1、吉林大学珠海学院课程简介大学英语(1)培养学生的英语综合应用能力,特别是读写能力,使他们在今后的工作和社 会交往中能用英语进行有效地口头和书面信息交流,同时增强其自主学习能 力、提高综合文化素养,以适应我国经济发展和国际交流的需要。College En glish ITo cultivatestudents comprehensive ability of using English, especiallyin reading and writing ability, so that they in the future work and social in teract ions can b
2、e used effectively in En glish both oral and writte n excha nge of in formati on, like writi ng articles and compositi ons, while enhancing their self-learni ng ability, in crease cultural aware ness, in order to adapt to Chinas economic development and internationalexchangen eeds.大学英语(2) 本课程教学的目的是培
3、养学生具有较强的阅读能力和一定的写作能力,使他们能用英语交流信息,帮助学生掌握良好的语言学习方法,打下扎实的语言基础,提高文化素养,适应社会发展和经济建设的需要。College En glishnThe purpose of this course continues and expa nds upon materials covered in EnglishComposition1, provestudents withstrong writingability anda certaindegree oflistening, speaking,writing andtranslationca
4、pabilities, so that they will be expected to read, an alyze and write articles, essays, no vels and plays. This course is in clude exte nsive research and essay writi ng.大学英语(3)本课程教学的目的是,在中学英语学习的基础上,培养学生具有较强的阅读能力 和一定的听、说、写、译的能力,使他们能用英语交流信息,帮助学生掌握良好 的语言学习方法,打下扎实的语言基础,提高文化素养,适应社会发展和经济建 设的需要。College En
5、 glish川The purpose of this course is to train stude nts to treat En glish as a foreig n Ian guage and to en gage stude nts in En glish-based educati onal activities.The main goal is to get students talkingin English. The mainmanner to teach them is to give them the opport unity to talk to other on e
6、,to small group, to large group. Stude nts will be required to deliver a thoughtful and in formative prese ntati on about key cultural and En glish cultural.会计学 本课程是会计专业的一门最重要的专业基础课,主要介绍会计的基本概念、基本 理论和基本方法。具体包括基本职能、对象、会计要素、会计等式等基本理论; 会计科目设置与账户体系建立,借贷记账原理及其运用(供产销三大环节的账户 设置及运用),会计凭证的识别、审核与填制,账簿的设置与登记,资
7、产计价与 财产清查,会计报表的编制等基本方法。Acco untingThis course is the accounting profession in one of the most important professi onal basic course in troduces fun dame ntal acco un ti ng con cepts, basic theory and basic methods. In clud ing its basic fun cti ons, objects, eleme nts of acco unting, acco unting equa
8、ti on, the basic theory; chart of accounts set up with the establishmentof a system account,loanacco un ti ng prin ciples and its applicati on (for the three sectors of product ion and market ing acco unt sett ingsand use), the acco untingdocume nts to ide ntify, audit ing and fill in, books of acco
9、 unt setup and registratio n,asset valuati onand property inven tory, acco untingstateme nts and other basic method of preparatio n.线性代数线性代数是一门重要的基础理论课程,通过本课程的学习,使学生获得应用 科学中常用的矩阵方法、线性方程组、二次型理论及有关的基础知识,并且有熟 练的矩阵运算能力和矩阵方法解决一些实际问题的能力,从而为提高学生的数学 素质。Lin ear AlgebraLin ear algebra is an importa nt foun da
10、tio n for the theory courses, through this course of study, students can commonlyused in applied science-matrix method, li near equati ons, quadratic form theory and the basic kno wledgeand skilled operation of matrix capacity and matrix methods to solve some practical problems, such as powers, root
11、s, ratios, and proport ions, so as to improve the quality of stude nts in mathematics.经济法国家调整经济活动中所发生的各种经济关系的法律规范的总称。经济法与商法类似,法律理念的目标模式是有利于政治统治的秩序、效率、公平和正义,并相 信通过法律可以达到该种目标。经济法理念比民商法等法律更加鲜明地体现了整 个法理念的社会化新时代特征。Econo mic LawEcono mic law is a study of the world legal system, it contains bus in ess and
12、 trade prin ciples, and the bus in ess ethical issues that the trader encoun ter. Econo micLaw in clue Bus in ess Law, con tracts and sales, thirdparty right, con sumer law and internet law. The econo mic law is a legal system of the world, through this study, stude nts can mainly due with bus in es
13、s law problems around the world.马克思主义基本原理课程主要内容有马克思主义的产生、历史发展和特点、物质世界及其发展规律、 认识世界和改造世界、人类社会历史发展及其规律,资本主义的产生、本质和历 史进程、社会主义社会的实践和发展、共产主义社会是人类最崇高的理想社会等。 本课程的内容涵盖马克思主义哲学原理、马克思主义政治经济学原理和科学社会 主义的基本理论,突出了马克思主义是一个高度统一的有机整体。Marxist PhilosophyThe mai n content of Marxist curriculum gen erati on, the historica
14、l developme nt and characteristics of the material world and its laws of developme nt of un dersta nding of the world and tran sform the world, the historical developme nt of huma n society and its laws, the emerge nee of capitalism, n ature and historical process, the practice of socialist society
15、and developme nt of com munist society is the highest ideals of huma n society. The course covers the prin ciples of Marxist philosophy, Marxist political economy prin ciples and the basic theory of scie ntific socialism, highlighting that Marxism is a highly integratedorganicwhole.统计学 介绍统计推理。强调概念,而
16、不是深入的传统统计方法的覆盖范围。 主题包括取 样和试验,描述性统计,概率,二项分布和正态分布,估计,单样本及两个样的 手段和比例假设检验。其他主题将选择从回归和相关,或联表分析的描述方法。StatisticsIn troductio n to statistical reas oning. Emphasis on con cepts rather tha n in-depth coverage of traditi onal statistical methods. Topics in clude sampling and experimentation,descriptive statis
17、tics, probability,bino mial and no rmal distributi ons, estimati on, sin gle sample and two sample hypothesis tests for meansand proportions.Additionaltopics willbe selected from descriptive methods in regressi on and correlatio n, or con ti ngency table an alysis.宏观经济学在对大量社会问题出现的分析介绍,让经济理论的用途。具体课题包
18、括消费者的选择,决定以公司的价格决策和价格搜索的情况下,通货膨胀和总就业的分析。没有先决条件。Macro Econo micsAn introductionto the uses of economic theory in the analysis of problemsemerge nt in large societies. Specific topics in clude con sumer choice, decision making by firms in price taking and price searching situations, and in flati on an
19、d aggregate employme nt an alysis.计算机文化基础课程包括计算机的基本知识、 WINDOWS 200操作系统、办公自动化集成软件 OFFICE200C和INTERNET勺应用、信息安全和职业道德等内容,达到国家教育部 提出的计算机基础教学第一个层次的要求。In troductio n of Computer Tech no logyThis course include basic knowledge of computers, WINDOWS)。operating system, office automation in tegrated software O
20、FFICE2000 and INTERNET applicati ons, in formati on security and ethics and other content, up tothe n ati onal Min istry of Educati on of the computer-based teach ing the first level requireme nt.思想道德修养和法律基础 课程主要涉及人生观、价值观、道德观和法制观四个大的方面,具体教学内容包 括理想信念教育、爱国主义与民族精神教育、人生观与价值观教育、社会主义与 共产主义教育、社会公共生活中的道德与法律
21、规范教育、职业生活中的道德与法律规范教育、恋爱婚姻中的道德与法律规范教育、社会主义法律精神与法治观念教育、我国基本法律制度与规范知识教育等。Thought and Morals Accomplishme nt and Law BasisCourse in cludes outlook on life, values, ethics and the rule of law concept of four major aspects. Course covers ideals and beliefs of educatio n, patriotism and n ati onal spirit,
22、life and values educati on, socialism and com muni sm,educati on, social and public life, the moral and legal norms of educati on, professi on al life, the moral and legal norms of educati on, I ove, marriage ethical and legal norms of educati on, the socialist spirit of the law and the rule of law
23、and the concept of education, our kno wledge of basic legal system and sta ndardized educati on.商务谈判本课程将集中在商业和贸易谈判。发言和谈判的特点进行讨论。进一步的主题包括自我发展,态度和动机,目标设定,时间管理,学习和研究技能,互联网资源 和团队精神。将推出一个学习和资格投资组合的风格记录的概念,将成为整个学生工作文件的学术课程。完成此课程的学生将有更好的准备,以便在执行贸易和 学术生涯的挑战完成Negotiati onThis course will focus on the n egoti
24、ati on of bus in ess and trade.Thecharacteristics of speak ing and n egotiati on will be discussed. Further topics in clude self developme nt, attitude and motivati on, goal setti ng,time management, study and research skills, internet resources andteamwork. Stude nts will be in troduced to the con
25、cept of a portfoliostyle record of lear ning and qualificati ons that will become a worki ngdocument throughout their academic program. Upon completion of this course stude nts will be better prepared to un dertake the challe nges ofthe trade and academic careers.管理学课程基本内容关注三方面知识的教学:管理发展的历史演变;组织管理的基
26、本原 理;以巴纳德组织内部平衡、外部平衡、动态平衡为核心依次展开的管理职能和 要素。伴随近年来中国企业管理发展实际,逐步增加和充实有关中国式管理方面 的教学内容。教学中有意识地介绍管理学相关基础学科的知识和文献,引导学生拓宽知识面。Man ageme ntCourse content to focus on three areas of basic kno wledge of teach ing: the historicalevolution of managementdevelopment; the basic principlesof organization and managemen
27、t; to Barnard balanee withintheorga ni zati on, exter nal bala nee, dyn amic bala nee in turn carried out as the core man ageme nt functions and eleme nts. With the man ageme nt of Chinese enterprisesin recent years, the development of practical,gradual in crease and en rich the Chi nese-styleman ag
28、eme ntof the teach ingcontent. Teach ing in the con scious prese ntati on of the releva nt basic discipli nes of man ageme nt kno wledge and literature, guide the stude nts to broade n their kno wledge.应用文写作 本门课程共包括五大教学单元,分别讲述实用型文章的特征、提供应用写作水平 的途径以及行政文体、财经文体、法律事务文体、科研文体等四大类文体中常用 文种的写作知识。本门课程的教学目的,是使
29、学习者系统掌握常用的应用类文章 的主要用途及其写作要领,获取为应用型人材所必备的文章写作能力及文章分析 与处理能力,使其实际写作水平乃至工作能力、总体素质得到提高,以适应当前和今后在工作、学习以及研究中的各种写作需要。Applicati on of writ ingThe course in cludes a total of five teach ing modules, respectively, the characteristics of the article about the practical and provide ways to use writing skills as
30、well as administrativestyle, financialstyle, stylelegal affairs, research and style, etc. com mon ly used in four major categories of sports kinds of writingknowledge of the text. The purposeof this teachi ng course is to en able lear ners to master the system com monly used in applicatio n class an
31、d its main purpose of the article Writi ngEsse ntials, access to applicati on-orie nted tale nts writi ng skillsnecessary for articles and papers on analysis and processing capacity to the level of the actual writing and even the ability to work, the overall quality improved to meet curre nt and fut
32、ure work, learni ng and research n eeds of the various writi ng.中外广告欣赏本课程以审美为主线,以古今中外的广告作品为基础,扩大学生的音乐视野,内 容有音乐欣赏的基本常识;声乐作品及声乐表演常识;民歌、中外传统艺术歌曲、 中外现代创作歌曲的欣赏;中外歌剧、舞剧音乐欣赏;中外著名音乐家生平介绍及代表作欣赏;现代音乐的发展及作品欣赏;中外音乐发展简史。Chin ese and foreig n cultural appreciati onThis course is explores the role of advertis ing
33、with a focus on the structure, foreig n cultural diversity and its impact on society. Topics include Chinese and foreign traditionaladvertising.Chinese and foreignadvertis ing culture of the appreciati on; Chin ese and foreig n culture differe nee, help us know more culture of foreig n coun tries.中外
34、文化概述中外文化的概念,目的是扩大和加深学生的理解,经验,和批判性思维技能方面 的文化差异和跨文化的互动,在不同文化和观点,有效地参与世界。这个程序可 以帮助您开发的敏感性,提高认识,知识和技能,用以确定的相同和不同文化的 差异。这个计划还将指导探索和跨意味着你种族,跨民族,跨地方,国家和全球 社区的文化互动.Chin ese-foreig n Culture Con ceptChinese- foreign culture concept aims to broaden and deepen studentsun dersta nding, experie nee, and critical
35、 th inking skills with regard to cultural differe nces and cross-cultural in teracti ons, for effective participation in a world of diverse cultures and viewpoints. This program can help you develop sen sitivity, aware ness, kno wledge and skills with which to determine the similarities and differen
36、cesof various cultures.This program will also guide you in explori ng ways and means for cross-racial, cross-ethnic and cross-culturalinteractionin the local,n ati onal and global com mun ities.就业指导课通过实施系统的就业指导教学训练, 使学生了解就业形势,熟悉就业政策,提高 就业竞争意识和依法维权意识;了解社会和职业状况,认识自我个性特点,激发 全面提高自身素质的积极性和自觉性; 了解就业素质要求,熟
37、悉职业规范,形成 正确的就业观,养成良好的职业道德;掌握就业与创业的基本途径和方法, 提高 就业竞争力及创业能力。Career Guida nee CourseCareer guidanee through the implementationof teaching and trainingsystems to enable students to familiar with employment policy, of competition,and accordingoccupati onal status, pers on ality and comprehensively improve
38、 theirunderstand the employment situation, employme nt rights protectio naware nessto law;understandingof social andcharacteristics of self-understanding, own quality to stimulate the en thusiasm and consciousness; understand the quality of employment requirements, arefamiliar with professi onal no
39、rms, the formatio n of a correct con cept of employme nt, to develop good professi onal ethics; to master the basic employment and entrepreneurialways and means to improve the employability and competitive ness.数据库原理本课程属于专业基础课,主要讲授数据库系统的原理,并兼顾数据库系统设计方 法。通过本课程的学习,使学生了解数据库的基本概念、基本原理、基本方法和 应用技术,掌握关系数据库
40、设计理论和SQ语言的使用,为今后进一步学习和开发有关数据库应用系统打下基础。本课程介绍数据库系统的基本概念、原理,重 点介绍当前流行的关系数据库系统原理和设计、数据库结构化查询语言SQL.Database applicati onThis course bel ongs to professi onal basic courses, the main teachi ng prin ciples of database systems, and tak ing into acco unt database system design method. Through this course of
41、study, students understand the basic concepts of database, basic principles,the basic method and applicationof tech no logy, master relati onal database desig n theory and the use ofSQL Ian guage, for the further study and developme nt of货币银行学旨在促进金融体系的升值和金融决策,作为个人的经济财富,商业企业决定的过程,和国家。该方案既强调了金融经济学领域(研
42、究在金融市场交易行为和价格形成的决定因素)和财务管理(研究制订战略,以实现财务目标的商业惯例有用)。 在一个高资本流动和金融市场一体化,国际视野的环境是至关重要的机会和在全 球舞台上的风险的认识。在整个计划特别重视对银行服务和金融市场的全球化进 程,下列世界的制订和修订。Acco un ti ng and BankingThis less on is desig ned to promote an appreciati on of the finan cial system and the finan cial decisi on-mak ing process as determi nan
43、ts of the econo mic wealth of in dividuals, bus in ess en terprises, and n ati ons. The Program stresses both the area of finan cial econo mics (study ing the behavior of traders in financial markets and the determinants of price formation) and of finan cial man ageme nt (study ing bus in ess practi
44、ces useful in devis ing strategies to attain financial goals). In an environment of high capital mobility and integrated financial markets, an internationalperspectiveis essential to the understanding of the opportunities and risks in the global arena. Throughout the Program special attention is giv
45、en to the process of globalizati on of banking services and finan cial markets, and to the changes following the introduction of the world.信息系统安全本课程是信息专业的一门专业核心课程。涉及信息系统及其与安问题相关的多学 科领域的基础知识的技术方法。主要内容包括信息安全机制,信息安全服务和信 息安全管理在开放互连运行环境下如何构成信息系统安全体系的基本原理,方法和策略。通过学习学生对信息安全体系结构有一个全面的了解并掌握相关技术和 管理方法。In formatio n System SafetyThis course is the professi
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