已阅读5页,还剩8页未读 继续免费阅读




1、精选优质文档倾情为你奉上精选优质文档倾情为你奉上专心专注专业专心专注专业精选优质文档倾情为你奉上专心专注专业 Unit1What/ How about (doing) sth.? (做)。怎么样?some more food 再来些食物in your bowl在你的碗里share sth. with sb.和某人分享某物invite sb. to do sth.邀请某人做某事invite sb. to sp.邀请某人去某地match A with B 将A和B匹配起来care about关心keep a secret (for sb.) (为某人)保密tell sb. sth. 告诉某人某事t

2、ell sb. (not) to do sth.告诉某人(不要)做某事make sb. + adj.使某人make sb. do sth. 让某人做某事be ready to do sth.= be willing to do sth. 乐于做某事be ready for (doing) sth. 准备好(做)某事have problems/trouble (in) doing sth. 做某事有困难believe what sb. says= believe ones words 相信某人的话an honest boy 一个诚实的男孩trust sb 相信某人tell lies 说谎tell

3、 (sb) funny jokes和(某人)说有趣的笑话agree to do sth. 同意做某事agree with sb.同意某人(的观点)agree on sth. (在某事上)达成一致意见one of my best friends 我最好的朋友之一have short hair 留短发be generous to sb= be kind to sb对某人大方be willing to do sth= be ready to do sth 乐于做某事any time=anytime 任何时候help sb with sth 在某事上帮助某人/在某方面帮助某人help sb (to)

4、do sth 帮助某人做某事give ones seat on the bus to someone in need在公交上把自己的座位让给需要帮助的人have a good voice 有一副好嗓子She wants to be a singer when she grows up. 他长大以后想成为一名歌手。want to do sth想要做某事grow up长大wear (a pair of) glasses戴(一副)眼镜have a sense of humour 有幽默感knock sth onto the floor 把某物撞到地上big bright eyes 大而明亮的眼镜sa

5、y a bad word about sb 说某人的坏话a true friend一个真正的朋友in the future在将来be good at (doing) sth = do well in (doing) sth 擅长做。meet different people 会见不同的人travel around the world= travel all over the world周游全世界be kind to sb= be friendly to sb 对某人友好make friends with sb. 和某人交朋友I will be happy if I can make other

6、 people happy.如果我能使其他人开心,我也会开心的。*if表示“如果”的意思时,有if的句子叫if从句,if从句用一般现在时,没有if的句子叫主句,主句用将来时。 41. among/ of/ in all the Chinese artists在所有中国艺术家之间 42. beautiful works of art漂亮的艺术品 43. as famous as 和一样著名 肯定:和一样as/ so + adj./adv.+ as 否定:不和一样not as/ so + adj./adv.+ as 44. learn more about sth 更多的了解某事 45. some

7、 day 终有一天,某一天 46. on the left 在左边 on the right在右边 47. Whats he like? 他长相怎样? 他性格怎样? What does he like? 他喜欢什么? What does he look like? 他长相怎样? 48. a small girl with a ponytail 一个有马尾辫的女孩 49. take part in 参加某项重大的大型活动 join in 参加某项活动 join 加入某个组织并成为其中一员 50. both A and B AB两者都 三者都,用all 51. smiling eyes 微笑的眼睛

8、 52. have a smile on ones face 面带微笑 53. go to her 找她(帮忙) 54. make an excellent teacher 成为一名优秀的老师Unit 2Why dont you do sth? 你为什么不呢?Why not do sth? 为什么不做呢?be cleverer than people 比人类聪明cleverer= more cleverhave to work harder 不得不更努力工作/努力学习have to 不得不,必须(客观要求的)must 必须(主观上的)work hard 努力学习/努力工作Whats schoo

9、l like? 学校是什么样的?be like +(doing)sth 像(做)like可以做动词,可以做名词,也可以做介词like做动词,表示“喜欢”。常见搭配:like doing sth(表示一种习惯性的喜欢)、like to do(表示具体某一次喜欢)。like 做名词,表示“喜爱,爱好”。like 做介词,表示“像”,后面动词需要用ing形式。fewer advertisements 更少的广告ideal school 理想的学校idea(n.)主意: a good idea 好主意British English 英式英语American English 美式英语 buy sth f

10、or sb= buy sb sth 给某人买某物 go with you 和你一起 a plan for sth 一个的计划 see a film= watch a film 看电影 In Year 8= in the 8th grade在八年级 a mixed school 一所男女混合的学校mix (v.):mix up 搅拌、混合 mix A with B 把AB混合起来 like French best 最喜欢法语 learn a foreign language 学习一门外语 a Reading Week 阅读周 borrow sth from sb 从某人那借来某物borrow s

11、th from sp. 从某地借来某物lend sth to sb 借某物给某人 bring in books and magazines form home 从家里带来书和杂志bring带来 :bring here take 带走:take there near the end of the week 在这周临近结束的时候by the end of到为止at the end of在的末尾,到的尽头in the end 最后= at last= finallyfrom beginning to end 从头到尾 discuss sth with sb 和某人讨论某事discussion (n.

12、) 讨论 talk( about sth) with sb 和某人谈论(关于某事) in class 在班上 seem to do sth 似乎做某事 learn more about sth 更多的了解某事learn sth 学习某事learn about sth 了解某事 listen to my problems 听我的问题 offer me help= offer help to me 提供帮助给我 on Friday afternoon 在星期五下午on the morning/ afternoon/ evening of May.1st 在5.1的上午、下午、晚上in the ev

13、ening/ afternoon/ morning 在晚上、下午、早上on a rainy morning 在一个下雨的早上*在具体的某一天的上午、下午、晚上用介词on,在具体的某一天也用介词on,如:on August. 6th,2015 (在2015年8月6号) earlier than usual 比平时早early 早反义词:late 晚late 比较级:laterlater 与latter区分:later更晚, 后来 latter 两者中的后者,与前者:former相对应 do sports together 一起做运动 play baseball 打棒球play chess 下棋p

14、lay cards 打牌 *棋、牌、球前面不用the practice doing sth练习做某事 last month上个月next month下个月be best/ first in the competition 在比赛中表现最佳 an article by a boy一个男孩写的一篇文章a book by Mo Yan 莫言写的一本书 *谁写的,用介词by what else其他什么free time空余时间,自由时间a free meal一顿免费的饭in the same way 用同样的方法in this way 用这种方法in the way挡道by the way顺便on t

15、he way (to sp.) 在(去某地)的路上come first 的第一Sandy draws better than any other student in her class.Sandy比他们班其他任何学生画画都要好。*any other+单数,因为Sandy也属于他们班级,是一个范围内的,所以要用other来排除Sandy自己。= Sandy draws better than (all) the other students in her class.= Sandy draws (the) best in her class.* best作为副词,修饰动词draw,而副词最高级

16、前面的the可以省略。但是:Sandy draws better than any boy in her class.*因为Sandy是女孩子,而比较对象是男孩子,不是一个范围,所以,虽然同属于一个班,但也不需要用other。the number of students+ 谓语动词单数 学生的数量a number of students+ 谓语动词复数= a lot of students+ 谓语动词复数 许多学生 wear uniforms 穿制服wear school uniforms 穿校服 do morning exercises 做早操exercise可以做名词,也可以做动词作为名词

17、时:1. 表示统称意义上的“锻炼”时,不可数 2. 表示“操”“练习”时,可数。如: do eye exercises(做眼保健操)、finish the exercises(做完练习)44. have a week off 有一周休息45. 人+ spend+ 时间+(in)doing sth= It takes+ 人+时间+to do sth. 做某人花了多长时间 人+ spend+时间+ on sth 在某件事情上某人花了多上时间*take、spend、cost、pay区别spend的主语必须是人,常用于以下结构:(1) spend time money on sth. 在上花费时间(金

18、钱);(2) spend time money (in) doing sth. 花费时间(金钱)做某事。cost的主语是物或某种活动,常见用法如下:sth. costs (sb.) 金钱,某物花了(某人)多少钱。take后面常跟双宾语, 常见用法: It takes sb. 时间to do sth. 做某事花了某人多少时间。pay的主语是人,常见用法:(1) pay (sb.) money for sth. 付钱(给某人)买。(2)pay for sth. 付的钱。(3)pay for sb. 替某人付钱。(4)pay sb. 付钱给某人。(5) pay money back 还钱。(6)pa

19、y off ones money还清钱。46. half an hour半小时47. at most最多 at least最少48. do some reading读一些书 do some washing洗一些东西 do some shopping买一些东西49. have an English test 有一场英语考试50. a monthly test月考 a weekly test周考 a daily test日考51. look through浏览52. easily answer all the questions轻易回答所有的问题53. at first= in the begin

20、ning开始 at last= in the end= finally最后54. at weekends在周末55. next to紧邻,紧靠56. have time to do sth有时间做 have time for (doing) sth (做)有时间57. after-school activities 课外活动58. have an hour for (doing) sth 有一小时做59. choose subject to learn 选择科目学习 choose to do sth 选择做某事 choice(n.): a good choice 一个好选择 have no c

21、hoice but to do sth 别无选择而做60. go on a school trip 去一次学校旅行Unit 3climb a hill 爬山keep fit= keep healthy= stay fit= stay healthy 保持健康as high as a real one 和真的一样高 real和true区别: true:有两层意思:1. “真的”指符合一定标准,符合一定模式,如:a true friend;2. “真实的”指符合真实情况的,如:It is true that the earth goes around the sun. real: “真的”,区分真

22、假,如:a real planecome on 来吧,抓紧enjoy oneself= have a good time= play happily=have fun 玩的开心find out 找出来take a boat trip 乘船旅行go past 经过have a good time doing sth= have fun doing sth 做很开心take care 保重take care of = look after 照顾by the river 在河边the top of 的顶端the bottom of 的底部13. a beautiful building with a

23、 garden有大花园的漂亮建筑14. the President of the USA 美国总统15. search for 寻找16. on the Internet在网上17. be interested in (doing) sth 对(做)感兴趣18. 90 feet wide 90英尺宽19. be made of 由制成(看得见原材料) be made from 由制成(看不见原材料) be made up of 由组成20. travel around the world in one day 一天内环游世界21. come from 来自22. do fine 过的好23.

24、invite sb. to do sth. 邀请某人做某事 invite sb. to sp. 邀请某人去某地24. join their school trip to the World Park加入他们学校去世界公园的旅游25. in a clear blue sky 在晴朗蔚蓝的天空中26. be far away 离得很远27. It took us about two hours to get there by bus.= We spent about two hours getting there by bus. 乘公共汽车去那里花了我们大约两小时。28. a lot of tra

25、ffic= busy traffic= heavy traffic繁忙的交通29. on the way to在去的路上 by the way 顺便 in this way 用这种方法 in some way在某种程度上 in the way 挡路30. arrive at the park 到达公园 arrive at + 小地方 arrive in + 大地方 get to sp到达reach sp直接加地方31. cant wait to do sth 迫不及待做32. get off the bus 下车 get on the bus 上车 get on it/ get off it

26、get into /get out of 电梯,小轿车33. A be in front of B A在B前面(A和B不在一个范围内) A be in the front of B A在B前面(A和B在一个范围内)34. more than 超过35. place of interest= interesting place 名胜36. all over the world= around the world 全世界37. believe ones eyes 相信某人的眼睛38. main sights 主要风景39. song and dance shows 歌舞表演40. learn ab

27、out different cultures了解不同的文化41. some photos of sth 的照片42. home page 主页43. for oneself 亲自 by oneself= on ones own=alone 独自 of oneself 自动地,自发地44.take part in 参加某项活动(大型、重大的活动) join 加入某个组织并成为其中一员 join in 参加活动45. make some notes of 做关于的笔记46. pull oneself up the rocks 攀岩47. hurt oneself 伤者自己48. keep the

28、secret to themselves 他们之间的秘密49. get to the final 进入决赛50. take place发生(有计划的) happen 发生(没计划)51. cheer for 为欢呼52. forget to do sth 忘记做53. With your support, we will win. 有了你的支持,我们会赢。54. back to our school 回到我们学校55. 20 per student 每个学生20元56. in the final 在决赛中57. a 20-minute period一个20分钟长的时间段58. take sb.

29、 to sp 带某人去某地59. group of 30 30人一组60. see you tomorrow 明天见61. look cheerful 看起来兴高采烈的62. tasteless water 没有味道的水63. the day before yesterday 前天 The day after tomorrow 后天64. keep it 保存它65. row boats 划船66. go back to 回到67. the purpose of 的目的68. plan a day out 计划一天出游69. the biggest city square in the wor

30、ld 世界上最大的城市广场Unit 4read the instructions 读说明had better (not) do sth 最好(不)做be popular among在中流行among和between都有“在中间”的意思,但among用于三者或三者以上,between用于两者之间。stand for代表stand up起立stand still站着别动instead of (doing) sth 代替(做)pay sb付钱给某人pay for sb替某人付钱。pay (sb.) money for sth. 付钱(给某人)买。pay for sth. 付的钱。pay money

31、back 还钱。pay off ones money还清钱。a pair of scissors一把剪刀a pair of shoes, a pair of glasses, a pair of trousers+ 谓语动词单数two pairs of scissors 两把剪刀be crazy about (doing)sth 对(做)疯狂love to do sth 喜爱做(具体某一次)love doing喜爱做(习惯)repair things修东西decorate his house装饰他的屋子decoration(n.)装饰 look terrible看起来糟糕look 系动词,看起

32、来,后面加形容词原形系动词有:一be:is 、am、 are四变:get、 become、 turn、 go五感官:feel 、taste、 smell、 sound、 looktry to do sth 努力做try doing sth 尝试做put in a light 安装一盏灯make a mistake犯错power cut停电another time另一次put up张贴hit a pipe撞到一根管子fill the room with water房间里灌满了水be full of 满是=be filled with paint the room blue 把房间涂成蓝色keep

33、 on doing sth不断做某事(中间有中断)keep doing sth不断做某事(中间没有中断)not only but also不仅而且 (就近原则)a shelf above my bed 我床上方的架子one end of the shelf 架子的一段advise sb to do sth= suggest do sth 建议某人做某事 advice (n.不可数: a piece of advice)= suggestion(n.可数 a suggetion) 建议advise (vt.)= suggest(vi.)take a course in DIY 参加DIY课程ta

34、ke a course in (doing) sth参加课程attend lessons 上课know about sth 了解= learn about sthknow sth 知道fail to do sth 做失败了succeed in doing sth 做成功了fix the shelf (for me) = repair the shelf (for me) (为我)修理架子touch the wet paint 碰没干的油漆touch可以做动词,也可以做名词touch做动词时,表示“触摸”,touch sth;也可表示“感动”=movetouch做名词时,表示“抚摸”,如:a g

35、entle touch(一个温柔的抚摸)teach sb to do sth教某人做某事remember to do sth记得去做某事(这样事没有发生)remember doing sth记得做了某事(这样事已经发生)forget to do sth忘记去做某事(这样事没有发生)forget doing sth忘记做了某事(这样事已经发生)cut out 裁剪出来cut out of从裁剪出来cut with用裁剪write a sentence on each card 在每张卡片上写一句话the other side of the card 在卡片的另一边give up (doing)s

36、th 放弃(做)give in屈服,投降give out用完,耗尽give away赠送,给予give off发出(光、热、声音、气味等)know a little about对了解很少be late for school 上学迟到 join a DIY Club 加入一个DIY俱乐部be patient 耐心点patient可以做形容词,也可以做名词patient做形容词时,表示“耐心的”,反义词是impatient。patient做名词时,表示“病人”。make a fruit salad 做一个水果沙拉 cut into small pieces 切成小块choose sth 选择cho

37、ose to do sth选择做某事tips for (doing)sth(做)某事的小提示look colourful看起来色彩丰富prepare sth 准备prepare to do sth 准备做prepare for(doing)sth 为(做)做准备preparation(n.):make a preparation for (doing)sth为(做)做准备some time 一段时间sometime某个时候*分开一段时间,相聚某个时候sometimes 有时候some times几次,几倍Its time for sth. 是时候做了Its time to do sth. 是时

38、候做了stop doing sth 停止做某事(一件事)stop to do sth 停下来去做某事(另一件事)52.a piece of bread一片面包53. add A to B把A 加到B上54. stay at home all day整体待在家 all day整体55.next door隔壁56. be able to do sth能够做57. all over the floor满地都是58. tidy up整理干净59. right now立刻,马上60. at the weekend周末61. decide to do sth决定做 decision(n.): make a

39、 decision做一个决定62. by myself= on my own独自,独立63.plan to do sth计划做64. help me with the drawing在画画方面帮我 help sb (to)do sth帮助某人做某事65. have fun working together一起工作很开心66. go wrong出错,出故障67. keep spelling the words wrong不断拼错单词 spell做动词,表“拼写”,也表示“招致(灾难,麻烦等)”68.colour the roses red把玫瑰门涂成红色 colour可以做名词,表示“颜色”;也

40、可以作为动词,表示“给涂颜色”。69cut out a picture of colourful ballons 剪出一张色彩丰富的气球的照片70. stick it on the cover把它贴到封面上71. make a card for sb.=make sb a card给某人做一张卡片72. a piece of furniture一件家具 furniture:家具,不可数Unit5wild animals 野生动物live in the wild 住在野外become dishes on the table 变成盘中餐no way绝不,没门in fact事实上in danger处

41、于危险中a report on sth一个关于的报道do a quiz on sth做一个关于的调查I like monkeys best.我最喜欢猴子。= My favourite animal is monkey.clever and funny聪明又滑稽run very fast跑的非常快the king(s) of the animal world动物世界之王look so cute看起来这么可爱call her Xi Wang叫她希望look like a white mouse看起来像一只小白鼠at four months old在四个月大的时候When he is 4 years

42、 old.= When he is at the age of 4.weigh about eight kilograms重约8千克weigh(v) weight(n)He weighs about 50kg.= His weight is about 50kg.He weighed about 50kg.= His weight was about 50kg.start to go outside开始出去start to do sth= begin to do sthfor the first time第一次eight months later八个月后lateearly laterearli

43、er latterformernot any more不再in the beginning在开始时= at firstin the end= at last= finally 最后drink mothers milk喝母乳begin to eat bamboo开始吃竹子=start to eat bamboolook after herself= take care of herself照顾她自己face serious problems面临严重的问题for example例如live on以。为生a kind of bamboo一种竹子become smaller and smaller变得

44、越来越小as a result结果have a place to live有地方住take action right away立即采取行动build more panda reserves建立更多的熊猫保护区make laws to protect pandas制定法律来保护熊猫none left一个不剩Where there is Xi Wang, there is hope.哪里有希望,哪里就有希望。Where there is a will, there is a way.(哪里有意志,哪里就有路。)有志者,事竟成。get sick生病sick/ill: ill 表示生病的;有病的这一意

45、思时,一般用作表语,不能作定语;而sick 既可以作表语又可以作定语,如病人可以说a sick man 或the sick, 但不能说an ill man 或the ill。又如:She is ill / sick in bed. 她卧病在床。She is looking after her sick father .她在照顾她生病的父亲。 sick 有恶心的;厌倦的之意。如:The smell makes me sick.这气味使我感到恶心。 ill 作定语修饰名词时是坏的;邪恶的之意。如:He is an ill man. 他是一个邪恶的人。be important to对。来说重要hal

46、f a year later半年之后= six months laterstand with its eyes closed 闭着眼站着work out算出decide (not)to do sth决定(不)做。with the help of 有了。的帮助get lost迷路=lose ones waycome back the same way as they go按去时的路回来orange fur with dark stripes有神色条纹的橘色皮毛live alone一个人住=live by oneself= live on ones ownthick fur厚皮毛smell thi

47、ngs far away闻到远处的东西run for hours without stopping跑数小时而不停work as a team像团队一样工作kill for fun为了乐趣而捕杀lose ones life丢了性命What a shame!多可惜=What a pity!a member of 的一员members of 的成员have their own families有他们自己的家庭have feelings of happiness and sadness有快乐或悲伤的感觉accept our invitation接受我们的邀请invite (v) invitation(

48、n)move around slowly in the daytime白天的时候移动缓慢sleep through the winter冬眠Unit6at the market 在市场上encourage sb (not) to do sth鼓励某人(不)做某事learn more about更多的了解。= know more aboutscience teacher科学老师show the students some pictures给学生看一些照片show sb sth= show sth to sba long thin neck瘦长的脖子brown feathers 棕色的羽毛15 t

49、ypes of cranes15种鹤Zhanglong Nature Reserve扎龙自然保护区in North-east China在中国东北部=in the north-east of Chinathe most important wetland最重要的湿地provide sb with sth给某人提供某物=provide sth for sb13.a perfect place一个完美的地方14. some rare birds一些稀有鸟类15.all (the) year round一年到头16. a short stay一个短暂的逗留17. be active in the d

50、aytime明天的时候活跃18. 40 per cent of 。的百分之4019.make the wetlands smaller使湿地变小20.in order to为了21.lead to导致22.less and less space越来越少的空间23. as a result结果是24. have enough food to eat有足够的食物吃25. the Chinese government中国政府26. prevent (sb) from(doing)sth阻止某人做某事= stop (sb) from(doing)sth27. once a year一年一次28. st

51、udy the birds研究鸟类29. record their types记录他们的种类30.changes in their numbers他们数量的变化31. a lot of tourists许多游客32. watch the birds观鸟33. invite sb to do sth邀请某人做某事34. describe the birds描述这些鸟35. understand the importance of (doing) sth明白(做)的重要性36.the meaning of。的意思37. write down写下38.send an email about sth

52、to sb寄一份关于。的邮件给某人=send sb an email about sth39.find food and cover找到食物和庇护所40.live in large cages住在大笼子里41.in other parts of the world在世界上其他部分42. need sb to do sth需要某人做某事43. take a notebook with sb随身携带笔记本44.write down what you see写下你所看到的45. take photos of拍。的照片46. ask sb (not) to do sth要求某人(不要)做某事47. t

53、ell funny jokes讲笑话48. make me laugh使我大笑make sb do sth让某人做。make sb+adj. 使某人 如:make me happy 使我开心49. agree to do同意做。 agree with sb 同意某人的观点 agree on sth 就某事达成一致意见50. wear a pair of comfortable shoes穿一双舒服的鞋子51. have to walk a long way有很长的一段路要走52.on the website在网站上53.choose the correct answer to each que

54、stion选择每道题的正确答案54.cover an area of覆盖了面积55. spend the winter度过冬天56. be home to是。的家乡57.ask for advice寻求建议 advice(noun.)建议 (不可数)=suggestion (可数) advise(verb.)建议 advise sb to do sth= suggest sb do sth58. see sth more clearly看。更清晰59. get thirsty渴了60.make beautiful sounds发出动听的声音61. include birds in their

55、poems把鸟类涵盖在他们的诗歌中62. complete it with your own information用你自己的信息来完成它63. an application form一张申请表 apply 申请(verb): apply for sth 申请要某物 apply to do sth 申请做某事64.interests and hobbies 兴趣爱好65. free time空余时间66. let me introduce myself让我介绍我自己 introduce A to B 把A介绍给B67. be interested in doing sth 对(做)。感兴趣68

56、.from 2p.m. to 7p.m.从下午2点到7点69.call me on+号码 打我电话.70. email me at+ 邮箱 发我邮件Unit7too cold 太冷bring me my clothes=bring my clothes to me把我的衣服带给我look cool看起来酷I bet我打赌feel cold with nothing on什么都不穿觉得冷discuss seasons of the year讨论一年中的四季in different seasons在不同的季节talk about their favourite seasons讨论他们最喜欢的季节t

57、he best time to do sth做的最好时间so hot这么热a poem about 一首关于。的诗be full of sth 满是= be filled with sth 满是forget to do sth 忘记要做什么forget doing sth忘了做了什么fly far away飞到远方what a perfect time多么美好的时光play among flowers在花丛中嬉戏hide from the April showers躲避四月的阵雨sweet memories of sth的甜美记忆quiet streams宁静的小溪leaves turn br

58、own树叶变棕色fall into pipes落成堆harvest crops收获庄稼once again再一次 A rhyme with B A与B押韵drop below zero降到0度以下be busy doing sth 忙于做某事the basic parts of sth 。的基础部分divide into 分成give sth to sb= give sb sth 给某人某物build sb sth= build sth for sb 给某人建某物build a tent with sticks用木棒搭帐篷at the beach在海滩make breakfast for sb 为某人做早饭 wake up 醒来fall asleep睡着kick the ball踢球catch a bad cold得重感冒have a high fever发烧高cough a lot咳得厉害take me to the hospital 带我去医院an awful day 可怕的一天in the late afternoon在下午晚些时候in the thirties三十几the rest of the week这周剩下的部分the lowest temperature最低气温stay above zero保持0度以上A is different from B A


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