



1、名师精编 优秀教案英语教学方案一、指导思想:留意素养训练的养成,表达敏捷开放;突出同学的个体差异,敬重同学的个体差异;提倡体验参加;提高同学学习英语的爱好,最终促进同学的整体发 展;二、同学情形分析:我任教班级的同学英语学习基础较差,个体差异大,两极分化严峻;优秀生较少,不能带动集体学习, 中层同学学习又普遍缺乏敏捷性,自学才能较差, 大部分同学学习英语爱好不高, 甚至对英语存在剧烈的排斥心情;多数同学仍没有形成良好的学习习惯,无论单词仍是语法只知死记硬背,成效不佳; 因此夯实英语基础教学以及对同学英语爱好的大力培育仍是今后教学中需要留意的问题;三、教材内容分析:本课选自北京师范高校出版社出版

2、英语教科书第13 册第一单元Free Time 中的 lesson 4 ,是初二 同学对现在进行时的进一步学习用现在进行时代替将来时的特别用法以及针对周末方案如何电话邀请他人的交际指导性课文;课文先以一个同学间打电话话的形式把现在进行时表将来时的特别用法出现给同学,以贴近同学生活的话题导入本课,突出本教材的特点,让同学 在贴近自己的话题中感知发觉、总结学习、运用语言学问的特点;在本课时中,以启示式教学为主,训练点播,循序诱导;在教学过程中,设计了“ 猜一猜” 、“role play” 等形式多样的活动,让同学在活跃的课堂气氛中学习并实践本课时的学问点;另外大量的问答及自编对话给同学创设了真正的

3、英语语言环境,给同学充分的语言实践机会;四、教学过程:Teaching Title We are doing something fun this weekend Teaching Date unknown Teacher Weiguo Xi Class Grade Two School Labagoumen Mid dle School, Huairou, Beijing 名师精编 优秀教案A. Knowledge: 1. Can read the following new words: lunchtime, nothing, get together, appointment, baby

4、, maybe, husband, funny golf, cartoon, teddy bear, and play with all the students. 2.Review the sentence structures: I /you/they/are going to do, He/She is going to do B: Ability: Teaching Aims 1.Most of the students are able to talk about their plan and up with “ be going to do “2.A few students ar

5、e able to write a weekend planto the plan to invite other person on telephone in English. C: Emotion, attitude, life Teaching Importance Teachi ng Difficulties Teaching Aids Teaching principle and method value : 1. Cooperate in the procedure of learning 2. Be confident and be willing to express in E

6、nglish. 1. how to make appointment on telephone 2. how to make a plan 1. how to make appointment on telephone 2. how to make a plan A computer , A recorder , An English text book. Students Centre Task-based Teaching Procedure: Steps Teacher s Students activities Aims activities A guessing game: What

7、 are they Step1 doing now. Guessing the question To grape the students and let give them Warm up them know now we are having several times to & Lead Read after the teacher English lesson. And help them guess it in Listen to the teacher review some words about make a Show the new call words and phras

8、es. 名师精编 优秀教案Get the students to know a dialog about weekend plan. Play the tape Step2 twice. Ask the Listen to the tape Get some information about the students to do twice. The first time, some exercises: fill the blanks up to listening; get to what are they 1. Fill the their listening. The going t

9、o do this weekend. blanks up to the second times, make some Listening skill training tape. stops, then let some Speaking skill 2. Ask students students show their to read their answers and answer for others check together. Check the answers show the text of the dialog Step 3 Ask the students Read th

10、e dialog. Review Get more information and understand the dialog. to divided the some sentences about Learn to cooperate with others. dialog into asks making a call. Reading skill and answers. Summarizing skill Show an agenda Step 4 for students up Try to use the divided Learn and use to the plan to

11、sentence to use in Practice these words finish the next real. dialog. 名师精编 优秀教案Let students make Step 5 a plan Make a plan with some To choose and use those Up to the agenda activities information skill give them infancies Step6 Up to their plan Ask and answer to follow To sum up this lesson and ll

12、practise the writing skill. to ask classmates Step 4,5 and6 are about the Homework Make a dialog students real life, they the model be interested in them. Give the Step7 Evaluation congratulations to the Encourage them and arouse their student who does the interests of learning English best job in this lesson 五、 Design of the blackboard We are doing something fun t


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