1、初中学业水平考试英语试题 第2页(共11页)初中学业水平考试英语试题 第2页(共11页)试卷类型:A参照秘密级管理启用前淄博市2020年初中学业水平考试英语试题本试卷共11页,满分120分,考试时间120分钟。考试结朿后,将本试卷和答题卡一并交 回。注意事项:答题前,考生务必用0. 5亳米黑色签字笔将区县、学校、姓勢、考试号、座号填写在 答题卡和试卷规左位宜,并核对条形码.选择题每小题选出答案后,用2B铅笔涂黑答题卡对应题目的答案标号;如需改动,用 橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案标号。非选择题必须用0. 5毫米黑色签字笔作答,字体工整、笔迹淸晰,写在答题卡各题目 指泄区域内如需改动,先划掉原来答
2、案,然后再写上新答案,严禁使用涂改液、胶带 纸、修正带修改,不允许使用计算器.保证答题卡淸洁、完整,严禁折叠,严禁在答题卡上做任何标记。评分以答题卡上的答案为依据,不按以上要求作答的答案无效。一、完形填空(共1小题,满分15分)阅读下而短文,从每小题A、B、C、D中选岀一个能填入文章中相应空白处的最佳答案.Iil the SUnmler Of 1936 , a POOr SheePherder (牧羊人)fell ill and CalIle a Small hospital i FOrt Benton. Montana. With his dog. Tlle SheePherder WaS
3、SeriOUSIy ill and died soon.TlIe sheepherders body WaS2to IlIS family by train. Tile dog CrIed as the trainCarryinghiS masters (主丿、的)body disappeared.TraInS Calne to Fort BelItOn fbr times a day. The dog Stayed there to meet each one, Waitmg for IIiS IIIaSter to retn. He WatChed each PaSSenger 3 tle
4、 tram.Tlle StatiOn Illallager Ed felt 4 for the dog. He IIamed the dog SheP and Ieft him SOnlefood every day.He encouraged the dog to COme inside die station. Finally, SheP got to tnst Ed and WOllld COme inside. BUt every day Whell the trains 5, SheP WaS back Waitlng at the Same place.Tlle PaSSeilge
5、rS WhO Came to FOrt BelltOn WOndered 6 the dog WaS always there, greetmg de trains. Ed decided to Write a PamPhIet (ZJXJy?) about ShePs 7 and SeIl it to the passengers for a SllIan price. SOme IleWSPaPerS Shared Shep,s StOIy across die nation.Day after day, SheP COntmUed to Wait and watch. He WaS 8
6、Old When he died In 1942 After s 9, die PeOPle Of FOnt BentOn made a beautfil bronze StanIe (铜像)Of SheP tohonor 10 Today many visitors Stiil StOP to IOOk at the StanIe and buy the PallIPhlet.1.A. OUtBtoC. fromDat2.A. burnedB. hiddenC SeiItD fbud3A get OffB get UPC get alongD get to4.A. IuCkyB. angry
7、C. happyD SOrry5A. IeftB. CanleC disappearedD. Went6.AIfB. IlOWC. WhyD. What7.A StOtyB. hobbyC. habitD. lk8.A. muchB. exactlyC. mainlyD. Very9.A deathB. birtlC. IIllleSSD. SXICCeSS10.A. themB. youC. herD. Ilinl二 阅读理解(共21小题,满分42分)阅读短文A、B、C,并做每篇后而的题目,从每小题所给的四个选项(A、B、C、D) 中选出能回答所提问题或完成所给句子的最佳答案。BrUCe S
8、wimming SChOOlJOin US to discover a IifeIong SWimming journeyWith OUr experienced COaCheS .We have IeSSOnS for all ages .SChedUleS (时间表)and LOCatiOnSLeSSOnS are available on WeekdaySEXPerienCed COaCheSViSit OUr Web Page to IOOkthrougl die IiSt Of Our COaCheStat PUbliCPOOk and On WeekendSand then you
9、 Can ChOOSe SOmeOne WhO bestSUitS your IleedS at PUbIiC and prate pools.Water SafetyWater Safety instruction ismcluded in all IeSSonSFaSt ReSUltSI-On-I IeSSOn PlallS depend oil SnIdents* abilities. PrOgreSS reports and PrIZe given OUt regularly.MOnthly Fee Per PQrSOII(每人月费用)AgeI-On-IGrOliP(3 to 5 Pe
10、rSollS)1 - 12yearsoldS80S4013 and above$110S60OCall Mr. JolleS at 6759 2232 for more IilfbmIatIOll11. If you want to have IeSSOnS e*very Wednesday, Where CalI you SWilI?A At ay Suilnming POOl B At PnVate SWillmIillg PoOlS C At rate SWilImIing POOIS D At PUbliC ad PiiVate POoIS TOm (an 11 -year-old b
11、oy) and IIiS father Want to have 1 -On-I Swllnming IeSSOnS at BnICeSWHnmHlg School. HOw much Will they Pay for a month?SIOO B $120 C. S170D $190 WhICh Of the fbUowmg IS NOT TRUE ?A. SnIdentS Call have I-On-I SWillmling IeSSOnS If they needB I-On-I StUdentS Call get IeglIlar PrOgreSS reports and PrIZ
12、e C Swimming IeSSOnS are available Only On WeekelIdS D If you Want to know more you Call Call NIr. JOneS 6759 2232HOW Call CaCnIS (仙人掌)IleIP the world? It Call roide a new kind Of SUStamable fiel (可持续 燃$4).NOPalllnex, a ComPany In Mexico, IlaS made One Of the WorldS first CaCtUS-POWered factories. T
13、he Idea Canle to SOSa m NOPalimeX vhen he WaS IOOklng for WayS to SaVe money for IIiS food factory. He IlOW POWerS IIiS factory with CaCtlIS gas (气体) The COSt to PrOdUCe die gas is half die COSt Of electricitySoon, the gas PrOdUCed by NOPaIimeX WiIl also be IISed In CarS NOPaIiIlleXs gas is made by
14、USiilg the PnCkly Pear (朿J 梨),a kmd Of CaCtlIS TO make the gas, the PrICkly Pear is mixed together Witll manure (月巴$4 ) . Thell the mixtnw PrOdlICeS the gas that Can be IISed as fiel.Why CaCtUs? FUel Can be made from Other PlantS SUCh as corn, but there are a few IeaSOnS why CaCtlIS is a better ChOi
15、Ce FirStt PriCkIy PearS need VerylittIe Water ad VeryIite Caret and grow WeIl in hot temperatures Today, these CharaCteriStiCS (特点) are key. Also, UnlIke COnlt PriCkly PearS don,t need SPaCe that COUld be IISed for other food PlalItS Tiley Can grow in areas Where nay food PIantS Can t grow Last, aft
16、er makmg gas from PriCkly PearS and manure their byproducts (畐产品)CaIl be USed to help grow food SCientiStS StiIl need to do more IeSearCh on makmg ad IISmg PnCkly Pear gas AS ProjeCtS IIkeNOPaImleX show, We have die POSSlbIlity to PrOdUCe more SUStaInable fuel to POWer OUr lives.14 HOw CaIl CaCnIS I
17、leIP the world ?A By samg fanners1 money B By piOVidlng a IleW kind Of SlIStamabIe fiel.C. By taking the PIaCe Of COnlD By PrOdUCmg a IOt Of electricity and gas15 Why does SOSa POWer IIiS factory With CaCtUS gas?A BeCaUSe he WantS to SaVe money for IiiS food fctoryB BeCaUSe he IlaS grown a IOt Of Ca
18、CtUS ad COm n is townC BeCaUSe he WaiItS to be Well - known aroud the WOrldD BeCaUSe he wants to grow CaCnIS HlStead Of COnl 16. What does the UnderlIned Wold HmiXtUreH In ParagraPh 2 Iefer to (指yf弋)?A The NOPalinleX COmPany C Tlle PnCkly Pear and manure 17 What IS ParagraPh 3 mainly about ?A. HOW C
19、aCnIS is USed to PrOdUCe gas.C What NOPaIlmeX does with CaCnIS Tlle manureD CaCnIS B WTlere We Call grow a IOt Of CaCtUS D Why CaCnIS is a better ChOiCe to IlIake fiel.TED is held i dfibrent CitieS aroud die WOrId every year. TED StaildS for TeClIllOlOgy ElltertaInlllent, DeSign (设计) WIth dSeret SPe
20、akerS also from dfierent PartS Of the earth all the SPeeCheS are On der WebSitet for everyone to see.TED mites SPeakerS to gie SPeeCheS On a Variety_Of topics (话题).The different SPeakerS are USlIaIIy experts Hl their fields and talk about new ideas and IeCent developments The SPeakerS are Often aLso
21、 WelI-known, SuCh as Microsoft BIIl GateS and the animal expert, Jane GOOdall There are many talks on environment, ow to help POOr PeOPlef education and SO on. Whlle the talks COVer a Wide VaiIety Of topics all SPeakerS have a StriCt time Imiit (限 制) each SPeeCh nnst IaSt no IOnger than 18 minutes.E
22、VerybOdy who has an Illtenlet COIIlleCtIOn Can *isit TED S WebSite - ted. org. Etery weekday, a new ideo IS UPlOaded (上传), allowing PeOPle from all OVer die WOrld to IiStell to talks for fe NO IOnger than 18 minutes the VIdeO is not Ieaily interesting, you know you are not going toWaSte too much tim
23、e MOSt TED talks are In EllgIISh but there are talks available in Otller languages, too. WTIatS more most Of the EnglISh-IailglIage talks also have subtitles (副标题) In different IaIlgUageS AS a result, it, S excellent for PraCtICing EnghSh and Ieammg new WOrdS, especially In a topic that you findthe
24、VldeOS are Oftell much IllOre excitmgmteresting and eyoyable. WIth SO InalIy ChOICeS Of topics, dian the IiSteliHlg exercises IISed In many classes.18 What is TED Stand for ?A. Technology, EdlICatlOn and DeSIgnC TeChllOlOgy, EntertaHmlent ad DeSigXl B Technology, EdUCatIOn and DreamD TeClmOlOgy, Ent
25、ertamlIlent ad Dream.19. What does the Imdellined Word HVanetYH In ParagraPh 2 mean In Clunese?A多样性B.相似性C.递进性D单一性20. WrlIat Can We fill in die m ParagraPh 3 ?A becauseB. butC. whetherD. even if21 WhlCh Of the fbowmg IS TRUE ?A. A TED SPeeCh PrObably IaStS about half an hour.B XV7e Call WatCll TED SP
26、eeCheS to PraCtiCe EngliSh C We Ileed to Pay Wllell We WatCh TED SPeeClleS D Ollly rich PeOPle CaIl make TED SPeeCheS OllIme 22. Tlle PaSSage is A. a poemB. a StOlyC. a HItlOdUCtIOnD a Ietter阅读短文D,根据短文内容,从短文后而的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项Q选项中 有一项为多余选项。DTrenty-six years ago, YOSSi Went deep IntO the AIllaZOn JUn
27、gle and got IOSt for tlree WeekS He IOSt a IOt Of Weight as the result Of hunger ad disease (疾病) However, he IUCkily got OUt Of the jungle ad WrOte a book JIUIgle about his StOry years Iater The question IemalnS how did he SUrViVe (幸存)?YbSSI had always dreamed Of exlormg (探 I佥)the heart Of the AmaZO
28、n JUngle He met and became good friends WitIl MarCUS, Kan, and KeVln Tlley Set Off together 23 At the beginning, tlat Seelned IIke a good Idea SO they built the boat excitedly and Started downriver HOWeVe, on their JOlIrney, Kan SUddenly IefUSed to COntiIIUe The men then SeParated and moved on In Pa
29、irS Yossi ad Kevin COntnIUed On the boat Near a WaterfaIL tley IOSt COntrOl Of their boat and Were thrown mto the rer. 24 YOSSi tle SPent four days trying to get back UPriver to find his &IelId but failed Dlirmg this tme, Kevin WaS SaVed by SOme fishermen He quickly Went to the town ad asked for hel
30、p from die IOCal PeOPle Deq) Hl the forests YbSSi CIInIbed around IOSt ad alone25 AS the days PaSSedt IIOt OnIydid YbSSI nn OUt Of food, but he also realized his foot WaS StartUlg to IOt (丿肉烂)awayYbSSI Wanted to give UP many times On亡 day, as Ile WaS CIeanmg a &esh WOUnd On IliS foot. YOSSi heard th
31、e SOlind Of a boat engine He tried IIiS best to get to the river bank26 YbSSianted to ShOUt OUt but WaS too tired to do so. HOW disappointed Ile WaS Whell Ile Saw the SearCh Party nung aroud and away from Ilim YbSSi tried to run fbrward but fell mto die water. The noise CaUght Kevins attention and Y
32、bSSi WaS finally SaVed AKeTin SWam to die bank but YOSSi WaS IUShed downriver B Tllelr PIan WaS to Sail On a boat down the TUiClII RlVer C KarI IOSt IliS IIfe in the jungle D It WaS Kevm.E AISO tlere Were dangerous animals aromd.阅读材料,给有关运动的段落27-31选择合适的标题.27 WheneUer I InOVe to a IleW City to StlIdy
33、or work, I IOOk for exercise CIaSSeS YOU IlleetIIke nided people, you Can SUPPOrt each Other during a difficult exercise and you all Share a COlIeCtiVe(集体白勺)feeling Of excitement Whell die ClaSS finishes 28 EVery day, the 20 minutes On die treadmill (踏车)gets easier, the WeIghtS feel IIghter and you
34、feel a great SenSe Of acemet It Imght not be easy, but you WOUld be fit and StrOng Its a great feeling CIlallengmg yourself. AlSO its a IeSUlt Of your hard work.29 WheIl you exercise your body PrOdUCeS endorplis(内 非肽) It Will give you a IUSh Of excitement ad happiness YblI Will feel better after exe
35、rcise NeXt time youre having a bad day? try going for a run, and then the day WOn,t Seem SO bad after all.30 We all know the effects Of exercise On OUr Inmd EXerCISe Illight give you a feeling Of COnfIdenCe (信心) from being COnlfbrtable With your body ad appearance TlliS IleW COnfidenCe might even he
36、lp In your lfb.31 FOCUSmg on exercise Can help you forget the PrOblellIS and StreSS Of daily IIfe, StUdy or work. DUrmg exams, I always SPend an hour a day i the gym It makes me feel IeSS anxious and it also IleIPS me to SleeP those IllIPOrtant eight hours the IIIght before a big exam A EXerCiSe Che
37、erS you UP B EXerCiSe helps you get along Well With PeOPle EXerCiSe makes you believe In yourself.D EXerCiSe helps you IOWer StreSS E EXerCiSe makes you feel StrOng, fit and Ilealthy 三、选词填空(共10小题,满分15分)根据短文内容,选择适当的单词填空,使短文意思完整。每个选项只用一次,有两项剩余。请务必将3241小题的答案写成答题卡的相应位置!IaterillIeftterriblebecauseWhendau
38、ghter asStIllWatChedfamousSafeWllIiam ShakeSPeare WaS bom m 1564 m Stratfbrd -UPOn - AVOn, in EnglalId HIS father, JOlm, WaS a glove - maker. HlS motler IvIary, WaS a fanners 32. He had two elder sisters, twoyonger SiSterS and tlree younger brotlers WlIIiamPrObably SnIdIed Latm, Greek ad IIiStOry, a
39、nd 33SChOOl when he WaS 14 or 15 Three years 34, Ile IlIaned AilIle HathaWay They IIad a daughter Caned SUSaIma and twinsnamed JUdlth and Hanillet SOmetmle before 1590 Ile Iet Stratfbrd - UPOn - Avon and Went to LOndOn the CaPItal Of Englalld LOndOnS first theater OPened in 1576 ShakeSPeare WrOrked
40、In LOndOn 35 an actor and then Started writing PIayS too. In 1593 the 36 PlagUe(瘟疫)killed thousands Of PeOPle ad theaters Were closed. DUnng this time WlllIam Started to Write POeinS instead Of PIayS HiS SIlOrt POemS are Called SOnlletS (十四行诗)ShakeSPeare helped build a IleW theater Caned The GlObe I
41、t OPened in 1599 It WaS round ad had SPaCe for 3, OOO people. The audience (观众)SllOUtedf ClaPPed (扌白手喝彩)ad IaUghedWhile they 37 plays.ShakeSPeare wrote Inany COmedIes tragedies and history PlayS He became rich and 38 . He IOVed IanglIage and InVellted IleW WordS and expressions that We 39 IISe today
42、. He died 40 he WaS 52 PeOPle all OVer the World IoVe IliS WOrkS 41 he WrOte Wonderftil StorieS about Very Hiteresting PeOPle 四、语法填空(共10小题.满分20分)阅读下面短文,在空白处填入适当的内容(不多于3个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式.请务必将4251小題的答案写成答题卡的相应住置!Venice is COnSidered to be One Of the most 42 (beauty) CitieS in the World It has been known
43、 as the City Of CailaIs(运河): City Of BridgeS ad fcfcCityofWater. Tlle City is made UP Of about 10043 (island), 150 CanaIS, and 400 bridges There 44 (be) no roads i the CItySO there are no CarS Tlle Only fbns Of transportation (5CM)are On Water and 45 foot. There are IOadSt a tram station. 46 an airp
44、ort at the edge (边缘) Of the CityOlle Of the famousSymbOIS of mce is a gondola(平底船)、 GOndOIaS are Stlll IlSed today, though 47 (main) by tourists All Venice gondolas are PalIIted black一it WaS a IaW that WaS PaSSed in die 48 (SiXteen) CentUry MOSt VenetianS travel by Water buses CaIled oaporettf, eice
45、 has One Of the WorldS most famous bridges 49 (CaiI) the RIaltO Bridge, built in 1591 Venezuela, a COlInty In SOUth 50 (AmeriCan), means fcIittle Venice This is because the early ElirOPean ViSitorS to Venezuela first met the IOCal PeOPle WhO IIVed in homes built OVer die Watert reminding 51 (they) o
46、f mce.阅读表达(共5小题,满分10分)阅读下而短文,根摇短文内容回答问题。In Chengdu, tea CUInlre has dev已IOPed into the ChengdU-featured (特色的)tea house culture. There is a SaJdng about ChengdU tea houses: YOU COUld See more tea houses than SUnIly days Why Can die tea house In ChengdU CatCh SO much eyesight ? It is because Of their
47、many dfieret fmctions (功 fib) : for IelaXmg, meetings, as WeIl as entertainment ChelIgdU tea houses are Oftell decoated(装 t) With bamboo desks and bamboo ChaIrS ChellgdU PeOPle IOVe tea houses, because they IOVe Chattmg They Oftell gather together In a CrOWded tea house I and dk tea Whell ClIattmg I
48、n their time, they Often have a CUP Of tea and Cake, WatCh actors Perfbnliillg traditional arts, talk and IaUgh Witll PeOPle in the tea house, WlliCh COUld be true joy Of Iife The SOft Wmd is fled WItll teas Smell The teas they USe are IISllallyjaSmille gree teas. DragOn Welh and BllUOChUn They USe
49、IlOrthenl GaiWan as tea SetS (Iarger than GongfiI GaIWan) GalWan is made UP Of three parts: the IIdt die CUP and the SaUCer (茶碟) Whell the tea SenWICe master POUrS Water into the Gaiwan, you Will See the Water filling &om the air IiltO Gaiwan, Witll a IiVely SOllnd In a moment, Water stops. Then IOO
50、k at the GaiWan Tlle water in it is jst right at die level Of the GanVal,s moutl With a SImPle dp(水满)on die desk. ThIS is a ImIqUe (独特的)skill, as Well as an art.NO Inatter Where you are ill CheilgdUt In a quiet Park Orilla busy street, you Can See those featured tea houses They have fair PnCe and go
51、od SerViCe PeOPle Can Stay tlere for half a day, having OlIly a CUP Of tea and Iittle SnaCkS Iii the talks Of firIendS and IleIghbOrS the COlOrfUl tea CUlnlre Of SIChUan IS hilly expressed 请务必将5256小題的答案写成答题卡的相应位置!52 What are the fnctions Of ChengdU tea houses? What are the desks ad ChalrS in Chengdl
52、I tea houses Iilade of? WhaFS the difference between northern GaIWall and GOngfiI Galiwan?55 WllO IlaS the UnIqUe Sklll Of POUnng Water In the tea houses?56 WhaFS the PaSSage mainly about?六、书面表达(共1小题,满分18分请务必将短文写成答題卡的相应位置!随着科技的进步和社会的发展,我们的生活必将发生日新月异的变化请你想象一下十年 后的生活情景,以My Ilfe In ten years为题,根据以下要点提示
53、,写一篇IOO词左右的英语短 文。要点提示:生活环境:交通方式:工作学习情况;4注意:书写规范,表达连贯,可根据内容适当发挥:文中不得出现真实的区县,学校及姓名.初中学业水平考试英语试题 第2页(共11页)初中学业水平考试英语试题 第2页(共11页)2020初中学业水平考试淄博英语解析一、完形填空(共10小题,满分15分)【分析】文章主要介绍了一只忠诚的牧羊人一直在等他主人回来.后来人们为了纪念它,给它 建了个铜像.【解析】(I)B.介词辨析.A外面;B到:C从:D在;根据POOr SheePherder (牧羊人)fell illadCallle (1 ) aSmallhospitalInF
54、ortBentOn 前而说病了,应该是来到医院.COmeto.故答案 是B.(2) C.动词辨析.A燃烧:B隐藏;C发送;D发现:根据The sheepherders body ras (2) to IIiS fanuly by train.应该是尸体用火车送给他的家人,故答案是C.3)A.动词辨析.A卜车:B起床;C (与)和睦相处:D到达;根据上句Waltmg for his IIIaSter to return等他主人回来,应该是观察每个下车的人,故答案是A.D.形容词辨析.A幸运的:B生气的;C开心的;D抱歉的:根据下句He named the dog ShePandIeft SOme
55、 foodeveyrday.给它命名,并给食物,应该是看它可怜,同情它,故答案是D.B.动词辨析.A离开:B来:C消失;D去;根据下句SheP WaS back Waitmg at the Same PIaCe.回来在同一个地方等着,应该是火车来时,故答案是B.C.连词辨析.A如果,是否:B怎样;C为什么:D什么:根据ThePaSSengerS WrhO Came to FOrt BentOn Wondered (6) the dog WaS ahays there应该是乘客想知道为什么狗总在那儿,故 答案是C.A.名词辨析.A故事;B爱好:C习惯:D外表:根据下文SOmenewspapers
56、SharedShep,s StOry across the nation.可知写了关于它的故事,故答案是A.D.副词辨析.A很多;B确切地:C主要地:D非常;根据后而WhenhedIedm 1942.说 死了,应该是非常老了,故答案是D. CIaPPed and laughed可知,观众喊叫、 拍手和大笑是发生在他们观看戏剧时,故此本句意思是,当观众观看戏剧时,他们喊叫、拍手 和大笑.WatCh观看.本句说的是过去发生的动作,故用一般过去时,故填WatCh的过去式,故 填 watched.(38)famous.考査形容词.根据语境可知,他变得富有和出名.famous著名的.故填famous.(
57、39)still.考查副词.根据句中we-usetoday1可知,这些词汇和句子是我们现在仍然使用的, 故知句意是,他喜欢语言,创造了很多现在我们仍然使用的一些词汇和句子. still仍然.故填 still.(40)when.考査副词.根据句中”he was 52”可知,当他52岁时,他逝世了. When当的 时候.vhen引导时间状语从句,故填vx,he.(41)because.考査连词.空格后面说的是全世界的人们喜欢他的作品的原因,即因为他写了 很多关于非常有趣的人的一些精彩故事.because因为.because引导原因状语从句.故填because.【点评】首先要通读短文,掌握大意,特别
58、要注意上下文之间的联系,确左某处的需要的词汇 和形式,就可以确泄正确答案.四、语法填空(共10小题,满分20分)阅读下面短文,在空白处填入适当的内容(不多于3个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式.【分析】文章主要介绍了世界上最漂亮之一的威尼斯,并介绍了被称为小威尼斯的南美的委 内瑞拉.【解答】(42) MautifbL考査形容词,根据句意,威尼斯被认为是世界上最漂亮的城市之一.结 合空缺处,可知需要用固泄结构OneOf+最髙级+名词复数,结合空缺处,可知需要填入形容词 beautifil,故答案为 beautifil.(43)islands一考查名词,根据句意,这个城市由100个岛屿组成.结合空缺处
59、,前面有数词100, 可知需要用名词复数,用islands.故答案为ISlalIds.(44)are.考查b亡动词,根据句意,在这个城市里没有路,所以没有汽车.结合空缺处,可知 需要用be动词,结合时态是一般现在时,后面是no roads,所以用are,构成tlere be结构,故答 案为are.(45)on.考查介词,根据句意,仅有的交通形式是在水上或者走路.结合空缺处,可知需要用 固泄搭配On foot表示”走路”,用on.故答案为on.46)ad.考査连词,根据句意,在城市的边缘有马路,一个火车站一个飞机场.结合空缺处, 可知需要用连词,表示并列,用and.故答案为and.(47)mai
60、nly.考查副词,根据句意,平底船现在仍然被使用着,虽然主要是被游客用.结合空 缺处,可知需要填入一个副词,表示主要地“,用mamly.故答案为mainly.(48)SlXteenth考查序数词,根据句意,这是一项在16世纪被通过法律.结合空缺处,可知需 要填入一个序数词SIXteentll.i答案为sixteenth.(49)CaIled.考查动词,根据句意,威尼斯有世界上最著需的,在1591年建立的,被称为th亡 RIaItO Bndge的桥.结合空缺处,可知需要用CaIIed、用过去分词作后置左语,故答案为CaIled.(50)AnIenCa.考查需词,根据句意,委内瑞拉,南美的一个国家
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