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1、 Reading 2 Cloning and DNALearning goals:1. Some key words2. What is DNA and what is cloning3. The advantages and disadvantages of cloning Some words:incredible upbringing transparent twistingfundamental unzip insert optionalflexible compulsory regulation resistbreed suspect controversial contradict

2、orybe identical to ; a sequence of stem cellthe structure of DNA- a transparent twisting ladderThey are identical to each other多利(Dolly)was born on 5th July 1996 and died on Feb 14th 2003,whose birthplace was Scotland and genetic mother was a white sheep.Creator: 伊恩威尔默特(Ian Wilmut) Pre-reading:1. Wh

3、at is the connection between cloning and DNA?2. Do you agree with cloning?形容词1.incredible2.tranparent3.twisting4.fundamental5.controversial6.optional7.exceptional8.contradictory9.flexible pulsory11.handy12.valid难以置信的=unbelievable透明的扭曲的基本的,不可或缺的,重要的=basic =essential有争议的可选择的例外的,特别的,非凡的互相的矛盾的,对立的opposi

4、te灵活的,可变通的;易适应的;易弯曲的adjustable强制的,强迫的,义务的方便的convenient有效的,有确实根据的1.Our flat is very _ for the school, only 5 minutes walk.2.Our plan depends on the weather so it should be _.3.Book 6 is an _ subject which teachers can choose to learn or not while Book 5 is a required one.4.In China education is _ bet

5、ween the ages of 6 and 15.5.She told us the _ story of her 130 days lost in the desert.6.The right of speech is citizens _ righthandyflexiblecompulsoryoptionalincrediblefundamental动词1.unzip2.insert3.reproduce4.resist5.analyse6.suspect7.spit8.sow 解开;拉开拉链=undo / unfasten植入,插入复制抵抗resist doing; n. resis

6、tance (to) ;a. resistant (to) 分析 n. analysis analyst 分析师Vt怀疑,猜想=doubt n.嫌疑犯v.吐口水 -spat-spat n.口水,唾液v.播种sowedsowed/sown1. As we all know, it is rude to _in public.2.At that time , I began to _ whether I should tell him that matter.3.Generally, girls cant_chocolates.4.Its very hot so the boy _his jack

7、et.5.Can you _ the problem and see what has gone wrong.6.These seeds should be _before April.spitsuspectresistunzippedanalyzesowed/sown名词1.ceduren.抚养 v. bring sb up规则, 法规 vt.regulaten.腐烂,腐蚀病 v.-rottedrottedn.动物的品种 v.繁殖法则,密码优点,善行缺点,弱点=faultn.

8、程序名词 ponent10.empryo11.enzyme12.tissue anism14.stem celln.成分胚胎酶n.(生理)组织,纸巾有机体干细胞词组1.a sequence of2.be identical to3.a single cell4. the host cell5.the parent plant6.psychological pressure7.be contradictory to8.exceptional humans9.recover from 10.restrict the biodiversity心理压力非凡卓越的人从.中康复限制生物的多样性主细胞一系列

9、的单细胞母体植物与.相反的与一样的Reading 1:Read the text carefully with the following questions1. Who and when was the structure of DNA discovered?2. How to clone something?3. What are the reasons/ advantages of cloning?Reading 2-listening1).Listen to the tape to get more information and finish Ex 5 on P65.2). The

10、passage is _ A. expository B. narrative C. descriptive In this kind of writing , we often use definition, examples and comparison(写作手法). Please find out the definition of: (1) DNA (2) a clone (3) a stem cell (4) the genetic make-up of a person and a plant (5) bacteria (6) an enzymeexpository说明的Ex 4

11、on Page 64 Language learning:1. Its certainly true that in 1953, Watson and Crick , two scientists discovered the structure of the acid DNA- a transparent twisting ladder made of the fundamental components of life.句型:It is true/certain/clear/obvious. (adj.) that句很明显水、空气、食物是我们生存不可或缺的必需品。It is obvious

12、 that water, air and food are fundamental to us.2. But in fact , it was in 1866 that Mendel first recorded the results of growing pea plants.句型: It is/was . that 句 1) It _ (be) Watson and Crick _ discovered the transparent twisting ladder of DNA. 2) It was in Scotland _ Dolly was created. It was Sco

13、tland _ Dolly was created.wasthatwherethat3. A clone is an organism which is genetically identical to another one. 词组: be identical to 4. But anyone who was a clone of one of their parents would be under unknown psychological pressure throughout their childhood. 词组:under pressure throughout +时间/地点:整个期间、遍及5. But an Einstein clone might choose a path in life which is contradictory to the one the original Einstein chose. 词组:be contradictory to . 与相矛盾6. What is clear is that some voluntary code of practice among scientists has to


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