1、第 页共8页第i页共8页王的演讲英文观后感影评5篇Rarely do you get to See a movie that PrOmiSeS a IOt and thenj IiVeS UP to its promise. The KingS SPeeCh is a rare piece, indeed.T面是的小编为你们整理的文童,希望你们能够喜欢国王的演讲英语影评A Film ReVieW Of The KingS SPeeCh I HaVe Seen many movies, and The KingS SPeeCh is One Of the best movies. In 2011
2、, the BntiSh filmtook four awards at the ACademy Award, inCIUding BeSt Picture. It is an extraordinary film.DUke Of YOrkZ Albertf the SeCOnd SOn Of King GeOrgeVf WaS asked to make a SPeeCh in The BritiSh EmPire EXhibitiOn in1925. BUt He had stutter; He COUldnt Say fluently, SO He made a fool in publ
3、ic. After that, Albert and HiS Wife EIiZabeth began to find a doctor WhO is able to HelP Albert. BUt nObOdy succeeded. Until 1934z they met Dr. LiOnel Logue. NearIy despair AIbert began to try LOgUeS Strange way. In the meantime, in 1936,King GeOrgeVdiedz and AlbertS brother DaVid WaS the new king,
4、King EdWard VnL BUt DaViCl Wanted to marry Mrs.SimPSOn WhO divorced a man, SO He abdicated. Albert WaS the new king, King GeOrge VI. In 1939, AdOlf HitIer invadedPOIand, Britain declared War On Germany. King GeOrge VI must make a SPeeCh to BritiSh PeOPIee With LOgUeS help, KingGeOrge VI finished the
5、 exciting SPeeCh excellently. The movie is touching, I Iike it Very much, it is educational, too. It ShOWS me the POWer OftrUStZ friendship and love.国王的演讲英文影评The movie StartS Off With a Stammering SPeeCh and SignS Off With a Staggering one, With Hardly any glitches in between. The basic PremiSe Of t
6、he movie is fairly simple. A king With a StUtter is HeIPed by a maverick SPeeCh therapist to OVerCOme HiS PrObIem and become an inspiring orator. That SOUndS Iike a Very known territory to most movie goers. BUt few minutes into the movief and you realize that this One SimPly PUSheS the bar a notch h
7、igher.It is a Very PIeaSing moviez does nt Iead the audience into a IOt OfUnCOmfOrtabIe questions. However; the artistry IieS in the OVerall balance Of the movie. YOU SIOWly Start getting gripped by DaVid SeidlerS SCreenplay. The actors are SUPerbf takes it SlOW and Steady With SUPerb grip On each O
8、f their characters. WhiIe COlin Firth PUtS in a SPeCtaCUlar PerfOrmanCe (One you Cant miss), GeOffrey RUSh goes a bit more Old SChOOl and PUIIS Off a SUbtIe and deep POrtrayaL One that fills UP your Heart but also keeps your brain active. HUmOr COmeS in Here and there, With a Very easy flow and Stea
9、dy pace. NOt for a SingIe moment do you PerCeiVe the movie as dull. Helena BOnham Carter is good. GUy PearCe is appropriate, though He does IOOk a bit too CaSUal at times (maybe that WaS an intentional CharaCter flaw).MOSt Of the movie Had been filmed indoors, albeit With eloquent art di recti on. B
10、Ut the OCCaSi Onal SeqUe nces ShOt OUtSide Had been filmed Very beautifully, POrtraying a Very Clreamy PiCtUre Of the then England. SOmetimeSZ the Camera goes in too ClOSe to the CharaCterSZ and StayS there for a WhileZ just IOng enoUgh to give US a SenSe Of SUffOCatiOrt quite an artistic equivalent
11、 Of aSPeeCh disorder ! BUt then again, negative ShadeS had been WhiteWaShed WithjOyOUS OneS and you never PerCeiVe it as a dark movie. DireCtiOn WiSer TOm HOOPer is bang On ! ThiS is the kind Of a movie Where you Want to give a IOt Of CreClit to the director. The Set-UP is SUCh that the dramatic ele
12、ments are High but n eeds to be tamed, SO that it does nt goes OVer board. And Mr.Hooper hits the bulls eye ! PerfeCt balanceAll POintS COnSideredl its a brilliant movie and a must watch.The King王的演讲观后感)英文版The KingS SPeeChIjUSt WatChed the film The KingS SPeeCh SeVeral days ago. It told US a quite t
13、ouching and inSPiring StOry about King GeOrge VI ,overcame HiS StUttering PrOblem.He is the bravest PerSOn I HaVe known BeCaUSe Of the StUtteringPrOblem fhe WaS afraid Of SPeeCh in the PUbliC places, FOrtUnatelyzwith the help Of a IittIe-known AUStralian SPeeCh therapist named LiOnel Zhe finally fou
14、nd HiS VOiCe .What impress me most is the kings giving the SPeeCh to the BritiSh NatiOnZWhiCh HadjUSt inspired all Of HiS people.The king tried HiS best to OVerCOme his weakness and improve HimSelf What We Can Iearn from the king is that We ShOUlCl defeat OUrSeIVeS and try OUr best to to Seek OUr Cl
15、reamS .When the Iife ChOOSe youfyou Can not give UPjUSt go ahead Zthen you Will be SUCCeSSfUl .Whatever the CliffiCUltieS youll face ,you ShOUld believe yourself .国王的演讲英语影评The KingS SPeeChIt is a quite inSPiring StOry about a man, PSyChOIOgiCaIly SCarredz and trapped in a SitUatiOn from WhiCh he COU
16、ld HaVe no escape and facing it With immense courage. The movie StartS Off With a Stammering SPeeCh and SignS Off With a Staggering OneZ With hardly any glitches in between. The basic PremiSe Of the movie is fairly simple. A king With a StUtter is HelPed by a maverick SPeeCh therapist to OVerCOme hi
17、s PrObIem and become an inSPiring orator. That SOUndS Iike a Very known territory to most movie goers. BUt few minutes into the movie, and you realize that this One SimPly PUSheS the bar a notch HighereThe film COnVeyeCl Very POWerfUlly in the OPening SCene, the enOrrnity Of What WaS required Of him
18、. AS the film develops, the COmPleXitieS Of the CharaCter are revealed. The acting is SUPerbf especially from the three PrinCiPaISz and the development Of the troubled and SPark relationship at the Heart Of the film is a joy to watch. The film is Very funny and the CharaCterS HaVe Warmth and humanit
19、y. The film is Well PaCeClZ and CarrieS you along to the emotional ClimaXf SO that, even though I knew the StOryZ it had me HOlding my breath. If you dont need IOtS Of action Or SPeCial effects in your film, and enjoy Seeing top-notch actors at the Very Peak Of their CraftJ this Will be for you. YOU
20、 might also, as I did, gain a bit more insight into the HUman drama behind a Significantz but relatively Unexplored PeriOCl Of BritiSh history.国王的演讲英文影评A review Of One FIeW OVer the CUCkOOXS nestThere is a WideSPread anecdote : A frog is PlaCeCl in boiling water; it Will jump OUtZ but if it is PIaCe
21、Cl in COld Water that is SIOWly heated, it WiIl not PerCeiVe the danger and WiIl be COOked to death.This StOry Called The boiling frog .And One FIeW OVer the CUCkOOXS nest just demOnStratSeS this PhenOmena.People in the cuckoos nest just Iike this frog WhO get accustoumed to the Iife that is SChedUa
22、lled and COntrOIIeCl by OtherS and IOSe the COUrage to leave.And it takes a IOt to go OUt this SIOWly Heated water.PeOPle in the CUCkOOXS nest WhO are COmPeIIed to eat medicine and IiSten HarSh music and are not allowed to WatCh the ball game are threated badlyAlthough they always COmPlain about the
23、 CUCkOOVS nest Jt never OCCUrred that they Want to flew OVer this CliSgUSting PlaCe .They has adapted to the Iife Of being PrinCiPleCl ,and their awareness Of resistance HaS died out. When MemUrPhy COmeS to there Xhe begins to resist the authority Of nurse RalChed by Claiming to turn down the music
24、and Change the SChedUal to WatCh the ball game and bring PeOPIe OUtSide to go fishing. At IaSt f the ChiefS awareness Of resistence COmeS to be aroused and IeaVethis Water that is SIOWly Heated successfully.My review Of The KingXS SPeeChThe SUCCeSS Of the kings SPeeCh IieS in HiS StrOng PerSeVerance
25、 as Well as an equal and trustful relationship HaS been built between the king and Dr Longue.There is no doubt that the king is a man With a StrOng will,WhiCh is One factor Of his SUCCeSS In Order to OVerCOme HiS StUttering PrOblemzhe meets many doctors and SUfferS a IOtZbUt He always doesnt give up.At the beginning Of the film,he PUtS UP With the SUffer Of ingr SeVen marbleSZWhiCh gets Hirn angry at IaStHe Still goes to Se
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