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1、PAGE PAGE 19一种基于指指纹识别的的IC卡门门禁系统摘要:讨论论了一种具具有广泛应应用前景的的指纹ICC卡电子门门禁系统,介介绍了其设设计方案、系统的总总线结构以以及单片机机控制部分分的软、硬硬件实现。该系统将将成熟的指指纹生物识识别技术和和IC卡技技术紧密结结合在一起起,很好地地解决了门门禁系统中中的身份认认证问题和和纸质门票票带来的不不便,具有有很强的灵灵活性、可可靠性和安安全性,非非常适合于于大型风景景区等公共共场所的门门禁管理。关键词:指指纹门禁,智智能卡,指指纹识别,单单片机对于一票制制而需多次次进入的地地铁、旅游游胜地入口口等场合,传传统的纸质质售票方式式已经越来来越不适


3、入口口身份认证证,十分便便于部门管管理。1 门禁系系统总体方方案1.1人人卡合一的设计思思路生物识别技技术是一种种根据人类类的生理特特征(指纹纹、声音、脸孔、虹虹膜等)来来进行个人人身份认证证的辩识技技术。近年年来,随着着信息产业业的发展,生生物识别技技术在国内内外得到了了越来越广广泛的研究究和应用。其中指纹纹自动识别别技术是当当今发展最最成熟的一一种生物识识别技术,指指纹作为人人体生物识识别的一种种方式,它它具有以下下几个显著著的优点:(1)确确定性:每每个指纹在在人六个月月的时候形形成,以后后终身不会会改变,即即使被划伤伤、烧伤,只只要不伤及及真皮,都都不会改变变他的指纹纹形状。(2)唯一



6、题,而且且由于实现现了人卡卡合一的计算机管管理,也为为管理者提提供了灵活活的门禁方方案。1.2 系系统组成基于上述设设计思路和和一般的实实际应用要要求,一般般的指纹IIC卡 门门禁系统由由3个部分分组成,其其基于单个个入口处的的总体框图图如图1所所示.门禁管理PC机单片机控制系统IC卡读写器电动门闸指纹采集校验模块指 纹指纹IC卡图1 指纹IC卡门禁框图(1)门禁禁管理系统统 门门禁管理子子系统完成成门票管理理和发卡两两项功能。其中门票票管理软件件实现门票票记录、查查询、统计计等管理任任务。所谓谓发卡是指指在将卡片片发行给用用户之前,需需要由发卡卡机构将卡卡片的应用用序列号、密码、允允许使用天

7、天数等基本本信息写入入用户ICC卡内的这这一过程。一般来讲讲,门禁管管理PC 机可以通通过两种方方式实现数数据采集:利用大容容量IC卡卡人工批量量采集或通通过串口互互联形成的的低层电子子门闸网络络实时地完完成入口数数据采集。对于有多多个入口的的门禁系统统,如大型型的足球体体育场、有有多个景点点的大型自自然风景区区等,需要要在不同地地点,安装装多个这样样的子系统统。这时系系统需要根根据地点间间距离和用用户要求,将将各门票管管理PC机机再组成一一个局域网网,便于各各入口处统统一管理和和相互间的的数据传输输。对于大大型的体育育场,多个个入口间距距离较近,采采用10MM 或1000M的以太太网较为合合

8、适。对于于大型的自自然景区或或地铁,各各入口处距距离较远且且地形复杂杂,铺设电电缆难,采采用基于模模拟通信方方式的公众众电话网(PPSTN),就就基本可以以满足系统统要求。(2)指纹纹IC 卡卡 所所谓指纹IIC卡,是是指记录用用户生物指指纹特征值值和其它信信息值的存存储IC 卡。在门门禁系统中中,指纹IIC卡就是是一张由用用户唯一持持有的电子子门票。用用户首次使使用时,由由IC卡门门闸提取指指纹并和当当前时间一一起写入卡卡中,以后后卡持有者者在每次进进入时将该该卡插入读读卡机,随随后将手指指伸到指纹纹采集窗口口,读卡机机便会自动动将他的指指纹和卡上上的指纹相相比对,比比对成功则则启动门闸闸放

9、行,同同时记录进进入的卡号号、时间等等信息。目目前市场上上有多种型型号的ICC卡,对于于各生产厂厂家的产品品,特点也也不尽相同同。例如美美国ATMMEL公司司生产的AAT88CC102 加密存储储卡,该卡卡具有1kkB 的加加密EEPPROM 、2B密密码、4 次密码比比较机会、10万次次读写循环环能力,完完全可满足足门禁系统统的需要。(3)ICC卡 电子子门闸指纹纹 IIC卡电子子门闸是本本文介绍的的重点,它它由指纹采采集验证模模块、ICC卡读写器器、单片机机控制系统统、电动门门闸4 个个部分组成成。其中前前3个部分分有机地溶溶于门闸的的箱体之中中,共同形形成一个独独立的身份份验证和出出、入

10、控制制终端。它它可独立于于上位计算算机完成卡卡片第一次次使用时用用户指纹提提取、写入入和再次使使用时的身身份验证以以及逻辑判判断等几项项基本操作作。1.3 IIC卡电子子门闸IC卡电子子门闸是指指纹门禁系系统的核心心,在讨论论了门禁系系统设计思思路和系统统组成后,以以下将对指指纹IC卡卡门闸各子子模块的组组成和功能能作进一步步的介绍。指纹采集校校验模块 数字字指纹采集集校验模块块包括一个个35mmm 35mmm光电感应应式传感器器板(即采采集窗口OOpticcalUnnit)、一个322位 CPPU、动态态随机存储储器(DRRAM)、闪存(FFlashh Memmory),可编程程逻辑器件件(

11、PLDD)等部件件组成,其其结构框图图如图2所所示。它是是一个基于于第三方产产品的独立立子系统(例如美国国ATMEEL-Grrenobble ddivission 公司的FFCD4AA14系列列指纹传感感器等)。指纹采集集校验模块块可提供一一个RS-232接接口与单片片机进行联联系,在微微处理器控控制系统的的参与下完完成以下两两个功能。首先,能能采集完整整的数字指指纹图像,并并从中提取取特征生物物代码,传传输给单片片机系统。其次能够够自动进行行指纹鉴定定:提取指指纹采集图图像特征,并并将该数字字指纹特征征生物代码码信息存储储在Flaash中 ,再与预预存在ICC卡中的该该用户特征征生物代码码信

12、息自动动进行比较较;能够将将指纹校验验的结果按按占一定的的传输规程程传递给单单片机系统统。32Bit RISC CPU闪存动态随机存储器电源采集窗口PLDRS232图2 指纹采集校验模框图电动式ICC卡读写器器 IIC卡读写写器是门闸闸系统直接接与智能卡卡接触的机机电装置,它它内含接口口电路。CCPU通过过操作时序序可以完成成读写器卡卡片内数据据的读取、写入等基基本操作。它是CPPU对智能能卡进行读读/写操作作的桥梁。为了使系系统更加方方便快捷,我我们采用了了电动式入入出卡控制制结构。(3)电动动门闸 这里使使用的是三三辊电动门门闸,它是是门禁系统统的执行机机构,通过过单片机控控制其开、关。(

13、4)单片片机控制系系统 单片机控控制系统是是指纹ICC卡门闸系系统运行的的核心,它它负责协调调系统各项项工作,完完成IC卡卡读写,指指纹采集和和验证命令令发送,门门闸执行机机构控制,根根据用户要要求实现各各种门闸控控制逻辑,同同时采用1128 64点点阵型LCCD(英文文4 行16字 ,中文44行 8字)显显示当前状状态,根据据面板输入入进行运行行模式切换换等工作。2 系统硬硬、软件设设计及性能能指标2.1 单单片机控制制系统硬件件框图在指纹门闸闸系统中,单单片机控制制系统硬件件设计是系系统研发的的一个难点点。它包括括IC卡接接口、辊轴轴控制、指指纹仪接口口、系统LLCD显示示和外围存存储器扩

14、展展接口以及及系统电源源等几部分分电路组成成。其总体体具体设计计框图如图图3所示。微处理器器与外围芯芯片采用II2C 串行行总线技术术:即利用用AT899051的的 二根II/O口线线模拟I22C 串行行总线时序序,再采用用I2C接 口口器件进行行I/O口口扩展。这这样一来,虽虽然加大了了软件编程程的难度,但但是却大大大减化了硬硬件电路设设计,提高高了系统的的稳定性和和可靠性,同同时还降低低了硬件成成本。另外外一方面,为为增强系统统对继电器器电弧和电电磁抗干扰扰能力,各各个工作部部分采用单单独的电源源供电,各各个信号地地之间不直直接连接,用用光耦隔离离。电路设设计中也多多处采用去去耦电容和和选

15、用优质质电源,降降低了交流流回路的工工频干扰。5VMCS8051时钟看门狗电路显示、蜂鸣存储器RS232/485通讯辊轴控制电路指纹接口复位电路电源IC卡读写15V图3 门闸控制电路2.2 系系统软件流流程是否是否否是有卡插入本系统卡?第一次使用?报错读卡内指纹数据并和本人指纹比对比对成功?满足其他条件?登录指纹,将指纹特征信息写入卡内启动门闸,放行否图4 主程序流程图图4是主程程序流程图图,系统上上电复位初初始化时,读读取系统EEEPROOM中的各各项参数,然然后定时检检测是否有有卡插入,并并不断刷新新系统显示示。当有卡卡插入时,完完成IC卡卡检测、指指纹采集校校验、门闸闸电机控制制、入门逻

16、逻辑检验等等基本功能能。2.3 系系统性能对于本文所所述的ICC卡指纹门门禁系统,识识别性能指指标是系统统的关键。经过长期期使用和多多次测试,各各项指标如如下。识别别时间:2s ;允许旋转转角度:45;特征字字节大小:400; FRRR(拒真率率):00.1%;FAR(认假率):0.001%。工作温温度:-5540 ;工作作湿度:RRH 900%;可见见系统反映映速度快,识识别效果良良好且运行行性能稳定定。3 小结随着我国信信息产业技技术的快速速发展,生生物识别技技术和ICC卡技术分分别在各自自领域取得得了广泛的的应用。在在此基础上上,本文将将两者结合合在一起提提出了人人卡合一的指纹IIC卡技

17、术术思路并讨讨论了一种种指纹ICC卡电子门门禁系统,讨讨论了门禁禁系统的总总体设计及及门闸系统统的单片机机控制的软软、硬件实实现。该系系统将成熟熟的指纹生生物识别技技术和ICC卡技术紧紧密结合在在一起,很很好地解决决了门闸系系统中的身身份认证问问题,具有有可靠性强强、安全性性高等特点点。目前该该系统已现现场实时运运行,取得得了良好的的运行效果果。An Inntellligennt Caard EEntraance Guarrd Syystemm Bassed oon Fiingerrprinnt【Absttractt】An inteelliggent cardd enttrancce guua

18、rd systtem bbasedd on finggerprrint idenntifiicatiion iis prropossed iin thhis ppaperr. Thhe tootal ideaa dessigneed foor thhis ssysteem iss desscribbed ffirsttly, and thenn thee impplemeentattion of hhardwware and softtwaree of SCM in tthis systtem aare ddiscuussedd. Thhe iddentiificaationn andd ot

19、hher pprobllems in tthe ppreviious papeer tiicketts syystemms caan bee sollved veryy welll buu usiing tthe ccombiinatiion oof fiingerrprinnt iddentiificaationn andd inttelliigentt carrd teechnoologiies.【Key words】Finngerpprintt enttrancce guuard, Inttelliigentt carrd, ffingeerpriint iidenttificcatio

20、on, .Sinngle chipp miccrocoomputter(SSCM)Situaationns annd soo on subwway wwhichh, toourisst atttracctionn enttrancce muust eenterr manny tiimes regaardinng a tickket ssysteem, tthe ttradiitionnal ppaperr boookingg wayy morre annd moore wwas nnot aalreaady ssuitaable for variious diviisionnal mmanag

21、gemennt reequesst, ccarriies oon thhe coomputter eelecttron admiissioon tiickett mannagemment is tthe ssociaal deeveloopmennt ulltimaatelyy. Annd thhe enntrannce sstatuus auuthennticaationn is the entrrancee guaard mmanaggemennt coore wwork. In the pressent manyy commputeer syystemm, usserss staatus

22、 authhentiicatiion uuses moostlyy; Usser IID+ ppasswword Meethodd. Inn facct, tthis methhod cconceeals the passswordd eassily to fforgeet, mmay tto trransmmit, easiily bby ottherss theeft wwith and so oon seecuriity pprobllem, simuultanneoussly nneedss thee passsworrd innput in tthe eentraance not t

23、o ssuit the streeam oof peeoplee quaantitty biig puublicc plaace, therreforre neeeds one moree connveniient reliiablee staatus authhentiicatiion pplan in tthe eelecttroniic enntrannce gguardd. Inn vieew inn thee aboove qquesttion, thiis arrticlle diiscusssed one kindd to deveelop succcessfful bbased

24、d on the matuure ffingeerpriint bbioloogy rrecoggnitiion ttechnnologgy annd thhe ICC carrd teechnoologyy eleectroonic entrrancee guaard ssysteem, iit haas The persson ccard unittes Thee funnctioon, ffacillitattes ccarriies oon thhe enntrannce sstatuus auuthennticaationn relliablly, iis veery aadvann

25、tageeous for the diviisionnal mmana.1. Enntrannce gguardd sysstem overrall conccept1.1 Thee perrson cardd uniites Deesignn menntaliityThe bbioloogicaal reecognnitioon teechnoologyy is one kindd acccordiing tto huumaniityss phyysiollogiccal ccharaacterristiic (ffingeerpriint, sounnd, tthe fface, irii

26、s annd soo on) carrriess on indiividuual sstatuus auuthennticaationn to debaate kknowss thee tecchnollogy. In receent yyearss, allong withh infformaationn inddustrries devveloppmentt, thhe biiologgicall reccogniitionn tecchnollogy in ddomesstic and foreeign obtaainedd morre annd moore eextennsivee r

27、essearcch annd thhe apppliccatioon. AAnd tthe ffingeerpriint aautommaticc diaagnossis ttechnnologgy deeveloops tthe mmaturrest one biollogiccal rrecoggnitiion ttechnnologgy noow, tthe ffingeerpriint ttakess thee humman bbody biollogy recoognittion one way, it has the folllowinng seeveraal reemarkkab

28、lee merrits: (1) dettermiinismm: Eaach ffingeerpriint iin peersonn sixx monnth-llong timee forrms, lifeelongg willl noot chhangee latter, evenn if is sscrattchedd, thhe buurn, so llong as wwill not injuury aand tthe ddermiis, wwill not channge hhis ffingeerpriint sshapee. (22) unniqueenesss: Twwo co

29、ompleetelyy samme fiingerrprinnts aappeaar thhe prrobabbilitty iss smaall, doess nott surrpasss 1/66000000000000. (3) sampple iis siimplee: Onnly nneedss an elecctricc cappacitty orr opttics finggerprrint gathherinng maay gaatherr thee finngerpprintt imaage. The storred ddatumm aree feww: Inn thee f

30、inngerpprintt reccogniitionn usees thhe teemplaate iis onnly tthe ccharaacterristiic byyte wwhichh witthdraaws ffrom the finggerprrint pictture, butt is not the vieww piccturee finngerpprintt piccturee, thhe chharaccteriisticc byttes sizee is 300400BB, thhe reeservves iis reelatiivelyy smaall. On th

31、he otther handd, coomparres tthe IIC caard wwith the magccard to ttake indiividuual ffingeerpriint tthe ccarriier aalso to hhave the folllowinng seeveraal meeritss: thhe (11) IC ccard servvice lifee is longg, geeneraally may repeeateddly aabovee thee reaad-wrrite 100,000 timees. (2) CCard storrage c

32、apaacityy is big, hass thee enoough spattial depoositiing ffingeerpriint iimagee chaaractterisstic dataa. (33) enncrypptionn memmory sticck haas thhe loogicaal enncrypptionn funnctioon, tthe ccard the passswordd prootecttion, mayy preeventt thee illlegall dupplicaationn. Afterr enttrancce guuard sys

33、ttem ccard holdder ffingeerpriint eencryyptioon, ssavess on the smarrt caard, and (or on ssysteem) iinstaalls the finggerprrint recoognittion systtem iin thhe smmart cardd reaad-wrrite machhiness andd toools, whenn hollds tthe ccard the cardd inssertiion ssmartt carrd reead-wwritee macchinees annd t

34、oools, thee reaad-wrrite machhiness andd toools ffirstt reaad thhe fiingerrprinnt innformmatioon annd reequesst thhe usser ccompaared to tthe ffingeerpriint, throough compparedd to and holdds thhe caard mmysellf fiingerrprinnt too thee carrd fiingerrprinnt too be posssiblee to deteerminne thhat hhol

35、dss thee carrd whhetheer foor caard ggenuiine mmasteer. TThis thenn guaarantteed onlyy theen thhe geenuinne caard mmasteer too be ablee to use thiss carrd. WWe haave iinstaalledd thiis kiind tthe ffingeerpriint rrecoggnitiion ssysteem annd thhe smmart cardd reaad-wrrite machhiness annd toools rolll-

36、doown ddoor are callled tthe ffingeerpriint IIC caard rroll-downn dooor. UUnifyy thee finngerpprintt reccogniitionn tecchnollogy and the smarrt caard, is iin thhe prresennt enntrannce gguardd sysstem the brigghtesst ouutloook sttatuss autthentticattion plann. Noot onnly iit haas soolvedd thee papper

37、 aadmisssionn ticcket stattus aautheenticcatioon diifficcult probblem, morreoveer, bbecauuse hhas rrealiized Thhe peersonn carrd unnitess CCompuuter manaagemeent, alsoo hass proovideed thhe niimblee enttrancce guuard plann forr thee supperinntenddent.1.2 SSysteem coompossitioonBasedd on the abovve d

38、eesignn menntaliity aand tthe ggenerral ppractticall appplicaationn reqquestt, thhe coommonn finngerpprintt IC cardd enttrancce guuard systtem iis coompossed oof 3 partts.(1)Enntrannce gguardd mannagemment systtem mmanaggemennt syystemm Thee enttrancce guuard manaagemeent.SSubsyystemm commplettes tt

39、he aadmisssionn ticcket manaagemeent aand ssendss thee carrd twwo fuunctiions. Andd thee admmissiion ttickeet maanageementt sofftwarre reealizzes mmanaggemennt taasks and so oon addmisssion tickket rrecorrd, iinquiiry, stattistiics. So-ccalleed seends the cardd is refeers tto beeforee thee carrd ree

40、leasse foor thhe usser, needds byy to sendd thee carrd orrganiizatiion tthe ccard appllicattion seriies nnumbeer, tthe ppasswword, thee perrmisssion use numbber oof daays aand sso onn bassic iinforrmatiion tto reead iin thhe usser IIC caard tthis proccess. Gennerallly sspeakking, thee enttrancce guu

41、ard manaages PC mmachiine tto bee posssiblle too reaalizee thee datta accquissitioon thhrouggh twwo waays: Usess larrge ccapaccity IC ccard artiificiial bbatchh gattheriing oor thhe unnderllyingg bedd eleectroon rooll-ddown doorr nettworkk whiich fformss thrroughh thee serrial portt inttercoonneccti

42、onn reaal-tiime ccomplletess enttry ddata gathherinng. RRegarrdingg hass manny enntrannce eentraance guarrd syystemms, llike the largge-sccale socccer sstadiium, has the manyy sceenic spott larrge-sscalee natturall sceenic spotts annd soo on, neeeds iin thhe diifferrent placce, tto innstalll maany s

43、such subssysteems. By nnow tthe ssysteem neeededd to be aaway fromm andd thee useer reequesst acccordding to tthe pplacee, maanagees PCC macchinee varriouss admmissiion ttickeets tto coomposse a locaal arrea nnetwoork aagainn, iss advvantaageouus foor thhe vaariouus enntrannces globbal aadminnistrra

44、tioon annd thhe daata ttranssmisssion. Reggardiing tthe llargee-scaale sstadiium, betwween manyy enttrancces iis awway ffrom nearr, usses 110M oor thhe 1000M eetherrnet is mmore apprropriiate. Reggardiing tthe llargee-scaale nnaturral ssceniic arrea oor thhe suubwayy, vaariouus enntrannces are awayy

45、 froom faar, aand tthe tterraain iis coompleex, tthe sstrinng caable is ddiffiicultt, too usee bassed oon thhe annalogg commmuniicatiions way publlic ttelepphonee nettworkk (PSSTN), bassic mmay ssatissfy tthe ssysteem reequesst. (2) ffingeerpriint IIC caard TThe sso-caalledd finngerpprintt IC cardd,

46、 iss reffers to tthe rrecorrd usser bbioloogy ffingeerpriint ccharaacterristiic vaalue and otheer innformmatioon vaalue memoory IIC caard. In tthe eentraance guarrd syystemm, thhe fiingerrprinnt ICC carrd iss onee eleectroonic admiissioon tiickett whiich hhas oonly by tthe uuser. Wheen thhe usser uu

47、ses for the firsst tiime, readds inn toggetheer thhe caard bby thhe ICC carrd rooll-ddown doorr exttracttion finggerprrint and withh thee currrentt timme, tthe ccard holdder wwhen eachh timme wiill eenterr latter tthis cardd inssertiion ccard readder, willl exttend afteerwarrd thhe fiingerr to the f

48、inggerprrint gathherinng wiindoww, thhe caard rreadeer thhen aautommaticcallyy commparees riightlly inn hiss finngerpprintt andd thee carrd fiingerrprinnt, wwill comppare starrts tthe rroll-downn dooor too thee succcesss to alloow too passs, ssimulltaneeouslly wiill rrecorrd innformmatioon annd soo

49、on cardd nummber whicch, ttime willl entter. At ppreseent iin thhe maarkett hass manny kiinds of mmodell IC cardds, rregarrdingg eacch Maanufaacturrerss prooductt, thhe chharaccteriisticc is alsoo difffereent. For exammple Amerricann ATMMEL CCorpooratiion pproduuces at888C1022 enccrypttion memoory s

50、stickk, thhis cclampping appaaratuus haave 11kB eencryyptioon EEEPROMM, thhe 2BB passsworrd, 44 passsworrd coomparrisonn oppportuunityy, 1000,0000 reead-wwritee cirrculaationn abiilityy, deefiniitelyy mayy meeet thhe enntrannce gguardd sysstems neeeds. (3)ICC carrd ellectrron rroll-downn dooor fiing

51、errprinnt Thhe ICC carrd ellectrron rroll-downn dooor iss thee keyy poiint wwhichh thiis arrticlle saaid tthat it bby thhe fiingerrprinnt gaatherring conffirmaationn moddule, thee IC cardd reaader-writter, the monoolithhic iinteggrateed ciircuiit coontrool syystemm, thhe ellectrricallly ooperaated r

52、olll-dowwn dooor 44 parrts iis coompossed. And the firsst 3 partts orrganiicallly diissollve iin thhe rooll-ddown doorr boxx boddy, fformss an indeependdent idenntifiicatiion aautheenticcatioon toogethher aand, enteers tthe ccontrrol ttermiinal. It may the indeependdencee commplettes wwhen the cardd

53、 firrst uuse iin thhe suuperiior ccompuuter the userr finngerpprintt exttracttion, reaad inn witth usses wwhen oncee morre iddentiificaationn autthentticattion as wwell as tthe llogiccal jjudgeementt andd so on sseverral eelemeentarry opperattion eos.1.3 IIC caard eelecttron rolll-dowwn dooorThe IIC

54、 caard eelecttron rolll-dowwn dooor iis thhe fiingerrprinnt enntrannce gguardd sysstems coore, afteer diiscusssingg thee enttrancce guuard systtem ddesiggn meentallity and the systtem ccompoositiion, the folllowinng wiill mmake the furtther intrroducctionn to the finggerprrint IC ccard rolll-dowwn d

55、ooor vvarioous ssubmoodulees ccompoositiion aand tthe ffuncttion. (1) FFingeerpriint ggatheeringg verrificcatioon moodulee Thee diggitall finngerpprintt gattheriing vverifficattion moduule iincluudingg a 335mm 35mmm ellectrro-opptic induuctioon booard (i.ee. gaatherring winddow OOpticcalUnnit), 32 C

56、PU, dynnamicc ranndom-acceess mmemorry (DDRAM), doodgess savves (Flassh Meemoryy), ppart compposittionss andd so on pprogrrammaable logiical compponennt (PPLD), itss strructuure ddiagrram aas shhown in FFigurre 2. It is oone bbasedd on the thirrd paarty prodduct indeependdent subssysteem (ee.g. Amer

57、ricann ATMMEL-GGrenooble diviisionn Corrporaationns FFCD4AA14 sseriees fiingerrprinnt seensorr andd so on). Thee finngerpprintt gattheriing vverifficattion moduule mmay pproviide aa RS-232 connnectiion aand tthe mmonollithiic inntegrratedd cirrcuitt carrriess on the relaationn, coompleetes the folll

58、owinng twwo fuunctiions undeer thhe miicropproceessorr conntroll sysstems paarticcipattion. Firrst, can gathher tthe ccompllete digiital finggerprrint imagge, aand wwithddrawss thee chaaractterisstic biollogy codee, thhe trransmmissiion ggivess thee monnolitthic inteegratted ccircuuit ssysteem. NNex

59、t can carrry onn thee finngerpprintt apppraissal aautommaticcallyy: Thhe exxtracctionn finngerpprintt gattheriing iimagee chaaractterisstic, andd thiis diigitaal fiingerrprinnt chharaccteriisticc bioologyy codde innformmatioon sttoragge inn Flaash, withh hass in the IC ccard thiss useer chharaccteri

60、isticc bioologyy codde innformmatioon too carrry oon auutomaaticaally in aadvannce aagainn thee commpariison; Cann acccordiing tto occcupyy thee finngerpprintt verrificcatioon reesultt cerrtainn traansmiissioon reegulaationns too traansmiit foor thhe moonoliithicc inttegraated circcuit systtem. (2)


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