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1、精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上专心-专注-专业专心-专注-专业精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上专心-专注-专业跨文化交际 试题 英语专业 跨文化交际 试题 注 意 事 项 一、将你的学号、姓名及分校(工作站)名称填写在答题纸的规定栏内考试结束后,把试卷和答题纸放在桌上。试卷和答题纸均不得带出考场。监考人收完考卷和答题纸后才可离开考场。 二、仔细读懂题目的说明,并按题目要求和答题示例答题。答案一定要写在答题纸的指定位置上,写在试卷上的答案无效。三、用蓝、黑圆珠笔或钢笔答题,使用铅笔答题无效。 Information for the examinees:This examinati

2、on consists of three sections. They are: Section : Listening Test (30 points, 30 minutes) Section : Reading Test (50 points, 60 minutes) Section : Writing Test (20 points, 30 minutes) The total marks for this examination are 100 points. Time allowed for completing this examination is 2 hours (120 mi

3、nutes). Section : Listening Test 30 pointsInstructions: The Likening Test will take approximately 30 minutes. There are two pans to the test and you will hear each part twice. There will he a pause of 30 seconds before each part to you look through ,h questions and another one after each part to all

4、ow you to think about your answers. You can first write your answers on this test paper. You will have 10 minutes at the end of the test to transfer your answers to the Answer Sheet. ALL ANSWERS MUST APPEAR ON THE ANSWER SHEET. Part 1: Questions 1 10 are based on this part. 10 pointsYou are going to

5、 listen to a telephone conversation between a student and a professor. Choose the best answer from A, B, C and D to answer each question. Write your answers on the Answer Sheet.1. What is the name of the course that Benjamin Jones has taken?A. History.B. Art.C. Art history.D. Art gallery.2The speake

6、r makes the call firstly because_.A. his roommate is ill, and cannot hand in the term paperBhe knows the teacher wellC. he wants to choose this courseDhe is ill, and cannot hand in his term paper3. Which description about .he course Landscape Painters is no, true?A. Its a course for non-art majors.B

7、. Well be looking at several different painters and examining their works.C. Well also look at the history and politics of the era in which they lived.D. It is a course for art majors.4. What is true about the requirement for this course?A. The students must pass the final exam.B. The students have

8、no final exam.C. The students have to give a major presentation about all the painters.D. The students have to give a major presentation about the art history.5. Where is the location of the professors office?A. The office is in the fine arts building right next to the library.B. The office is in th

9、e fine arts building right next to the gate.C. The office is in the fine arts building to the right of the library.D. The office is in the fine arts building to the right of the gate.Part 2: Questions 615 are based on this part. (10 points)You are going to listen to a part of a lecture on cultural d

10、iversity at home. As you listen, fill in the blanks to complete Sentences 6 15. Note:Only one word is necessary for each blank.6. It has long been recognized that cultural variables influence how children present themselves, understand the world, and _ experiences.7. Culture also affects the experie

11、nces through which childrens earliest_ and number knowledge are acquired.8. Some of these experiences may be_ focused on encouraging learning, such as reading books to children or instructing them to count.9. More common are activities that provide implicit,_ support for various types of learning in

12、 the context of shared everyday activities.10Efforts to create effective classroom environments for young children from diverse cultural and_ backgrounds should be based on knowledge about.11. It is critical to identify those aspects of childrens cultural backgrounds that have the greatest relevance

13、 for childrens_, motivation, and learning at school.12. The workshop participants suggested many possibilities as important_.13. They fell into three_.14(2) the nature and extent of parent-child_ and other experiences.15(3) social _ that affect the ways in which knowledge and skills pertinent to ear

14、ly learning are communicated among and used by family members. This is the end of the Listening TestSection : Language Appropriacy and Accuracy 30 pointsInstructions; There are altogether 15 statements below. You are offered four choices marked with A, B, C, and D for each statement. Choose the most

15、 appropriate one and write the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.16. When the home market is already glutted with wheat, blindly importing wheat means not only carrying coals to Newcastle, but also bankruptcy of local farmers.A. gilding the lilyB. building castles in SpainC having a big mouth

16、D. casting pearls before swine17. That was only a harmless lie. I didnt wan, .0 hurt her. I know if she knew the truth, she would do something silly.A. a green lieB. a white lieC. a gray lieD. a blue Lie18. He was discovered in the act of cheating by looking up his textbooks in the exam.A. caught re

17、d-handedB. caught white-handedC. caught black-handedD. caught green-handed19. He is a straight shooter, and hence has offended a lot of people.A. doing things decisively and with flairB. always attacking his opponents weak points aggressively and without mercyC. honest and frank on his talkD. boasti

18、ng20. I always think Im a lucky dog. But this deal has turned out to be a dead duck.A. terrible mistakeB. complete failureC. lion in the wayD. fly in the ointment21. Dont behave rudely with me, young man. Im sorry. I didnt mean to offend you.A. freak outB. hit it offC. go bananasD. come it22. No won

19、der he is so sad these days. His grandfather pushed up the daisies a week ago.A. passed awayB. relieved himselfC. was not all thereD. was in a family way23. Nobody can persuade him to do that. He is very stubborn.A. as stubborn as a muleB. as stubborn as a cowC. as stubborn as a gooseD. as stubborn

20、as a duck24. He tried to answer the teachers questions, but he was out in the left field.A. was not able to do soB. gave a totally wrong answer which had no relevance to the teachers questionC. could not express himself completelyD. had a soar throat and could not speak25. Its no use worrying about

21、a remote happening.A. Dont count your chickens before they are hatched.B. Dont have too many irons in the fire.C. Dont change horse in mid-stream.D. Dont cross the bridge till you get to it.26.In different culture, the ways of thought may differ. Americans are_, stressing the need for action. Howeve

22、r French are _. playing great weight on careful thought and logic.A. psychomotor-oriented, affective-orientedB. psychomotor-oriented, cognitive-orientedC. affective-oriented, cognitive-orientedD. affective-oriented, psychomotor-oriented27. Which one in the following is Not an idiomatic expression?A.

23、 as cunning as a foxB. as wise as a monkeyC. as blind as a batD. as majestic as a lion28. We know that the dog is regarded as mans best friend in the West, but sometimes dogs also have negative associations, such as _ .A. A top dogB. Get the dogC. He worked like a dogD. Lead a dogs life29. The uncle

24、 encouraged the boy not to be _ saying that he should fight back the bully.A. as slippery as an eelB. as timid as a hareC. as meek as a lambD. as majestic as a lion30. The new office block has become an expensive white elephant.A. a thing that is rather large and eye-catchingB. a thing that is usele

25、ss and expensive to maintainC. a value gift that shouldnt be given awayD. a thing whose symbolic meaning is profound and far-reachingSection : Reading Comprehension 20 pointsPart 1: Questions 3135 are based on this part. (10 points)Read Passage 1 and then answer Questions 31 35 briefly. Write your a

26、nswers on the Answer Sheet.Passage 1Every culture has its own body language, and children absorb its nuances along with spoken language. A Frenchman talks and moves in French. The way an Englishman crosses his legs is nothing like the way an American male does it. In talking, Americans are apt to en

27、d a statement with a droop of the head or hand, a lowering of the eyelids. They wind up a question with a lift of the hand, a lifting of the chin, or a widening of the eyes. With a future-tense verb they often gesture with a forward movement.There are regional body languages, too: an expert can some

28、times pick out a native of Wisconsin just by the way he uses his eyebrows during conversation. Your sex, ethnic Aground, social class, and personal style all influence your body language. The person who is truly bilingual is also bilingual in body language.Usually the wordless communication acts to

29、qualify the words. What the nonverbal elements express very often, and very efficiently, is the emotional side of the message. When a person feels liked or disliked, often its a case of not what he said but the way he said it. Psychologist Albert Mehrabian has devised this formula: total impact of a

30、 message = 7%verbal +38% vocal +55% facial. The importance of the voice can be seen when you consider that even the words 1 hate you can be read to sound special.Experts in kinetics the study of communication through body movement are not prepared to spell out a precise vocabulary of gesture. When a

31、n American rubs his nose, it may mean he is disagreeing with someone or rejecting something. But there are other possible interpretations, too. For example, when a student in conversation with a professor holds the older mans eyes a little longer than usual, it can be a sign of respect and affection

32、; it can be a subtle challenge to the professors authority; or it can be something else entirely. The expert looks for patterns in the context, not for an isolated meaningful gesture.31. What is mainly discussed in the opening paragraph?32. How can an expert in kinetics tell whether a person is a na

33、tive of Wisconsin or not?33. According to the writer, what factors affect ones body language?34. What is the function of nonverbal communication?35. Can we get a precise meaning through one particular gesture?Part 2: Questions 3640 are based on this part. (10 points)Read Passage 2 and then decide wh

34、ether Statements 36-40 are True or False according to the information given in the passage. Write T for true and F for false on the Answer Sheet.Passage 2In some respects we are like computers that are controlled by operating systems - our culture. Anthropologists Edward T. Hall and Mildred Reed Hal

35、l suggested that culture is a sy5lern for creating, sending, storing, and processing information. - Sounds rather like the standard definition for a computer, doesnt it? This useful metaphor helps us better understand how culture operates. Think of your body as the hardware of a computer. Computers

36、may have more than one operating system, such as DOS, Mac, Unix, or Windows. They also have software that controls specific applications, such as word processing, spreadsheets, and presentations. When you are functioning under one operating system, say as a European North American, you behave like o

37、thers in that group. But at times you may be controlled by another operating system, say, when you are in a situation where you are functioning as a female. Society programs men and women to act differently. Gender, race, age, religion, and many other factors affect our behavior. These factors are l

38、ike operating systems that program us to behave in certain patterns.Just as Unix operating system has trouble communicating with a DOS machine, so do people from one culture have difficulty getting through to those from another culture. Because individuals have more than one operating system, they d

39、o not always behave as expected. And just as operating systems can control many software applications, people are further differentiated by the software application that may be operating at any given time. For example, work cultures differ remarkably from one organization to another. When people con

40、ditioned to work in casual surroundings are placed in work cultures that are more formal and regimented, they may experience culture shock.The important thing to remember is that culture is a powerful operating force that conditions the way we think and behave. And yet, we are not truly computers. A

41、s thinking individuals, we are extraordinarily flexible and are capable of phenomenal change. 36. In some way people are like computers that are controlled by operating systems-culture. 37. Society programs men and women of the same culture not to act differently.38. Just as computers with different

42、 operating systems have difficulty communicating, people from different cultures cannot communicate with each other. 39. Gender, race, age, religion, and many other factors are like operating systems that program us to behave in certain patterns.40. In one society, people conditioned to work in casu

43、al conditions will not be shocked when placed in formal work cultures. Section : Communication Analysis 30 pointsInstructions: The following are three different cases of cross-cultural communication. In each of the cases there is something to be improved upon. Write an analysis on what is to be desi

44、red for more successful communication or cultural understanding in each case by answering Questions 4143 respectively. Your analysis of each case should be 100150 words. Write your answers on the Answer Sheet.Note! Your writing ability will also be assessed in this section of the test. Case 1 (7 poi

45、nts)Linhua has accompanied an American delegation to visit China. They have experienced the hospitality of the Chinese people. After returning to America, Linhua once visited them. They were so glad to meet again. Linhua offered to host the meal, but they refused. They ordered their own dish, and Li

46、nhua ordered her own. When footing the bill, they only paid their part, and no one wanted to pay for Linhua. Linhua found them so inhospitable, though she knew the Americans would usually pay for their own food. Question 41. Why did Linhna find them inhospitable? Case 2 (10 points)Zhou came to the U

47、nited States for overseas study half a year ago. When he worked part-time in a restaurant, he made friends with an American student Jim.One day, as they were leaving work, Jim asked Zhou, Zhou, I need a favor. I have to go over 10 school, and Im out of money. Could you lend me a dollar so I can take

48、 the bus over there and then get home? Ill pay you back tomorrow. Sure, Jim. No problem. You dont have to pay me back, said Zhou, as he handed Jim a dollar.As soon as he got to work the next day, Jim went over to Zhou and handed him a dollar, saying, Thanks, Zhou. I really appreciated this last nigh

49、t. It sure was too cold to walk. Forget it, said Zhou, as he handed back his dollar.Oh, no. I insist. 1 dont want to take advantage of a friend. What if 1 needed to borrow money again sometime? If I didnt pay you back now, I would feel wrong asking to borrow money again, said Jim, as he put the doll

50、ar into Zhous shirt pocket.Zhou answered, But thats what friends for. In China, we have a saying today for you, tomorrow for me. If you pay me back, I will feel that I wont be able to ask you for money when I need it. I will feel like you are closing the door on me, and that there is no trust betwee

51、n us. I thought we were friends. How can I take the money? Zhou handed back the dollar.But I wont feel right if you dont take it! said Jim. Question 42:Why did Jim insist on returning the dollar to Zhou? Why didnt Zhou want to take it? What culture values are reflected in their attitudes? Case 3 (13

52、 points)Study the following two short speeches. One is given by a Hong Kong Chinese and the other by an American businessman.A. Because most of our production is done in China now, and its not really certain how Hong Kong will he like after 1997, and since I think a certain amount of caution in comm

53、itting to TV advertisement is necessary because of the expense, so, I suggest that we delay making our decision until after Legco makes its decision.B. I suggest that we delay makin8 our decision until after Legco nukes its decision. Thats because I think a certain amount of caution in committing to

54、 TV dvertisement is necessary because of the expense, In addition to that production is done in China now, and its not really certain how Hong will like after 1997.Question 43:Which speech might be given by the Chinese and which by the American? Give your reasons.英语专业 跨文化交际 试题答案及评分标准(供参考) Section :

55、Listening 20 pointsPart 1 (10 points, 2 points each.)1C 2.A 3.D 4.B 5.APart 2. (10 points, 1 point each. The exact words are required. )6. interpret7. literacy8. explicitly9. unintentional10. linguistic11. adjustment12. factors13. categories14. interactions15. conventionsSection : Language Appropria

56、cy and Accuracy 30 points (30 points, 2 points each.)16. A 17. B 18. A 19. C 20. B21. D 22. A 23. A 24. B 25. D26. B 27. B 28. D 29. B 30. BSection : Reading Comprehension 20 pointsPart 1: (10 points, 2 points each. 0. 5 point off for each grammar/spelling mistake, but at most 1 point can be deducte

57、d for each item for the grammar/spelling mistakes. The exact wording is not required, but the meaning must be the same. )31. Every culture has its own body language.32. By the way he uses his eyebrows during conversation.33. Ones sex, ethnic background, social class, and personal style all influence

58、 ones body language.34. It acts to qualify the words.35. No.Part 2. (10 points, 2 points each.)36. T 37. F 38. F 39. T 40. F Section : Communication Analysis 30 pointsQuestion 41.Case 1 (7 points: 5 points for the analysis, 2 points for overall language quality.)1)In China, to show hospitality, people tend to host the meal. And if they cannot do this, they at least will struggle to pay for the guest.2)In America, people tend to pay for themselves to show equality and independence. 3)Linhua knows this


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