1、基本句式多样化操练11. 就在他抬头看时,一个不明的物体在天空掠过。An unknown object was flying across the sky just when he looked up. It was when he looked up that an unknown object was flying across the sky.22. 他父母的健康每况愈下。他为此十分担心。His parents health is falling down day by day. He is worried about it very much.What worries him most
2、 is that his parents health is falling down day by day.3His parents health is becoming worse and worse, about which he is much worried. 43. 这个计划完全是个失败。The plan was a complete failure in the end.The plan turned out / proved to be a great failure. 54. 众所周知,参加社会活动有利于开扩眼界,增强团队意识。All of us know that taki
3、ng part in social activities is beneficial to broadening our view and strengthening our sense of cooperation. 6 As is seen by all / As is known to all, we can broaden our horizons and strengthen our sense of cooperation by taking part in more social activities. 75. 由于一块大石头挡在路上,过往的汽车都无法通过。As there wa
4、s a big rock getting in the way, all the passing cars and trucks couldnt get through. With a big rock getting in the way, all the passing cars and trucks could not get through. 8A big rock was lying in the way. As a consequence / result, all the passing cars and trucks couldnt get through.96. 去年,我们参
5、观了那座辉煌的宫殿。它的美丽是无法用语言来描述的。(描述建筑物)Last year, we visited that magnificent palace. Its beauty cant be described in words. 10Last year, we paid a visit to that magnificent palace, whose beauty is beyond expressions. 117. 当我们谈到教育,大多数人会认为它是终身的学习。When we talk about education, most people think it is a lifet
6、ime study.Speaking / Talking of education, the majority of people think it is a lifetime study. 12When it comes to education, most people believe that it is a lifetime task for everyone. 138. 表演很成功。所有的演员都兴奋不已。The performance was so successful that all the performers got very excited about it. The pe
7、rformance worked out well so that all the performers were very excited about it. 14The performance turned out to be very successful, about which all the performers got very excited. 159. 毫无疑问,不同的人对事物持有不同的观点。There is no doubt that different people hold different views about the same things. Different
8、 people have different ideas about things, which nobody can doubt. 1610. 他站在那里好一会儿了,不知道该干什么。He stood there for quite a while, not knowing what to do next at all. He stood there for quite a few minutes and didnt know what to do next.1711. 我们曾经在夕阳西下时漫步在河岸上。We used to take a walk along the river bank a
9、t sunset. There came / was a time when we took a walk down the river bank when the sun was setting in the west. 1812. 在黄昏,许多人,尤其是老年人,喜欢到户外走一走。这有利于身体健康。 At dusk, many people, especially the elderly, are fond of having a walk outdoors because it benefits their health. 19 Dusk often sees many people, e
10、specially the old, taking a walk on the streets or in the parks. Surely, it is beneficial to their health / they can benefit from it. 20When night falls, many people, especially the aged, feel like taking a walk in the open air, which no doubt benefits their health. 2113. 由于天色已晚,他只得在路边的小店住了一夜。As it
11、was very late, he had to put up for the night in an inn by the roadside. It being very late, he had no choice but to go to an inn by the roadside for the night. 2214. 他每周六都去那个俱乐部游泳。这已经成了一个惯例。He goes to that club for a swimming training every Saturday. It has become a regular rule. He has made it a r
12、egular rule to go to that club for his swimming training every Saturday. 2315. 小时候,我经常去离家不远的河边玩耍,河边上生长着很多不知名的植物。When I was young, I used to play along the riverside not far away from my house, on which grew a lot of unknown plants. 24As a child / In my childhood, I often went to play on the riversid
13、e close to my house, along which grew a variety of plants that I couldnt name. 2516. 他们日以继夜地工作是为了在限定的时间内完成各项实验。They worked day and night in order to complete all the experiments within the given time. 26They worked all day long with / for the purpose of completing all the experiments within the give
14、n time. They kept on working from morning till night so as to complete all the experiments before deadline. 2717. 不顾天气的寒冷,那些球迷仍然在期待那位球星能够出现在机场。Though the weather was very cold, the fans was still expecting the football super star to appear at the airport. 28Despite the freezing cold weather, the fan
15、s remained expecting that the football super star would show up at the airport.Cold as the weather was, the fans were still waiting for the football super star at the airport. 2918. 使她失望的是,她没有找到那只可爱的小狗。What disappointed her was that she couldnt find that lovely pet dog. To her disappointment, she fa
16、iled to find that lovely pet dog. 3019. 李明是一个热心肠的孩子。无论谁遇到了麻烦,他都会去帮助。Li Ming is so warmhearted a boy that he is willing to give a hand no matter who meets with difficulties. 31Li Ming is such a warmhearted child that he is always ready to lend a hand no matter who gets in trouble. Such a warmhearted
17、boy is Li Ming that he is always giving a hand to whoever is in trouble. 3220. 一到家,他就开始玩电脑游戏。这几乎占用了他本应该用来学习的全部时间。As soon as he got home, he began to play video games. It took up almost all his time when he should have studied.33He set out to play video games the moment he arrived home, which took up most of his time when he should have studied.No sooner had he arrived home than he got dow
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