1、Unit 5 Fourteen Steps Hal Manwaring第1页五月第二个星期天是Mothers DayBut do you know, what day it is the third Sunday in May?National Disable day 国际助残日第2页The disabled The blind The deaf The deaf-mute The mental retardation Be lame/limp paralyze (AmE) paralyse (BrE)第3页The disabled Cleft lip/ harelip 兔唇 Dwarfism
2、 侏儒症 Cretinism 呆小症 Dementia 痴呆 Hemiplegia 偏瘫,半身不遂 Day blindness 昼盲,夜视症 Moon blindness 夜盲症第4页Disabled sports Paralympic Games 残奥会 第5页Paralympic Games 残奥会第6页第7页第8页QuestionImage this , if you were a disabled person , what will you do ? What we can do for the disabled ?If you must lose a part of your bo
3、dy ? Which part would you like to choose?Leading-question第9页Do you believe that a cat has nine lives第10页猫总能引发人们极大兴趣。它们能够对人友好,充满柔情。不过,它们又有自己神秘生活方式。它们从不像狗和马一样变得那么顺从。结果是人们已经学会尊重猫独立性。在它们一生中,大多数猫都对人存有戒心。最使我们感兴趣一件事情就是一个通俗信念猫有九条命。显然,这种说法里面包含着许多真实性。猫在跌落时能够大难不死是有事实作为依据。最近,纽约动物医疗中心对132只猫进行了为期5个月综合研究。全部这些猫有一个共
4、同经历:它们都曾从高层建筑上摔下来过,但只有其中8只猫死于震荡或跌伤。当然,纽约是进行这种有趣试验一个理想地方,因为那里根本不缺乏高楼大厦,有是高层窗槛从上往下坠落。有一只叫萨伯瑞猫从32层楼上掉下来,但只摔断一颗牙。“猫就像训练有素跳伞队员,” 一位医生说。看起来,猫跌落距离越长,它们就越不会伤害自己。在一个长长跌落过程中,它们能够到达每小时60里甚至更加快速度。在高速下落中,猫有时间放松自己。它们伸展四肢,就像飞行中松鼠一样。这么就加大了空气阻力,并降低了它们着地时冲击力带来震动。第11页关于猫你知道多少Copy cat形容一个人喜欢模仿、剽窃他人Fat Cat指有钱人 Cat tongu
5、e形容怕烫、不能吃热食物人第12页不要非在一棵树上吊死There are more ways of killing a cat than by choking it with cream.知人知面不知心Cats hide their claws. The cat shuts its eyes when stealing cream. 嘲笑那些掩耳盗铃者。关于猫谚语第13页a cat nap打个盹儿let the cat out of the bag放出袋中猫(泄密,说漏嘴)more than one way to skin a cat 剥猫皮各有巧妙不一样(另有方法)第14页rain cats
6、 and dogs 天上下猫,天上下狗(倾盆大雨)All cats are black in the dark.或者We are in the same boat 五十步笑百步或乌鸦笑猪黑。The cat did it.做错了事情,用这是猫干来推卸责任。第15页不愿吃苦人成不了大事业)A gloved cat catches no mice(猫总是藏起自己爪子-知人知面不知心)Cats hide their claws(掩耳盗铃,自欺欺人)The cat shuts its eyes when stealing cream)与猫相关成语 第16页Care killed the cat(忧虑伤身
7、) Let the cat out of bag(无意中泄露秘密)Theres more ways than one to kill a cat(有是方法)第17页She is a cat(她是个包藏祸心女人)Mrs Smith is a perfect cat(史密斯太太是个地地道道长舌妇)Do you know第18页The man and his wife lead a cat and dog life, and both are miserable (他们夫妻俩经常吵架,两人都感到痛苦) Its difficult to get a man to bell the cat(勇于在危险中
8、挺身而出人不轻易找到)。第19页Image this if you were a disabled person , what will you do ?Just climb 14 steps each dayOr in your small way to help others第20页The 21 dancers in “The Thousand-hand Bodhisattva” amazed and delight the word who can speak and hear.Kirk Douglas wife Ann still established Research for Wo
9、men cancers with six fellow survivors even when she dealt with the cancer.第21页Someone even dont believe a cat has nine lives how can the author said that he was living his third life .So if you want know why did the author said that , let us read this story together.第22页Preview checkFill in the blan
10、ks.A cat is said to have _ lives.The authors father died when he was _ years old.The authors happy dream ended because he contracted a disease of the _.The author had a _ tire in a stormy might on his way home.The old man who helped the author to change the tire was _.The author realized that he was
11、 filled to overflowing with _, _, _ to the needs of others and _.第23页Keys nine fifteen motor nerves flat blind self-pity / selfishness / indifference / thoughtlessness第24页Pre-reading questionsWhat are the difficulties a disabled person might face? List some of them. health / transportation / educati
12、on / employment / family life / psychological problemsCan you always see the needs of others? Cite an example to justify your answer.第25页Part I (Para 12) the authors 1st life struggle to make a living + a pleasant dreamPart II (Para 35) the authors 2nd life the life afflicted by the disease the diff
13、iculty climbing the 14 stepsPart III (Para 68) How did the authors third life begin changing the flat tire in a stormy nightPart IV (Para 910) the authors reflection on the incidentStructural analysis第26页Part I (Para 1 2)The authors first life第27页Questions Can you describe the authors first life bri
14、efly?第28页be inclined to Commandos are inclined to shoot first and ask questions later. He was inclined to self-pity. to be likely to do something or behave in a particular waybe inclined to agree / think / believe Arthur has some strange ideas, but on this occasion Im inclined to agree with him. to
15、hold a particular opinion, but not very stronglyIt was Sunday morning, and she was not inclined to get up yet. You can visit our chatrooms, if you feel so inclined . to want to do something, but without having a strong desireartistically / musically / mathematically inclinednaturally interested in o
16、r good at art, music第29页paralyze syn. cripple, disable, numbMrs. Burrows had been paralyzed by a stroke. 这个登山人跌瘫了,不能走了。The climber was paralyzed in a fall, and couldnt walk.电力中止使得列车无法运行。The electricity failure paralyzed the train service. paralysis of the lower body第30页San Jose: a city of western Ca
17、lifornia southeast of San FranciscoSan Carlos: located 25 miles south of San Francisco and 379 miles north of Los Angeles. San Carlos is situated on the San Francisco Peninsula midway between San Francisco and San Jose.San Jose / San Carlos第31页 afflictto affect someone or something in an unpleasant
18、way, and make them sufferafflicted with / bya country afflicted by famineSmoking is a major cause of cancer and other afflictions.第32页Part II (Para 3 5)The authors second life the life afflicted by the disease第33页Questions How can you describe the authors second life?Do you think the author was a pe
19、rson with courage and strong willpower? Why or why not?What information does the author want to convey by the image of “the 14 steps”?第34页 syn. establish, fix, place, plant install the engine / equipment / system ant. uninstall cf. installation, installmentTheyre letting me pay for the washing machi
20、ne by monthly _.The software _ was complete and the computer worked much better.installments, installationinstall第35页And I managed to keep my health and optimism, to a degree, because of 14 steps.to a degree: party To some degree I think thats right, but there are other factors which affect the situ
21、ation.In a way, the daily exercise of climbing helped to keep his physical capability (health), which in turn made him optimistic that he could continue living.第36页Crazy? Not at all. a rhetorical questionany question asked for a purpose other than to obtain the information the question asks. more ex
22、amplesWhy are you so stupid?Shall I compare thee to a summers day?第37页Split-level第38页 lead up tothe weeks that led up to her death the events leading up to his dismissalif a series of events or a period of time leads up to an event, it comes before it or causes itShe had already guessed what he was
23、leading up to.to gradually introduce an embarrassing, upsetting, or surprising subject into a conversation第39页something that helps you make a judgment about a person or situationRetail sales are a gauge of consumer spending. The tests will give parents a gauge of how their children are doing. fuel /
24、 temperature / pressure gaugean instrument for measuring the size or amount of somethinga gauge of lifegauge第40页yardsticksomething that you compare another thing with, in order to judge how good or successful it is Profit is the most important yardstick of success for any business.These subjects are
25、 used as a yardstick against which to measure the childrens progress. 我们需要一个相关健康标准。We need a yardstick for health.你用一样标准衡量你孩子和其它孩子吗?Do you judge other children by the same yardstick as your own?第41页hold on to to have your hands or arms tightly around something Hold on to my arm.to continue doing som
26、ething that is very difficult to doSan Francisco held on to win 4-2.to keep something rather than losing it, selling it, or giving it to someone else The soldiers held on to the bridge for three more days.第42页Here hobbled a bitterly disillusioned cripple, a man who held on to his sanity and his wife
27、 and his home and his job because of 14 miserable steps leading up to the back door of his garage.Why does the author call the steps “14 miserable steps”?The fact that everything in his life (his home, his job, his wife and his sanity) seemed to totally rely on these 14 steps made him miserable. tra
28、nsferred epithet Paraphrase this sentence.Here limped a sad man with little hope for his future, and everything he owned at that time (his home, his job and his normal life) depended on his painful effort to climb these 14 steps.第43页Part III (Para 6 8)An incident that changed the author第44页Question
29、Why did the author dismiss the thought at once that anyone would offer help at the moment?He knew that he would not stop if he were a passing driver in that situation.Was there any hint that indicates something unusual about the man?How did the author feel when the man and the little girl were worki
30、ng in the storm?Why did the old man refuse to accept the authors payment?When did the author realize that the old man was blind?第45页Even in the winter with the sun beating down, its nice and cosy in there.it shines very brightly and the weather is hotThe rain beat down mercilessly on the womens bare
31、 heads.it is raining very hardBeat down the seller to the price that suits you.He wanted 4500 for the car but I beat him down to 3850.British English to persuade someone to reduce a priceThe women seemed beaten down.to make someone feel defeated, so they no longer respect themselves beat down第46页to
32、pull something suddenly and roughlyGraham had to jerk the steering wheel to the left to avoid a crash.to move with a quick sudden movement, or to make part of your body move in this way The sound of the phone jerked me awake.Sea water leaked from his mouth, his breath gasped in jerky spasms.jerk第47页
33、the steering wheel jerked in my handsthe steering wheel became uncontrollable because of sudden and unsteady movements第48页 bangThere was a loud bang outside the kitchen door.a sudden loud noise slam the doorHe walked away from the accident with only a slight bang on the head.a painful blow to the bo
34、dy when you hit against something or something hits youStock markets started the year with a bang.in a very successful way 第49页blow out / blow-outThe can exploded, wrecking the kitchen and bathroom and _ windows.I _ the candle.A lorry traveling south had a _ and crashed.blowing out, blew out , blow-
35、out第50页shoulder of the roadAmerican English, an area of ground beside a road where drivers can stop their cars if they are having trouble 第51页as the enormity of the situation swept over meas the terrible situation shocked me instantly. The word “enormity” implies a serious situation that usually is
36、vicious or wicked.Nobody fully understands the enormity and complexity of the task of reviving the countrys economy.She worked _ hard on the project.enormously第52页crutch第53页jack handle第54页tiltThis new evidence may tilt the balance of opinion in his favor.My mother tilted her head and smiled.As it ca
37、me into land, the plane tilted sideways.Manning admits he was tilting at windmills in trying to change the nations prison system.to waste time and energy attacking an enemy that is not real第55页食品要4英镑,可我只付了3英镑,所以我还欠1英镑。The food cost 4 , but I only paid 3 so I still owe 1.年轻作家把自己成功归于他老师勉励。The young wr
38、iter owed his success to his teachers encouragement.他认为自己取得成功是辛勤劳动结果。He owes his success to his hard work.她对我怀有怨恨。She owes me a hatred. owe sb a favor / an apology / a drinkowe第56页Part IV (Para 9 10)The authors reflection on the incident第57页QuestionsHow did the author react to the girls word?How did
39、 the author re-evaluate the 14 steps?第58页In the next few frozen seconds the shame and horror of that moment penetrated and I was sick with an intensity I had never felt before.frozen secondsbe frozen with fear / terror / fright speechlesspenetrate v. to enter intoExplorers penetrated deep into unkno
40、wn regions.KGB agents had penetrated most of their intelligence services.penetrating look / eyes / gaze. penetration n.第59页Paraphrase the sentence.In the next few seconds I was filled with such great shame and horror that I was speechless. I had never been so sick about what I had done before.第60页 i
41、n the dark a darkness that for him in the dark the dark night a darkness the old mans blindness the rhetorical device pun 第61页search search ones memory search ones heartdisturbing traitsThe quality that disturbs.Paraphrase the sentence.I sat there for a long time to think about myself and discovered
42、 some unhealthy qualities inside me: self-pity, selfishness, indifference and thoughtlessness.but it was long enough for me to search deep within myself and find some disturbing traits.第62页be filled to overflowing withto be completely fullOne wall was filled to overflowing with books.overflow = over
43、 + flowThe hospitals are overflowing with victims of the hurricane.My heart was overflowing with gratitude.第63页Therefore all things whatsoever ye would that men should do to you, do ye even so to themParaphrase the sentence.Therefore do to other people whatever you would like them to do to you.第64页f
44、or this is the law and the prophets prophet a man sent by God to lead people and teach people religion prophet of doom / disastersomeone who says that bad things will happenGandhi was the prophet of non-violent protest. someone who introduces and spreads a new ideaIt turned out to be a prophetic pie
45、ce of journalism.第65页used to talk about the degree to which something happens, or how important it is I began to prepare in a small way to enjoy the Christmas in Bedford.Actors are getting paid more than their worth all over Hollywood right now, and in a big way.in a big / small way第66页The Power of
46、Belief第67页prognosis prognoses pl.a doctors opinion of how an illness or disease will developThe poorer prognosis for linear growth among boys who develop Crohns disease before puberty has not been previously reported.(formal) a judgment about the future, based on information or experience a hopeful
47、prognosis of the countrys future developmentCf. diagnosis 第68页numbbe numb with coldbe numb with fear / grief / shockThe horror of my experience has numbed my senses.numbly numbness 第69页catastrophicN. CatastropheSyn. disaster, calamitydisastrous, calamitous第70页if you have something on the go, you have started it and are busy doing itEven with three top films on the go, Michelle is reluctant to talk ab
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