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1、跟单信用用证统一惯惯例19993年(修修订本)Uniiformm Cusstomss andd Praacticce foor Doocumeentarry Crreditts国际商商会第5000号出版版物 (IICC PPubliicatiion NNo.5000)、总总则与定义义 Gennerall Proovisiions and Defiinitiions第第一条 统统一惯例的的适用范围围 Appplicaationn of UCP跟单信用用证统一惯惯例,年修修订本即即,国际商商会第号出版版物,适用用于所有在在信用证文文本中标明明按本惯例例办理的跟跟单信用证证(包括本本惯例适用用范围内

2、的的备用信用用证),除除非信用证证中另有明明确规定,本本惯例对一一切有关当当事人均具具有约束力力。Thee Uniiformm Cusstomss andd Praacticce foor Doocumeentarry Crreditts, 11993 Reviisionn, ICCC Puubliccatioon Noo.5000, shhall applly too alll Doccumenntaryy Creeditss (inncludding to tthe eextennt too whiich tthey may be aappliicablle, SStanddby LLet

3、teer(s) of Creddit) wherre thhey aare iincorrporaated intoo thee texxt off thee Creedit. Theey arre biindinng onn alll parrtiess theeretoo, unnlesss othherwiise eexpreesslyy stiipulaated in tthe CCrediit.第第二条 信信用证的意意义就本惯惯例而言,“跟单信用用证”和“备用信用用证”(以以下统称“信用证”)意指一一项约定,不不论如何命命名或描述述,系指一一家银行(“开证行”)应客户户(“申请请人”

4、)的的要求和指指示或以其其自身的名名义,在与与信用证条条款相符的的条件下,凭凭规定的单单据:foor thhe puurposses oof thhese Artiicless, thhe exxpresssionns “DDocummentaary CCrediit(s)” annd “SStanddby LLetteer(s) of Creddit” (herreinaafterr refferreed too as “Creedit(s)”) meaan anny arrranggemennt, hhowevver nnamedd or desccribeed, wwhereeby aa

5、 bannk (tthe IIssuiing BBank) actting at tthe rrequeest aand oon thhe innstruuctioons oof a custtomerr (thhe Apppliccant ) orr on its own behaalf,向第三三者(“受受益人”)或或其指定人人付款,或或承兑并支支付受益人人出具的汇汇票,或 is tto maake aa payymentt to or tto thhe orrder of aa thiird ppartyy (thhe Beenefiiciarry), or iis too acccept

6、 and pay billls off excchangge (DDraftt(s) drawwn byy thee Benneficciaryy, orr授权另另一家银行行付款,或或承兑并支支付该汇票票,或 aauthoorizees annotheer baank tto efffectt succh paaymennt, oor too acccept and pay suchh billls oof exxchannge (Drafft(s), oor授权另另一家银行行议付。AAuthoorisees annotheer baank tto neegotiiate. 就就本惯例而而言,

7、一家家银行在不不同国家设设立的分支支机构均视视为另一家家银行。FFor tthe ppurpoose oof thhese Artiicless, brranchhes oof a bankk in diffferennt coountrries are conssiderred aanothher bbank.第第三条 信信用证与合合同aa就性质质而言,信信用证与可可能作为其其依据的销销售合同或或其它合同同,是相互互独立的两两种交易。即使信用用证中提及及该合同,银银行亦与该该合同完全全无关,且且不受其约约束。因此此,一家银银行作出付付款、承兑兑并支付汇汇票或议付付及或履履行信用证证项下其它它

8、义务的承承诺,并不不受申请人人与开证行行之间或与与受益人之之间在已有有关系下产产生的索偿偿或抗辩的的制约。CCrediits, by ttheirr natture, aree sepparatte trransaactioons ffrom the salees orr othher ccontrract(s) oon whhich theyy mayy be baseed annd baanks are in nno waay cooncerrned withh or bounnd byy succh coontraacts, eveen iff anyy refferennces wha

9、tteverr to suchh conntracct(s) is inclludedd in the Creddit. Conssequeentlyy, thhe unnderttakinng off a bbank to ppay, acceept aand ppay ddraftt(s) or nnegottiatee andd/or to ffulfiill aany ootherr oblligattion undeer thhe Crreditt, iss nott subbjectt to claiims oor deefensses bby thhe Apppliccant r

10、esuultinng frrom hhis rrelattionsshipss witth thhe Isssuinng Baank oor thhe Beenefiiciarry.bb受益人人在任何情情况下,不不得利用银银行之间或或申请人与与开证行之之间的契约约关系。AA Benneficciaryy cann in no ccase avaiil hiimsellf off thee conntracctuall rellatioonshiips eexistting betwween the bankks orr bettweenn thee Appplicaant aand tthe

11、IIssuiing BBank.第第四条 单单据与货物物服务行为在在信用证业业务中,各各有关当事事人处理的的是单据,而而不是单据据所涉及的的货物、服服务或其其它行为。In CCrediit opperattionss alll parrtiess conncernned ddeal withh doccumennts, and not withh gooods, servvicess andd/or otheer peerforrmancces tto whhich the docuumentts maay reelatee.第第五条 开开立或修改改信用证的的指示 iinstrructiion

12、s to IIssuee/Ameend CCrediits aa开证指指示、信用用证本身、对信用证证的修改指指示或修改改书本身均均必须完整整和明确。Insttructtionss forr thee isssuancce off a CCrediit, tthe CCrediit ittselff, innstruuctioons ffor aan ammendmment therreto, andd thee ameendmeent iitsellf, mmust be ccompllete and preccise. 为为防止混淆淆和误解,银银行应劝阻阻有关方:In oorderr to

13、guarrd aggainsst coonfussion and misuunderrstanndingg, baanks shouuld ddiscoouragge anny atttemppt.勿在信信用证或其其任何修改改书中,加加注过多细细节 too inccludee exccessiive ddetaiil inn thee Creedit or iin anny ammendmment therreto在指示示开立、通通知或保兑兑一个信用用证时,勿勿引用先前前开立的信信用证(参参照前证),而而该前证受受到已被接接受及或或未被接受受的修改所所约束。TTo giive iinstrru

14、ctiions to iissuee, addvisee or conffirm a Crreditt by refeerencce too a CCrediit prrevioouslyy isssued. (siimilaar Crreditt) whhere suchh preeviouus crreditt hass beeen suubjecct too acccepteed ammendmment(s), and/or uunacccepteed ammendmment(s)bb有关开开立信用证证的一切指指示和信用用证本身,如如有修改时时,有关修修改的一切切指示和修修改书本身身都必

15、须明明确表明据据以付款、承兑或议议付的单据据。Alll insstrucctionns foor thhe isssuannce oof a Creddit aand tthe CCrediit ittselff andd, whhere appllicabble, all insttructtionss forr ameendmeent tthereeto aand tthe aamenddmentt itsself mustt staate ppreciiselyy thee doccumennt(s) agaainstt whiich ppaymeent, acceeptannce oo

16、r neegotiiatioon iss to be mmade.、信信用证的形形式与通知知 forrms aand nnotifficattion of CCrediits第第六条 可可撤销信用用证与不可可撤销信用用证 aa信用证证可以是:a Crreditt mayy be可撤销销的,或 revoocablle, oor不可撤撤销的。iirrevvocabblebb因此信信用证上应应明确注明明是可撤销销的或是不不可撤销的的。Thee Creedit, theerefoore, shouuld cclearrly iindiccate whetther it iis reevocaable

17、or iirrevvocabble.cc如无此此项注明,应应视为不可可撤销的。In tthe aabsennce oof suuch iindiccatioon thhe Crreditt shaall bbe deeemedd to be iirrevvocabble.第第七条 通通知行的责责任 addvisiing bbanks liiabillityaa信用证证可经另一一家银行(“通知行”)通知受受益人,但但通知行无无须承担付付款承诺之之责任。如如通知行决决定通知,就就应合理审审慎地核验验所通知的的信用证的的表面真实实性。如通通知行决定定不通知,就就必须不延延误地告知知开证行。A Crr

18、editt mayy be adviised to aa benneficciaryy thrroughh anootherr bannk (tthe AAdvissing Bankk) wiithouut enngageementt on the partt of the Adviisingg Bannk, bbut tthat bankk, iff it eleccts tto addvisee thee Creedit, shaall ttake reassonabble ccare to ccheckk thee appparennt auuthennticiity oof thhe

19、Crreditt whiich iit addvisees. IIf thhe baank eelectts noot too advvise the Creddit, it mmust so iinforrm thhe Isssuinng Baank wwithoout ddelayy.bb如通知知行不能确确定信用证证的表面真真实性,就就必须不延延误地告知知发出该指指示的银行行,说明本本行不能确确定该信用用证的真实实性。如通通知行仍决决定通知,则则必须告知知受益人本本行不能核核对信用证证的真实性性。If the Adviisingg Bannk caannott esttabliish ss

20、uch appaarentt autthentticitty, iit muust iinforrm, wwithoout ddelayy, thhe baank ffrom whicch thhe innstruuctioons aappeaar too havve beeen rreceiived thatt it has beenn unaable to eestabblishh thee autthentticitty off thee Creedit, andd if it eelectts noonethhelesss too advvise the Creddit, it mmu

21、st infoorm tthe BBenefficiaary tthat it hhas nnot bbeen ablee to estaablissh thhe auuthennticiity oof thhe Crreditt.第八条条 信用证证的撤销 revoocatiion oof a Credditaa可撤销销的信用证证可以由开开证行随时时修改或撤撤销,不必必事先通知知受益人。A reevocaable Creddit mmay bbe ammendeed orr canncellled bby thhe Isssuinng Baank aat anny moomentt andd

22、witthoutt priior nnoticce too thee Benneficciaryy.bb然而,开开证行必须须做到:hhowevver tthe IIssuiing BBank mustt对办理理可撤销信信用证项下下即期付款款、承兑或或议付的另另一家银行行,在其收收到修改或或撤销通知知之前已凭凭表面与信信用证条款款相符的单单据作出的的任何付款款、承兑或或议付者,予予以偿付;reimmbursse annotheer baank wwith whicch a revoocablle Crreditt hass beeen maade aavaillablee forr sigght

23、 ppaymeent, acceeptannce oor neegotiiatioon maade bby suuch bbank prioor too recceiptt by it oof nooticee of amenndmennt orr canncelllatioon, aagainnst ddocummentss whiich aappeaar onn theeir fface to bbe inn commpliaance withh thee terrms aand ccondiitionns off thee Creedit.对办理理可撤销信信用证项下下延期付款款的另一家家

24、银行,在在其收到修修改或撤销销通知之前前已接受表表面与信用用证条款相相符的单据据者,予以以偿付。RReimbbursee anootherr bannk wiith wwhichh a rrevoccablee Creedit has beenn madde avvailaable for defeerredd payymentt, iff succh a bankk hass , ppriorr to receeipt by iit off nottice of aamenddmentt or canccellaationn, taaken up ddocummentss whiich aa

25、ppeaar onn theeir fface to bbe inn commpliaance withh thee terrms aand ccondiitionns off thee Creedit.第第九条 开开证行与保保兑行的责责任 liiabillity of IIssuiing aand CConfiirminng Baanksaa对不可可撤销的信信用证而言言,在信用用证规定的的单据全部部提交指定定银行或开开证行,并并且这些单单据又符合合信用证条条款的规定定时,便构构成开证行行的确定承承诺:ann irrrevoccablee Creedit consstituutes a dee

26、finiite uunderrtakiing oof thhe Isssuinng Baank, provvidedd thaat thhe sttipullatedd doccumennts aare ppreseentedd to the Nomiinateed Baank oor too thee Isssuingg Bannk annd thhat tthe ttermss andd connditiions of tthe CCrediit arre coompliied wwith:对即期期付款的信信用证开证行应应即期付款款;if the Creddit pproviides fo

27、r sighht paaymennttoo payy at sighht对延期期付款的信信用证开证行应应按信用证证规定所确确定的到期期日付款;if tthe CCrediit prroviddes ffor ddeferrred paymmentto ppay oon thhe maaturiity ddate(s) ddeterrminaable in aaccorrdancce wiith tthe sstipuulatiions of tthe CCrediit对承兑兑信用证,分分两种情况况:if the Creddit pproviides for acceeptannce:(aa)凡

28、汇票票由开证行行承兑者开证行行应承兑受受益人出具具的以开证证行为付款款人的汇票票,并于到到期日支付付票款;或或 by the Issuuing Bankkto acceept DDraftt(s) drawwn byy thee Benneficciaryy on the Issuuing Bankk andd payy theem att matturitty, oor (bb)凡汇票票由另一受受票银行承承兑者如信用证证上规定的的受票银行行对以其为为付款人的的汇票不予予承兑时,应应由开证行行承兑并在在到期日支支付受益人人出具的以以开证行为为付款人的的汇票;或或者,如受受票银行对对汇票已承承兑

29、,但到到期不付时时,则开证证行应予支支付;byy anootherr draawee bankkto acceept aand ppay aat maaturiity DDraftt(s) drawwn byy thee Benneficciaryy on the Issuuing Bankk in the evennt thhe drraweee bannk sttipullatedd in the Creddit ddoes not acceept DDraftt(s) drawwn onn it, or to ppay DDraftt(s) acceeptedd butt nott pa

30、iid byy succh drraweee bannk att matturitty对议付付信用证开证行行应根据受受益人依照照信用证出出具的汇票票及或提提交的单据据向出票人人及或善善意持票人人履行付款款,不得追追索。开立立信用证时时不应以信信用证申请请人作为汇汇票付款人人。如信用用证仍规定定汇票付款款人为申请请人,银行行将视此汇汇票为附加加的单据。If tthe CCrediit prroviddes ffor nnegottiatiiontto paay wiithouut reecourrse tto drrawerrs annd/orr bonna fiide hholdeers, D

31、rafft(s) draawn bby thhe Beenefiiciarry annd/orr doccumennt(s) preesentted uunderr thee Creedit. A CCrediit shhouldd nott be issuued aavaillablee by drafft(s) on the Appllicannt. IIf thhe Crreditt nevverthhelesss caalls for Drafft(s) on the Appllicannt, bbankss willl coonsidder ssuch Drafft(s) as an

32、 aaddittionaal Doocumeent(ss) bb根据开开证行的授授权或要求求另一家银银行(“保保兑行”)对对不可撤销销信用证加加具保兑,当当信用证规规定的单据据提交到保保兑行或任任何另一家家指定银行行时,在单单据符合信信用证规定定的情况下下,则构成成保兑行在在开证行的的承诺之外外的确定承承诺,即:A coonfirrmatiion oof irrrevoocablle Crreditt by anotther bankk (thhe Coonfirrmingg Bannk) uupon the authhorissatioon orr reqquestt of the Conf

33、firmiing BBank and thatt thee terrms aand ccondiitionns off thee Creedit are comppliedd witth对对即期付款款的信用证证保兑兑行应即期期付款;iif thhe Crreditt proovidees foor siight paymmentto ppay aat siight对对延期付款款的信用证证保兑兑行应按信信用证规定定所确定的的到期日付付款;iff thee Creedit provvidess forr defferreed paaymennttoo payy on the matuurityy

34、datte(s) dettermiinablle inn acccordaance withh thee stiipulaationns off thee Creedit.对对承兑信用用证,分两两种情况: (aa)凡汇票票由保兑行行承兑者保兑行行应承兑受受益人出具具的以保兑兑行为付款款人的汇票票,并于到到期日支付付票款,或或 if the Creddit pproviides for acceeptannce bby thhe Coonfirrmingg Bannktoo acccept Drafft(s) draawn bby thhe Beenefiiciarry onn thee Con

35、nfirmming Bankk andd payy theem att matturitty, oor(bb)凡汇票票由另一受受票银行承承兑者如信用证证规定的受受票银行对对于以其为为付款人的的汇票不予予承兑,则则应由保兑兑行承兑并并在到期日日支付受益益人出具的的以保兑行行为付款人人的汇票,或或者,如受受票银行对对汇票已承承兑但到期期不付者,则则保兑行应应予支付。By aanothher ddraweee baanktto accceptt andd payy at the matuurityy Draaft(ss) drrawn by tthe BBenefficiaary oon thhe

36、Coonfirrmingg Bannk, iin thhe evvent the drawwee bbank stippulatted iin thhe Crreditt doees noot accceptt Draaft(ss) drrawn on iit, oor too payy Draaft(ss) accceptted bbut nnot ppaid by ssuch drawwee bbank at mmaturrity对议付付信用证保兑行行应根据受受益人依照照信用证出出具的汇票票及或提提交的单据据,对出票票人及或或善意持票票人予以议议付,不得得追索。开开立信用证证时不应以以信用

37、证申申请人作为为汇票付款款人。如信信用证仍规规定汇票付付款人为申申请人,银银行将视此此汇票为附附加的单据据。If the Creddit pproviides for negootiattionto nnegottiatee witthoutt reccoursse too draawerss andd/or bonaa hollderss, Drraft(s) ddrawnn by the Beneeficiiary and/or ddocumment(s) ppreseentedd undder tthe CCrediit. AA Creedit shouuld nnot bbe isss

38、uedd avaailabble bby drraft(s) oon thhe Apppliccant. If the Creddit nneverrthelless callls foor shhouldd nott be issuued aavaillablee by drafft(s) on the Appllicannt. IIf thhe Crreditt nevverthhelesss caalls for Drafft(s) on the appllicannt, bbankss willl coonsidder ssuch Drafft(s) as an aaddittiona

39、al doocumeent(ss)cc如开证证行授权或或要求另一一家银行对对信用证加加具保兑,而而该银行不不准备照办办时,就必必须不延误误地告知开开证行。IIf annotheer baank iis auuthorrizedd or requuiredd by the Issuuing Bankk to add its conffirmaationn to a Crreditt butt is not prepparedd to do sso, iit muust sso innformm thee Isssuingg Bannk wiithouut deelay.除除非开证行行在其授权权或

40、要求加加具保兑的的指示中另另有专门规规定,否则则通知行可可以不加保保兑就把未未经保兑的的信用证通通知给受益益人。Unnlesss thee Isssuingg Bannk sppeciffies otheerwisse inn itss autthoriizatiion oor reequesst too addd connfirmmatioon, tthe AAdvissing Bankk mayy advvise the Creddit tto thhe Beenefiiciarry wiithouut adddingg itss connfirmmatioon.dd除本惯惯例第条另有规规

41、定外,凡凡未经开证证行、保兑兑行(如有有)以及受受益人同意意,不可撤撤销信用证证既不能修修改也不能能撤销。EExceppt ass othherwiise pproviided by AArticcle 448, aan irrrevoocablle Crreditt cann neiitherr be amennded nor canccelleed wiithouut thhe aggreemment of tthe IIssuiing BBank, thee Connfirmming Bankk, iff anyy, annd thhe Beenefiiciarry.自发出出信用证修修改

42、书之时时起,开证证行就不可可撤销地受受本行发出出的修改的的约束。保保兑行可将将其保兑承承诺扩展至至修改内容容,且自其其通知该修修改之时起起,即不可可撤销地受受修改的约约束。然而而,保兑行行可选择仅仅将修改通通知受益人人而不对其其加具保兑兑,但必须须不延误地地将此情况况通知开证证行和受益益人。Thhe Isssuinng Baank sshalll be irreevocaable bounnd byy an amenndmennt(s) isssued by iit frrom tthe ttime of tthe iissuaance of ssuch amenndmennt(s). A c

43、onffirmiing BBank may exteend iits cconfiirmattion to aan ammendmment and shalll bee irrrevoccablyy bouund aas off thee timme off itss advvice of tthe aamenddmentt. A Conffirmiing BBank may, howweverr, chhoosee to adviise aan ammendmment to tthe BBenefficiaary wwithoout eextenndingg itss connfirmmat

44、ioon annd iff so, musst innformm thee Isssuingg Bannk annd thhe Beenefiiciarry wiithouut deelay. 在受益益人向通知知修改的银银行表示接接受该修改改内容之前前,原信用用证(或先先前已接受受修改的信信用证)的的条款对受受益人仍然然有效。受受益人应发发出接受修修改或拒绝绝接受修改改的通知。如受益人人未提供上上述通知,当当他提交给给指定银行行或开证行行的单据与与信用证以以及尚未表表示接受的的修改的要要求一致时时,则该事事实即视为为受益人已已作出接受受修改的通通知,并从从此时起,该该信用证已已作了修改改。Th

45、ee terrms oof thhe orriginnal CCrediit (oor a Creddit iincorrporaatingg preeviouusly acceeptedd ameendmeent(ss) wiill rremaiin inn forrce ffor tthe BBenefficiaary uuntill thee Benneficciaryy commmuniicatees hiis acccepttancee of the amenndmennt too thee bannk thhat aadvissed ssuch amenndmennt. TThe

46、BBenefficiaary sshoulld giive nnotifficattion of aaccepptancce orr rejjectiion oof ammendmment(s). if tthe BBenefficiaary ffailss to givee succh nootifiicatiion, the tendder oof doocumeents to tthe NNominnatedd Bannk orr Isssuingg Bannk, tthat confform to tthe CCrediit annd too nott yett acccepteed

47、ammendmment(s), willl be deemmed tto bee nottificcatioon off accceptaance by tthe BBenefficiaary oof suuch aamenddmentt(s) and as oof thhat mmomennt thhe Crreditt willl bee ameendedd.对对同一修改改通知中的的修改内容容不允许部部分接受,因因而,部分分接受修改改内容当属属无效。PPartiial aaccepptancce off ameendmeents conttaineed inn onee andd thee

48、 samme addvicee of amenndmennts iis noot allloweed annd coonseqquenttly wwill not be ggivenn anyy efffect.第第十条 信信用证的种种类 tyypes of CCrediitaa一切信信用证均须须明确表示示它适用于于即期付款款、延期付付款、承兑兑抑或议付付。Alll Creeditss musst cllearlly inndicaate wwhethher tthey are avaiilablle byy sigght ppaymeent, by ddeferrred paymment,

49、by acceeptannce oor byy neggotiaationn. bb除非信信用证规定定只能由开开证行办理理这项业务务,否则一一切信用证证均须指定定某家银行行(称:“指定银行行”)并授授权其付款款、承担延延期付款责责任、 承承兑汇票或或议付。对对自由议付付的信用证证,任何银银行均可为为指定银行行。Unlless the Creddit sstipuulatees thhat iit iss avaailabble oonly withh thee Isssuingg Bannk, aall CCrediits mmust nomiinatee thee bannk (tthe n

50、nominnatedd Bannk)whhich is aauthoorizeed too payy, too inccur aa defferreed paaymennt unnderttakinng, tto accceptt Draaft(ss) orr to negootiatte. IIn a freeely nnegottiablle Crreditt, anny baank iis a Nomiinateed Baank.单单据必须提提交给开证证行或保兑兑行(如有有)或其它它任何指定定银行。PPreseentattion of ddocummentss musst bee mad

51、de too thee Isssuingg Bannk orr thee Connfirmming Bankk, iff anyy, orr anyy othher NNominnatedd Bannk. 议付意意指被授权权议付的银银行对汇票票及或单单据付出对对价。仅审审核单据而而未付对价价者,不构构成议付。Negootiattion meanns thhe giivingg of valuue foor Drraft(s) aand/oor doocumeents by tthe bbank authhorizzed tto neegotiiate. Merre exxaminnatioon

52、 off thee doccumennts wwithoout ggivinng off vallue ddoes not consstituute aa neggotiaationn.cc除非指指定银行是是保兑行,否否则,开证证行的指定定并不能使使被指定银银行负有付付款、承诺诺延期付款款、承兑汇汇票或议付付的责任。除非指定定银行已明明确同意并并告知受益益人,否则则,它收受受及或审审核及或或转交单据据的行为,并并不意味着着它对付款款、承担延延期付款责责任、承兑兑汇票或议议付负有责责任。Unnlesss thee nomminatted BBank is tthe cconfiirminng B

53、aank, nomiinatiion bby thhe Isssuinng Baank ddoes not consstituute aany uunderrtakiing bby thhe Noominaated Bankk to pay, to incuur a defeerredd payymentt unddertaakingg, too acccept Drafft(s), orr to negootiatte. EExceppt whhere exprresslly aggreedd to by tthe NNominnatedd Bannk annd soo commmuniic

54、ateed too thee Benneficciaryy, thhe Noominaated Bankks rreceiipt oof annd/orr exaaminaationn andd/or forwwardiing oof thhe doocuemmtns doess nott makke thhat bbank liabble tto paay, tto inncur a deeferrred ppaymeent uunderrtakiing tto accceptt Draaft(ss), oor too neggotiaate.dd如开证证行指定另另一家银行行、或允许许任何银

55、行行议付、或或授权、或或要求另一一家银行加加具保兑,开开证行即据据此分别授授权上述银银行凭表面面与信用证证条款相符符的单据办办理付款、承兑汇票票或者议付付,并保证证依照本惯惯例对上述述银行予以以偿付。BBy noominaatingg anootherr bannk, oor byy alllowinng foor neegotiiatioon byy anyy bannk, oor byy autthoriizingg or requuestiing aanothher bbank to aadd iits cconfiirmattion, thee Isssuingg Bannk auut

56、horrizess succh baank tto paay, aacceppt Drraft(s) oor neegotiiate as tthe ccase may be, agaiinst docuumentts whhich appeear oon thheir facee to be iin coompliiancee witth thhe teerms and condditioons oof thhe Crreditt andd unddertaakes to rreimbbursee succh baank iin acccorddancee witth thhe prrovi

57、ssionss of thesse Arrticlles.第第十一条 电讯传递递的信用证证与预先通通知的信用用证 teeletrransmmitteed annd prre-addviseed Crredittsaa当开证证行使用密密码证实的的电讯方式式指示通知知行通知信信用证或修修改信用证证时,该电电讯即视为为有效的信信用证文件件或有效的的修改书,不不应再寄送送电报证实实书。如仍仍寄送证实实书,则该该证实书当当属无效,通通知行也没没有义务将将证实书与与所收到的的以电讯方方式传递的的有效信用用证文件或或有效的修修改书进行行核对。WWhen an iissuiing BBank insttruc

58、tts ann Advvisinng Baank bby ann autthentticatted ttelettranssmisssion to aadvisse a Creddit oor ann ameendmeent tto a Creddit, the teleetrannsmisssionn willl bee deeemed to bbe thhe opperattive Creddit iinstrrumennt orr thee opeeratiive aamenddmentt, annd noo maiil coonfirrmatiion sshoulld bee senn

59、t. SShoulld a maill connfirmmatioon neeverttheleess bbe seent, it wwill havee no effeect aand tthe AAdvissing Bankk witthoutt dellay.若该电电讯说明“详情后告告”(或类类似词语)或或声明嗣后后寄出的证证实书将是是有效的信信用证文件件或有效的的修改,则则该电讯系系无效的信信用证文件件或修改书书。开证行行必须不延延误地向通通知行寄送送有效的信信用证文件件或有效的的修改书。If tthe ttelettranssmisssion stattes “fulll detta

60、ilss to folllow”(or wwordss of simiilar effeect) or sstatees thhat tthe mmail conffirmaationn is to bbe thhe opperattive Creddit iinstrrumennt orr thee opeeratiive aamenddmentt to suchh Advvisinng Baank wwithoout ddelayy.bb如一家家银行利用用另一家通通知行的服服务将信用用证通知给给受益人,它它也必须利利用同一家家银行的服服务通知修修改书。IIf a bankk usees t


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