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1、第三节 肾脏泌尿功能的调节 Regulation of urine formation of the kidney1尿生成的调节 regulation of urine formation 肾血流量的调节神经体液调节 regulation of renal blood flow nervous and humonal control (对滤过的调节)(对重吸收和分泌)自身 神经 体液调节 调节 调节 ADH 醛固酮 甲状旁腺素 Aldosterone parathyroid hormone 23一、抗利尿激素 antidiuretic hormone, ADH 合成部位:视上核(supraop

2、tic nucleus)、室旁核(paraventricular nucleus)合成ADH运输: 丘脑垂体束贮存释放:神经垂体(贮存于膨大神经末梢中) 前激素 ADH 九肽 蛋白水解酶靶器官:远曲小管集合管 The hypothalamus contains two types of neurons that synthesize ADH in the supraoptic nucleus and paraventricular nucleus.once ADH is synthesized,it is transported down the axons of the neurons to

3、 their tips,terminating in the posterior pituitary gland.4作用: 1.提高远曲小管和集合管上皮细胞对水的通透性,促进水的重吸收尿液浓缩、尿量减少(抗利尿)主要作用。 The most important renal action of ADH is to increase the water permeability of the distal tubule,collecting tubule.This effect helps the body to conserve water in circumstances such as de

4、hydration. 2.增加内髓部集合管对尿素的通透性并减少肾髓质的血流量。 ADH increases the urea permeability of collecting tubule in inner zone and decreases the blood flow in medulla. 3.促进髓绊升支粗段对NaCl的重吸收,使直小血管收缩。 ADH increases the reabsorption of NaCl in thick segment of ascending limb and so leads to constriction of vasa recta.5(

5、一)、作用机理:ADH与远曲小管、集合管上皮细胞管周膜上受体结合 激活膜内的腺苷酸环化酶 上皮细胞中cAMP 管腔膜中蛋白激酶激活 膜蛋白磷酸化 膜构型改变 水通道开放管腔膜对水通透性 。ADH ,水通道小泡内移,对水通透性 。 6 ADH combines with the receptor in basolateral membrane and activated the adenylate cyclase,it produces cyclic adenosine monophosphate,which leads to activation of protein kinase in ba

6、solateral membrane,then the membrane protein is phosphorylated,so the configuration of membrane changes,this process increases the permeability to water by the open of water channel.7(二)ADH分泌的调节(the regulation of ADH secretion) 血浆晶体渗透压的改变 (the change of crystal osmotic pressure)有效刺激因素effective stimu

7、li 循环血量的改变 (the change of effective blood volume)81、血浆晶体渗透压的改变特点:敏感,晶体渗透压改变 12%时即有反应。 电解质(+) 有效 尿素 无效感受器:位于视上核及其附近区域。大量出汗、腹泻、失水 血浆晶体渗透压 视上核及其周围区域渗透压感受器(+) 神经垂体 膨大神经末梢去极化 释放ADH 远曲小管、集合管对水通透性 对水重吸收 ,尿液浓缩 尿量减少。The precise way that the osmotic concentration of the extracellular fluids controls ADH secre

8、tion is not clear.Yet somewhere in or near the hypothalamus are modified neuron receptors called osmoreceptors.when the extracellular fluid becomes too concentrated,fluid is pulled by osmosis out of the osmoreceptor cell,initiating appropriate nerve signals in the hypothalamus to cause additional AD

9、H secretion. 9水利尿water diuresis 大量饮清水 尿量 饮1000ml清水,隔30分钟 尿量 ,(1小时末达高峰,23小时恢复)饮1000ml NS,隔30分钟 变化不大 102、循环血量的改变(容量感受器途径) 过度输液,血量过多(+) 左心房内膜下容量感受器迷走N,传入冲动 中枢,间接抑制下丘脑垂体后叶系统 释放ADH 远曲小管集合管对水通透性 对水重吸收 尿量 。 When blood volume increases because of excess transfuse, the volume receptor in endometrium of left

10、atrium sends impulse through Vagus nerve to center and inhibit the release of ADH by Hypothalami-Pituitary posterior lobe system,so the water permeability in distal tubule and collecting tubule decreases,therefore the reaborption of water decreases and the urine volume increases.113、其它因素 AP (+) 颈动脉窦

11、压力感受器 窦N ADH反射性释放 尿量痛刺激、情绪紧张 ADH 尿量 弱冷刺激 ADH 尿量下丘脑病变累及视上核、室旁核 ADH合成释放障碍 尿崩症(diabetes insipidus)。When arterial pressure increases,pressorecepto in carotid sinus sends signals to hypothalamic nuclei through sinus nerve that decreases ADH secretion.ADH secretion can also be controlled by other stimuli

12、such as pain and nervous mood.12二、醛固酮的作用(Aldosterone)分泌部位:肾上腺皮质球状带靶器官:远曲小管集合管作用:促进对Na+的主动重吸收,同时促进 K+的排出保Na+排K+作用。Aldosterone,secreted by the zona glomerulose cells of the adrenal cortex,is an important regulator of sodium reabsorption and potassium secretion by the renal tubules.The primary site of

13、aldosterone action is on the principal cells of the cortical collecting tubule.the mechanism by which aldosterone increase sodium reabsorption while at the same time increasing potassium secretion is stimulating the sodium-potassium ATPase pump on the basolateral side of the cortical collecting tubu

14、le membrane. 13(一)作用机制:醛固酮进入远曲小管集合管的上皮细胞后 与胞浆受体结合形成激素胞浆受体复合物 通过核膜 与核中受体结合 激素核受体复合物 促进mRNA的合成 醛固酮促进小管上皮细胞Na+ 泵运转诱导蛋白 促进生化氧化提供ATP 促进加强Na+ 增加管腔膜对Na+ 通透性的主动重吸收(保Na+) 造成小管腔内负电位 K+被分泌到小管液(排K+)Aldosterone diffuses readily to the interior of the tubulaar epithelial cells and combines with a highly specific

15、cytoplasmic receptor protein,then the aldosterone-receptor complex diffuses into the nucleus where it may undergo further alterations,finally inducing one or more specific portions of the DNA to form one or more types of messenger RNA related to the process of sodium and potassium transport.14(心房利尿肽

16、ANP)28个氨基酸残基 集合管对Na+重吸 收(-),使出入球 小动脉舒张心钠素(Cardionatrin)(-) aldosterone 释放 ADH 肾素分泌作用:促进肾脏排钠排水The function of cardionatrin is to promote the secretion of sodium and water by kidney .the cardionatrin can reduce the release of aldosterone、ADH and renin.1516(二)醛固酮分泌的调节:肾素血管紧张素醛固酮系统、血K+、血Na+浓度促肾上腺皮质激素(AC

17、TH)对醛固酮分泌的日常调节不起重要作用 Potassium ion concentration and the renin-angiotensin system are by far the most potent in regulating aldosterone secretion.171. 肾素血管紧张素醛固酮系统(renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system, RAAS)RAA系统的活性取决于血浆中肾素浓度,故凡能影响肾素分泌的因素均可间接影响醛固酮的分泌。18肝硬化 继发性醛固酮增多症 水肿、腹水组织液 循环血量 肾素 醛固酮cirrhosis of l

18、iver secondary aldosteronism Edema、Hydroperitonia tissue fluid blood volume renin aldosterone192.血K+和血Na+浓度血K+ Na+ 直接刺激肾上腺皮质球状带 醛固酮分泌 保Na+排K+血K+ Na+ 醛固酮分泌 保Na+排K+功能减弱醛固酮的分泌对K+浓度改变较敏感,K+仅增加0.51.0 mmol/L 醛固酮 (敏感度K+ Na+)Increased potassium ion concentration in the extracellular fluid greatly increases

19、aldosterone secretion.a small percentage increase in potassium concentration can cause a severalfold increase in aldosterone secretion. 20三、甲状旁腺激素(parathyroid hormone,PTH) 的作用分泌部位:甲状旁腺作用:1.促进远球小管和集合管对Ca2+的重吸收,减少尿Ca2+排出 量; 2.抑制近球小管对磷酸盐的重吸收,增加尿中磷酸盐的排出量; 3.抑制近球小管对Na+、K+、HCO3-和氨基酸的重吸收。PTH is secrected b

20、y parathyroid glands.PTH provides a powerful mechanism for controlling extracellular calcium and phosphate concentrations by regulating intestinal reabsorption,renal excretion,and exchange between the extracellular fluid and bone of these ions.PTH decreases calcium excretion and increases phosphate

21、excretion by the kidneys.moreover,it increases the rate of reabsorption of magnesium ions and hydrogen ions while it decreases the reabsorption of sodium,potassium,and amino acid ions.21第四节 血浆清除率plasma clearance肾功能测量方法(use of clearance methods to quantify kidney function):1.尿浓缩和稀释试验(Urine concentrat

22、ion test and Urine dilution test )反映肾小管功能2.酚红排泄试验(excretion test of phenolsulfonphthalein)反映肾小管功能3.血浆清除率试验(plasma clearance test)反映肾小球滤过率、肾血流量22尿浓缩试验主要测定肾小管对水重吸收功能正常浓缩功能 尿比重可达1.030Urine concentration test mainly quantifies the reabsorption to water of renal tubule.尿稀释试验测定多水情况下尿液变淡程度 正常成人短时间内饮水11.5L,

23、尿比重可1.003Urine dilution test mainly quantifies the dilution degree of urine .酚红排泄试验反映肾小管的分泌排泄功能0. 6%酚红1ml静脉注射15分钟 排泄出注入量25%以上2小时 排泄出注入量60%以上 病理:15分钟 12% 2小时 125ml/min 提示肾小管必定有分泌排泄 If plasma clearance of a substance is more than 125ml/min,it must be secreted by the renal tubule.28第五节 尿的排放(micturition

24、) 一、输尿管(ureter)的运动 输尿管连接肾盂(pelvis)处平滑肌细胞有自律性(autorhythmicity),兴奋下传产生蠕动波3次/min,其推进速度23cm/s。肾盂中尿量越多,内压越大,自动节律性频率越高,蠕动增强,反之亦然。尿因输尿管蠕动,一阵阵被推入膀胱(bladder)。29二、膀胱和尿道的神经支配 盆N pelvic nerves 传入传出 副交感N S24三对N 腹下N Hypogastric nerves 传入传出 交感N L15 阴部N pudendal nerve 传入传出 躯体N S24受 意识控制3031三、排尿反射(micturition reflex)膀胱内压当尿量400ml才明显提高当尿量达到700ml时,内压为35cmH2O,逼尿肌(detrusor muscles)产 生节律收缩,排尿欲增高。内压达到70 cmH2O时 产生痛感,不得不排尿 Intravesical pressureevidently increases when the urine volume is more than 400 mil


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