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1、人体解剖学喉和气管larynxtracheaetcGeneral arrangement of neckViscera of the Neck PositionRelationshipFunction Larynxcartilages connected by membranes and ligaments paired: thyroid, cricoid, epiglottic unpaired: arytenoid, corniculate, cuneiform Skeleton of larynx: Cartilages of larynx Cricoid cartilageThyroi

2、d cartilageArytenoid cartilageEpiglottic cartilageCartilages of larynx Joints of larynxCricothyroid jointsCrico-arytenoid jointsligaments of larynxThyrohyoid membraneQuadrangular membrane Vestibular foldsCricothyoid membrane vocal ligament, vocal fold, cricothroid ligamentJoints of larynxMembrane an

3、d ligamentsExtrinsic ligaments Intrinsic ligaments Quadrangular membraneIntrinsic ligaments Cricothyoid membraneIntrinsic ligaments Vocal ligamentsVocal fold, Glottisrima glottidis Variations in shape of rima glottidis Extrinsic laryngeal muscles Intrinsic laryngeal muscles adductors abductors sphin

4、cters tensors relaxers Muscles of larynxMuscles of larynxRima GlottisVocal lig.Muscles of larynxMuscles and nerves of larynxNerves and vesselsBranches of Vagus n sup. inf. ext. int. recurrentBranches of the superior and inferior thyriod a. sup. inf. lymph sup. inf. deep cervical lymph nodesVessels,

5、nerves, and lymph nodes of larynx recurrent laryngeal nerves: sensory to the laryngeal cavity below the level of the vocal folds; motor to all intrinsic muscles of the larynx except for the cricothyroidInternal laryngeal cavityVestibule of larynxIntermedial laryngeal cavity (ventricle of the larynx)

6、Infraglottic cavityHeimlich Maneuver Laryngoscopy Clinical correlationTrachea tracheal rings trachealis muscle from C6 to sternal angle Tracheostomy & its anatomical relationships Anatomical relationshipsThe inferior thyroid veins A small thyroid inferior most arteryin infants and children: the left

7、 brachiocephalic vein, jugular venous arch, pleurae, esophagusCervical Esophagus Vessels & nerves of the Cervical Esophagus inferior thyroid a. & v.paratracheal & inferior deep cervical lymph nodes recurrent laryngeal n. & cervical sympathetic trunks Tracheoesophageal Fistula Cases 当John完成了第一次解剖学考试后

8、,父亲决定带他去吃牛排以示庆祝。在喝了一点酒后,他注意到父亲说话有些含糊不清,进食速度加快。过了一会儿,他发现父亲脸色突然改变,然后突然倒在地板上。开始他怀疑父亲可能是休克、心脏病或癫痫发作。但他还发现父亲脉搏很强,脸色开始发青。这时他意识到可能是窒息。他将父亲的嘴张开,看到一大块牛排卡在喉的后部。他将示指深入父亲口中,试图取出牛排,但未成功。然后他将父亲翻到俯卧位,实施海姆利克操作法。问题:1. 这块牛排可能会滞留在哪个部位? 2. 如果海姆利克操作法没有成功,此时又有一位医生来帮助,你认为他还可以采取什么急救措施? 3. 此类事件可造成所谓“餐馆死亡”,试讨论之。Cases 一个10岁的男孩因喉痛和耳痛被送到医院。伴有高热、脉搏快、呼吸节律快。查体发现咽喉有广泛红肿,特别是腭扁桃体红肿明显。左侧鼓膜突出。病史发现该男孩曾经有鼻粘膜慢性炎症症状,经常用口呼吸,还患过扁桃体周围脓肿。诊断:扁桃体炎 治疗:抗生素治疗后炎症消失。3个月后对其行T和A。问题:1. 扁桃体的定义? 2. 患者耳痛的解剖学基础? 3. 该病例中,哪个淋巴结可能


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