounnd tto ppr

9、ovve tthatt viictiims of fakke ddipllomaas aare greeat. 6) Thhefiirstt exxampple is thaat ssomee sttudeentss haave honnesttly speent fouur oor eevenn moore yeaars andd grreatt ennerggy wworkkingg haard in schhoolls, butt caannoot gget anyy addvanntagge iin jjob hunntinng. 7) On thee coontrraryy, aa

10、ceertiificcatee off Baacheelorrs Deggreee coostss abboutt 2000 YYuann, wwhicch iis rreallly cheeap commparred witth tthe fouur yyearrs oof hhardd woork. 8)Theerefforee, aactuuallly tthiss phhenoomennon mayy enncouuragge ppeopple to cheeat inssteaad oof aacquuiriing a ddegrree honnesttly.9) IIn oorde

11、er tto iimprrovee thhe ssituuatiion, wee neeed to takke ssomee poosittivee meeasuuress. 110) Forr onnethhingg, wwe sshouuld stoop pputttingg evver morre eemphhasiis oon tthe acaademmic achhievvemeent of jobb orr prromootioon ccanddidaatess. 111) Forr annothher, efffecct rrivee meeasuuress suuppoorte

12、ed bby aadvaanceed IIT ttechhnollogyy shhoulld bbe iintrroduucedd annd ttakeen tto hhelpp emmplooyerrs ddisttingguissh ggenuuinee diiploomass frrom fakke ooness. 112) Onlly iin tthiss waay, cann thhe ddemaand of fakke ddipllomaa diisapppeaar.练习四: Hoow tto TTackkle thee Hoousiing Proobleem iin BBig C

13、ittiess?1)随着着大量人人口涌入入城市,城市的的居住环环境越来来越拥挤挤;2)解决决住房问问题有哪哪些不同同方案?3) 我我的看法法How to Taccklee thhe HHoussingg Prrobllem in Bigg Ciitiees?1) WWithh thhe ffastt deevellopmmentt off mooderrn iinduustrry, morre aand morre ppeopple aree fllooddingg innto bigg ciitiees tto ffindd joobs. 2) Soo itt iss off grreatt

14、 immporrtannce forr uss too paay aatteentiion to thee hoousiing proobleem iin bbig cittiess. 33) OOn tthe onee haand, thhe ppopuulattionn iss grrowiing verry ffastt. 44) OOn tthe othher hannd, thee liimitted urbban areea ccannnot houuse thee inncreeasiing poppulaatioon.5) WWe hhavee fiigurred outt m

15、aany wayys tto ssolvve tthiss prrobllem。 6) Fiirsttly, itt iss a goood iideaa too buuildd ssateelliite cittiess iin tthe subburbbs oof bbig cittiess soo thhat peooplee wiill be dissperrsedd inn a larrge areea. 7) Seeconndlyy, tthe govvernnmennt sshouuld buiild morre hhighh-riise buiildiingss too hoo

16、usee moore peooplee. 88)Thhirddly, thhe ggoveernmmentt shhoulld aalsoo offferr a disscouunt forr loow-iincoome ressideentss too buuy ttheiir hhousses.9) CConssideerinng aall theese, I bellievve tthatt thhe hhoussingg prrobllem is verry ccomppliccateed. 10) Fiirstt off alll, it invvolvves manny oothe

17、er pprobblemms ssuchh ass trranssporrtattionn, uutillitiies, ettc. 11) Fuurthhermmoree, bbuilldinng mmoree hoousees nneedds aa laargee suum oof iinveestmmentt. 112) Theerefforee, wwe sshouuld makke ffurttherr effforrts to takke aall kinnds of meaasurres to taccklee thhe hhoussingg prrobllem in bigg

18、ciitiees.Modeel 22 积极极有利型型1Innoovattoryy SSpirrit2The siggnifficaancee off Beeijiing 20008 OOlymmpicc Gaamess3The Devveloopmeent of thee Weest Reggionns 4On tthe Siggnifficaancee off thhe QQingg-Zaang Raailrroadd5练习一: Innnovaatorry SSpirrit Outllinee: Signnifiicannce of innnovaatorry sspirrit Yourr

19、unnderrstaandiing aboout it How to culltivvatee itt Innoovattoryy SSpirritWithh thhe rrapiid ddeveeloppmennt oof sscieencee annd ttechhnollogyy, tthe commpettitiion we aree beeingg faacedd wiith is beccomiing morre aand morre ffierrce. Thhis reqquirres us to posssesss iinnoovattoryy sppiriit wwhicch

20、 iis nnot onlly tthe liffeliine of bussineessees subbsisstennce, beecauuse onlly cconsstannt iinnoovattionn caan mmakee ann ennterrpriise supperiior to hiss riivalls iin ssuchh ann coompeetittivee maarkeet, butt allso thee foounddatiion of a ccounntryys devveloopmeent. Iff a couuntrry ddoessntt innn

21、ovvatee inn scciennce andd teechnnoloogy, syysteem aand mannageemennt, shee muust unddoubbteddly lagg faar bbehiind othherss deevellopeed ccounntriies immmediiateely. As ffar as I aam cconccernned, innnovvatoory spiiritt iss soometthinng tthatt wee caannoot ddeveelopp wiithoout, esspecciallly in hi-

22、tecch aand infformmatiion agee, bbecaausee itt caan nnot onlly iimprrovee ouur llifee buut aalsoo chhangge oour liffe. Of thee maany valluess thhat connsisst oof oour civviliizedd soocieety, suuch as honnestty, kinndneess andd soo onn, iinnoovattoryy sppiriit mmay be thee moost impporttantt off alll

23、. Witthouut iit, theere willl bbe nno pproggresss, no collorfful liffe aand ulttimaatelly nno mmodeern soccietty. Thenn, hhow shoouldd wee cuultiivatte tthe innnovaatorry sspirrit? Heere aree a feww suuggeestiionss, wwhicch mmay be of somme hhelpp. FFor onee thhingg, tthe govvernnmennt sshouuld sett

24、 upp a mecchannismm off innnovvatiion andd enncouuragge ppeopple to invventt annd ccreaate darringgly. Foor aanottherr, tthe funnd oof rriskk innvesstmeent shoouldd bee prroviidedd byy soome orgganiizattionns. Onlly iin tthesse wwayss wiill peooplee caarryy foorwaard thee innnovvatoory spiiritt inn

25、evveryy fiieldd whheree thhey aree woorkiing andd sttudyyingg. ( 2300 )练习三:Thee Deevellopmmentt off thhe WWestt Reegioons Outllinee:1. TThe siggnifficaancee off deevellopiing wessterrn rregiionss inn Chhinaa.2. TThe reaasonns ffor theeir bacckwaardnnesss.3. TThe proospeectss off suuch a pprojjectt.T

26、he larrge-scaale devveloopmeent of wessterrn rregiionss wiill proove to be of greeat siggnifficaancee inn Chhinaa. TThiss sttatee pooliccy wwilll prroviide a wwideer sscoppe oof ddeveeloppmennt ffor cenntraal aand eassterrn rregiionss, wwhosse eeconnomyy iss suuppoosedd too keeep on thee riise. Thhe

27、 iimpoortaant strrateegy willl bbe iindiispeensaablee too Chhinaas oveeralll eeconnomiic ggrowwth. Whhat is morre, thee loong-terrm ssysttemaaticc prrojeect willl bbe aan eeffeectiive appproaach to dimminiishiing thee immballancce oof eeconnomiic ddeveeloppmennt iin tthe easst aand thee weest so as

28、to revvitaalizze oour nattionn.Therre aare sevveraal rreassonss whhy tthe lannd-llockked wessterrn rregiionss haave lagggedd beehinnd iin ttheiir eeconnomiic ddeveeloppmennt. Thee unnfavvoraablee geeogrraphhicaal pposiitioons theere greeatlly llimiit ttheiir ddeveeloppmennt, andd maany reggionns iin

29、 tthe wesst rremaain commparratiivelly uundeerdeevellopeed. Thee gaaps bettweeen tthe wesst aand thee eaast havve bbeenn wiidenned sinnce Chiinas rrefoorm, foor CChinnesee oppeniing up polliciies enaableed tthe easst tto aattrractt moore forreiggn ccapiitall annd mmakee a fanntassticc sppur in itss

30、deevellopmmentt, IIf lleftt unnchaangeed, thee unnderrdevveloopmeent in thee weest willl ggreaatlyy afffecct ooverralll prrospperiity andd evven socciall sttabiilitty. Therrefoore, thhe wwestternn reegioon ddeveeloppmennt iis aa maajorr coonceern of Chiina at preesennt. Itss chhieff obbjecctivve iis

31、 tto bbuilld WWestt Chhinaa innto a llandd off ecconoomicc prrospperiity, soociaal pproggresss, pollitiicall sttabiilitty aand beaautiifull laandsscappe. Itss suucceess deppendds oon tthe joiint efffortts oof tthe whoole nattionn annd oof sseveerall geenerratiionss. AAs aa ciitizzen, I firrmlyy beel

32、ieeve thaat ttherre wwilll bee a briightt fuuturre wwaillingg foor tthe wesst. ( 2333 ) 练习四:Dirrecttionns:YYou aree too wrritee inn noo leess thaan 1120 worrds aboout thee toopicc OOn tthe Siggnifficaancee off thhe QQingg-Zaang Raailrroadd. Youur ccompposiitioon sshouuld be bassed on thee Chhineese

33、cluues givven bellow. 青藏铁铁路于今今年7月月1日通通车。请请简单地地谈谈青青藏铁路路建成和和通车的的重大意意义,如如经济、文化、旅游等等方面。注:西藏藏:Tiibett;西藏藏的、西西藏人、藏语:TibbetaanOn tthe Siggnifficaancee off thhe QQingg-Zaang RaailrroaddIt iis iin QQingghaii onn Juuly 1 tthatt thhe QQingg-Zaang Raiilrooad wass coomplleteed aand opeen tto ttraffficc offficcia

34、llly. Annd iin tthe samme dday, ouur PPressideent Hu Jinngtaao ccut thee riibboon pperssonaallyy att thhe oopenningg ceeremmonyy. TThiss grreatt evventt maade eveery Chiinesse aall oveer tthe worrld exttremmelyy chheerrfull. AAs aa maain artteryy too Tiibett annd wwestternn reegioons, thhe QQingg-Zh

35、hangg Raailrroadd iss off grreatt siigniificcancce tto CChinna aand Chiinesse ppeopple. Undooubttedlly tthe siggnifficaancee off thhe QQingg-Zaang Raiilrooad cann bee cllearrly seeen nnot onlly iin eeconnomyy annd ccultturee buut aalsoo inn toouriism. Too beeginn wiith, thhe QQingg-Zaang Raiilrooad

36、willl ddrivve tthe ecoonommic devveloopmeent of thee weesteern parrt oof CChinna aand atttracct mmoree annd mmoree innvesstorrs tto iinveest in theese areeas. Inn adddittionn, tthe Qinng-ZZangg Raailrroadd wiill fossterr thhe ccultturaal aand touurisst ddeveeloppmennt oof QQingghaii annd TTibeet. An

37、 inccreaasinng nnumbber of peooplee frrom alll ovver thee woorldd wiill comme tto TTibeet aand Qinnghaai ffor traavellingg, wwhicch wwilll prroviide a ggoodd chhancce ffor thee peeoplle iin tthe worrld to knoow TTibeet aand Qinnghaai. As sshowwn iin oour preevioous disscusssioon, we mayy reeasoonabb

38、ly comme tto tthe conncluusioon tthatt thhe QQingg-Zaang Raiilrooad willl bbrinng CChinna hhisttoriic aand reaalissticc siigniificcancce. Of couursee, wwe sshouuld nott neegleect thee ennvirronmmenttal andd eccoloogiccal prootecctioon wwhille mmakiing fulll uuse of thee Qiing-Zanng RRaillroaad. Mode

39、el 33 利弊弊分析型型1On SStuddyinng AAbrooad2Traffficc Jaams in Mosst CCitiies3Oppoortuunittiess annd cchalllenngess wiith thee coominng oof GGlobbaliizattionn4Is SStreess a BBad Thiing or Goood TThinng练习一: Onn Sttudyyingg Abbroaad Outtlinne:1. Addvanntagges of Stuudyiing abrroadd 2. Diisaddvanntagges of s

40、tuudyiing abrroadd 3. Yoour opiinioonsOn SStuddyinng AAbrooadWithh thhe rrapiid ddeveeloppmennt oof CChinnesee ecconoomy andd immproovemmentt off Chhineese peooplees livvingg sttanddardd, aan iincrreassingg nuumbeer oof CChinnesee sttudeentss chhoosse tto sstuddy aabrooad. Hoowevver, thhe oopinnionn

41、s cconccernningg itt vaary froom iindiividduall too inndivviduual. Soome of thee sttudeentss arre iin ffavoor oof sstuddyinng aabrooad, whhilee ottherrs aare agaainsst ssuchh chhoicce. Thosse wwho aree inn faavorr off sttudyyingg abbroaad bbeliievee thhat stuudyiing abrroadd haas ffolllowiing advvan

42、ttagees. To beggin witth, theey ccan leaarn morre aadvaanceed sscieencee annd ttechhnollogyy inn soome devveloopedd coounttriees. Thiis ccan nott onnly savve oour ressearrch timme bbut alsso sspeeed uup oour couuntrryss coonsttrucctioon. In addditiion, sttudyyingg abbroaad pprommotee thhe llangguagg

43、e aand cullturral excchannge bettweeen CChinna aand othher couuntrriess.Howeeverr, jjustt ass evveryythiing hass twwo ssidees, somme ootheer sstuddentts aarguue tthatt sttudyyingg abbroaad aalsoo haas mmanyy diisaddvanntagges. Fiirstt off alll, thee tuuitiion is so higgh tthatt moost Chiinesse ffami

44、ily cann affforrd iit. Finnancciall prrobllem oftten cauuse oveerseeas stuudennts greeat psyychoologgicaal ppresssurre. Andd moore thaan tthatt, ssomee sttudeentss offtenn doontt waant to comme bbackk affterr grraduuatiion andd thhis willl bbe aa grreatt looss to theeir mottherrlannd. Weigghinng uup

45、 tthe proos aand thee coons of stuudyiing abrroadd, II amm inncliinedd too beelieeve thaat tthe advvanttagees oof sstuddyinng aabrooad carrry morre wweigght thaan iits dissadvvanttagees. Theerefforee wee shhoulld eencoouraage morre sstuddentts tto sstuddy aabrooad andd maanagge tto mmakee fuull usee

46、 off thhe bbeneefitts oof sstuddyinng aabrooad. Byy thhe wway, wiith thee foorthhcommingg off a proospeerouus aand powwerfful Chiina, wee caan ddefiinittelyy avvoidd annd ooverrcomme tthe proobleems whiich mayy goo allongg wiith thee sttudyyingg abbroaad. An oveerwhhelmmingg maajorrityy off ovversse

47、ass sttudeentss wiill comme bbackk too seervee thheirr mootheerlaand. ( 2655 )练习二:Dirrecttionns: Inn thhis secctioon, youu arre rrequuireed tto wwritte aa coompoosittionn enntittledd“Trrafffic Jamms iin MMostt Ciitiees” Youu shhoulld wwritte mmoree thhan 1500 woordss neeatlly oon AANSWWER SHEEET 2.

48、Situuatiionss: Trrafffic jamms aare noww a majjor proobleem iin mmostt ciitess. HHoweeverr, iit sseemms tthatt peeoplle aare nott prrepaaredd too giive up theeir carrs aand usee ottherr foormss off trranssporrt. Requuireemennts: Diiscuuss thee reeasoons forr thhesee twwo ssituuatiionss annd ssuggges

49、tt hoow tthe sittuattionn miightt bee immproovedd orr reesollvedd. Traffficc Jaams in Mosst CCitiiesWithh thhe ssubsstanntiaal ddeveeloppmennt oof ssociial ecoonommy aand thee immproovemmentt off peeoplless liivinng sstanndarrd, thee nuumbeer oof pprivvatee caars hass beeen inccreaasinng ddrammatiic

50、allly. Hoowevver, thhe pprobblemm off trrafffic jamms iin mmanyy ciitiees iis ddisrregaardeed wwhille ppeopple enjjoy thee coonveenieencee off thhe ccarss, aand eveen wworsse iit sseemms tthatt peeoplle aare nott prrepaaredd too giive up theeir carrs aand usee ottherr foormss off trranssporrt. (633

51、)As wwe kknoww, tthe proobleems of traaffiic jjamss inn ciitess caan bbe sshowwn ccleaarlyy inn thhe ffolllowiing asppectts. Firrst of alll, ppeopple aree offtenn deelayyed onee orr twwo hhourrs bby tthe traaffiic jjam, annd aa loot oof ttimee haas tto bbe wwastted on thee ciity roaads. Whhats mmore

52、e, tthe larrge quaantiity of harrmfuul ggas prooducced durringg thhe ttraffficc jaams dammagees tthe citty eenviironnmennt sseriioussly andd haas nnegaativve iinflluennce on peooplees heaalthh. EEvenn soo, ppeopple aree noot llikeely to givve uup ttheiir ccarss annd uuse othher forrms of traanspport

53、t. TThe reaasonn iss noot oonlyy thhat thee caars enaablee peeoplle ffullly eenjooy tthe freeedoom oof llifee, aand go anyywheere theey wwantt too goo, bbut alsso tthatt thhe ccarss syymboolizze tthe weaalthh annd sstattus of thee owwnerrs.( 1224 )Baseed oon wwhatt haas bbeenn diiscuusseed sso ffar,

54、it folllowws tthatt soome sollutiionss shhoulld bbe ffounnd tto pput an endd too thhe pprobblemm off trrafffic jamms iin mmanyy ciitiees. To beggin witth, pubblicc trranssporrt sshouuld be impprovved in ordder to proovidde ccitiizenns wwithh beetteer sservvicees sso tthatt thhey aree wiilliing to us

55、ee thheirr caars lesss ffreqquenntlyy. AAnottherr waay iis tto iintrroduuce rellevaant polliciies andd laaws to resstriict carr usse, succh aas ttimee reestrricttionns, roaad llimiitattionns aand thee raaisiing of oill prricee ettc. Onlly tthrooughh thhesee waays cann wee geet oout of thiis ddileemm

56、aa efffecctivvelyy annd ssucccesssfullly. ( 93 ) ( 2880 ) 练习三: Oppporrtunnitiies andd chhalllengges witth tthe commingg off GllobaalizzatiionWhenn itt coomess too thhe gglobbaliizattionn, ddifffereent peooplee haave diffferrentt atttittudees ttowaardss itt. SSomee peeoplle bbeliievee thhat thee coom

57、inng oof gglobbaliizattionn wiill briing us a llot of oppporttuniitiees, whiile othherss arrguee thhat it willl iimplly mmanyy chhalllengges to us as welll. Theere is proobabbly somme ttrutth iin bbothh sttateemennts. To ssomee peeoplle, thee oppporrtunnitiies witth tthe commingg off gllobaalizzatii

58、on cann bee seeen froom tthe folllowwingg asspeccts. Fiirstt off alll, glooballizaatioon eenhaancee ouur ccounntryy too coommuuniccatee annd ccoopperaate witth ootheer ccounntriies in thee woorldd noot oonlyy inn scciennce andd teechnnoloogy butt allso in ecoonommy aand cullturre. Whaatss moore, gll

59、obaalizzatiion willl ssureely accceleeratte oour couuntrryss reeforrm aand devveloopmeent andd immproove thee liivinng sstanndarrd oof CChinnesee peeoplle. Andd moost impporttantt off alll, glooballizaatioon eenabbless Chhinaa too geet iinvoolveed wwithh thhe wworlld aand thee woorldd knnow morre aa

60、bouut CChinna. Howeeverr, jjustt ass evveryythiing hass twwo ssidees, glooballizaatioon uundooubttedlly bbrinng aabouut ssomee chhalllengges aloong witth ooppoortuunittiess. TTo bbegiin wwithh, wwithh thhe ccomiing of glooballizaatioon, we havve tto bbe ffaceed wwithh moore sevveree coompeetittionn


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