1、Index 36711.roduction12.ysis of the market11123334462.1 Market Demand.2Qualiive iveysis ysisDistribution SystemCompetitors2.4 Supply Chain2.5 External Environment2.5.1Micro2.5.2Macro3. Strategy73.1 Strategic Brandysis77883.23.3itioning Brand Identity SystemitioningBusiness MSWOTCanvas94. Ope
2、rational Market9ProductPrice9104.3 Place104.4 Promotion105.Business Plan116.127.Reference List128.Bibliography139.Appendix131.roductionWith the increasing purchasinger of the middle class, China is promoting the restructuring of theconsumer market, more and more consumers shift fromernational brands
3、 to distinctive fashion multi brandstores for unique specificity. The market of multi brand stores continued to develop in recent years. Also, thedevelopment of footwear is very fast in China, and even have business plan for a new fashion multi brand store.e fashion items as a trend. This is aFu Lai
4、 is a new fashion multi brand store offering a multi brand selection oshion and “footwear” forfashion consumers, the store opens in Shang Hai in 2016, and the store offers onlirvice formerce.Fu Lai is focus product on the footwear market to achieve profitable sales through a mixture of premium luxur
5、y brands. This business plan includes a study of the footwear industry in China for last years and itsperformance, and research the market oshion buyer market and its future in China.2.ysis of the market2.1 Market Demand2.1.1iveysisPic 1Source: RET 睿意德1(A Chicommerl service company)Since 1996, themu
6、lti brand store opened in, to 14 years in 2009, added a total of 18 multibrand stores brands. But after 2010, the market of Chi period.multi brand stores brands enteredo outbreakAt the 23rd sesof the Chinaernational Clothing & Acsories Fair (CHIC2015) on 18 March 2015.Fashion Trend Digest launched 2
7、015 edition of : As at 2014, an1 新浪商业地产. (2014). ht2016.2 Zhang, Yu. 2015. 中国买手孵化中国设计. Xinhua News Agency- Oriental outlook. 25 May . online Available at: HYPERLINK http:/n/ http:/n/m/spotlight/2015/08-15/77242.htm Acsed 14 MayThe number of new multi brand stores brands1210111089674442222111101996 1
8、998 2000 2002 2003 2005 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013Stable periodOutbreak periodSource: Euromonitorernational3Pic 2According to the projection made by Euromonitor,he next few years Chinas footwear market will continueto grow at a rate exceeding 9%4. A market survey conducted by Euromonitor est
9、imates footwear market in 2015 amounted to Rmb380 billion.5And most of the consumers, they are not limited to the functional of shoes. They care more about the beautyt sales in Chinasle: sneakers. A market for 55 billion dollars.6 Chiand fashion of shoes. For ex potential.market has great2.1.2Qualii
10、veysis1.A shop offers dozens or evendreds oshion brandsFor exle, in Coppelia (a multi brand store for shoes and bags), it offers about moren 30ernational n 17 brandsfashion brands products. In NOCO (a fashion multi brand store for apparel), it offers moreproducts, etc. there are the most fashion tre
11、nd and the best-selling merchandises. There are more chooses for consumers.2. Less money and more fashion.Buyers are the soul of the multi brand store. Some buyers have a keen sense of smell for fashion. They areable to buy some products will be fashionable consumers.he future and with low price. Pr
12、ovide such opportunities for3.Without taking a trip to find own styleBuyers store convergence of foreign and domestic brands, and even some well-known designer of exclusivebrand.It meanst the fashion buyer will offer the fashion around the world. And consumers can easily findfashion items in one sto
13、re.2.2 Distribution System3 China-trade-. (2016). Chinas Footwear Market | HKTDC. online Available at:/business-news/article/China-Consumer-Market/China%E2%80%99s-Footwear-Market/ccm/en/1/1X000000/1X002MPH.htm Acsed 14 May 2016.4 China-trade-. (2016). Chinas Footwear Market | HKTDC. online Available
14、 at:/business-news/article/China-Consumer-Market/China%E2%80%99s-Footwear-Market/ccm/en/1/1X000000/1X002MPH.htm Acsed 14 May 2016.5 Chinas Footwear Market. 30 June 2015. HKTDC RESEARCH 经贸研究./。com6 Wang, Yi. 10 April 2016. 550 亿的球鞋大市场, 中国Sneakerheads 怎能缺席.Footwear sales in 2011-2014 (RMB million)400,
15、000350,000352,763320,896300,000290,919250,000260,051200,000187,035169,878150,000153,735134,860114,837125,747100,00096,217104,58750,00028,97332,59536,18139,98002011201220132014childrensmenswomenstotalAlmost all the multi brand stores sa the consumer.2.3 Competitorsy physical stores and online stores.
16、 They are the direct distribution to2.4 Supply ChainAs a multi brand stores, the supply channels always are:1. Acquire products directly by profesal buyers. Suchas Lane crawford, which owns nearly 100al buyers search for the particular products around the world, to ensuret moren 40%7 of theprofesmer
17、chandise is sold exclusively at the local store.2. Agents and cooperative with other brands. Such as I.T, which agent brands include: Kenzo, French Connection, YSL, Alexander McQueen, etc. there are some brands also authorize exclusive agent to I.T.83. Consignment system. Cooperation witknown design
18、ers and sell their works. The store obtains a certainof the sales and quarter unsalable goods will be returned to the designer. Such as 栋梁(a famous multi brandstore from Beijing). Which is contracted with moren 20 local independent designers.External EnvironmentMicro7Finan l Daily. /news/4027557.htm
19、l。Finan l Daily. /news/4027557.html。Le, Yan. 14 October 2014.8 Le, Yan. 14 October 2014.OriginFoundedin ChinaBrandThe numberof brandsSpaceThe numberof storesFeatureFu-LaiChina20161Sneakers andluxury brandsMaria LuisaParis2014Christopher Kane, Erdem, Manish Arora, Jonathon Saunders, Raf Simons, Nina
20、Ricci, Ami, Carven, etc.2161500sqm5Independent designer brandsCatalogHongKong2000Nike, adidas, TOMS, ReebokNew balance, Vans, etc.242500sqm24lifestyle sneakersDong LiangBeijing2009Dong Liang, etc221500sqm5Chi designer brandsZUMAShang hai2000Amaya arzuaga, TOGA,MSGM.etc19800 sqm4UrbanConsumptionASAHo
21、ng KongPRADA, GUCCI, BURRERRY, GIVENCHY,etc.501200sqm8Low additional costSwHongKong1955AGNOA, JUST CAVALLI,CO, BRIONI, etc96700 sqm2Rare BrandsTuan tuan1997371500sqm2Famous founderCocktailHongkong2002Coohem, Chorux, ljiit,Maison de Soil, etc45300 sqm3ArtisticatmosphereTriple MajorBei jing2010Yao, Tr
22、iple Major, etc.29450 sqm3WorldwidedesignersPic 3micro environment91. Competitors:Derived from different stages of development and business m. The competitors are classified by source.10(1) Local multi brand store: rarise in recent years.Local multi brand store has its unique style of original merch
23、andises. Quickly gaas BNC, Seven Days, 栋梁, etc. they have gained high popularity in just a few years.arket recognition. Such(2)multi brand store: Raexpanhe mainland market.is theplace to offer multi brand stores in China. Although they have been a failure experience,but with the trend of multi brand
24、 store. They go hand in foreign companies to enter the mainland market andin order to expand. Such as I.T, Joyce, Sw, Lane crawford, etc.(3) Other Asia buyers stores:rial stage.Such as 团团(), Rainbow Group(Macao) Via Bus Stop(Japan) and other entrises are very strong,but they are testing the waters t
25、o see the marketing(4) European multi brand stores: by cooperation.ainland.Lafayette selects I.T Group, 10 Corso Como selects Trendy Group, Maria Luisa choosenbright Group.European multi brand stores have chosen to cooperate with the local garment ent(5) American multi brand stores:have shelved the
26、plans or exited the Chirises to enter market.o mainland.Neiman Marcus to enter the Chionline shopquit after only one year, Plan Saks Fifvenue andMacys to enter the Chimarket were aborted for various reasons.9 getmerit, (2015). THE MARKETING ENVIRONMENT: Companys macro environment. online getmerit. A
27、vailableat:/2015/10/18/the-marketipanys-macro-environment/ Acsed 14 May 2016.10 Liu, C. (2014). 中国买手店的第二个春天. onlineMay 2016. Available at: http:/20141116/n406068292.shtml Acsed 14Pic 4Source: RET 睿意德112.Consumers:12(1)-ysis of Consumer characteristic:alized awareness and requirements are growing.- T
28、he trend oshion upgrading demand is growing.- The consumer awareness oshion is growing.(2) Consumurchasinger:- Increasing spendinger.- Increase the proportion oshion consumption.3.rs:Because this particular industry, thers of this industry can be said to come around the world. Theymay be of any bran
29、d, any designer. It is a very uncertain factor, but because of it. This industry is so attractive.4. The companyThis industry needs entrepreneurs have a strong subjective, whether advance or retreat the market, the risks are great.High start-up capital.High operating costsHigh quality requirements f
30、or employees.Higher risk.Slow market development.5. Publics:(1) Media: Rely on the ability of media publicity to ra fashion media.ly expanding popularity. Espelly the influence of112016.12 Liu, C. (2014). 中国买手店的第二个春天. online May 2016. Available at:/20141116/n406068292.shtml Acsed 14新浪商业地产. (2014). .
31、 online Available at: com/m/spotlight/2015/08-15/77242.htm Acsed 14 May The proportion of the various competitorsLocal buyer storesbuyer storesOther Asia buyers stores European buyer storesAmerican buyer stores6%9%29%56%(2) Fashion Cerities: Such as famous ms, stars, singers,ernet cerities. They are
32、 the great driving forcehis industry.(3) Publics consumers: Need the support of loyal customers6.MarketingermediariesPhysical store:Customers are generally purchased directly.Predetermined shipand online shop: By logistics companies.2.5.2PESTMacroysis:13 N. (2015). 海外代购何去何从?9.1新政将严查代购. online Availa
33、ble at: HYPERLINK http:/n/ http:/n/m/spotlight/2015/08-15/77242.html# Acsed 14 May 2016.14 The China Press, 15 August 2015. HYPERLINK http:/n/ http:/n/m/spotlight/2015/08-15/77242.html#. (2015). 海外代购何去何从?9.1新政将严查代购. online Available at: HYPERLINK http:/n/ http:/n14 N/m/spotlight/2015/08-15/77242.htm
34、l# Acsed 14 May 2016.15 Li, Ya. 3 January 2015. 2015 中国经济展望:新常态下艰难调整. Voice of America.POLITICALThe stability ofernment: Chicontemporary political situation is stable. It will not affect the market.Political systems and institutional:On 12 August 2015, RMB exchange rate fell sharply, it influenforei
35、gn Shop. On September 2015, the Chiernmentied new customs policy 9.113 The policy is cleart the tax for foreign shop. The impact of this policy for the industry is.very large.13.Spe l Economic Policy:The customs Policy 9.1 does not apply to, no impact on themarket. 14Although the politics will cause
36、 some additional costs, but I think it will not affect Chimarket.EconomicalFrom 1979 to 2013, the average growth rate of Chinas economy close to 10%. But after 2010, China overtook Japan toe the worlds second largest economy, its economic growth continues to decline. The fourth quarter of 2014, econ
37、omic growth slowed to a relatively pale 7.3%, although this growth to other countries remains elusive.IMF expects the Chieconomy in 2015 will ma ain a growth rate of 7.1%15.China has been to stimulate domestic consumption, which has a good effectheernational environment.SolRegion ofand Macao:For var
38、ious reasons. This region has an advantage he roduction of foreign brand products. More importantly, ten years ago, the Chi market is far from attractive as it is today, most of the foreign brands in China have yet to stores or agents, thus, these multi brand stores also play Dai gou role, for the c
39、oncept of mature consumer choice fashion items, and continue to promote the rise of foreign fashion culture.MainlandCompared withand Macao regions, Mainland consumers fashion sense maturing slower. Ten years ago, some Hong Kong multi brand store headed by Lane Crawford began to enter the mainland ma
40、rket. But it withdrawn from the mainland market in 2006.After a decade of development, under the new market demands, Multi brand storeshe Chimarket entered the second round of competition. This facili es the implemen ion of the business plan.3. Strategy 3.1 Customerysis:The main consumers are women,
41、 but in others sistics and my sistics and they foundt the maleconsumer groups are growing raly.of female consumers is younger, they are more emphasis onthe fashion trend. Male consumers generally more are more focused on product quality.n 35 years of age. Their spendinger is stronger,3.2 Brand Ident
42、ity SystemThe Brand Value Proition: Emotional.The Brand Credibility: co-brandings.The Brand-Customer relationship: Loyalty and evangelism.The Brand Essence: lasting relationship built on trustExtended CoreBrand as a goodAs a companyAsrsonalityAs a symbol 1.Limits of a good:6.Features of a company:8.
43、ality:10.Visual assotions and Fashion itemscare aboonsumers,active, individuality,a number of metaphors: 2.Features of a good:reliability, novelty.reliable.like a cell, nobody know Rare7.Local Versus global:9.The relationship ofwhat will happenhe 3.Quality/equity:Local.brand and consumers:future, bu
44、t nothing can stopExcellentreputable, reliable andiergetic growth.Consumers:loyalty.Maybe it will split, maybeFashion icondisappear oreCountry producer:cancer: radiffu,aglobal widegathering place for cancersTechnologicalDevelopment of themerce:In recent years,merce development in China is growing ve
45、ry raly. Espe lly o2o mode. According to the China Electronic Commerce Research Center () monitoring data showt in 2015 China O2O market size of over 400 bil.Development of logistics:In China, logistics developmens been includedhe S e Department planning: It identified 12 key projects, establishment
46、 of a modern logistics serviystem until 2020.Because the development of the ernet, the mainland consumers, can quickly understand what is popular on the other side of the world. Get fashion information with the fastest speed. Shop demand are no longer limited by geographical factors. Also contribute
47、d to the development of multi brand stores.Because the development of logistics, products are gre y reduced transpor ion time and costs. Even buy foreign products through cross-border electricityr. It is able to quickly get the products, but also convenient and reliable.3.3itioningRMB8000EUR10815000
48、RMB8000675EURRMB2000675EUR270500RMB200067.5EUR270Pic 5brandition16Use the Price and style as the dimenof brandition for different multi brand stores brand.Some large-scale multi brand stores like Lane crawford, 10 Corso Como, Maria Luisa, etc. they advocatehonorable and exclusive shopconcept, their
49、products are expensive and also provide customized servifor consumers, theaudience for the rich people and at the top of the pyramid of market segmenion.Most multi brand stores prefer trendy and avant-garde products. The main consumer groups for the avant-garde and fashion consumers purchasingality
50、young people. The price is relatively modest, consistent with cutting-edgeer. Such as I.T, theroduction of many relatively low price products to fit thedemand of Chimarket.And some franchised domestic distributed in different markets.multibrandstorefordesignerbrands.Eachbrandsaredistinctiveand3.4 Bu
51、siness MCanvas3.5 SWOT16新浪商业地产. (2014). htAcsed 14 May . online Available at: HYPERLINK http:/n/ http:/n/m/spotlight/2015/08-15/77242.htmKey PartnerTrend scoutsChiagentsFashion mediaFashion buyersKey ActivitiesTrends and forecastingPurchaseCooperationValueFast consume to fashion itemsAccuray and qui
52、ckly find the consumers and build therelationships.RelationshipsProvide information on trends for consumersAuthenticity GuaranteedMake friendsCustomer segments:youngconfidenceindividualityhave spendingerNiche marketsKey ResourITDistribution marketingChannelsOnline storePhysical storeCost StructureDi
53、stribution, IT, shipment, staff, products.Revenue StreamsproductsLai FuOperational marketProduct1. Clothing: Our product style is defined as the street and luxury sport style. Involving brands include:Givenchy, Y-3, HOOD BY AIR, B, ADIDAS, Nike, EVISU, Comme des Garons, Visvim, mastermind JAPAN, UND
54、ERCOVER, etc. Because of the size and aesthetic, most of our brands are from Aisa. Espelly the Japadesigner brands.2. Sneakers: Because our brand focused on a spel group of consumers,rovide spelized servifor individuals to provide needed goods. Most of those goods are very rare. However, for some ea
55、sily obtained products. Such as AIR JORDAN series, our store will long-term provide.3. Acsories: Our acsories include necklaand bracelets, they are independent designer brands,because of those goods are very expensive, we do not provide too many. Brand include: Goros, SLOW, 10X1, etc.4.2 PriceOur pr
56、iceitioninghe 3000-5000erval. The price controlshis range, it is us strategy and it ismore reasonable. Our brands, mostly based independent designer brands and cheap premium brands, the17liu, C. (2014). 中国买手店的第二个春天. onlinesed 14 May 2016. Available at: http:/20141116/n406068292.shtmlA. (2016). 中国本土买
57、手店发展的四大趋势 | ISPsed 14 May 2016.S. online Available at: h.ews/detail/e9cJXBJAc. (2016). 大学生创业政策_百科. online Available at: http19/view/2993353.htm Acsed 14May 2016.20forever, (2016). 在假鞋之都莆田,讓全世界都穿得起名牌從來就不是一句空話. online 大榴蓮. Available at:net/cat67/node928620 Acsed 14 May 2016.StrengthsHighly motivatedTh
58、e location is excellent, in Shang Hai, Fashion capital in ChinaA relatively new businessThe name is easy to remember and is a wonderful blessingWeaknessesNichemarketNo entrepreneurial and business experienceNo repuionHighriceLimited fundingOpportunitiesMarket is growing ra ly and large. (After 2010,
59、the number of new multi brand stores is 4 times over the sum of past 14 years.)17A new fashion trend.Consumer groups changed : increase the demand of exclusivity and uniqueness for products.18Collegiate Business preferential policies (In Shang hai, Loan Amount: 50000-300000 yuan, about 6756-40540 EU
60、R. Noerest in 3 years.19ThreatsLow credibility in Chi market. (I have to admit t China is a big country o ke, for ex le Pu tian, which city has 30 years footwear industry history, two dred thousand employees, It produ 10 million pairs o kes per 1 year.)20Transparency of ernet lead to price cant shil
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