1、第 PAGE10 页 共 NUMPAGES10 页2023年最新的英语诗歌朗诵三分钟短篇朗诵参加一些英文诗歌朗诵大赛,不仅能提高我们的英语口语,还能从各个方面提升自身的气质,今天小编在这里为大家分享一些英语诗歌朗诵三分钟,欢迎大家阅读! 三分钟英语诗歌篇1 白桦林The white birch forest Snow flows over a quiet village; 静静的村庄飘着白的雪 Doves fly across a gloomy sky. 阴霾的天空下鸽子飞翔 Two names are carved deep on a birch; 白桦树刻着那两个名字 They promi
2、sed to stay in love all their life. 他们发誓相爱用尽这一生 One day war broke out in their homeland. 有一天战火烧到了家乡 The lad picked up a gun to go to the front. 小伙子拿起枪奔赴边疆 Don t worry for me,sweetheart. 心上人你不要为我担心 Wait for me in the birch wood. he said. 等着我回来在那片白桦林 Doves are still flying across the same gloomy sky.
3、天空依然阴霾依然有鸽子在飞翔 Who would prove those graveless love and lives 谁来证明那些没有墓碑的爱情和生命 Snow kept falling over the village,quiet as ever. 雪依然在下那村庄依然安详 And the young hid themselves behind the birch wood. 年轻的人们消逝在白桦林 The bad news came at the other afternoon. 噩耗声传来在那个午后 Her love laid down his life on the battle
4、field. 心上人战死在远方沙场 Quietly she came to the birch wood, 她默默来到那片白桦林 waiting there each day on tiptoe. 望眼欲穿地每天守在那里 She said he d just lost his way in the land far away. 她说他只是迷失在远方 Surely he would come to the birch wood someday. 他一定会来来这片白桦林 Doves are still flying across the same gloomy sky 天空依然阴霾依然有鸽子在飞翔
5、 Who would prove those graveless love and lives 谁来证明那些没有墓碑的爱情和生命 Snow kept falling over the village,quiet as ever. 雪依然在下那村庄依然安详 And the young hid themselves behind the birch wood. 年轻的人们消逝在白桦林 The long road is coming to its close. 长长的路呀就要到尽头 Snow-white hair flew over the once young face. 那姑娘已经是白发苍苍 S
6、he often heard his whisper over her pillow, 她时常听他在枕边呼唤 Come,sweetheart,come to the birch wood 来吧亲爱的来这片白桦林 Over her deathbed she murmured, 在死的时候她喃喃地说 I am coming,wait for me in the birch wood. 我来了等着我在那片白桦林 三分钟英语诗歌篇2 有那么一天 Sometimes the Day Comes Sometimes the day comes When you try your level best To
7、 achieve something But you fail. 有那么一天 你使尽浑身解数 想要做成某事 却偏偏功败垂成。 Sometimes the day comes When nobody understands you And you feel that you are isolatedFrom the world. 有那么一天 没人能够理解你 你觉得自己 被全世界孤立。 Sometimes the day comes When you want to help the needy But find yourself unable toBecause of some reasons.
8、 有那么一天 没人能够理解你 你觉得自己 被全世界孤立。 Sometimes the day comes When you are hungry and have a few bucks But you see the childlaborers and buy food for them. 有那么一天 你饥饿难耐,身上只有几块钱 但你见到一些童工,为他们买了食物。 Sometimes the day comes When Mom comes up with one answer And Father with another Andyou have to make your own deci
9、sion. 有那么一天 妈妈给出一种回答 爸爸给出另一种回答 你不得不自己做决定。 Sometimes the day comes When you see that some people ditch others Because of theirselfishness. 有那么一某天 你见到某些人舍弃他人 只因为他们自私自利。 Sometimes the day comes when you want to tell something to your parents but find yourselfunable to because you think that they might
10、get hurt or misunderstand you. 有那么一天 你想向父母倾诉 却发现自己有口难言 因为你认为他们也许会受到伤害 或产生误解。 Sometimes the day comes When your friends drift apart Not because you were not able tounderstand them But because they were not able to understand you. 有那么一天 你的朋友渐渐疏离 并非因为你无法理解他们 而是因为他们无法理解你。 Sometimes the day comes When yo
11、u want to smile But can t find a place to even weep. 有那么一天 你想微笑 却甚至找不到地方流泪。 Sometimes the day comes When your beloved can t understand your feelings And leaves youalone And you look down and feel ashamed or embarrassed. 有那么一天 你的挚爱无法理解你的感受 离你而去 你低下头,感到羞愧或尴尬。 But sometimes the day comes When you learn
12、 from all your failures and think Those whodare to fail greatly can achieve greatly. 但有那么一天 你从所有失败中汲取教训,心想 只有敢于经受重大挫折的人才能获得伟大的成就。 Don t look down, look up. 不要垂头丧气,昂首挺胸吧。 三分钟英语诗歌篇3 sudden light 顿悟 dante gabriel rossett i have been here before, but when or how i cannot tell: i know the grass beyond th
13、e door, the sweet keen smell, 我一定到过此地, 何时,何因,却不知详。 只记得门外草依依, 阵阵甜香, the sighing sound, the lights around the shore. you have been mine before, how long ago i may not know: but just when at that swallow s soar your neck turned so, some veil did fall, i knew it all of yore. 围绕岸边的闪光,海的叹息。 往昔你曾属于我 只不知距今已有多久, 但刚才你看飞燕穿梭, 葛然回首, 纱幕落了! 这一切我早就见过。 has this been th
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