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1、生物技學報告 報 告 人:李承熹生物技學未來可能的發展領域農業技術基因技術醫療技術食品技術特用化學無仔西瓜基因轉殖GMO(基因轉殖)La Jolla, CA (10/30/00)-A interesting collection oftoxic chemicals isolated from poisonous toadstools appear to have potent tumor killing abilities, even against those resistant to standard chemotherapy. 桃麗羊恆河猴複製豬 Clones in the pig好大的

2、泥鰍(台灣製的喔) 利用精子載體法攜帶生長激素基因所得的基因轉殖泥鰍與控制組泥鰍的生長比較。六個月大的基因轉殖魚其平均體重約為控制組的 2.5 倍大我很大隻吧不一樣的鯰魚誰的九孔比較大?Washington, DC (6/26/00)- The President of the US and the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom were among those attempting to grasp the implications of the completion of the working draft; of the human genom

3、e. Also on hand at a press conference in Washington were Dr. Francis Collins, the Director of the International Human Genome Project; and Craig Venter, president of Celera, a company bent on commercializing the genetic information. The achievement raises a host of scientific, medical and ethical que

4、stions. 基因圖譜人類的基因口蹄疫 Washington, DC (3/23/01)- In spite of enormous preventive efforts,including canceling all St. Patricks Day activities, Ireland has now joined the list of European countries reporting cases of foot-and-mouth disease (FMD). In addition to England, where the outbreak started, other

5、 affected countries now include Scotland, Wales, France, and the Netherlands ,with possible cases in Germany, Spain and Italy. The epidemic is already beginning to cause significant social and economic hardship. Will the US be next? Ebola Virus糖尿病的新藥研發A research team from the University of Californi

6、a in San Diego reported the creation of an immortalized cell-line that produces the precious human beta-cells in virtually unlimited numbers.幹細胞再生Culturing New Life Stem cells lead the way to a new medical paradigm in tissue regeneration狂牛症MAD COW DISEASEThe announcement by British health authoritie

7、s that bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE, pictured in medulla of cow, left), also known as mad cow disease, may have been transmitted to humans has led to a chaotic situation in the UK with ripple effects occurring throughout Europe and the rest of the world. What is BSE and what is its relation

8、 to scrapie in sheep and Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (CJD) in humans? How did the current epidemic begin?Beta 胡蘿蔔素自1950年起 胡蘿蔔素即已在市場上銷售,它是一種抗氧化劑,具有解毒作用,是維護人體健康不可缺少的營養素,其本身的顏色因濃度的差異,可涵蓋由紅色至黃色的所有色系,而且在抗癌預防心血管疾病及抗氧化上具有顯著的功能,另外,在促進動物的生育與成長也具有不錯的功效,因此受到相關產業熱烈的歡迎。 胡蘿蔔素除了能應用於上述的各項領域外,在資訊科技領域中,以 胡蘿蔔素做為CD-R或DVD

9、-R碟片的光抑劑,可避免氧和染料作用導致碟片裂化。更有研究指出,將抗氧化維生素塗抹在皮膚上,不只能防止紫外線傷害,還能促進既有傷害的修護,使皮膚保持彈性,讓新皺紋的增生減緩23%,並使原有的皺紋減少8%,因此,胡蘿蔔素也已經逐漸應用在化妝品等新興市場。七葉膽(絞股藍)七葉膽的好處絞股藍(七葉膽)經長庚醫院部臨床證實有以下的效能 具降低血脂和抑制肥胖作用。 具人蔘同樣的作用,明顯的抗疲勞作用。 提高血清免疫蛋白(IgM IgG)的含量。 能明顯減輕缺血心肌組織結構的損傷程度。 能促進肝細胞再生。 有降低血糖的作用。 對胃和十二指腸潰瘍有保護作用。 具有抗脂過氧化和清除自由基作用。白靈菇白靈菇的好處白靈菇含豐富的蛋白質、礦物質、維生素、菌類多糖、粗纖維,及一般蔬菜所缺乏的賴氨酸、蘇氨酸


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