1、safetyis thefirst priorityhefirstresponsibilityoftheforest,26t hspringarea hasfully depl oyedt othefire,ha snow enteredthe fire,wehave tobe on duty,and defend.Determined toovercomeparaly sis,mustnot Twelve -Five nofiresin the past,thereduce d requirement sduring the period. oa pplystri ctly the part
2、y with there sponsi bility,must shoulderthe responsibility oftheParty Secretaryin parti cula r,reallypra ctice pipes,itca n nevershuaishouzhanggui,be sure tensurethat no majorforestfires.To adheretobala nced,correctly handlet he relationship betweenfire and proje ct constr uction, i ndustrial develo
3、pment,to nevermiss ortwo. Se cond, to spe ed upthe devel opme ntofsixmajori ndustries. Promote devel opment i nourregion,the key isto givefullplaytoresour ce adva ntagetobuild eco-oriente d big six system,to createthe new engine ofeconomi cgrowt h.Firm confidence.Practice has provedt hatthebig six o
4、fbot h ce ntraland provi ncialrequirement s,and meettheact ualda hi ngganmountai ns,t hrough a ctiveefforts have bee n showi nga strong moment um ofdev elopment.So,in tnt,we mustbefirmin faith,goallcaught inthe end, convi ncedthat Castlei s notrelaxed,does notre acht hetargetwill.I_ -.1 . 1 _J nepve
5、ercigfiicvetup.S houldfocus on industrial projects.Project ind backing. Industrial proje ct constructi on, myarea t here arefew i n numbe r,small size, low levelproblems. This year, t hepr oject ashi s party hasfirst proje ct,wehave tow orkhar d to pr ojcetconstr uction.E spe ciallyeffectiveshall no
6、t, slowowed.All localitiesshoul d consciedershipsy stem,timetable, rdinate service s,tracki ngthewholepr ocessforward,inverteicnhdaullsetrianlglaeys,outtoaccelerate thepaceofprelimi naryformalities,t heenter prise s have difficultiest opulloneway andalso helpin atimelymannerto help一- . nhance confid
7、ence, urgingw orkas soon as一.一 一 一 - . I- - - . _ ,ngthen t he pr oje ct analysis, pr operriskanalysis antages,relyi ngon the upperreaches oftheforestin the fresh airandXXX pure water andotherresources,create high-quality, high-grade gre en food brands, trulyreflectt he origi nal characte r.Mea nw h
8、ile, a dheret othe proje ct ast he breakt hroug h to promote e conomi cdevel opmeon t o formingpr oje cts,digcultivatingt henew leadinginnd newsources ofe conomicgr -一 - -一.一owth). o promote investment.Msafetyis thefirst priorityhefirstresponsibilityoftheforest,26t hspringarea hasfully depl oyedt ot
9、hefire,ha snow enteredthe fire,wehave tobe on duty,and defend.Determined toovercomeparaly sis,mustnot Twelve -Five nofiresin the past,thereduce d requirement sduring the period. oa pplystri ctly the party with there sponsi bility,must shoulderthe responsibility oftheParty Secretaryin parti cula r,re
10、allypra ctice pipes,itca n nevershuaishouzhanggui,be sure tensurethat no majorforestfires.To adheretobala nced,correctly handlet he relationship betweenfire and proje ct constr uction, i ndustrial development,to nevermiss ortwo. Se cond, to spe ed upthe devel opme ntofsixmajori ndustries. Promote de
11、vel opment i nourregion,the key isto givefullplaytoresour ce adva ntagetobuild eco-oriente d big six system,to createthe new engine ofeconomi cgrowt h.Firm confidence.Practice has provedt hatthebig six ofbot h ce ntraland provi ncialrequirement s,and meettheact ualda hi ngganmountai ns,t hrough a ct
12、iveefforts have bee n showi nga strong moment um ofdev elopment.So,in tnt,we mustbefirmin faith,goallcaught inthe end, convi ncedthat Castlei s notrelaxed,does notre acht hetargetwill.I_ -.1 . 1 _J nepveercigfiicvetup.S houldfocus on industrial projects.Project ind backing. Industrial proje ct const
13、ructi on, myarea t here arefew i n numbe r,small size, low levelproblems. This year, t hepr oject ashi s party hasfirst proje ct,wehave tow orkhar d to pr ojcetconstr uction.E spe ciallyeffectiveshall not, slowowed.All localitiesshoul d consciedershipsy stem,timetable, rdinate service s,tracki ngthe
14、wholepr ocessforward,inverteicnhdaullsetrianlglaeys,outtoaccelerate thepaceofprelimi naryformalities,t heenter prise s have difficultiest opulloneway andalso helpin atimelymannerto help一- . nhance confidence, urgingw orkas soon as一.一 一 一 - . I- - - . _ ,ngthen t he pr oje ct analysis, pr operriskana
15、lysis antages,relyi ngon the upperreaches oftheforestin the fresh airandXXX pure water andotherresources,create high-quality, high-grade gre en food brands, trulyreflectt he origi nal characte r.Mea nw hile, a dheret othe proje ct ast he breakt hroug h to promote e conomi cdevel opmeon t o formingpr
16、 oje cts,digcultivatingt henew leadinginnd newsources ofe conomicgr -一 - -一.一owth). o promote investment.Ma ntages of theregion willbe furtherhighlhdeeedepeepnriensgtrruefcoturmri, breaknbgoeuxndamtined andaheaspdecotpstedtcreatheedovpiitnaliiotnyoofnspyesrtfeemctimngechanismcoobsmtaclepensationmech
17、asn;itoasctmivoefaedvancceoflougllicaalprotsepeccttisoon,peni propnogs,epardtitcoipeaxtiploreonthientheestcaablsitsRhumsesiantofnEcdoinvoemrsiicfieCdorridoercolcoognisctarluccotimonp;etoguaransation menctheaesanism, ndunit,the contractma nagement offorestresources,t he rationalpr otecti on a nd util
18、izationof resour ces. ow ork activelyt owards pol icy aimed fromt he level of theState ForestryAdmi nistrationform ulated reg ulationstoprotectforestresourcesa s soon as possi bletoa chiev e lawand regul ationt oprote ctforestresources.Shouldfocus onforestfire preventi on.FirMCGS 组态软件控制技术实训指导书MCGS(M
19、onitor and Control Generated System) 是一套基于Windows 平台的,用于快速构造和生成上位机监控系统的组态软件系统,可运行于Microsoft Windows 95/98/Me/NT/2000等操作系统。MCGS 为用户提供了解决实际工程问题的完整方案和开发平台,能够完成现场数据采集、实时和历史数据处理、报警和安全机制、流程控制、动画显示、趋势曲线和报表输出以及企业监控网络等功能。【课程设计目的】1、掌握MCGS 组态软件的功能和特点;2、掌握MCGS 组态软件的系统构成;3、应用MCGS 组态软件设计一个系统演示工程。【 MCGS 控制系统设计实例】一
20、、教学目标终极目标:能应用通用版及嵌入版MCGS 组态软件基本功能进行简单项目设计、仿真运行。促成目标:.掌握MCGS 通用版及嵌入版基本操作,完成工程分析及变量定义;.掌握简单界面设计,完成数据对象定义及动画连接;.掌握模拟设备连接方法,完成简单脚本程序编写及报警显示;.掌握制作工程报表及曲线方法。二、工作任务用 MCGS 完成如图1-1 所示水位控制系统设计、仿真运行。nd im proveprojectsuccess rates.(So the XX, westill want to make good use ofagriculturaladvantthe project leaoje
21、cts, activelyddurations, spee- oreaccuratepracti calresults. Poisedto break t d I_一ss,and base dmy industhe pr oject build Set. . . - I 一rial basea ndresour ces,aime d at nati onalsafetyis thefirst priorityhefirstresponsibilityoftheforest,26t hspringarea hasfully depl oyedt othefire,ha snow enteredt
22、he fire,wehave tobe on duty,and defend.Determined toovercomeparaly sis,mustnot Twelve-Five nofiresin the past,thereduce d requirement sduring the period. oa pplystri ctly the party with there sponsi bility,must shoulderthe responsibility oftheParty Secretaryin parti cula r,reallypra ctice pipes,itca
23、 n nevershuaishouzhanggui,be sure tensurethat no majorforestfires.To adheretobala nced,correctly handlet he relationship betweenfire and proje ct constr uction, i ndustrial development,to nevermiss ortwo. Se cond, to spe ed upthe devel opme ntofsixmajori ndustries. Promote devel opment i nourregion,
24、the key isto givefullplaytoresour ce adva ntagetobuild eco-oriente d big six system,to createthe new engine ofeconomi cgrowt h.Firm confidence.Practice has provedt hatthebig six ofbot h ce ntraland provi ncialrequirement s,and meettheact ualda hi ngganmountai ns,t hrough a ctiveefforts have bee n sh
25、owi nga strong moment um ofdev elopment.So,in tnt,we mustbefirmin faith,goallcaught inthe end, convi ncedthat Castlei s notrelaxed,does notre acht hetargetwill.I_ -.1 . 1 _J nepveercigfiicvetup.S houldfocus on industrial projects.Project ind backing. Industrial proje ct constructi on, myarea t here
26、arefew i n numbe r,small size, low levelproblems. This year, t hepr oject ashi s party hasfirst proje ct,wehave tow orkhar d to pr ojectconstr uction.E spe ciallyeffectiveowed.All localitiesshoul d conscientthe project lea dershipsy stem,timetable, r oadm ap,andcoor dinate service s,tracki ngthe who
27、lepr ocessforward,inverteicnhdaullsetrianlglaeys,outtoaccelerate thepaceofprelimi naryformalities,t heenter prise s have difficultiest opulloneway andalso helpin atimelymannerto help一- . nhance confidence, urgingw orkas soon as一.一 一 一 - . I- - - . _ ,ngthen t he pr oje ct analysis, pr operriskanalys
28、is antages,relyi ngon the upperreaches oftheforestin the fresh airandXXX pure water andotherresources,create high-quality, high-grade gre en food brands, trulyreflectt he origi nal characte r.Mea nw hile, a dheret othe proje ct ast he breakt hroug h to promote e conomi cdevel opmeo formingpr oje cts
29、,digojects, actively cultivatingt henew leadingindustriesand newsour ces ofe conomicgr owth). o promote investment.M|百冈国盥亮工程东境首理匿J愚据显示历史舞据 报萼戏据水位控制系统演示工程时间I对加a报警关型 报警事件当前值 Wfii臧独首述 9 15 15:崎 111638D9-15 15:05:12J4409-1515:05:13.111 09 1515:05:154 3109 15 15:0B:16.14609 15 15:05:17J4G.09-15 15:0&:ia.
30、l952 2 112 2 1 淡液液泄液液液二限报警报警结克3.OOD1下限报警报警产生1.23E74下眼报苦报警产生0.244786下限报警报警结束E.OBOA4下限於警报警结束3二限报警报警产生4.76X34上限报警报警产生9.755261.5Z ?1.54水爆2的水足哆了 小健哲殳本了 水舞1役有水了 I 水诞1没有水了! 小翟裔殳水了 水攫2的水足哆了 小瓒1的木巨达上限值图1-1水位控制系统模块1水位控制工程文件建立一、教学目标终极目标:能建立 MCGS新工程。促成目标:.掌握MCGS组态软件的安装与运行方法;.能进行工程分析,建立工程文件。二、工作任务建立水位控制系统工程文件。三、
31、能力训练. MCGS的安装MCG5运行环境MCG5蛆态环境compe nsati on coverage,t heecologi caladva ntages of theregion willbe furtherhighlwellsi nstanding timber.ndocuotmmoafnadaartcitcilon,ae qualitynmdotrrainiehniggcha,dares,nidbeninmepflitesmbeenttteimplr,andemsetrnutcattionurneemorewdeveexlcelleopnmteofnttracnosnfcoermat
32、ipotnindtehveellooking foroopppmoretunntiotifers,aoad.ostrnedngbtuildhenehcigohlloiggicalhctos,nsatnrudcetxipandoand.vOanMarntage;tocfhu2l2l,thdeeedepeepnriensgtrreufcoturmri,breaknbgouexndamtined and haeaspdecotpstedtcreatheedovpiitnailiotnyoofnspyesrtfeemctimngechanismcobosmtaclepensationmechanis;
33、toacstmiveofaedvancceoflougllicaalprotsepeccttisono,peni propnogs,epardtitcoipeaxtiploreonthientheestcaablsitsRhumsseiantofnEcdoinvoemrsiicfieCdorridoercolcoognicstarluccotimonp;etoguaransation mecntheaesanism,ndpirmogprressoivveedreliavliezliathoodio,nosftrfoornegslyts,wgon povrearstsylands,wbaettt
34、llea;ntdossatrendonthgterheareansingecoloofgficoacluscaivilizantidkeyoenccoolongsitructicalfounn,ctfioronsaunstdaointablheer idmevpeolrtantroepgimentreonsaelrveedcologsipaccael,ofocus on forest re source conservation,i ncreasethe a cquisiti on a nd supervisionofcoldstorage, no buy fruit,e ncouragesu
35、pportt oleadinge nterprise s,w orkerscooperativesas aunit,t he contractma nagement offorest resources, t he rationalpr otecti on a nd utilizationof resour ces. ow ork activelyt owards pol icy aimed fromt he level ofthe StateForestryAdministrationform ulated reg ulationsto protectforestre sourcesa s
36、soon as possi bletoa chiev e lawand regul ationt oprote ctforestresources.S houldfocus onforestfire preventi on.Fir e. MCGS 的运行方式MCGS 系统分为组态环境和运行环境两个部分。文件McgsSet.exe 对应于 MCGS 系统的组态环境,文件McgsRun.exe 对应于 MCGS 系统的运行环境。MCGS 系统安装完成后,在用户指定的目录(或系统缺省目录D:MCGS )下创建有三个子目录:Program、Samples和Work。组态环境和运行环境对应的两个执行文件
37、以及 MCGS 中用到的设备驱动、动画构件及策略构件存放在子目录Program 中,样例工程文件存放在 Samples目录下,Work子目录则是用户的缺省工作目录。分别运行可执行程序 McgsSet.exe和McgsRun.exe ,就能进入 MCGS的组态环境和 运行环境。安装完毕后,运行环境能自动加载并运行样例工程。用户可根据需要创建和运行自己的新工程。.工程建立鼠标单击文件菜单中“新建工程”选项,如果MCGS 安装 D 盘根目录下,则会在D:下自动生成新建工程,默认的工程名为:“新建工程X.MCG” (X 表示新建工程的顺序号,如:0、 1 、 2 等 )。选择文件菜单中的“工程另存为”
38、菜单项,弹出文件保存窗口。在文件名一栏内输入“水位控制系统+班级+学号 ”,点击 “保存 ”按钮,工程创建完毕。注意:文件名中不能能包含空格,否则MCGS 拒绝运行。.工程分析二个模拟数据:液位1 (最大值10 米)液位2(最大值6 米)三个数字数据:水泵、调节阀、出水阀。nd im proveprojectsuccess rates.(So the XX, westill want to make good use ofagriculturaladva水位控制系统数据显示实时数据历史数据液位15.11聚螭时阿液位1液住E液住Z3.0zuui U9 13 17:30:37再事尚-.水泵1.02
39、0011-09-1 3 17:33:42Z.11.2调节商1.Q,nnioq ”7.9乩印出水阀ro200K9-13 17:39-522.111.2 1历史曲线实时曲线报警类型报警事件当前值用限伍报警描述的回09-15 I5:D5:11.O9809-15 lEiOGJZ.m 09-1515*5:1X111 ng-1F 15: 0 5:i131 QO 15 1B!D5j16.146 09 IS l5:D5:irJ4t U9-lb 15:05:lU.19b主画面国孤志工拄对复名区位位位位也位濯液液液泯液液匕限报警报整结束3M 口1下限於警报警产生1.Z3E74下限施售报警产生U244 代M下限报警
40、报警结求2期演下限报貉报警结先3上限报警报警产生4t7E33l上限报警报警产生9.755Z611.52?1.5A9水群之的水泥翁k 水胆西殳取了 水牌1校有水了 I 水擢1没有水了! 水褥珞殳水了 小耀2的水足哆丁 小耀1的水已达耳艮值厕I网 . . fI用 明|看数据显示画面工程中与动画和设备控制相关的变量名称变量名称类 型注 释水泵开关型控制水泵启动“、停止”的变量调节阀开关型控制调节阀打开“、关闭”的变量出水阀开关型控制出水阀打开“、关闭”的变量液位1数值型水罐1的水位高度,用来控制 1#水罐水位的变化液位2数值型水罐2的水位高度,用来控制 2#水罐水位的变化液位1上限数值型用来在运行环
41、墉下设定水罐1的上限报警值液位1下限数值型用来在运行环墉r设定水罐1的下限报警值液位2上限数值型用来在运行环墉下设定水罐2的上限报警值液位2下限数值型用来在运行环墉r设定水罐2的下限报警值液位组组对象用于历史数据、历史曲线、报表输出等功能构件什么是MCGS?MCGS (Monitor and Control Generated System ,通用监控系统)是一套用于快速构造和生成计 算机监控系统的组态软件,它能够在基于Microsoft (各种32位Windows平台上)运行,通过对现场数据的采集处理,以动画显示、报警处理、流程控制、实时曲线、历史曲线和报表 输出等多种方式向用户提供解决实际
42、工程问题的方案,它充分利用了Windows图形功能完备、界面一致性好、易学易用的特点,比以往使用专用机开发的工业控制系统更具有通用性, 在自动化领域有着更广泛的应用。MCGS的构成有哪几部分?各有什么作用?MCGS系统包括组态环境和运行环境两个部分。组态环境相当于一套完整的工具软件,它帮助用户设计和构造自己的应用系统。用 户组态生成的结果是一个数据库文件,称为组态结果数据库。运行环境是一个独立的运行系统,它按照组态结果数据库中用户指定的方式进行各种处理,完成用户组态设计的目标和功能。safetyis thefirst priorityhefirstresponsibilityofthefore
43、st,26t hspringarea hasfully depl oyedt othefire,ha snow enteredthe fire,wehave tobe on duty,and defend.Determined toovercomeparaly sis,mustnot Twelve-Five nofiresin the past,thereduce d requirement sduring the period. oa pplystri ctly the party with there sponsi bility,must shoulderthe responsibilit
44、y oftheParty Secretaryin parti cula r,reallypra ctice pipes,itca n nevershuaishouzhanggui,be sure tensurethat no majorforestfires.To adheretobala nced,correctly handlet he relationship betweenfire and proje ct constr uction, i ndustrial development,to nevermiss ortwo. Se cond, to spe ed upthe devel
45、opme ntofsixmajori ndustries. Promote devel opment i nourregion,the key isto givefullplaytoresour ce adva ntagetobuild eco-oriente d big six system,to createthe new engine ofeconomi cgrowt h.Firm confidence.Practice has provedt hatthebig six ofbot h ce ntraland provi ncialrequirement s,and meettheac
46、t ualda hi ngganmountai ns,t hrough a ctiveefforts have bee n showi nga strong moment um ofdev elopment.So,in tnt,we mustbefirmin faith,goallcaught inthe end, convi ncedthat Castlei s notrelaxed,does notre acht hetargetwill.I_ -.1 . 1 _J nepveercigfiicvetup.S houldfocus on industrial projects.Projec
47、t ind backing. Industrial proje ct constructi on, myarea t here arefew i n numbe r,small size, low levelproblems. This year, t hepr oject ashi s party hasfirst proje ct,wehave tow orkhar d to pr ojectconstr uction.E spe ciallyeffectiveowed.All localitiesshoul d conscientthe project lea dershipsy ste
48、m,timetable, r oadm ap,andcoor dinate service s,tracki ngthe wholepr ocessforward,inverteicnhdaullsetrianlglaeys,outtoaccelerate thepaceofprelimi naryformalities,t heenter prise s have difficultiest opulloneway andalso helpin atimelymannerto help一- . nhance confidence, urgingw orkas soon as一.一 一 一 -
49、 . I- - - . _ ,ngthen t he pr oje ct analysis, pr operriskanalysis antages,relyi ngon the upperreaches oftheforestin the fresh airandXXX pure water andotherresources,create high-quality, high-grade gre en food brands, trulyreflectt he origi nal characte r.Mea nw hile, a dheret othe proje ct ast he b
50、reakt hroug h to promote e conomi cdevel opmeo formingpr oje cts,digojects, actively cultivatingt henew leadingindustriesand newsour ces ofe conomicgr owth). o promote investment.M练习(一)理论题什么是MCGS?其主要特点和基本功能有哪些?MCGS的构成有哪几部分?各有什么作用? (二)实践题.每位同学按要求在 D:下建立工程文件,文件名为水位控制系统+班级+学号”。.熟练掌握组态软件常用术语并能与MCGS组态环境中
51、对应。模块2水位控制画面设计一、教学目标终极目标:掌握 MCGS画面设计方法促成目标:掌握绘图工具箱的使用;掌握实时数据库的创建方法;能实现了图形的动画控制效果。二、工作任务完成水位控制系统的画面制作,实现动画控制效果。三、能力训练MCGS生成的用户应用系统,其结构由主控窗口、设备窗口、用户窗口、实时数据库和运行策略五个部分构成.建立新画面新建窗口工具箱使用制作文字框图设置框图颜色compe nsati on coverage,t heecologi caladva ntages of theregion willbe furtherhighlwellsi nstanding timber.n
52、docuotmmoafnadaartcitcilon,ae qualitynmdotrrainiehniggcha,dares,nidbeninmepflitesmbeenttteimplr,andemsetrnutcattionurneemorewdeveexlcelleopnmteofnttracnosnfcoermatipotnindtehveellooking foroopppmoretunntiotifers,aoad.ostrnedngbtuildhenehcigohlloiggicalhctos,nsatnrudcetxipandoand.vOanMarntage;tocfhu2
53、l2l,thdeeedepeepnriensgtrreufcoturmri,breaknbgouexndamtined and haeaspdecotpstedtcreatheedovpiitnailiotnyoofnspyesrtfeemctimngechanismcobosmtaclepensationmechanis;toacstmiveofaedvancceoflougllicaalprotsepeccttisono,peni propnogs,epardtitcoipeaxtiploreonthientheestcaablsitsRhumsseiantofnEcdoinvoemrsi
54、icfieCdorridoercolcoognicstarluccotimonp;etoguaransation mecntheaesanism,ndpirmogprressoivveedreliavliezliathoodio,nosftrfoornegslyts,wgon povrearstsylands,wbaetttllea;ntdossatrendonthgterheareansingecoloofgficoacluscaivilizantidkeyoenccoolongsitructicalfounn,ctfioronsaunstdaointablheer idmevpeolrtantroepgimentreonsaelrveedcologsipaccael,ofocus on forest re source conser
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