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1、备战2021届高考英语二轮专题复习爱尚阅读实战篇专题23阅读综合演练4含解析备战2021届高考英语二轮专题复习爱尚阅读实战篇专题23阅读综合演练4含解析备战2021届高考英语二轮专题复习爱尚阅读实战篇专题23阅读综合演练4含解析专题20 阅读综合演练(4)1The number of American young students using vaping(电子烟)fell sharply this year, according to a 2020 survey.The 2020 survey was carried out by the Centers for Disease Contro

2、l and Prevention(CDC) and the U.S。 Food and Drug Administration(FDA)。 About 20,000 American students took part in the survey from mid-January to mid-March. They were asked about the use of any vaping or tobacco products during the past month. Under 20 % of high school students said they were recent

3、users of e-cigarettes and other vaping products。 Just 5 of middle school students said they had recently used them.That marked a big decrease from a similar survey in 2019。 The earlier survey found nearly 28 of high school students and 11 of middle school students had recently vaped。Health experts b

4、elieve that the drop comes after last years sudden increase in vapingrelated illnesses and death. An investigation showed that last year, more than 2,600 cases of lung injuries, including 60 deaths, were connected with vaping。 Most of those who got sick said they had vaped mixtures containing THC。Ea

5、rlier this year,the FDA banned some flavors(味道) from vaping devices mainly used by teens. And the federal law now bans(禁止) sales of all tobacco products and ecigarettes to anyone under the age of 21。Matt Myers of the Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids said the survey showed a meaningful drop” in teen va

6、ping. But he felt disappointed that the Trump government didnt follow through a promise to ban all flavored e-cigarettes。”As long as any flavored ecigarettes are left on the market, kids will get their hands on them and we will not solve the crisis,Myers said.1.Which of the following statement is tr

7、ue?A。Vaping rates among young students in the U。S went up last year。B.The vaping increase was not linked to popular e-cigarettes.C.Most patients surveyed blamed their disease on mixtures containing THC.D。The Trump government said no to all flavored e-cigarettes.2。What is mainly talked about in parag

8、raph 4?A.what causes the drop in vaping among teensB。what effects vaping has on teensC.why vaping enjoys popularity among teensD.how vaping becomes popular among teens3。Whats Matt Myers attitude towards the Trump governments efforts to ban cigarettes?A。PositiveB.NegativeC.ObjectiveD。Doubtful4。In whi

9、ch section can the passage be found?A。EntertainmentB。PoliticsC。EducationD.Health【答案】1。C2.A3.B4.D【分析】这是一篇说明文。根据2020年的一项调查,今年使用电子烟的美国年轻学生数量急剧下降。文章详细介绍了调查结果以及导致这一结果的原因,政府为了禁止学生吸烟所采取的措施。1。细节理解题。根据第四段最后一句“Most of those who got sick said they had vaped mixtures containing THC.(大多数染病的人说他们吸入了含有四氢大麻酚的混合物。)”可

10、知,大部分患者都把他们患病的原因归咎于含有THC的混合物.blame on 意为:把责任归到身上;归咎于。故选C项。2。主旨大意题。第四段第一句“Health experts believe that the drop comes after last years sudden increase in vapingrelated illnesses and death。(健康专家认为,在去年与吸电子烟有关的疾病和死亡突然增加之后,这一数字出现了下降.)是全段的中心句,表明全段主要介绍了导致青少年使用电子烟的比例急剧下降的原因是什么。故选A项.3.推理判断题。A. Positive积极的;B.

11、Negative消极的;C. Objective客观的;D. Doubtful可疑的。根据最后一段中“But he felt disappointed that the Trump government didnt follow through a promise to ban all flavored e-cigarettes.(但他对特朗普政府没有把禁止所有调味电子烟的承诺履行到底感到失望。)”可知特朗普政府并没有打算从根本上禁止所有调味电子烟,由此推断对于此事的态度是消极的。故选B项。4.推理判断题.根据文章中的“Health experts(健康专家)”、“vapingrelated

12、illnesses and death(与电子烟有关的疾病和死亡)”、“Most of those who got sick said they had vaped mixtures containing THC.(大多数染病的人说他们吸入了含有四氢大麻酚的混合物.)”可总结出,全文是关于电子烟对青少年的身体健康的危害的.故选D项。2Texas has been one of the most restrictive gunrights states in America.Thanks to a new law,however,the state will be one of the most

13、 relaxed,to the degree that police are discouraged from even asking about someones guns. And if they do, they may not have much power to do anything if the person refuses to show a license。To be sure, the law is strict in its own way,offering a model for regulation. Under the law, opencarry citizens

14、 have to be licensed, a process that includes safety and shooting tests. They also have to show no prior psychological problems, and they have to be at least 21 years old.It is true that gun violence dropped sharply after restrictive laws were put in place in countries like Great Britain and Austral

15、ia. However,the US public seems more interested than ever in weapons and the power they convey,despite gun control groups concern over the increase of violence。 Most states in America have steadily expanded gun rights since the end of a 10year assault(攻击)weapons ban in 2004。 Black Friday this year s

16、aw the biggest gun cache(贮存)ever purchased in one day.Considering those trends,theres a heated debate about whether the new Texas law is a model piece of legislation(立法)for a changing America,or a walking disaster just begging for trouble。 As the law doesnt provide any punishment for those who refus

17、e to show a license to a police officer, critics fear that officers may find it tough to handle potentially deadly situations。 After all, armed citizens will no longer be considered suspicious, even though a lot of people might be alarmed by the sight。 Most police in Texas have been told to not enga

18、ge gun carriers unless they are doing something questionable or appear drunk.For sure,New Years Day will be an exciting one for Texas gun owners. Whats not yet known is how the rest of Texas will respond。5。All of the following are required in the new Texas law for open carry EXCEPTA。age limitB。menta

19、l conditionC。online registrationD。gunoperating skills6.What is mainly talked about in Paragraph 3?A。The reason for putting forward the new Texas law.B.The present situation of gun possession in America。C。The impact of the assault weapons ban in 2004。D.The inaction of the US government as to gun cont

20、rol.7。What do critics think the new Texas law will probably lead to?A.Heavier workload for policemen。B。Disrespect for officers.C。Lack of trust among citizens。D。Difficulty in crime prevention。8。What is the authors attitude towards the new Texas law?A。Negative.B。Cautious。C。Indifferent。D.Approving。【答案】

21、5.C6。B7.D8。B【分析】这是一篇说明文。美国民众比较热衷于持枪,文章就德克萨斯州关于枪支管理的新法律进行了介绍。5.细节理解题.根据第二段的“Under the law, opencarry citizens have to be licensed, a process that includes safety and shooting tests。 They also have to show no prior psychological problems, and they have to be at least 21 years old.根据法律,公开携带武器的公民必须获得许可,

22、这一过程包括安全和射击测试。他们之前必须没有心理问题,而且必须年满21岁”可知,新法律对年龄,心理问题和射击技能都提出了要求,没有提及网上注册。故选C。6.主旨大意题。根据第三段“However,the US public seems more interested than ever in weapons and the power they convey,despite gun control groups concern over the increase of violence。 Most states in America have steadily expanded gun rig

23、hts since the end of a 10-year assault(攻击)weapons ban in 2004. ”可知,然而,美国公众似乎比以往任何时候都对武器及其所传递的力量更感兴趣,尽管枪支管制组织担心暴力事件的增加。自2004年为期10年的攻击性武器禁令结束以来,美国大多数州都在稳步扩大枪支权利.由此可知,第三段主要讲了美国持枪现状。故选B项。7.细节理解题。根据第四段的“As the law doesnt provide any punishment for those who refuse to show a license to a police officer, c

24、ritics fear that officers may find it tough to handle potentially deadly situations。由于该法律没有规定对那些拒绝向警察出示驾照的人进行任何惩罚,批评人士担心,警察可能会发现很难处理潜在的致命情况。”可知,批评者认为新的德克萨斯州法律可能会导致预防犯罪的困难.故选D。8。推理判断题。根据最后一段内容“or sure,New Years Day will be an exciting one for Texas gun owners。 Whats not yet known is how the rest of T

25、exas will respond.可以肯定的是,新年对德州的枪支拥有者来说将是令人兴奋的一天。目前尚不清楚德州其他地区将如何回应。作者对待新法律是小心,谨慎的。故选B。3My two sons are all grown up now. Yet they both still have the minds of children. Autism has limited their intellectual growth over the years, and they still need to be looked after 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. W

26、hen I was a boy, the term used for people like my sons was Mentally Retarded. By the time I was an adult, the term had switched to Mentally Handicapped。 Later, this was changed again to Mentally Challenged. However, none of these terms truly defined them. Their humanity is much richer than these per

27、sonality labels。These days, the newest term is people with Special Needs. My sons do have Special Needs but they also have Special Gifts。 My oldest boy may only be able to talk about certain things. Autism has limited his learning and interests. But when he greets people by name。 He gives out love a

28、nd hugs far more freely than I do. My youngest boy doesnt speak much at all, he is lost in his own world most of the time。 But he also has an ability for laughter and joy that is far beyond anything I possess。 Often after he finishes crying his happiness will immediately return。 In truth, my two Spe

29、cial Needs sons have taught me more about how to live and how to love than I could have ever learned on my own. The fact is all of us in this life have Special Needs. All of us also have Special Gifts. It is up to us to share our Gifts. It is up to us to meet each others Needs。 It is up to us to tre

30、at each other with kindness and love。 Remember, we are all one family here. We are all Children of the same mother nature。9。Which term does the author agree with most to define his sons?A。Autism.B.People with Special Needs.C.Mentally RetardedD。Mentally Handicapped.10.Which of the following is right

31、according to Paragraph 2?A。The writers oldest son taught him how to live.B.The writers oldest son taught him how to love.C.The writers youngest son taught him how to loveD.The writer taught his two sons how to live and love。11.What writing technique does the author use in the last paragraph?A.Compar

32、ing.B.Listing facts.C.Giving examples。D。Expressing his mind directly.【答案】9.B10。B11.D【分析】这是一篇记叙文。作者的两个儿子患有自闭症,虽然有很多术语曾描述过这样的人,但是作者最喜欢用“有特殊需要的人来定义他们.作者认为患有孤独症的人不仅有特殊的需要,也有特殊的天赋,作者从两个孩子身上也学会了如何生活和如何去爱,作者认为我们都应该善待彼此。9.细节理解题.根据第二段中“These days, the newest term is people with Special Needs. My sons do have

33、 Special Needs but they also have Special Gifts。(现在,最新的术语说他们是有特殊需求的人.我的儿子们确实有特殊的需要,但他们也有特殊的天赋)”以及“In truth, my two Special Needs sons have taught me more about how to live and how to love than I could have ever learned on my own。 (事实上,我的两个有特殊需要的儿子教会了我更多关于如何生活和如何去爱的知识,这是我无法独自学会的)”可知,作者最同意用“有特殊需要的人”来定

34、义他的儿子。故选B。10.细节理解题。根据第二段中“My oldest boy may only be able to talk about certain things. Autism has limited his learning and interests。 But when he greets people by name, he gives out love and hugs far more freely than I do. (我最大的儿子可能只能谈论某些事情。孤独症限制了他的学习和兴趣。但当他叫出别人的名字来问候时,他给予的爱和拥抱比我要自由得多)”可知,B选项“作者的大儿子

35、教会了作者如何去爱别人”正确。故选B。11.推理判断题。根据最后一段“The fact is all of us in this life have Special Needs. All of us also have Special Gifts。 It is up to us to share our Gifts. It is up to us to meet each others Needs。 It is up to us to treat each other with kindness and love. Remember, we are all one family here. W

36、e are all Children of the same mother nature。 (事实上,我们在这一生中都有特殊的需要。我们每个人都有特殊的天赋。分享我们的天赋是我们的责任.应该由我们来满足彼此的需要。这取决于我们如何善待彼此.记住,在这里我们都是一家人.我们都是同一个大自然的孩子)”可推知,作者在最后一段使用了“直抒胸臆”的写作技巧。故选D。4My father gave me a copy when I was 18, and its been with me ever since; its a beautiful book by Alice. In it, there is

37、a dish of mussels. It is simple and delicious。 It was probably the first dish I cooked from the book and I still have it on the menu at my restaurant today。Mussels are really beautiful in the autumn。 When you cook seasonally, you use whatever you have at hand, and each time a food material comes bac

38、k in season, you are so happy to see it。 Its like going back to old friends, like going home。 I do feel the dish with mussels is so。 It is the same with a dish made by my mother. Its my mums chicken with cherries. When I was a child, cherries would mark the end of the school year. Wed always get a b

39、ox of each when school was out for the summer. I remember sitting in the garden hanging cherries in pairs on my ears like earrings and spitting out the pips, hoping a tree would grow。 Food should take you somewhere special like that-not in a confusing way, but in a nurturing way, for both your body

40、and your soul. It should take you to a happy place, which is linked to memory. Someone I work with says all my recipes are memorybound。No cook has influenced me more than Alice: valuing farmers, pushing for organics and clean soil. She has made me think about food waste, and about how food can contr

41、ibute to a solution to wider problems。 Alice takes me back to that moment when I fell in love with cooking. Thirtyfive years on, I still feel the same.12.What can we learn about the writers first dish in Paragraph 1?A。It is difficult to cook.B。It is especially popular。C.He is confident about itD。He

42、got it from his father.13.Why did the writer mention his mothers dish in Paragraph 2?A。To express thanks to his motherB。To let Alice have a comparison at cookingC.To show how good his mother was at cookingD。To show a special dish can be a sweet memory.14。What kind of restaurant does the writer want

43、his restaurant to be?A.A green one.B。A special one。C.A cheap one.D。A famous one.15.Whats the writers purpose in writing the passage?A。To tell about his business experience.B.To express the memory of his mother.C.To tell about the dish that changed his lifeD。To introduce a cook book written by Alice【

44、答案】12。D13.D14.A15.C【分析】这是一篇夹叙夹议文。文章主要讲述了作者做的第一道菜来自于一本爱丽丝写的书,这是一道贻贝制成的菜。作者也由此引发了对食物的思考,作者认为食物能够将人带到一个快乐的地方,爱丽丝也让作者思考食物浪费,思考食物如何有助于解决更广泛的问题,对作者产生了很大的影响.12.细节理解题.根据第一段“My father gave me a copy when I was 18, and its been with me ever since; its a beautiful book by Alice. In it, there is a dish of musse

45、ls. It is simple and delicious. It was probably the first dish I cooked from the book and I still have it on the menu at my restaurant today.(我18岁的时候,我父亲给了我一本书,从那时起它就一直陪伴着我;这是爱丽丝写的一本漂亮的书。里面有一道贻贝制成菜。它简单而美味。这可能是我根据这本书做的第一道菜,现在我的餐厅的菜单上还保留着这道菜)”可知,作者的第一道菜是从他父亲那里得到的。故选D.13。推理判断题。根据第二段中“Its like going bac

46、k to old friends, like going home。 I do feel the dish with mussels is so. It is the same with a dish made by my mother. Its my mums chicken with cherries. When I was a child, cherries would mark the end of the school year. Wed always get a box of each when school was out for the summer。 I remember s

47、itting in the garden hanging cherries in pairs on my ears like earrings and spitting out the pips, hoping a tree would grow。(就像回到老朋友身边,就像回家一样。我觉得这道菜贻贝做的菜是这样,我妈妈做的菜也是这样的.比如我妈妈做的樱桃鸡.当我还是个孩子的时候,樱桃标志着学年的结束。学校放暑假的时候,我们每个人都会收到一盒。我记得我坐在花园里,把一对对的樱桃像耳环一样挂在耳朵上,把樱桃核吐出来,希望能长出樱桃树来)”以及第三段中“Food should take you so

48、mewhere special like thatnot in a confusing way, but in a nurturing way, for both your body and your soul。 It should take you to a happy place, which is linked to memory。(食物应该带你去一个特别的地方-不是以一种令人困惑的方式,而是一种对你的身体和灵魂都有益的方式。它应该把你带到一个快乐的地方,这是与记忆相连的)可推知,作者在第二段提到了他妈妈做的菜,是为了表明一道特别的菜会是一段甜蜜的回忆。故选D。14。推理判断题。根据最后

49、一段中“No cook has influenced me more than Alice: valuing farmers, pushing for organics and clean soil. She has made me think about food waste, and about how food can contribute to a solution to wider problems。(没有哪个厨师比爱丽丝对我的影响更大:重视农民,提倡有机食品和干净的土壤。她让我思考食物浪费,思考食物如何有助于解决更广泛的问题)”可推知,作者想让他的餐厅成为一个绿色环保的餐厅。故选A

50、.15.推理判断题。根据第一段“My father gave me a copy when I was 18, and its been with me ever since; its a beautiful book by Alice。 In it, there is a dish of mussels。 It is simple and delicious. It was probably the first dish I cooked from the book and I still have it on the menu at my restaurant today。(我18岁的时候

51、,我父亲给了我一本书,从那时起它就一直陪伴着我;这是爱丽丝写的一本漂亮的书.里面有一道贻贝制成菜。它简单而美味。这可能是我根据这本书做的第一道菜,现在我的餐厅的菜单上还保留着这道菜)以及最后一段中“No cook has influenced me more than Alice: valuing farmers, pushing for organics and clean soil。 She has made me think about food waste, and about how food can contribute to a solution to wider problem

52、s.(没有哪个厨师比爱丽丝对我的影响更大:重视农民,提倡有机食品和干净的土壤)”结合主要讲述了作者做的第一道菜来自于一本爱丽丝写的书,这是一道贻贝制成的菜.作者也由此引发了对食物的思考,作者认为食物能够将人带到一个快乐的地方,爱丽丝也让作者思考食物浪费,思考食物如何有助于解决更广泛的问题,对作者产生了很大影响。可推知,作者写这篇文章的目的是讲述改变他生活的那道菜。故选C。5A boy was dying of terminal leukemia (白血病)。 His mother took his hand and asked, “Bopsy, did you ever think about

53、 what you wanted to be when you grew up?“Mommy, I always wanted to be a fireman when I grew up.”Later that day she went to the fire department, where she met Fireman Bob。 She explained her sons final wish and asked if it might be possible to give her sixyearold son a ride around the block on a fire

54、engine。 Fireman Bob said, “Look, we can do better than that. Well make him an honorary fireman for the whole day. He can come down to the fire station, eat with us, go out on all the fire calls, the whole nine yards! And, well get a real fire uniform made for him。”Three days later Fireman Bob picked

55、 up Bopsy, dressed him in his fire uniform and escorted (护送) him from his hospital bed to the waiting hook and ladder truck. Bopsy was in heaven. Having his dream come true, with all the love and attention that was lavished (慷慨给予) upon him, Bopsy lived three months longer than any doctor thought pos

56、sible.One night all of his vital signs began to drop and the head nurse called the fire chief and asked if it would be possible to send a fireman in uniform to the hospital to be with Bopsy as he made his transition。 The chief replied, “We can do better than that。 Well be there in five minutes。 Will

57、 you please do me a favor? When you hear the sirens (警报器) screaming and see the lights flashing, will you announce over the PA system that its just the fire department coming to see one of its finest members one more time? And will you open the window to his room?About five minutes later a hook and

58、ladder truck arrived at the hospital, extended its ladder up to Bopsys third floor open window and 14 firemen and two firewomen climbed up the ladder into Bopsys room。 They hugged him and held him and told him how much they loved him. With his dying breath, Bopsy looked up at the fire chief and said

59、, “Chief, am I really a fireman now?”With those words, Bopsy smiled and closed his eyes for the last time。16.Why did Bopsys mother go to the fire department?A.Her son wanted to get a fire uniform。B.Her son wanted to ride on a fire engine.C。She wanted her son to become a real fireman。D。She wanted to

60、help her son to realize his dream。17。What did Fireman Bob probably mean by saying “the whole nine yards in the third paragraph?A。The fire engine was nine yards long.B.The whole journey that day was very upsetting。C.Bopsy could experience everything as a fireman。D.All the sirens of the fire engines w


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