中国古代文化Chapter One Ancient Chinese Economic Thoughts and Business Culture Part Five_第1页
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中国古代文化Chapter One Ancient Chinese Economic Thoughts and Business Culture Part Five_第5页
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1、Chapter One Ancient Chinese Economic Thoughts and Business Culture Part Five. Teaching aims:Able to offer a general description on Huishang and their culture;Able to show ones view on the slight differences between Jinshangs Huishang s and other merchant groups features. Teaching style: New content.

2、 Teaching periods: Two classes. Key points for teaching: Different merchant groups and their cultures. Difficult points for teaching: The differences among the several merchant groups徽商,即徽州商人,旧徽州府籍的商人或商人集团的总称,而非所有安徽籍商人。徽商又称 “新安商人,俗称“徽帮。徽商萌生于东晋,成长于唐宋,盛于明,徽州,今安徽省黄山市、绩溪县及江西婺源县。徽商是中国十大商帮之一,鼎盛时期徽商曾经占有全国总

3、资产的4/7,亦儒亦商,辛勤力耕,赢得了“徽骆驼的美称。徽商的活动范围普及城乡,东抵淮南,西达滇、黔、关、陇,北至幽燕、辽东、南到闽、粤。徽商的足迹还远至日本、暹罗、东南亚各国以及葡萄牙等地。清朝后期,随着封建经济的瓦解,徽商逐渐衰亡。(见视频)1. Huishang and their cultureShexian Xiuning JixiQimenYixianWuyuanHistory of Hui merchantsThe eclipse of Hui merchantsWhy?The Hui merchant groups and bureaucracyRepresentatives:

4、张小泉剪刀 胡开文墨业 曹素功墨业 胡庆余堂 王致和胡玉美谢裕大茶行张一元茶庄汪恕有滴醋The culture of the Huizhou merchantsa. flexible capital managementb. honesty and moralityc. education and close relation with bureaucracyd. Confucian philosophythe dialectic of interests and righteousness2. Zhejiang merchants and their cultureThe history o

5、f the Zhe merchantsFanliWenzhouYiwuTaizhouNingboThe differences between Zhe merchants and traditional merchants groupsSelf-independenceCluster economy: an industrial economy featured by a high level of labor-division(from commercial and financial capital to industrial capital)Zhe merchants and their

6、 pragmatic viewEastern Zhejiang school practical and utilitarianistic3.Cantonese businesspeople and their cultureYue people or Guangfu Ren in Cantonese mainly refer to the Cantonese speakers residing around the pearl river delta region.A splendidly rich cultureInfluence from the han cultureInfluence

7、 from the western culture and once colonyLess interested in politics Swamp typhoon for survivalless interested in politics and officialdom weakened and modified form of ConfucianismCantonese business cultureSuperstitionFace reading, Fengshui(an ancient Chinese practice that configures work or home e

8、nvironment in ways that promote health, happiness, and prosperity)The adventurous Cantonese businessmenUnwavering pursuit of moneyBusiness and business onlyGuangbang businesspeople(Yue businesspeople)4.Fujian merchants and their cultureAfter their defeat by the state of Chu, the Yue people were forc

9、ed southward and settled in the areas now known as Fujian and Guangdong provinces, the Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, and the south east Asian country of Vietnam. Those tha went to Fujian are called Min Yue and the province itself Dong Yue.Three of them have companies that are listed among the to

10、p 10 Chinese companies in North America.Coastal location and immigrationQuanzhouThe stationary and supply depot of zhenghes naval expeditionsView on business:Even ones parents are alive they should travel to distant places for business.In the business area father and son are just competitors.5. Lu m

11、erchants and their culture(Qilu culture)Benevolence as the core, gentility as the form and harmony as the goalEmphasis on righteousness and justice瑞蚨祥创始人叫孟鸿升,是孟子的后裔,济南府章丘县旧军镇人。他以经营土布开始,字号为万蚨祥。就到上海、青岛、天津等地设立连锁店,经营规模逐渐扩大,经营品种也日益增多,增加了绫罗绸缎、皮货等高档商品。北京瑞蚨祥绸布店开业于清朝光绪19年1893年。是享誉海内外的中华老字号,为旧京城“八大祥之首。北京城流传多年

12、的歌谣“头顶马聚源、身穿瑞蚨祥、脚踩内联升是对瑞蚨祥名满京城的生动写照。百余年来“瑞蚨祥始终在丝绸业及手工缝制行业中处于领先地位,主要在于其有着深厚的文化底蕴,独特、颇具实力的经营管理手段,并始终贯彻“至诚至上、货真价实、言不二价、童叟无欺的经营宗旨。主要经营丝绸、呢绒、棉布、皮货、中式服装及制作等。个性化制衣是“瑞蚨祥传统特色,从选料到成衣制作始终是“一条龙效劳,在遵循传统制作技艺的镶、滚、拼、盘、贴、荡等的同时,又增加了手工刺绣等技艺,它选料精良、剪裁得体,滚边讲究,盘扣精美。 Hard-working character孟子曰:“舜发于畎亩之中,傅说举于版筑之闲,胶鬲举于鱼盐之中,管夷吾

13、举于士,孙叔敖举于海,百里奚举于市。故天将降大任于是人也,必先苦其心志,劳其筋骨,饿其体肤,空乏其身,行拂乱其所为,所以动心忍性,曾益其所不能。人恒过,然后能改;困于心,衡于虑,而后作;徵于色,发于声,而后喻。入那么无法家拂士,出那么无敌国外患者,国恒亡。然后知生于忧患而死于安乐也。Mencius said, Shun rose from among the channelled fields. Fu Yue was called to office from the midst of his building frames; Jiao Ge from his fish and salt; G

14、uan Yi Wu from the hands of his gaoler; Sun Shu Ao from his hiding by the sea-shore; and Bai Li Xi from the market-place. Thus, when Heaven is about to confer a great office on any man, it first exercises his mind with suffering, and his sinews and bones with toil. It exposes his body to hunger, and

15、 subjects him to extreme poverty. It confounds his undertakings. By all these methods it stimulates his mind, hardens his nature, and supplies his incompetencies. Men for the most part err, and are afterwards able to reform. They are distressed in mind and perplexed in their thoughts, and then they

16、arise to vigorous reformation. When things have been evidenced in mens looks, and set forth in their words, then they understand them. If a prince have not about his court families attached to the laws and worthy counsellors, and if abroad there are not hostile States or other external calamities, h

17、is kingdom will generally come to ruin. From these things we see how life springs from sorrow and calamity, and death from ease and pleasure.Close to government officialsSummaryConfucian ethics and traditional business cultureThe Confucian view of profitsIt was immoral of rulers to concentrate on pr

18、ofits for their respective states.Merchants are socially useful for their risk-taking trading activities could supply the peoples diverse needs. A compromise:Merchants behavior should be governed by the ethical principles which promoted righteousness above profit and that collective benefits and spiritual values outweigh individual benefits and materia


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