



1、Inference and word guessing 成都四十九中高中英语组 王静教学材料:高一新课程英语周报第六期 C篇阅读理解文本分析:本篇阅读文章介绍了澳大利亚20世纪60年代发生的一场 “人兔大战”的事迹。首先,作者按照时间顺序 (1859, 1900, 1900s, 1950s, today)依次讲述了事情发生的起因,经过,结果。以“problem-solution”为语篇,以猎人,兔子以及澳大利亚政府为依托,向人们展示了典型的人为因素所导致的自然灾害,值得学生学习与深思。其次,文中多次出现生僻单词,但是相应的解释紧随其后,有利于培养同学们猜词的习惯与技能。同时,理解文本,提升思维


3、猜词方法与技巧。总结出文章主要内容,理清楚文章的结构框架。基于文本字面意义理解,推理出其暗含意义,与作者进行深度对话。经过与作者深度对话以后,与自己深度对话,深刻理解人与动物,自然到底应该怎样相处。教学重难点:学生可能会发现都有哪些猜词的技巧与方法,但是很难将其梳理归纳。学生对文章的理解只停留在字面意义,但是对内涵意义的深挖会有难度。文章到底给我们一个怎样的启示?学生可能会想到生态系统的平衡,但是针对此文,主人公到底为什么Thought little.,以及若要想多一点要想什么等等具体的问题的思考是一个难点。Text In the early1900s, a fence was built.

4、It was over 2000 miles long! The Australia government built the fence. It was hoped that it would stop rabbits from spreading into southwestern Australia. Thomas Austin set free 24 rabbits from England in 1859. He set free these rabbits so that he could hunt more. Unexpectedly, the rabbit population

5、 got out of control. In just 18 months, a single pair of rabbits can have up to 184 descendents! A descendent is like a child or a baby. Rabbits had few natural enemies in Australias wildlife. So there were more than one billion rabbits in Australia by 1900. The rabbits were doing great harm to alre

6、ady sparse plants. When something is sparse, it is thinly spread. It is not thick. The rabbits were overeating. They destroyed the plants closer to the ground. Native animals could not find enough to eat. Farmers needed to protect their crops.Did the fence work? No, it did not. The rabbits quickly b

7、roke through. The government tried bringing in foxes because they are natural enemies of rabbits. However, the foxes didnt help. Why didnt the foxes help? The foxes hunted native wildlife!In the 1950s, the government gave the rabbits a disease. The population went down 90 percent. Unluckily, the rab

8、bits became immune to the disease. When one is immune, one is protected. One cannot get sick. Today, the rabbit war goes on. It includes introducing new diseases, using poison, building fences and destroying rabbit homes. In fact, no one knows how to end the war. We only know how it started. When Th

9、omas Austin was hunting rabbits cheerfully, he might have thought little about what would happen in the future. Teaching design Stages and stepsTeaching processIntention Pre-reading:Step 1 T shows the pictures of rabbits to attract Ss attention and gives them a chance to ask questions about “rabbit”

10、. Lead in: Engage Ss interest.Step 2Ss read the first line of each paragraph to see whats wrong with rabbits?Self-predictionStep 3T tells the beginning of the story.Activate students thinking.Question-based readingStep 1T asks the question:What happened after Thomas Austin set free the rabbits?Ss re

11、ad to answer the question. Reading with question can be more effective and attractive for students.Step 2T asks the question:Why did the population of rabbits get out of control? Ss find the answers in the first paragraph.Ss guess the meaning of the words “descendent” & “fertility”Step 3T asks the q

12、uestion: What harms did they do to local life? Ss read to find the harms. Ss guess the meaning of the words “sparse”, “erosion”, and “agriculture”. Step 4 Ss come up with some other possible harms on their own. Inspire students to think more. Step 5Ss read to answer these questions: Q1: What did the

13、 government do?Q2: Why didnt the fence work? Q3: Why didnt the foxes helpful?Q4: What can be the new problem? There is no answer in the text, but it is a good chance for Ss to think through deep conversation. Ss can guess the meaning of the words “burrows”, “be fed up with”,etc. Step 6Group discussi

14、on: If you were the government official, what would you do to solve the problem? Improve Ss ability to solve problem and they can share their ideas with each other. Step 7Ss read Para 4 to find out what other things the government did to solve the problem. Ss read to find details. Step 8T: What do y

15、ou think of these solutions and those you have mentioned? Encourage Ss to think and evaluate. Guide students to think whether the solutions are humane or not.Step 9 Ss read to infer authors attitude and implied meanings. Teacher asks the question:What does the author think of these solutions? Guess

16、the meaning of phrase “in the air”. Step 10 T guides students to conclude about the methods in words guessing Ss will become clear about the methods mentioned in word guessing. Post readingStep 1T asks the question:What is the story about?How does the author organize his description?Based on the les

17、son, Ss are able to get the whole picture of the text and it helps to check whether students are clear about the passage or not. Step 2Ss finish the mind-map without referring to the text. Ss check theirs answers with their deskmates.T guides students to be clear about the structure of “problem-solu

18、tion”. Step 3 T asks the question: What can you infer from the sentence:When Thomas Austin was hunting rabbits cheerfully, he might have thought little about what would happen in the future.Improve Ss ability to infer the implied meanings. Move to the theme gradually through deep conversation. Step 4Group discussion:What should he have thought about?Why didnt he think about it like you? 板书设计:Word Guessing and Inference: problems solutions descendents! (child, baby) fertility (ability to give bir


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