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1、全文情感态度j情感态度题选项核心词汇必然不会成为正确答案的中性词:CDindifferent, disinterested, impassive;SUSPiCion, questioned, questionable, puzzled, PUZZling,gloomy;neutral(二)必然不会成为正确答案的褒义词和贬义词sensitive, concerned;biased, PrejUdice;scared, afraid, fear;(三)可以成为正确答案的具有褒义色彩的中性词objective,impartial,surprised, amazed;(四)可以成为正确答案的褒义词和贬

2、义词critical(DaPPrOVe, disapprove;(3)POSitiVe PaSSiVe=negative;optimistic, PeSSimiStiC ;(2)情感态度题解题步骤(一)看选项,排除选项中的必然不会成为正确答案的中 性词;(二)看选项,排除选项中的必然不会成为正确答案的褒 义词和贬义词;(三)看选项,排除选项中的相近选项;A. identical; B. similar; C. COmPlementary; D. OPPOSite(四)看选项,保留选项中可以成为正确答案的具有褒义 色彩的中性词和可以成为正确答案的褒义词和贬义词;(五)看题干,判断情感态度指向的对

3、彖;(六)判断该对象的性质;如果该对彖与伦理道德观念相吻合,选择含有可以成 为正确答案的褒义词的选项;比如尊师重道;如果该对象与伦理道德观念不相吻合,选择可成为正 确答案的贬义词的选项如果该对象与伦理道德观念没有关系,那么应该选择 可以成为正确答案的具有褒义色彩的中性词;比如经济的增 长或衰弱;(3)情感态度题真题演示例 1. The author,s attitude towards euthanasia SeemS to be that Of .(1997)(A) OPPOSitiOn (B) SUSPiCiOn (C) approval (D) indiffere nce解题方法和步骤:

4、第一步:看选项,排除选项中的必然不会成为正确答案 的中性词;据此排除了 B和D;第二步:看选项,排除选项中的必然不会成为正确答案 的褒义词和贬义词;没有发现这样的词汇;第三步:看选项,排除选项中的相近选项;也没有相近 的选项;第四步:看选项,保留选项中可以成为正确答案的具有 褒义色彩的中性词和可以成为正确答案的褒义词和贬义词; 因此保留A和C;第五步:看题干,判断情感态度指向的对彖;即euthan asia(安乐死)。第六步:判断该对象的性质;很显然安乐死是属于与伦 理道德的关系还没有形成定论的,所以应该选择可以成为正 确答案的具有褒义色彩的中性词。但是本题中没有可以成为 正确答案的具有褒义色

5、彩的中性词,因此根据注1应该选择 褒义词,所以这个题目选C。例 1 The PaSSage ShOWS that the author isthe Present SitUation.CritiCal Of (B) PUZZIed by (C) disappointed at (D) amazed at彳列 2. The author,s attitude towards the issue SeemS to be .(A) biased (B) indifferent (C) PUZZling (D)ObjeCtiVe例 3. TOWard the IleW business wave, t

6、he writers attitUde Can be Said to be 二(A) OPtimiStiC (B) ObjeCtiVe (C) PeSSimiStiC (D)biased第一步:看选项,排除选项中的必然不会成为正确答案 的中性词;本题中没有该选项;第二步:看选项,排除选项中的必然不会成为正确答案 的褒义词和贬义词;因此排除D;第三步:看选项,排除选项中的相近选项;本题中没有 这样的选项;第四步:看选项,保留选项中可以成为正确答案的具有 褒义色彩的中性词和可以成为正确答案的褒义词和贬义词; 因此保留A、B和C;第五步:看题干,判断情感态度指向的对象;即newbUSineSSWaV

7、e根据文章知道new business WaVe是指经济相关的话题;第六步:判断该对象的性质;很显然经济相关的话题是 属于与伦理道德没有关系的,所以应该选择可以成为正确答 案的具有褒义色彩的中性词。因此所以这个题目选B。彳列 4. FrOrn the text We Can See that the Writer SeemS OPtimiStiC (B) sensitive. (C) gloomy (D) scared.局部情感态度题局部情感态度题的解题步骤找出本题的出题句;在岀题句(或称得分句)中寻找含有感情色彩的词语 或句子;比较该感情色彩的词语或句子和四个选项,选择常用的有四种方式:“语

8、言简化”、“反话正说”、“正话反说”和“关键词替 换”。1; “语言简化”2; “反话正说”The Strange, almost incomprehensible fact is that m any professors, just as they feel Obliged to Write dully, believe that they ShOUId IeCture dully. TO ShoW enthusiasm is to risk appearing UnSCientific, Im-ObjeCtive, it is to appeal to the StUdents, emo

9、tions rather than their intellect ThUS the ideal IeCtute is One filled Wit h facts and read in an UnChanged monotoneThe InajOrity Of UniVerSity PrOfeSSOrS Prefer the t:T aditional Way Of IeCturing in the belief that it draws the CIOSe attention Of the StUdentsit COnfOrmS in a Wdy to the design Of th

10、e Crea torit PreSentS COUrSe CorItent in a SCientific and ObjeCtive mannerit helps StUdentS to COmPrehend abstr&ct theor ies more easilyExercises:They are nowhere CIOSe to achieving anything.He is no more fit to be a PreSident than a SCh OOIbOy WOUId be.A WhaIe is no IeSS a mammal than a horse is.I

11、don, t SO much IOVe him as SymPathize With him.There is no rule but has exceptions.They never meet WithOUt quarreling.The POtentiaI benefit Of exercises can, t be OVerestimated.3;“正话反说”HoW many Inen WOUId have COnSidered the POSSibility Of an apple falling UP into the ttee? NeWtOn did be CaUSe he Wa

12、S not t:Tying to PrediCt anything. He WaS just wondering. HiS mind WaS ready for the ImPtedi Ctabl,e UnPrediCtabiIity is Part Of the essential n ature Of research. If you don,t have UnPrediCtable things, you do, t have research. SCientiSts tend to forget this WheII Writing their CUt Qnd dried (简洁 的)

13、reports for the technical journals, but history is filledWith examples Of it.The author asserts that SCieIItiStS .ShOUId, t replace USCientific methodv With imaginative thoughtShOUId, t neglect to SPeCUIate on UnPrediCtab Ie thingsShOUld write more COnCiSe reports for technic al journalsShOUld be CO

14、nfideIIt aboUt their research find ingsExercises:DOnaVan WOUId have IOVed the Inter net.We COUIdn, t have gone to the beach On a better day.ItS resuItS fell ShOrt Of my expec tatio ns4ThiS is the IaSt thing I Wdnt to do.YOUr answer is far from my SatiSfa CtionHe is anything but an artistIt, S OUt Of

15、 the question/ OUt Of q UeStionThiS is more than I Can chew. I t S beyond/above me.YOU ShOUld have known better thanto take my WOrdS SeriOUSly4; “关键词替换”ThiS SPeeding UP Of life, SayS the FUtUrist, receiv es a new form Of expression.FUtUrists CIailn that We InUSt increase the PrOdUCtiOn Of IiteratUreUSe POetry to relieve modern Stressdevelops new modes Of exp:TeSSionavoid USing adjectives and VerbSTraffiC COngeStiOnS一traffic jams;PerSOnaI POSSeSSiOnS一PerSOnal PrOPerty ;doing business abroad一 OVerSeaS businesshealthyWhOleSO


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