1、 .DOC资料. Global Semiconductor Safety Services, LLCSEMI S2-93A Product Safety AssessmentFinal Report世界半导体生产机台安全设计验收标准Applied MaterialsChemical Mechanical Polishing System Model: Mirra TrakCMP工艺应用材料June 19, 1998Prepared for:Applied Materials3111 Coronado DriveSanta Clara, CA 95054Prepared by:Global Se
2、miconductor Safety Services, LLC1313 Geneva DriveSunnyvale, CA 94089GS3 Job No. 980029GS3 Document No. 980029F2Client - Confidential 保密合约The information used to prepare this report was based on interviews with Applied Materials engineers. The information was also based on inspections of the Chemical
3、 Mechanical Polishing System, Model: Mirra Trak. This information was gathered over the period between February 2, 1998 and February 4, 1998, and during a re-inspection of the system on June 3, 1998. A preliminary assessment of the system was also performed on September 25, 1996 through September 26
4、, 1996 and the results of this evaluation were also used. All observations and recommendations are based on conditions and descriptions of the Chemical Mechanical Polishing System, Model: Mirra Trak, during the time of data collection and upon information made available to Global Semiconductor Safet
5、y Services. This reports significance is subject to the adequacy and representative characteristics of the Chemical Mechanical Polishing System, Model: Mirra Trak, and to the comprehensiveness of the tests, examinations and/or surveys made.Reference to Global Semiconductor Safety Services, including
6、 reproduction of Global Semiconductor Safety Services service mark, in promotional materials, is permitted only with Global Semiconductor Safety Services express written consent.The service performed has been conducted in accordance with the standards currently accepted in our profession, and at the
7、 high level of skill and care exercised by Global Semiconductor Safety Services staff.Lastly, this report has been prepared as a Client-Confidential document, intended for the exclusive use of Applied Materials and for the purpose of documentation to SEMI S2-93A. Therefore, no outside distribution w
8、ill occur unless written authorization is provided by the client.TABLE OF CONTENTS目录Section Page No. TOC o 1-2 t Heading 3,1,Heading 4,2 Section 1.0 MANAGEMENT SUMMARY(管理摘要) GOTOBUTTON _Toc422901276 PAGEREF _Toc422901276 1Section 2.0 SCOPE(范围) GOTOBUTTON _Toc422901277 PAGEREF _Toc422901277 2Section
9、3.0 SYSTEM DESCRIPTION(系统描述) GOTOBUTTON _Toc422901278 PAGEREF _Toc422901278 4Section 4.0 ASSESSMENT & TESTING METHODOLOGIES(试验方法) GOTOBUTTON _Toc422901279 PAGEREF _Toc422901279 5Section 5.0 SAFETY ASSESSMENT(安全评估) GOTOBUTTON _Toc422901280 PAGEREF _Toc422901280 75.1 PURPOSE(目的) GOTOBUTTON _Toc4229012
10、81 PAGEREF _Toc422901281 95.2 SCOPE(适用范围) GOTOBUTTON _Toc422901282 PAGEREF _Toc422901282 105.3 SAFETY PHILOSOPHY(安全体系) GOTOBUTTON _Toc422901283 PAGEREF _Toc422901283 115.4 GENERAL GUIDELINES(指导方针) GOTOBUTTON _Toc422901284 PAGEREF _Toc422901284 135.5 SAFETY-RELATED INTERLOCKS(安全互锁) GOTOBUTTON _Toc422
11、901285 PAGEREF _Toc422901285 185.6 CHEMICALS(化学品) GOTOBUTTON _Toc422901286 PAGEREF _Toc422901286 225.7 IONIZING RADIATION GOTOBUTTON _Toc422901287 PAGEREF _Toc422901287 255.8 NON-IONIZING RADIATION GOTOBUTTON _Toc422901288 PAGEREF _Toc422901288 265.9 NOISE(噪音) GOTOBUTTON _Toc422901289 PAGEREF _Toc42
12、2901289 275.10 VENTILATION AND EXHAUST(通风与排凤) GOTOBUTTON _Toc422901290 PAGEREF _Toc422901290 285.11 ELECTRICAL GOTOBUTTON _Toc422901291 PAGEREF _Toc422901291 335.12 EMERGENCY SHUTDOWN(紧急停机) GOTOBUTTON _Toc422901292 PAGEREF _Toc422901292 415.13 HEATED CHEMICAL BATHS GOTOBUTTON _Toc422901293 PAGEREF _
13、Toc422901293 455.14 HUMAN FACTORS ENGINEERING GOTOBUTTON _Toc422901294 PAGEREF _Toc422901294 465.15 ROBOTIC AUTOMATION GOTOBUTTON _Toc422901295 PAGEREF _Toc422901295 525.16 HAZARD WARNING(危险警告) GOTOBUTTON _Toc422901296 PAGEREF _Toc422901296 535.17 EARTHQUAKE PROTECTION(地震警告) GOTOBUTTON _Toc422901297
14、 PAGEREF _Toc422901297 545.18 DOCUMENTATION(文件) GOTOBUTTON _Toc422901298 PAGEREF _Toc422901298 575.19 FIRE PROTECTION(消防保护) GOTOBUTTON _Toc422901299 PAGEREF _Toc422901299 605.20 ENVIRONMENTAL GUIDELINES(环境方针) GOTOBUTTON _Toc422901300 PAGEREF _Toc422901300 62Section 6.0 RECOMMENDATIONS GOTOBUTTON _To
15、c422901301 PAGEREF _Toc422901301 73Section 7.0 - ILLUSTRATIONS GOTOBUTTON _Toc422901302 PAGEREF _Toc422901302 76ILLUSTRATION 1 - Mirra Trak System Layout GOTOBUTTON _Toc422901303 PAGEREF _Toc422901303 77ATTACHMENT ONE - SURFACE LEAKAGE CURRENT TEST(泄漏测试) GOTOBUTTON _Toc422901304 PAGEREF _Toc42290130
18、98ATTACHMENT EIGHT - SEMI S10-1296 RISK ASSESSMENT GUIDELINE METHODOLOGY GOTOBUTTON _Toc422901311 PAGEREF _Toc422901311 102CONCLUSION GOTOBUTTON _Toc422901315 PAGEREF _Toc422901315 107 Section 1.0 MANAGEMENT SUMMARY A follow-up safety assessment of the Applied Materials Chemical Mechanical Polishing
19、 System, Model: Mirra Trak (hereafter referred to as the Mirra Trak), was performed from February 2, 1998 through February 4, 1998. A further re-inspection of the system was performed on June 3, 1998. A preliminary evaluation of the system was also performed on September 25, 1996 through September 2
20、6, 1996, and the results of this evaluation were also utilized in this report. Note that this report covers only the concerns raised by integrating three separate systems, the Applied Materials FABS and Mirra CMP, and the OnTrak Synergy Integra, which together form the Mirra Trak system. For further
21、 information concerning the individual components, reference the individual SEMI S2-93A reports for these units. (GS3 Report No. 970668TF, dated January 30, 1998 for the FABS system; GS3 Report No. 7-0100, dated September 2, 1997 for the Mirra CMP system; and GS3 Report No. 980094F, for the OnTrak S
22、ynergy Integra.) This review was performed using the criteria established by the Semiconductor Equipment and Materials International Safety Guidelines for Semiconductor Manufacturing Equipment (SEMI S2-93A Guidelines).GS3 has used the SEMI S10-1296 Guideline Methodology to perform a Risk Assessment
23、of any Issues remaining after the review of the information provided by Applied Materials. Note that the severity was ranked by GS3; the Likelihood (expected rate of occurrence) was provided by Applied Materials. Items which were ranked only as a 揕ow” or 揝light” risk assessment category may be consi
24、dered as acceptable without corrective action, based upon criteria in the SEMI S10-1296 Guidelines. During the safety assessment of Mirra Trak, GS3 identified several positive engineering designs, as well as several issues that will need to be addressed in order to achieve full compliance with SEMI
25、S2-93A Guidelines. This description of both positive engineering design and non-conformance issues are comprehensively described in Section 5.0 of this report. Reference Section 6.0 for a summary of the outstanding items.Section 2.0 SCOPEGS3 was contracted by Applied Materials to conduct a SEMI S2-9
26、3A Product Safety Assessment of the Mirra Trak. Note that this report covers only the additional concerns raised by integrating the Applied Materials FABS and Mirra CMP and the OnTrak Synergy Integra together to form the Mirra Trak system. For further information concerning the individual components
27、, reference the individual SEMI S2-93A reports for these units. (GS3 Report No. 970668T3F, dated January 30, 1998 for the FABS; GS3 Report No. 7-0100, dated September 2, 1997 for the Mirra CMP; and GS3 Report No. 980094F for the OnTrak Synergy Integra).GS3 is a joint venture partnership between Inte
28、rtek Testing Services, N.A., (ITS) and Environmental and Occupational Risk Management, Inc. (EORM). GS3 is focused on providing risk management-based equipment safety consulting and testing services to support a broad range of safety needs specific to semiconductor manufacturing equipment and device
29、 manufacturers.The Mirra Trak was evaluated for compliance with the applicable codes and requirements of the United States.The re-inspection assessment was performed by Mr. Andrew Kiley and Mr. Michael Varga of GS3 and reviewed by Mr. Pavol Breder and Mr. Andrew McIntyre, CIH, also of GS3. The safet
30、y assessment was based on an in-plant inspection of the Mirra Trak, discussions with Ms. Lisa Powell of Applied Materials, as well as a review of the systems manuals.2.1 STANDARDS USEDThe assessment was conducted in accordance with the applicable portions of the following codes and standards:A)SEMI
31、S2-93A, Safety Guidelines For Semiconductor Manufacturing Equipment (1996 Edition)B)ANSI S1.13-1971, Methods for the Measurement of Sound Pressure Levels (1986 Edition)C)ANSI/UL 1262, Safety Standard for Laboratory Equipment (Third Edition)D)ANSI/NFPA 79, Electrical Standard for Industrial Machinery
32、 (1994 Edition)E)ANSI/NFPA 70, National Electrical Code (1996 Edition)F)UL 50, Safety Standard for Enclosures for Electrical Equipment (Tenth Edition)G)SEMI Doc. S8-95, Safety Guideline for Ergonomics/Human Factors Engineering of Semiconductor Manufacturing Equipment. (1995 Edition)H)SEMI S1-90, Saf
33、ety Guideline for Visual Hazard Alerts (1993 Edition)I)ANSI/UL 73, Safety Standard for Motor-Operated Appliances (Eighth Edition)J)ANSI/S1.4-1984, Specifications for Acoustical CalibratorsK)21 CFR, Code of Federal Regulations, Part 1000 to 1050. L)ANSI/UL 3101-1, Safety Standard for Electrical Equip
34、ment for Laboratory Use (First Edition)M)SEMI S10-1296, Safety Guidelines for Risk Assessment (1996 Edition)2.2 TESTS PERFORMEDIn order to verify compliance with SEMI S2-93A Guidelines and the other applicable standards, the following tests were performed:A)Surface Leakage Current TestB)Grounding Re
35、sistance TestC)Verification of EMOsD) Sound Pressure Level SurveyNote that only the tests noted above were repeated, as the testing of the individual assemblies (FABS, Mirra, and OnTrak Synergy Integra) was performed as a part of the individual evaluations for each. Reference the individual reports
36、for each for test results.Section 3.0 SYSTEM DESCRIPTIONThe Mirra Trak consists of a FABS wafer handling module, a Mirra Chemical Mechanical Polisher (CMP), and an OnTrak Synergy Integra. An operator can load up to four 8” wafer cassettes at the front of the FABS module at one time. Cassettes may be
37、 moved into position for handling by the FABS using an optional ergoloader or by manual rotation of the cassette. The FABS robot then picks up the wafers from the cassettes, places them in an alignment tool, and then passes the wafers to the CMP抯 extended robot wafer handling module for conveyance t
38、o the CMP. The CMP system is modular and consists of a wafer handling module (which moves between the FABS, Synergy Integra, and CMP), a polishing module, a slurry delivery module, and a control system module. The system uses de-ionized water, clean dry air (CDA), nitrogen, vacuum, and slurry. The s
39、lurry is provided by the end-user to the system through a bulk head facility connection. The CMP is designed for oxide etching and metal etching and is intended for use with a variety of slurry chemistries, including basic and acidic slurries, but this system was designed only for the use of a potas
40、sium hydroxide (KOH) slurry, even though other chemistries could be used. The wafer handling module is an external robotic tool that manipulates the wafer cassettes for delivery to the polishing module. The polishing module consists of three polishing heads arranged on a mechanical positioner called
41、 a carrousel. A polishing head picks up a wafer and delivers it to a polishing pad where it is polished. As the wafer is polished, the slurry delivery module disperses a measured flow of slurry. When all polishing steps are complete, the carousel transfers the wafer back to the external CMP robot wh
42、ere it is delivered to the OnTrak Synergy Integra.The OnTrak Synergy Integra is a double sided wafer cleaner using options for a variety of chemical processes which operate in conjunction with the mechanical processes. The Synergy Integra uses CDA, nitrogen, or argon. It also uses D.I. water and amm
43、onium hydroxide (NH4OH) at a 2% or 29% concentration. While the Synergy Integra is able to use hydrofluoric acid (HF) in one of its processes, the current Mirra Trak configuration is not designed to use HF and was not evaluated for its use. The Synergy Integra consists of an input station, two brush
44、 stations, a spin station, an unload handler, and an output station which passes the wafers back to the FABS which returns the wafers to their original cassettes where they are unloaded by the operator.Facilities Requirements:Electrical Power: 208 VAC, 200A, 3 phase, 60 Hz.External Fluids: Clean dry
45、 air: 90 - 110 psi, 1.2 cfmNitrogen:90 - 110 psi, 1 cfmVacuum:25 inch. HgDI water:75 psi, 6 gpmSlurry :0 - 5 psi, 0.25 lpmSection 4.0 ASSESSMENT & TESTING METHODOLOGIESThe criteria for this evaluation was based upon the Semiconductor Equipment and Materials International SEMI S2-93A Guidelines. SEMI
46、 S2-93A Guidelines are performance-based guidelines designed to identify potential hazards during the operation and maintenance of equipment, so that the effectiveness of the engineering controls and fail-safe systems can be maximized. The guidelines address the following aspects:APPLICABLE SECTIONS
47、NON-APPLICABLE SECTIONSSafety-Related InterlocksIonizing RadiationChemicalsNon-Ionizing Radiation Audio NoiseHeated Chemical BathsVentilation and ExhaustRobotics and AutomationElectricalEmergency ShutdownErgonomics/Human FactorsHazard WarningEarthquake ProtectionDocumentationFire ProtectionEnvironme
48、ntalThe non-applicable sections are supported by engineering rationale provided within this report.To verify compliance with the applicable guidelines and standards, the following tests were performed. The test data sheets are included in the attachments to this report.Surface Leakage Current Test (
49、Section 11.3.3 of S2-93A and Section 6.7 of UL 1262) - Surface leakage current measurements were made between all accessible metal parts and ground, to verify compliance with the maximum acceptable surface leakage current of 3.5 milliamperes. (Attachment One)Grounding Resistance Test (Section 11.3.3
50、 of S2-93A and Section 6.4.2 of UL 1262) - Grounding resistance measurements were made between all accessible metal parts and ground, to verify compliance with the maximum acceptable ground path resistance of 0.1 ohm. (Attachment Two)Verification of EMO/Interlocks (Sections 5.6 and 12.1) - With the
51、system running at maximum normal load, the emergency off buttons were activated to verify proper operation. (Attachment Three)Sound Pressure Level Survey (Section 9.1) - Sound pressure levels were measured per ANSI S1.13-1971 (R1986), Methods for the Measurement of Sound Pressure Levels. Sound press
52、ure levels were recorded with the system running at maximum normal load to verify compliance with the maximum acceptable noise level of 80 dB(A). (Attachment Four)Note that only the tests noted above were repeated as the testing of the individual assemblies (FABS, Mirra and OnTrak Synergy Integra) w
53、as performed as a part of the individual evaluations for each. Reference the individual reports for each for test results.Section 5.0 SAFETY ASSESSMENTAn assessment of the Mirra Trak was performed in accordance with the SEMI S2-93A Guidelines and other applicable standards noted in Section 2.0 (Scop
54、e).EXPLANATION OF REPORT FORMATUnless otherwise specified, all referenced sections below refer to the Safety Guidelines for Semiconductor Manufacturing Equipment (SEMI S2-93A Guidelines). The report structure is modeled after the documentation requirements of SEMI S2-93A Guidelines.Each paragraph of
55、 the SEMI S2-93A Guidelines is either presented verbatim or paraphrased in a box on the left of the page. The paragraphs from the SEMI S2-93A Guidelines are presented with their corresponding numbers from the Guidelines, with the exception that these numbers are proceeded by a 5. Directly to the rig
56、ht of this box is a second box which is used to indicate the status of the equipment with respect to the given requirement of the Guidelines.PRIVATE SEMI S2-93A Paragraph No. (preceded by 5.)Statement of the requirement.MEETS ISSUE INFO REQUIRED RESPONDED N/A ADD REF Below these boxes, an explanatio
57、n is given which explains why that particular status box was checked. This explanation takes one of the following nine forms which correspond to the nine status boxes above.MEETS A section marked MEETS with respect to a given paragraph of the Guidelines signifies the construction features critical t
58、o compliance with the SEMI S2-93A criteria were directly observed by the engineer during the evaluation. These critical features are identified and described. ISSUESIf a construction feature does not meet the specified paragraph, the way in which it deviates from the Guidelines criteria is described
59、. ISSUES were ranked using a risk assessment methodology based upon SEMI S10-1296. Each item was assigned an overall risk ranking based upon a determination of the severity of the hazard posed by the Issue and the likelihood that the hazard would occur resulting in a hazardous consequence (i.e., inj
60、ury, equipment damage or environmental hazard). Issues with 揕ow” or 揝light” risk assessment categories may be considered as acceptable without corrective action, based upon criteria in the SEMI S10-1296 Guideline. A summary of the risk assessment methodology used for this evaluation is included in A
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