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1、第 PAGE9 页 共 NUMPAGES9 页2023年最新的第一用英语怎么说谁都想拿第一,对于第一用英语的拼读方法一定有很多人知道吧。下面小编为大家带来第一的英语意思和相关用法,欢迎大家一起学习! 第一的拼读方法 first; 英 f :st 美 f rst first的相关英语例句 They first had a great house cleaning . 他们首先给屋子来一个大扫除。 Our team made 307 runs in its first inning . 我们队在第一局获307分。 There is a budget department on the first

2、floor . 一楼有廉价商品部。 At first this did but augment her grief ! 起初,这只增添了她的悲伤! It was the first eyebar suspension bridge . 它是第一座眼杆式悬索桥。 Barbicane was the first to set foot on dock . 巴比康第一个跨过船坞。 The first numbness had passed off . 起初的那种麻木不仁的感觉消失了。 When one is about to act, one must reason first . 凡事应先思而后行

3、。 He wrote first in large clumsy capitals . 他先用大写字母笨拙地写出。 We should settle the business on hand first . 应该先处理眼底下的事。 I had a target in mind for the first year . 第一年我心目中有个指标。 On the cover are the words first draft . 封面上有 初稿 字样。 His first regard was for his own interest . 他第一注意他自己的利益。 She walked away w

4、ith two first prizes . 她轻而易举地赢了两项头等奖。 Now the first flush of his anger had paled . 现在他的气头已经过去了。 first的英文例句 That was not bad for a first attempt . 按初次尝试来说,那就算不错了。 Hemophilia was first described in 1803 . 血友病在1803年初次被描述。 No , because he gave me anesthesia first . 别,因为他先替我麻醉了。 The first compliments wer

5、e passed between them . 他们互相作了寒暄。 The first definition, however, is a puzzle . 第一个定义便不知所云。 He had painfully written out a first draft . 他煞费苦心地写了初稿。 We are sorely in need of this first step . 我们非常需要迈开第一步。 Printing was first invented by the chinese . 印刷术是中国首先发明的。 The first blow clove her skull . 头一下砍下

6、去,就把她的脑袋劈开了。 Hemingway often writes in the first person . 海明威常用第一人称写作。 The first is to get rid of excess poundage . 首先是除掉多余的体重。 We will consider first a newtonian substance . 我们将首先考虑牛顿体。 But i ll have to look at my book first . 不过我得先查查我的备忘手册。 It is a good idea to browse through it first . 最好先通篇浏览一遍。

7、 I shall arrive by the first train tomorrow . 我将于明天搭头班车到达。 first的双语例句 I had a hundred chores to do first . 我还有一大堆事务必须首先处理。 At first i wasn t aware that he was ill . 开始我没有察觉到他有病。 First we dressed the less urgent wounds . 我们先给伤比较轻的上药。 You first go to the lobby of the restaurant . 你先进入饭店的门厅。 The gas is

8、 first humidified in a scrubber . 气体先在洗涤器内湿润。 Don t you cast the first stone at any rummies . 别尽骂别人是酒鬼。 It chilled and almost numbed him at first . 这使他心冷了,甚至呆住了。 I am meeting him for the first time today . 今天我要与他初次见面。 The first few conferences had gone well . 最初几次的会议进行得很顺利。 Lend him money i will see

9、 him in hell first . 把钱借给他绝对不行。 William s conduct at first was moderate . 威廉的行为起初尚有节制。 He got a first in modern language . 他在近代语言一科中获得第一名。 First the sails and then the masts went . 先是帆坏了,随后桅杆也断了。 The team rallied after the first half . 该队在上半场过后士气大增。 It was the first big affair of the autumn . 这是当年秋天的第一件大事。 He is not anything like my first boss . 他一点也不像我第一个老板。 Mrs. thatcher s first name is margaret . 撒切尔夫人的名字叫玛格丽特。 Now i m not sure who ll get there first . 现在我很难断定谁先到达那里。 The boy hit the target with his


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