1、An interview with a professorListeningpropaganda n. 宣传 (information, especially false information, that a government or organization spreads in order to influence peoples opinions and beliefs) e.g. The party adopted an aggressive propaganda campaign against its rivals.referendum n. 全民投票 e.g. Denmark
2、 planned to hold a referendum on the issue.Oregon 俄勒冈州(美国西北部州名)hepatitis B 乙型肝炎 (To be continued)vaccinate v. 预防接种 (introduce vaccine into the body) e.g. All children should be vaccinated against measles.pharmaceutical adj. 药物的 (relating to the production of drugs and medicines) e.g. Shes a research
3、 biologist for a pharmaceutical company.(Continued)KeyU.S. consumers attitude to biotechOver 70 percent of consumers support (1)_.ExamplesIn a recent referendum in , voters (2)_ a proposal to require (3)_ on all products containing biotech ingredients by an overwhelming (4)_.Chinese progress in biot
4、echChinese scientists have used biotechnology to create (5)_, which contains the vaccine (6)_ hepatitis B.(To be continued) biotechnology rejected special labels 73 percent to 27 percenta new type of tomato against (Continued)Significance of the progressThis technology can be used to (7)_, ease pain
5、 and suffering and (8)_.The professors adviceI do think that such new pharmaceutical foods need to be handled as (9)_ by professionals and not as (10)_. save lives improve the human condition medicines conventional foodsIs it moral to clone humans?cult n. 异教;邪教 e.g. The teenager may have been abduct
6、ed by a religious cult.The cult claimed that ETs created life on Earth a long time ago. The woman thinks that a human may be cloned in the near future. 3. Most scientists are working on cloning human cells, but not on body parts or complete human beings.4. The man does not approve of the idea that o
7、ne went to the cinema while sending his / her clone to school.5. The woman believes that a clone deserves an independent life.KeyTTFFTScanning diseases with a gene mapvariant n. 变体 e.g. Floyd is a variant of the name Lloyd.render v. 使成为,致使 (make someone or something be or e something) e.g. It contai
8、ned so many errors as to render it worthless.preventative adj. 预防的,预备的 (intended to stop something you do not want to happen from happening) e.g. Troops were sent to the region as a preventive measure.(To be continued)therapy n. 疗法,治病术 e.g. He is having therapy to conquer his phobia.Reuters 路透社varia
9、tion n. 变化 (the existence of differences in amount, number, level, form etc.) e.g. The survey found a wide variation in the prices charged for canteen food.nasopharyngeal adj. 鼻咽的 e.g. Hes got some nasopharyngeal problems.prevalent adj. 流行的 (common at a particular time or in a particular place) e.g.
10、 The prevalent view is that interest rates will fall.(Continued)1. Q: What is the research team trying to find out? D) All of the above.2. Q: What has the research team found about northern and southern Chinese? B) They are genetically different.3. Q: What percentage of the genes is found to be diff
11、erent between southern and northern Chinese? A) 0.3 percent.4. Q: What is true of the sample for the research project? C) There were 8,200 participants from two countries.5. Q: What determines the difference between northern and southern Chinese in developing nasopharyngeal cancer? C) Genetic varian
12、ts at three positions.Questions and keyWork in groups to have a discussion on whether each of the following disease can be treated through cloning technology.Disease1. Infertilityinability to conceive a child.2. Downs syndrome: Downs syndrome is an inherited condition in which extra genetic material
13、 causes delays in the way a child develops, and often leads to mental retardation. 3. Tay-Sachs disease: is a fatal inherited disease of the central nervous system. Affected babies lack an enzyme necessary for breaking down certain fatty substances in brain and nerve cells.4. Kidney failure5. Leukem
14、iaa cancer of the blood cells6. Cancer7. Spinal cord injury8. Heart diseaseMedical applications of cloning technology: Cloning technology can help the infertile couples to have children.Downs syndrome is not in the list of medical applications of new technology.Tay-Sachs disease is not covered in th
15、e medical applications of the new genetic technology.New Cloning technology offers people to clone kidneys for kidney transplants.Cloning the bone marrow for children and adults will relieve suffering from leukemia.Switching cells on and off through cloning would enable new cures for cancer.Growing
16、nerves or the spinal cord back again when they are injured by cloning technology.With the coming of cloning technology, an injection of good heart cells into damaged areas, heart disease could be decreased.herb n. 草本植物 e.g. This herb has restorative properties.anti-fungal adj. 抗菌的 (resisting fungi)
17、e.g. Bathe him with anti-fungal shampoo.radish n. 萝卜tilapia n. 罗非鱼Southampton n. 南安普敦(英国英格兰南部港市)salmon n. 三文鱼 e.g. We had fresh salmon to start the meal.Genetically modified foods Viewing and speaking(To be continued)differential n. 差额 (difference) e.g. During the Second World War, industrial wage d
18、ifferentials in Britain widened.hormone n. 荷尔蒙;激素 e.g. This drug stimulates the brain to produce its own hormone.meddle with 干扰 (interfere with) e.g. Children should not meddle with adults business!breeding n. 培育;繁殖 (the producing of young animals or plants) e.g. He is the world leader in cattle bre
19、eding technology.(To be continued)(Continued)haphazard adj. 无序的;随意的 (with no particular order; depending on chance) e.g. New employees have to deal with a haphazard filing system.Gregor Mendel 格雷戈尔 孟德尔 (the founding father of the new science of genetics)incur v. 招致 (be subject to; cause something un
20、desirable) e.g. The auto manufacturer incurred a 843.6 million loss in 1990.(Continued)KeyAdam: Are these real banana trees?Emma: Theyre actually not (1)_. They are actually herbs.Adam: Herbs?Emma: Herbs. Banana plants are herbs; theyre not trees.Adam: And these are modified?Emma: Yes, these are mod
21、ified. We turn off one of the (2)_ in the plant, so that it wont go (3)_ in the supermarket or in your bowl at home. And also, some genes are anti-fungal genes taken from (4)_ and radish in order to try and protect the banana plants from fungal diseases.Adam: From onions? So, are they gonna taste of
22、 onions?Emma: No, theyre not. Because they dont have the genes for the (5)_ actually taken from the onions.(To be continued)trees native genes black onion taste Adam: People say, you know, GM food is dangerous. Could they possibly be (6)_?Emma: All of these plants, which are modified, are all (7)_ c
23、ontinuously all the time in order to make sure that they are not (8)_, because thats the last thing we want.Adam: And what can be done with plants can also be done with animals These (9)_ are tilapia, originally from Africa. You wont find them in this country, except in very fancy restaurants, but t
24、heyre extremely (10)_ in Asia, where millions of them are eaten every day. Here, at the University of Southampton, they are trying to get them to grow (11)_, by giving them some genes from salmon.(Continued) poisonous tested toxicfishpopularbigger(To be continued)Norman: Were trying to improve tilap
25、ia as a (12)_ fish. So, youll see, I mean, this fish, for example, is the wild type, so this is the size which tilapia would (13)_ be; whereas, the (14)_ fish are also a year old. So, heres a large one, heres another twoAdam: But theres a huge difference in size.Norman: Yes. Theres a differential of
26、 about (15)_, and thats the result of the extra growth hormone gene.Adam: Do you think its wrong to interfere with nature like this?(To be continued)(Continued)foodnormallylarger threefoldNorman: I think that weve been meddling with nature for thousands of years. You know, you only have to think of what weve done to sheep, cattle and dogs, as it were, to see that weve brought about great changes by selective breeding. And selective breeding means selecting the (16)_ you want, but you do it in
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