



1、1.So lastk we started our unit on residential architecturehe United Ses. So today wellbe surveying a number of architects who made contributions to residential architecture19th century.he在上周,开始了关于住宅建筑的单元。今天学些在 19 世纪对住宅建筑做出了贡献的建筑师。单词:(1)survey: to look at or examine all of something, espelly carefull

2、y(尤指认真地)总体研究;审视,全面观察 e.g. He pushed himself to his feet and surveyed the room. 他站起来仔细打量整间屋子。2.Now, its worth notingt people who designed homes att time probably had to deal witha certain amount of discouragement. Since there were other architects who thought it was morerespectable to design the kind

3、 of buildings.and maybe other structures.t were less.lessutilitarianheir function.值得注意的是,在当时设计房屋的人可能需要面对一些挫折。因为其他建筑师认为它不如其他非实用的建筑物等等的设计值得尊敬。词汇:n decorative 实用的 e.g. Like many factories, its a(1)utilitarian: designed to be useful rathervery ugly utilitarian building. 和许多任务厂一样,这是一座外表但很实用的建筑。3.In fact,

4、 an article from an 1876 ie of a journal called The American Architect and BuildingNews sedat all!t, and this is a quote, they sedt the planning of houses isnt architecture事实上,在 1876 年的一篇建筑师和建筑的期刊里曾,他们的话是“设计房屋根本不属于建筑学”!词汇:sage or phrases from it. 引文;引语(1)quote: A quote from a book, poem, play or spe

5、ech isquote from an unnamed member of the Cabinet. 文章的开头e.g. The article starts wi了一位未透露的内阁成员的话。4.So one important thing wast the rooms were arranged around a chimneyhe center ofthe house, which could provide heat for the whole house through flues, uh, small airpassagewayso each room, as oped to hav

6、ing a fireplace in every room, which wouldrequire more cleaning and make the air inside the house dirtier.所以一个很重要的事情是,房间围绕着位于房屋中心的烟囱建造,这样可以通过烟洞给整个房子提供热量,经过小的空气通道送达到每个房间。而不是在每个房间都做一个壁炉,那样就要做的清洁工作,而且会使在房子里面的空气比较脏。词汇:(1) flues: a pipet leads from a fire or heater to the outside of a building, taking sm

7、oke, gases,or hot air away(建筑物的)烟道(2)fireplace: a space in the wall of a room for a fire to burn in, or the decorated parttsurrounds this space 壁炉;火炉 e.g. She s扫掉。t the ashes from the fireplace. 她把壁炉的灰烬5.But I think if she had designed this house today, those same biographers would praise her forcom

8、ing up wifloor plant emphasized function, efficient function of a house, as well as adesignts creative and unique.不过我认为如果她是在今天设计了这所房子,同样地传记作家会赞扬她设计的平面图里对功能性的强调,有效的房屋功能,还有她设计的创意和独特性。词汇:(1)biographers: someho writes the story of a particulars life博士的传记作者。传记作者 e.g.well was Dr Johnsons biographer. 鲍是6.R

9、esearch and exploration has been going on in Antarctica for moren twodred years,and has involved scientists from many different countries, who work together on researchsions. Here science and technical supporve beenegrated iy cost effective way.许多国家的科学家们共同在研究站对南极洲进行了 200 多年的研究和勘察,而且在这里有非常划算的科学技术的支持。

10、词汇:(1)Antarctica: the continent around the South Pole 南极7.Theres living and working space, a kitchen wihuge food store, a small hospital and a wellequipped gym to ensure everyone keeps fit in their spare time. The sion generates its ownelectricity and communicates with the outside world using a sali

11、ink.这里是生活和工作的地方,有一个食物充足的厨房,一个小型医院和一个设备齐全的馆,使每个人在空闲时间可以锻炼身体。工作站能自己供电并通过连接与外界联系。8.Fortunay nofinally came up wias hurt, but these buildings became a huge challenge to architects whoremarkable solution. the buildings are placed on platforms which can beraised above the changing snow level on legs which

12、 are extendable.幸运的是没有人受伤,但是这些建筑对建筑师来说是一个巨大的,最终他们想到了一个很棒的解决方案。建筑可以支起来放在一个上而不受雪位的影响。9.Tonight I m going to talk to you aboutt remarkable continent Antarctica remote, hostile andat present uninhabited on a permanent basis. For early explorers, it was the ultimate survivalcontest; for researchers like

13、me, it remains a place of greatellectual challenge; while for themodern tourist, its simply a wilderness of great beauty.今晚,我将向你介绍非凡的南极洲,一个遥远、环境恶略、目前没有常住居民的地方。对于早期的探险家来说,这是一场终极的生存竞赛;对于像我这样的研究者,这是一片充满智力的地方,然而对于现代旅行者来说,这仅是一片极美的荒芜之地。10.Antarctica is a place of extremes the highest, coldest and windiest

14、 continent and over fiftyeight times the size of the UK. The ice cap contains almost 70% of the worlds fresh water and90% of its ice, but with very low snowfall, most of the continent technically falls unbevablythe category of desert!o南极洲有几个极值。它是最高、最冷和风最大的洲,它是英国面积的 58 倍多。冰盖富含世界上几乎 70%的淡水资源和 90%的冰雪,但是降雪量非常低。难以置信的是,大洲的多数地区是沙漠地貌!(1) technically: according to an exact understanding of rules, facts, etc. 事实上,严格说来 e.g.Nude bathing is technically illegal but there are plenty of unspoilt beaches where


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