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1、2021届高考英语一轮联考质检卷精编10短文续写含解析2021届高考英语一轮联考质检卷精编10短文续写含解析PAGE 2021届高考英语一轮联考质检卷精编10短文续写含解析2021届高三复习英语名校联考质检卷精编(10)短文续写1.阅读下面材料, 根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段, 使之构成一篇完整的短文。续写的词数应为 150 左右.“Now, parents and students separate into two groups. You will be reunited at the end of the campus tour. ” Groups of incoming fres

2、hmen happily left their parents upon hearing this announcement. I was less than thrilled about starting college, let alone leaving my mothers side to tour the campus with other freshmen;I felt a little anxious。 We followed the senior tour guide。 The other freshmen chatted and made casual introductio

3、ns as I dragged behind。 How could I have believed I was ready for this?After all, it had only been a few months since I left the hospital. I was feeling better for the first time in years。 But college。 . 。 ? My thinking was interrupted by a sweet female voice, ”Hi, Im Jennifer。 ” Im Lauren, I replie

4、d。 Where do you prefer to live?At home or on campus?”she smiled. Im not sure, I said。 You should live on campus!It will be a lot of fun!”she said。 Before I could reply, the tour guide announced it was time to create our schedules and select the courses we wanted to take. We crowded into the Student

5、Activity Center. Three seniors handed out thick course bulletins(课程公告)and forms that needed to be filled out. All around me, the sounds of turning papers and writing sounded like those given by an alarm clock. Others seemed to be moving through the process quickly but I hadnt even opened my course c

6、atalog(目录)。 Focus, I told myself. Just read through the catalog and find the courses you like and a schedule that works. Psychology A or B, Geology 101, English, History, sections 1, 2, 3。 。 . The list went on and on。 I panicked and almost started to cry。 How was I supposed to know how to complete i

7、t?I was just relearning how to live in the real world, and they wanted me to make a schedule. How I wished someone could help me。 Paragraph 1: Soon, other freshmen were handing in their forms。_ _ _ _Paragraph 2: Then, I felt a warm hand on my shoulder._2.A boulder(巨石),as big as a house。 Thats how th

8、e guidebook described Giant Rock。 Dad said it arrived here millions of years ago. I was finally going to see it, in snowshoes, with my two older cousins, my dad, and my uncle Don. Id been snowshoeing before, and I liked the adventure of hiking through deep snow。 At the parking area, after putting on

9、 our snowshoes, we studied the map。 Due to the geographical location, electrical devices are inaccessible here。 The map is our only guide。 We start here, Dad said,” on the red trail(小路)。 Then we turn left onto the purple road. Thats where Giant Rock is. Remember to stick together and dont wander off

10、, guys, Uncle Don said。 The trail ran uphill alongside a stone wall。 It was easy to follow because red markers were nailed to the trees and the snow had been packed down by other hikers。 At the top of the hill, we turned onto the purple trail. We settled into a pattern,with Dad and everyone else in

11、front and me in the back,crunching(嘎吱嘎吱地踩)through the snow. I saw lots of animal tracks - mostly deer, squirrel, and rabbit prints. As the trail wound down, my cousin Andrew said what Id been thinking :”Will we ever reach Giant Rock?” My cousin Aiden smiled and turned to me, Luke, do you think your

12、dad invented this idea just to get us away from the TV for a while?” I laughed. You never know. Finally, we climbed a hill and saw the massive boulder sitting alone in the forest。 It really is as big as a house! My cousins and I highfived each other and jogged until we stood at the base, breathless。

13、 Standing in the boulders broad shadow, I noticed the sun had sunk lower。Lets head back, Dad said after a few minutes。 ”I here will be several crossroads on the way back。 Guys, keep up with the team。 ”Soon we were crunch-crunchcrunching our way home。 I was a little behind the group when we approache

14、d a crossroads。 And I noticed a set of animal tracks I didnt recognize, so I followed them for a closer look.Paragraph 1 :I looked up when I suddenly realized how quiet it had gotten._Paragraph 2 :As going worriedly,I heard voices,someone calling far away。_3. 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。续写的

15、词数应为150左右。 My sister Priscilla and I just came back from a weeklong vacation in Portugal with lots of photos。 Ill remember so many wonderful things about my trip to the cities of Lisbon and Porto, but one experience in particular sticks out, something that happened on our last night in Lisbon。 Befor

16、e the trip, I put together a very detailed route of places to see. One of the must-visit places on my list was Livraria do Simo, the smallest bookstore in Lisbon. On our very first day in Lisbon, Priscilla and I searched for it。 We found the oldest bookstore in the world. But the smallest one was im

17、possible to find! Back at the hotel, where we had Wi-Fi, I looked the bookstore up again, hoping wed have time to find it on another day. But our schedule was delayed, and we probably wouldnt have time to look for it. On our last full day in Lisbon, Priscilla and I took a day trip to Cascais, a coas

18、tal town outside the city. We decided, at the last minute, to visit a historic flea market (跳蚤市场)。 We walked for about an hour, up many steep hills。 When we finally reached the market, completely out of breath, all the sellers were closing up。 Not to mention that we were both tired and hungry。 Prisc

19、illa and I argued over the directions. I insisted we turn right, which ended up being another had decision。 We climbed up more steep hills, farther and farther away from any area we recognized。 We made another right turn onto a random street and Priscilla stopped to check the map。 Meanwhile, I looke

20、d up at the street sign, Rua da Madalena。 Id heard that name before。 We continued a little farther up the street, and I spotted a few people hanging out in a lane。 There was something particularly familiar about the scene. I looked closer。 There was a small store practically hidden in the lane. It h

21、ad books in its windows.Paragraph 1: Oh my goodness! The bookstore!_Paragraph 2: Soon, it was time for us to say goodbye._4.阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。续写的词数应为150左右。 At noon that day, I drove back to my house after the performance. Just as I entered the living room, I heard a gentle sound c

22、oming from the bedroom upstairsit was the sound of my favorite violin. Thief!” I dashed upstairs. Sure enough, as expected, a boy of about 12 years old was petting my violin。 The boy had messy hair and a thin face, his oversized coat seemingly filled with something. At first glance, I found a new pa

23、ir of shoes missing。 It seemed that he was surely a thief. Then, I saw his eyes full of fear and despair。 My anger was immediately replaced by a smile, I asked, Are you Mr. Rams nephew, Michael? Im his housekeeper. Two days ago, I heard his nephew living in the countryside will come. It must be you.

24、 Youre really like him! On hearing my words, the boy was first astonished, but then quickly said, Has my uncle gone out? I think Id better first go out for a walk and visit him again in a while.” I nodded and asked the boy who was preparing to put down the violin, Do you like to play the violin so m

25、uch? ”Yes, but Im so poor that I cant afford it,” the boy replied. Then, I give this violin to you。” The hoy looked at me questioningly, but he picked up the violin. Going out to the living room, he suddenly saw on the wall my huge color photo I performed in the Sydney Opera House。 He involuntarily

26、trembled for a moment and ran out without looking back. I was sure that the boy had understood what happened because no one would decorate the living room with the housekeepers photo。Paragraph 1: A few years later, I was invited to be a judge at a music competition of senior high school students。_Pa

27、ragraph 2: After the competition, ”Michael ran to me, holding a violin box。_答案以及解析1.答案:Paragraph 1: Soon, other freshmen were handing in their forms. Many of them rushed out to meet their parents. I couldnt breathe and was feeling anxious. My head was pounding。 Moments later, I was crying。 And sever

28、al students started to stare at me。 One of the seniors in charge walked over to my table。 “Whats the matter? she asked impatiently. “I.。 I cant do this!” I said。 “All you have to do is make your schedule, just like everybody else,” she said, clearly annoyed.Paragraph 2:Then, I felt a warm hand on my

29、 shoulder. I looked back and found Jennifer standing behind me. “Everything is alright, she told the senior. “Ill help her.” The senior walked away。 “Whats wrong, sweetie?” Jennifer asked。 Hearing Jennifers kind words, I cried even harder, saying, “Its just too much! Then Jennifer put her arm around

30、 me and said, “Let me instruct you.” She then guided me through the process step by step until I completed my schedule。 Later, when saying goodbye, we made a promise to keep in touch。2.答案:Paragraph 1:I looked up when I suddenly realized how quiet it had gotten. Where is everyone? I shouted. Nothing。

31、 They couldnt have gone far。 Ill catch up if I hurry。 After a short walk, I came to the crossroads where I could turn left or go straight, but both trails had red markers。 I turned to the left which looked familiar。 As I strode, it got quieter and quieter. I worried I wandered off。 Soon it might be

32、too dark to tell what color the markers were. I had no flashlight. No phone. What if I couldnt find my way back?Paragraph 2: As going worriedly I heard voices,someone calling far away。 Then I noticed the stone wall, the trail running alongside it。 This had to be right。 I rushed downhill with big ste

33、ps。 Then, the best sight ever: the parking area - and my family! I shouted us I ran toward them。 ”Luke? Are you OK? The voice of Dad was urgent。 He shined a flashlight in my direction。 Id only been lost for minutes, but it had felt like forever. Now all I wanted was a bear hug from Dad and to make t

34、racks for home。3.答案:Paragraph 1: Oh my goodness! The bookstore! The very one Priscilla and I had so badly wanted to find on our very first day。 We took lots of photos of it in amazement。 Our delight must have been noticeable because one of the guys standing outside the store started telling me that

35、its the smallest bookstore in this city! Not until he led us inside the bookstore did we know that he was the owner of the bookstore. Inside this small store, we became so addicted to the books that we completely forgot we were tired and hungry。Paragraph 2: Soon, it was time for us to say goodbye. A

36、fter waving the owner goodbye, Priscilla and I tore ourselves away from the bookstore。 On our way back, I couldnt stop smiling。 We had just visited the smallest bookstore in Lisbon, met the owner and taken a tour inside! I couldnt get over all the little things that had come together to lead us ther

37、e。 If we hadnt decided to visit the flea market at the last minute, if I hadnt insisted we turn right。. That moment in Lisbon was a beautiful coincidence to me.解析: 【文章大意】作者与姐姐刚刚从葡萄牙旅游归来,与大家分享了一次特别的经历。旅游前作者做了充分的准备,罗列了一个必游地清单,里斯本最小的书店Livraria do Simo就在其中,但是旅途中作者和姐姐就是找不到它.就在准备离开里斯本的最后一天,作者与姐姐迷路了,却意外看到了一条小巷子内有一家小书店。【写作指导】Paragraph 1的开头是天啊!就是那家书店”。 再根据第二段首句的提示可知,本段讲的应该是作者无意间看到和姐姐寻觅了很久都没找到的里斯本最小的书店Livraria do Simo时 的惊奇和喜悦,然后会谈到进书店看书的情景.Paragraph 2的开头是不久,到了说再见的时候”。显然接下来的内容应该是作者描绘自己和姐姐离开书店,以及在回去的路上对这一次奇遇的感想,呼应第一段中的one experience in particular sticks out”.4.答案:


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