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1、第 PAGE6 页 共 NUMPAGES6 页2023年最新的银行英语情景对话:贴现业务想知道贴现业务的银行英语口语要怎么说吗下面小编为大家带来有关贴现业务银行英语情景对话,欢迎大家学习! 银行英语情景对话1: A: Hello,there. Welcome,and what can we assist you with 您好。欢迎光临,我们有什么可以帮助您的 B: Good morning. I have a Bill of Exchange against Bank Acceptance here. I d like to discount it. Is that possible her

2、e 早上好。我这里有一张银行承兑汇票。我想办理贴现。在这里可以吗 A: Yes, we can do that. We require the original Trading Contract and also the VAT Invoice and the Commodity Delivery Documents. They all need to be in duplicate. 是的,我们可以办理。我们需要交易合同和增值税发票以及商品货运单的原件。这些都要复印。 B: Yes,I ve got all that here. 是的,我已经全都带来了。 A: Do you have a c

3、opy of the ID card of the person who took care of the legal aspects of this The Legal Rep,I mean We also need the Loan Certificate as well. Do you have that 承担法律事务方面的人,我指的是法人代表,他的身份证复印件您带着呢吧我们还需要贷款证。您带来了吗 B: A copy or the original I guess you need the original,right OK, I ll return shortly. 副本还是原件我猜

4、你需要的是原件,对不对好吧,我很快就回来。 银行英语情景对话2: A: Hello, back already That was quick! 您好,您已经赶回来了真快呀! B: Yes, luckily our office is just down the street. 是啊,幸亏我们的办公室就在这条街的那头。 A: Great. I shall also need a copy of your own ID and the Warrant Letter, you can fill in one here. 好的。我还需要一份您自己的身份证和授权委托书,您可以在这里填一张。 B: Oh,

5、 I see. 噢,我明白了。 A: Next time,you can get one from the counter over there. Or before you come in,you can download one from our website. It s really easy. 下次,您可以从那边的柜台拿一张。或者在您来之前,您可以从我们 的网站下栽,挺容易的。 银行英语情景对话3: A: Mr Ludlow,Hello. It s good to see you again. What can we do for you today Ludlow先生,您好。很高兴再

6、次见到您。我们今天能为您做些什么呢 B: Hello, I m sorry it s been such a long time. I ve been away on business. I d like to discount this. 你好,很抱歉耽搁了这么长的时间。我刚出差回来。我想办理贴现。 A: No problem. Could I please see the bill and all of the other documents 没问题。我能看看汇票以及其他的所有文件吗 B: Yeah, sure. Here they are. Take your time going th

7、rough them, I m in no hurry. 行。给你。你可以慢慢地审阅,我不着急。 A: There s no problem here, everything s in order. I can transact that for you now. 这里没有任何问题了,一切都准备好了。我现在就可以为您办理。 B: Do I need to pay anything Like a handling fee, or something 我需要付什么款吗像手续费什么的 A: No, you don t need to pay anything on top. We just simp

8、ly deduct the discounting interest. 不用,您不需要另外支付任何款项。我们只是扣除贴现利息。 银行英语情景对话4: A: Hello, is everything alright Can I help 您好,一切还是好吗我能帮忙吗 B: I have a Promissory Note, but it s not called that. It s a Bill of Exchange. 我有一张本票,但它又不叫那个名称。它叫汇票。 A: Similar to a Promissory Note, yes. I can deal with that for y

9、ou right here. The difference between a Promissory Note and a Bill of Exchange is that this product is transferable and can bind one party to pay a third party that was not involved in its creation. 是的,它和本票类似。我马上可以为您处理。本票与汇票之间的差别在于这个汇票产品是可转让的,可以约束一方将钱支付给开始时没有参与的第三方。 B: So, even if someone wasn t dir

10、ectly involved, they can become involved Like the bank you cash it in 因此,即使某人没有直接参与,他们也可以变成参与者比如兑现的银行 A: That s right. We didn t issue it to you, but technically we are buying it from you. So, we become involved. 对。我们不曾给您开票,但说起来我们要从您那里收购。因此我们参与其中了。 B: I see. Sorry about this, I m new in this job and I ve never even seen one of these before! My boss just told me to come here and sort it out. 我明白了。很抱歉,在这方面我是新手,而且之前我从来没见过这种东西!我的老板只是告诉我到这里来,在这里处理它。 A: As long as you have all of th


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