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1、九年级上英语Module 8一教学设计【教学参考】MODULE 8 Sporting lifePart 1: Teaching design第一局部教学设计FunctionTalking about sportsStructurePast simple passive; future simple passiveListening/SpeakingDescribing sportsAgreeing and disagreeingReading/WritingReading for main ideas; completing a time lineWriting a paragraph usi

2、ng and, although, and becauseAround the worldThe Paralympics GamesTaskMaking a class sports surveyUnit 1 When will the match be held?Warm up by learning some sporting wordsHello, class. Today we take up Module 2 Sporting life. But first let s learn some sporting words.2008 北京申奥词汇 Olympic Games Biddi

3、ngWords2008夏季奥运会2008 summer Olympics,际奥委会thecoach Sun Haiping.Lius races were recorded, and his performance was compared with the worlds best sports stars.Sun Haiping used the information to change Lius training programme.In 2002 he won his first international 110 m hurdles event in Switzerland, and

4、 in the same year, a gold medal at the Asia Games in Korea.In 2004, Liu won the first Olympic gold medal in the same event for China in Athens, Greece.Has he found out that there1 s more to life than training?No, Liu Xiang will go for more medals for China because he was trained for gold!Type 4:Type

5、 5:First of all, he111 be invited to competitions around the world.Hef 11 be chosen to represent China at the Olympic Games.Liu Xiang will also be asked to appear in advertisements and films, and even to record music.Liu Xiang will be advised by his coach on how to be a great sportsman, and by his m

6、anager on how to be a star.Liu was encouraged at first to train as a high jumper.Will he be encouraged to spend more time away from sport?Type 6: Write as the do.(仿写)Next you are to write, by imitation, an article of your own, making use of the text you learned just now.Close down by turning the tex

7、t in to a conversation and acting it out.To end this period, we are going to try turning the text in to a conversation and acting it out.Work in pairs and act out your conversation in groups of four. The best group will be presenting our class at the English Speech Competition next week.A: Have you

8、three read the School Yearbook 2004?B: What is special about that?A: There is an article named Liu Xiang: trained for gold.C: I have read about Liu Xiang. He is a sporting hero of China.D: Yes, he is. But for him life has just begun.B: Why do you say so?Unit 3 Language in useWarm up by doing languag

9、e practice.Read after me the seven sentences in the box on page 22.Make a careful study of the predicates in each of the sentences.Then make as many similar sentences as possible.You were defeated/ last time.Liu Xiang was helped/ by a special programme.I wasn t chosen/ this time.We 11 be asked/ to p

10、lay/ in the Olympic Games.You won t be allowed/ to watch/ with our fans.Will he be encouraged/ to spend more time/ away/ from sport?When will the match be held?You were seen/ last time.Li Hua was defeated/ by us last night.I wasn t chosen/ this morning.We 11 be asked/ to take part in the English com

11、petition to be held next week.You will be allowed/ to sit by the state leader.Will he be encouraged/ to spend more time/ on his lessons?When will the film be shown?Read Around the world.Turn to page 25. Let s go on to read The Paralympic Games. While reading, try to: cut/ the sentence into thought g

12、roups, study the predicative, darken the connectives and underline all the useful expressions.(阅读过程中,断开/ 意群,观察谓语构成,圈出连词,摘录短语搭配。)Useful expressions (有用的短语搭配)the Paralympic Games, a doctor at a hospital in England, begin doing sth. , useas part of, one s patients treatment, set up,a competition with,a

13、t the same time as,the London Olympics, in that year, over the next ten years, grow bigger and bigger withing, in 1960, at the Rome Olympics, bring aboutto compete, the modern Parallel Olympics, take part in ,a total of 125 countries, crowded stadiums, enormous media coverage, across the world, make

14、best everWrite as they do.(仿写)We are to write as they do. That is to write a similar article as the one we read just now.Close down by making past simple passive; future simple passive sentences.To end this period we review the grammar focus of the module by making past simple passive; future simple

15、 passive sentences with the words and expressions from The Paralympic Games we just read.The Paralympic Games was started by a doctor at a hospital in England.Sports will be used as part of the patients treatment in the hospital.A competition with the other classes will be set up at the same time as

16、 the Teachers Day this year.The London Olympics was held in that year.Over the next ten years, more and more trees will be grown along the river.At the Rome Olympics, our team was defeated by Rocket.Three hundred horses were brought to compete at the games.He will be asked to take part in the Englis

17、h Speech Competition.A total of 125 countries were invited to take part in the coming Olympics.The Beijing Olympics will be made best ever by the crowded stadiums and enormous media coverage across theworld.International Olympic Committee (IOC),申办城市 the bidding cities,候选城市 the candidate cities,申办 20

18、08 年奥运会 bid for 2008 Olympics,北京奥申委,Beijing 2008 Olympic Games Bidding Committee (BOBICO),主办 2008 年奥 运会 host the 2008 Olympic Games,奥林匹克精神 the Olympic ideals; the Olympic spirit, 世界奥林匹克日 the International Olympic Day, 环境保护 protect the environment, 北京四环路 the fourth ring road in Beijing, 城市基石出设施建设 the

19、 citys infrastructure construction, 最后的投票 make the final vote,绿色奥运 the Green Olympics, 科技奥运 the Scientific Games, 节水龙头 water-saving taps, 再生纸 recycled writing paper, 废电池 used batteries, 无 氟冰箱 Freon-free refrigerators, 闭路电视 close-circuit television,友好大使 the Goodwill Ambassador,长跑 a long-distance runn

20、ing, 世界大学生运动会 the Universiade Listen and read.On page 18 in the box is a conversation among Lingling, Tony and Darning. Before we listen to it, let s go on to read it first. While reading, try to: cut/ the sentence into thought groups, study the predicative, darken the connectives and uodnelinv all

21、the useful expressions.(阅 读过程中,断开/意群,观察谓语构成,圈出连词,摘录短语搭配。)Useful expressions (有用的短语搭配)look tired, train withfor,a big match, next week, be against,stand for,be defeated last time, hold the match, Next Saturday, a tough match, write a report for, in the team, be chosen , this time, seeplay, several ti

22、mes, this season, be brilliant, get no chance, be allowed to do sth. , watch with,play really well, this season, be so good that,be asked to do sth. , play in the Olympic Games, letget tonice work, of course, so mad with, try harder to do sth.Blacken and underline verbs.Read the conversation again t

23、o find all the past simple passive and future simple passive sentences.You were defeated last time.And when will the match be held?No, I wasnt chosen this time.Well, you wont be allowed to watch with our fans if that1s what you think!We1 11 be asked to play in the Olympic Games.Make similar sentence

24、s based on the ones found just now. i. Their team was defeated last time by ours.And when will the film be shown?No, I wasn11 attracted this time.Well, you won11 be asked to go with our classmates if thats what you think!They111 be asked to reply to the emails in English soon. Act out the conversati

25、on.You are now given five minutes to learn the conversation by heart. After that you are going to act it out in groups of four. Talk as they do.(仿说)Now in groups of four we are to turn out a conversation, similar, in structure and in content, to the one we learned just now. Act out the imitated conv

26、ersation.Next we are to put our imitated conversations on stage. The winners go to the groups who have the best pronunciation, the best grammar and the best imagination.Go ahead with your conversation! Close down by ask and answer questions about basketball.Are you interested in basketball?How many

27、players are on a basketball team?What are the positions on a basketball team?Who is your favorite basketball player?Why are basketball player usually tall?Can short people be good basketball players?Have you ever played basketball? How was it?Have you ever been to a professional basketball game? 9.

28、Who is the best basketball player in your class?io. Which basketball team is the best in your city?Unit 2 Liu Xiang was trained for gold. Warm up by looking and sayingHello, class. Who is this man? How much do you know him? When Liu Xiang charged past the finish line of the 110 meter hurdles in worl

29、d record equaling time at the Athens Olympics, he was a virtual unknown. Today the 22-yearold from Shanghai is a national hero, a role model to millions of young Chinese, and a popular figure for commercial endorsements. He joins TalkAsia this week to speak about his Olympic victory and what it mean

30、s for Asian athletes ahead of Beijing 2008.姓名:刘翔性别:男出生日期:1983年7月13日出生地:上海身高:189厘米体重:74公斤身份:学生教育背景:大学个人爱好:唱歌、电脑注册单位:上海运动工程:田径现在教练:孙海平奥运会报名工程:男子110米栏最好成绩:2004年第10届室内田径世锦赛110米栏亚军,13秒17主要成绩:2000年 世界青年锦标赛no米栏第四2001年九运会、东亚运动会、世界大学生运动会110米栏冠军2002年 世界室内田径大奖赛60米栏第三2002年 洛桑国际田联一级大奖赛110米栏第三2002年 亚锦赛H0米栏冠军2002年

31、 釜山亚运会110米栏冠军2003年 世界室内田径锦标赛60米栏第三2003年 全国田径大奖赛110米栏冠军2003年 萨格勒布田径田联超级大奖赛H0米栏亚军2004年 第10届室内田径世锦赛no米栏亚军2004年大阪国际田联大奖赛110米栏亚军主要纪录:2002年洛桑国际田联一级大奖赛110米栏亚洲纪录13秒12 2003年 维也纳 世界室内田径赛60米栏 亚洲纪录7秒51 2004年 大阪 国际田联大奖赛110米栏 亚洲纪录13秒06 Read and read aloud the text.On page 20 is a text about Liu Xiang. Now let s g

32、o on to read it. While reading, try to: cut/ the sentence into thought groups, study the predicative, darken the connectives and underline all the useful expressions.(阅 读过程中,断开/意群,观察谓语构成,圈出连词,摘录短语搭 配。)Useful expressions (有用的短语搭配)train for gold, a sporting hero, first of all, be invited to,around the

33、 world, be chosen to represent China at the Olympic Games, a symbol of China1s international sporting success, and now, be well known, all over the world, be asked to appear in advertisements and films, record music, make sure that, train regularly, be advised by-on how to do sth. , a great sportsma

34、n, an overnight success, born in Shanghai on 13th July, 1983, like many Olympic sports stars, start training, very young, in Grade Four, go to theJunior Sports School of, be encouraged at first to train as,a high jumper, one s skill at hurdling, be noticed by one s coach, be helped by a special prog

35、ramme, be set up, help young sportsmen and sportswomen, record one s races, be compared with*, the world1 s best sports stars, use the information to do sth. , change one s training programme, win one s first international 110 m hurdles event, in the same year, win a gold medal at the Asia Games in Korea, win the first Olympic gold medal in the same event for China in Athens, find out,spend mor


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