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1、2021届高考英语二轮复习话题专项复习十八含解析2021届高考英语二轮复习话题专项复习十八含解析2021届高考英语二轮复习话题专项复习十八含解析2021高考英语话题专项复习(十八)目录内容Part 1话题相关词汇Part 2话题相关短语Part 3话题相关句式Part 4话题相关写作Part 5话题相关阅读学生默写版一:相关词汇 自然2. 存在,实在3。 生物4。 动物5. 人类6. 景色7. 陆地8。 海洋9. 山脉10. 不同种类,多种式样11。 生长12. 损害13。 危害,使遭危险14. 发生,出现15. 发现16。breathe 呼吸17。 打猎18. 抗争,奋斗19。 移走,脱掉2

2、0。 (火山)爆发,突然发生21. 天然的22。 多山的23。 近海的,离岸的24. 厚的,浓密的25。 成熟的26. 野生的,未开发的27。 丰富的28。 危险的29。 令人惊奇的30。 无家可归的二:相关短语(1)1 与自然和谐共处2 善待大自然3 自然规律4 保持生态平衡5 保持生物多样性6 失去栖息地7 保护天然栖息地,保护生存环境8 自然保护9 危及的生命10 野生动植物11 改变现状12 提高人们的意识13 保护树木14 建立自然保护区15 建立野生动植物公园16 宣传和集资17 自然灾害;天灾18 灭绝19 呼吁人们捐赠20 灾区21 从中拯救出来(2)植树/砍伐树木 2.违背自

3、然规律 3.保护濒临灭绝的动物不被杀害 4.处于危险之中 5。严惩捕猎者 6。 保持/破坏生态平衡 7。 创造良好的生态环境 8。 和动物和谐相处 9. 致力于保护野生动物 10。 唤醒人们保护野生动植物的意识 11。采取有效措施保护珍稀动物 12。(地震等)袭击(某地) 13.被冲走 14。全部焚毁 15.让整个城市成为废墟 16。 被困人员 17。 困在废墟中 18. 面对各种困难 19. 克服困难 20.受灾地区 21. 地震灾民 22. 拯救受害人 23. 呼吁人们捐赠 24。 对伸出援助之手 25. 从灾难中恢复过来 26。恢复正常 27。被困人员 28。防汛抗旱 (3)1. 人类2

4、。 和平地,安详地3. 挖掘出,发现4. 探寻,探究5。 明日,意识到6。 从逃出7。 出来,长出8。 寻找9。 致力于保护野生动植物10. 采取有效措施保护珍稀动物11。 保持、破坏生态平衡12. 提高环保意识13. 环保产品14. 采取有效措施做某事灾害后果受伤: 2。死亡: (造成302人死亡)3.电力中断: 4。房屋倒塌: 5.冲走房屋、道路、桥梁: 6。成为废墟:。. 7。菜地被毁坏了: 8.引发泥石流及其他灾害: 9。造成巨大损失/经济损失: 10.失踪、无家可归 三:相关句式1 如果野生动植物从地球上消失,环境和气候将会变差,生态平衡会被破坏,生物的多样性会消失。2 我们相信,只

5、要我们马上行动起来,我们就可以和野生动植物和谐相处. 是我们采取措施防止这条河流被污染的时候了。4 地球上的植物和动物的数量正变得越来越少。 空气和水正受到污染,结果动物生存的环境被破坏。 如果再允许人们随心所欲地射杀大象,大象就会有灭绝的危险.7 由于世界上仅存约1000只大熊猫,中国正全力地试图克隆更多的大熊猫以拯救此濒危物种.8。 保护环境,人人有责。9 尽管如此政府还是号召 全国支援被这次大灾难袭击的地区。10. 政府采取有效措施保护珍稀动物。11。 如今,自然灾害更加普遍和频繁,迅速成为了发展越来越大 的危胁。12. “莫拉克”台风袭击台湾南部,造成50年来 最严重的水灾,460人死

6、亡,几十人受伤或失踪。13. 目的是唤醒公众对水缺乏的严重性的意识。14. 这次活动中,学生已经提高了他们的环保意 识.15. 据台湾灾害应变中心消息,星期二,“莫拉克”,50年来袭击该岛的最严重的台风,已造成461人死亡,192人失踪,46人受伤。16。 保护环境,人人有责。四:相关写作 假定你是李华,你校摄影俱乐部(photography club)将举办国际中学生摄影展。请给你的英国朋友Peter写封信。请他提供作品.信的内容包括:1. 主题:环境保护;2. 展览时间;3。 投稿邮箱:intlphotoshow。注意:1。 词数100左右;2。 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。 五:相关

7、阅读AHigh in a valley on the border of Italy and Austria,a young couple went out for a hike.As the hikers made their way across the snow-covered rocks,they found that a human body lay buried in the melting ice.They quickly called the police.Finally,the body was dug out of the ice and sent to a laborat

8、ory。In the lab,an archaeologist examined the body and other items that had been found nearby.The study of these items showed that they were over 5,000 years old!The local people were very excited by this news.They called him Otzi because he had been found near the Otztal valley。As news of the iceman

9、 spread,people all around the world took an interest。Who was Otzi the Iceman? Where did he come from? How did he live? Why did he die?Scientists have come a long way toward answering these questions.They have learned a great deal from Otzis belongings about what life was like 5,000 years ago。They be

10、lieve that he had a diet made up of grains。By examining his teeth and bones,they believe that he was born in a small village near present-day Bolzano,Italy.Scientists made Xrays of Otzis body。They found that Otzi had been in a fight before he died.They believe that he escaped his attackers and fled

11、up the mountain and found a place to rest。He placed all his belongings neatly at his side,and lay down on the ground。He was weak from loss of blood.After some hours had passed,Otzi died.Snow fell,covering his body。For thousands of years,snow fell on the mountain.Otzi became buried deeper and deeper

12、inside the glacier.There he remained until the melting ice exposed him to the hikers.Today,Otzi rests inside an ice case in the South Tyrol Museum of Archaeology in Bolzano,Italy.Otzi the Iceman is the oldest human body ever found。Because of Otzi,we can touch the distant past and imagine the lives o

13、f our human ancestors.1。Who found Otzi?A.An archaeologist.B。The local people。C。A policeman.D。Two hikers.2。Whats peoples reaction to the discovery?A。Critical。B。Curious.C。Terrified.D。Uninterested.3。Otzi probably died of injuries he received .A.while escaping from a snow slideB.in a fall from the mount

14、ainC。in a fight with enemiesD。from a wild animal4.Why did it take so many years for Otzi to be found?A。He was buried underground。B。He fell into a hole in the glacier.C.He was covered in snow and ice.D.He was hidden deep in the mountain.BYou may normally think you eat food because its food,and dont e

15、at other things,because theyre not.But a look at other cultures will show you that that is not true.“Food behavior is a product of culture,” according to an article by Robert A.Leonard Ph。D.and Wendy J.Saliba,MA,MBA。“Food is an important part of who you are。 It goes on to name different cultures,and

16、 how food choices change through generations as immigrants seek acceptance into an American lifestyle.Growing up in a Jewish neighborhood,and being an Irish Catholic,I found my friends families served different food than mine。Foods that were never served in my home yet were common in theirs.I read t

17、heir article just days after attending my fortieth high school reunion,where many of my classmates returned from various parts of the country。The common comment from the outof-towners was,“I have to get bagels (百吉圈) to bring back for everyone.” Bagels are especially popular in communities with a lar

18、ge Jewish population.When people moved away they realized the bagels they grew up with,are a part of their being。Leonard points out that “Others food generally means claiming that they eat what we do not。” And,“Within our own groups,we confirm our membership by preparing and eating certain foods。”Th

19、is is true within my own family.In working with my Italian-American friends,I have always heard them complain that on Thanksgiving it is not the American customs they find so challenging in managing their weight,its the mixing of their Italian customs along with the American。Being Irish,this type of

20、 celebration was alien to me,until my Italian sisterinlaw joined our family last year。On the first Thanksgiving she hosted,she served both the Italian and American menus.It was then I truly understood the challenges for my Italian-American friends。Many restaurants in New York City are known for havi

21、ng two separate menus。They will offer one menu for the people of their culture that includes their insider foods,and one for the American consumers that does not.5.Whats the root of different food behaviors according to Leonard?A.Food taste.B。Certain lifestyles。C。Personal preference.D。Cultural backg

22、round.6.What do the Jewish people feel about bagels?A.They are usually served during festivals.B。They are a part of cultural identity.C.They are a must-have for reunions。D.They are easy to carry.7。What was the authors last Thanksgiving meal like?A.Traditional。B.Nutritious.C.Mixed.D。Light。8。Why do ma

23、ny restaurants in New York City offer two menus?A.To serve dishes in different languages.B。To offer different cultural food choices。C。To meet the needs of people of different ages。D。To provide different foods for different classes.CSomething really terrible happened last August。It started out as a w

24、arm,sunny day。We were at the 1 with friends.Late that afternoon,my friend,her six-yearold cousin,and I were 2 in shallow water,talking about school starting。Then I felt something on my right leg.I 3 a crab (螃蟹) bit me.But then I saw a 4 swimming near me.I was5。I thought,“This cant be happening。” I 6

25、 to my friend,“Get out of the water! Its a shark! She ran onto the beach toward our parents。I 7 running,too.But then I looked over my shoulder and 8 my friends little cousin was still in the water。I 9 and caught her hand。I knew it was risky,10 I also thought I probably wouldnt get bitten 11.When she

26、 saw my leg,she 12。I was super terrified。I felt great 13。We ran and finally got to the beach。Now that Im recovered,my family and I are back to swimming in the ocean。Getting bitten by a shark hasnt14 how much I love going to the beach。Somehow,this experience made me 15 it more。1。A。parkB。pool C.beachD

27、。party2。A。swimmingB.drinking C.fishingD。diving3。A。foundB。thought C。sawD。remembered4。A。duckB。snake C。girlD.shark5。A。surprisedB。frightened C.excitedD.angry6.A.listenedB.pointed C.smiledD.shouted7。A.startedB.kept C。practicedD。stopped8。A.hopedB。forgot C.realizedD.guessed9。A。looked awayB.went by C.ran ba

28、ckD.held on10。A.andB.but C.soD.or11.A。tooB。alone C。beforeD.again12.A。understoodB。left C。laughedD.cried13.A。prideB.pain C。satisfactionD。uncertainty14。A.developedB.shown C.explainedD.changed15。A。loveB。doubt C.regretD.miss2021高考英语话题专项复习(十八)教师版一:相关词汇1。nature 自然2.existence 存在,实在3.creature 生物4.animal 动物5。

29、human 人类6。scene 景色7.land 陆地8。ocean 海洋9.mountain 山脉10。variety 不同种类,多种式样11.grow 生长12.damage 损害13.endanger 危害,使遭危险14.occur 发生,出现15.discover 发现16.breathe 呼吸17。hunt 打猎18。struggle 抗争,奋斗19.remove 移走,脱掉20。erupt (火山)爆发,突然发生21。natural 天然的22.mountainous 多山的23.offshore 近海的,离岸的24.thick 厚的,浓密的25。ripe 成熟的26.wild 野

30、生的,未开发的27。abundant 丰富的28。dangerous 危险的29。amazing 令人惊奇的30。homeless 无家可归的二:相关短语(1)1live in harmony with nature与自然和谐共处2be kind to nature 善待大自然3the rules and laws of nature 自然规律4keep ecological balance 保持生态平衡5maintain biodiversity 保持生物多样性6lose the habitats 失去栖息地7conserve natural habitats 保护天然栖息地,保护生存环境8

31、nature conservation 自然保护9endanger the lives of 危及的生命10wild animals and plants 野生动植物11change the situation 改变现状12raise peoples awareness of 提高人们的意识13protect trees 保护树木14set up nature reserves 建立自然保护区15set up wildlife parks 建立野生动植物公园16make publicity and collect money 宣传和集资17natural disasters 自然灾害;天灾18

32、die out 灭绝19call on people to make donations 呼吁人们捐赠20the stricken districts 灾区21rescue。.from 从中拯救出来(2)1.植树/砍伐树木 plant trees; cut down trees2。违背自然规律 go against nature3。保护濒临灭绝的动物不被杀害 protect the endangered animals from being killed4。处于危险之中 (be) in danger of extinction/becoming extinct/ dying out5.严惩捕猎

33、者 punish the hunters severely6. 保持/破坏生态平衡keep/break ecological balance; keep/damage the balance of nature7. 创造良好的生态环境 create a pleasant ecological environment8。 和动物和谐相处live in harmony with animals9。 致力于保护野生动物 devote oneself to protecting wildlife10。 唤醒人们保护野生动植物的意识arouse peoples awareness of wildlife

34、 protection11。采取有效措施保护珍稀动物 take effective measures to protect rare animals12。(地震等)袭击(某地) bridges earthquake, etc。) hit/strike (some place)13。被冲走 be washed away14。全部焚毁 burn to the ground15。让整个城市成为废墟 leave the whole city in ruins16。 被困人员 the trapped people17. 困在废墟中 be trapped in the ruins18。 面对各种困难 (b

35、e) faced with all kinds of difficulties19。 克服困难 overcome difficulties20。受灾地区stricken district/area21. 地震灾民 the earthquake victims22。 拯救受害人 rescue victims/sufferer23. 呼吁人们捐赠 call on people to make donations24. 对伸出援助之手 hold out/give a helping hand to sb。25。 从灾难中恢复过来 recover from the disaster26。恢复正常 re

36、turn to normal27。被困人员 trapped persons28.防汛抗旱 flood control and drought relief(3)1。human being 人类2。in peace和平地,安详地3。dig out挖掘出,发现4.dig into探寻,探究5。be/become aware of 明日,意识到6。escape from从逃出e out出来,长出8.hunt/search/look for 寻找9.devote oneself to protecting wildlife 致力于保护野生动植物10.(be)in effective measures

37、to protect rare animals 采取有效措施保护珍稀动物11.keep/break ecological balance;keep/break the balance of nature 保持、破坏生态平衡12。raise the awareness of environmental protection 提高环保意识13。environmentfriendly products 环保产品14.take effective measures to do采取有效措施做某事灾害后果1.受伤:get injured2.死亡:be killed/ lose ones life/caus

38、e sbs death/claim 302 lives(造成302人死亡)3。电力中断:cut off the power/ electricity; have the power cut; the electricity was cut off4。房屋倒塌:houses collapse / fall down5。冲走房屋、道路、桥梁:wash away buildings, roads and bridges6。成为废墟:。. be in ruins; fall into ruins7。菜地被毁坏了:vegetable fields were ruined。8。引发泥石流及其他灾害:tri

39、gger landslides and other disasters9.造成巨大损失/经济损失:cause great damage /economic losses10.失踪、无家可归 get/go missing;become homeless三:相关句式1If wildlife disappeared from the earth, the environment and climate would be badly changed, the ecological balance would be broken and the biodiversity would be lost.如果

40、野生动植物从地球上消失,环境和气候将会变差,生态平衡会被破坏,生物的多样性会消失.2We believe as long as we take action immediately, we will live in harmony with wildlife。我们相信,只要我们马上行动起来,我们就可以和野生动植物和谐相处。3Its time we took measures to protect the river from being polluted。是我们采取措施防止这条河流被污染的时候了。4The number of plants and animals on the earth is

41、 becoming smaller and smaller。地球上的植物和动物的数量正变得越来越少。5Air and water are being polluted so that the environment in which animals live is destroyed。空气和水正受到污染,结果动物生存的环境被破坏。6Elephants would be in danger of dying out if men were allowed to shoot them as many as they wished。如果再允许人们随心所欲地射杀大象,大象就会有灭绝的危险。7With

42、only about 1,000 pandas left in the world,China is desperately trying to clone more pandas and save the endangered species。由于世界上仅存约1000只大熊猫,中国正全力地试图克隆更多的大熊猫以拯救此濒危物种。8.Everyone should take the responsibility to protect the environment。/ It s everyone” s duty to protect the environment. 保护环境,人人有责。9。In

43、 spite of all this, the government called on the whole nation to support the places hit by the worst disaster。尽管如此政府还是号召 全国支援被这次大灾难袭击的地区。10。The city government took effective measures to protect rare animals。政府采取有效措施保护珍稀动物。11。Nowadays, natural disasters have been more widespread and more frequent, b

44、ecoming very rapidly an increasing threat to development.如今,自然灾害更加普遍和频繁,迅速成为了发展越来越大 的危胁.12.Typhoon Morakot brought the worst flooding in 50 years to southern Taiwan, killing more than 460 people with scores of people injured or missing。 “莫拉克”台风袭击台湾南部,造成50年来 最严重的水灾,460人死亡,几十人受伤或失踪。13.The aim is to ar

45、ouse public awareness of the seriousness of water shortage。目的是唤醒公众对水缺乏的严重性的意识。14。In this activity, students have raised their awareness ofenvironmental protection。这次活动中,学生已经提高了他们的环保意 识。15.Tuesday, Morakot, the worst typhoon to hit the island in 50 years, had claimed 461 lives and left 192 missing an

46、d 46 injured, according to Taiwans disaster control center. 据台湾灾害应变中心消息,星期二,“莫拉克”,50年来袭击该岛的最严重的台风,已造成461人死亡,192人失踪,46人受伤。16.Everyone should take the responsibility to protect the environment。/ Its everyones duty to protect the environment. 保护环境,人人有责.四:相关写作 假定你是李华,你校摄影俱乐部(photography club)将举办国际中学生摄影展

47、。请给你的英国朋友Peter写封信。请他提供作品.信的内容包括:1。 主题:环境保护;2。 展览时间;3. 投稿邮箱:intlphotoshow.注意:1. 词数100左右;2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。Dear Peter,Our school photography club is going to hold an International High School student Photography Show。 The theme of the show is environmental protection。 It will start from June 15th and

48、 last three weeks。 Any students who is interested in welcome to participate。 I know you take good pictures and youve always wanted to do something for environmental protection. I remember you showed me some photos on that theme the last time you visited our school. This is surely a good chance for m

49、ore people to see them。 If you want to join, you can send your photos to intlphotoshow.Hope to hear from you soon。 Yours, Li Hua五:相关阅读AHigh in a valley on the border of Italy and Austria,a young couple went out for a hike。As the hikers made their way across the snow-covered rocks,they found that a h

50、uman body lay buried in the melting ice。They quickly called the police。Finally,the body was dug out of the ice and sent to a laboratory。In the lab,an archaeologist examined the body and other items that had been found nearby。The study of these items showed that they were over 5,000 years old!The loc

51、al people were very excited by this news.They called him Otzi because he had been found near the Otztal valley.As news of the iceman spread,people all around the world took an interest.Who was Otzi the Iceman? Where did he come from? How did he live? Why did he die?Scientists have come a long way to

52、ward answering these questions。They have learned a great deal from Otzis belongings about what life was like 5,000 years ago.They believe that he had a diet made up of grains.By examining his teeth and bones,they believe that he was born in a small village near presentday Bolzano,Italy.Scientists ma

53、de X-rays of Otzis body。They found that Otzi had been in a fight before he died。They believe that he escaped his attackers and fled up the mountain and found a place to rest。He placed all his belongings neatly at his side,and lay down on the ground。He was weak from loss of blood.After some hours had

54、 passed,Otzi died。Snow fell,covering his body.For thousands of years,snow fell on the mountain.Otzi became buried deeper and deeper inside the glacier。There he remained until the melting ice exposed him to the hikers。Today,Otzi rests inside an ice case in the South Tyrol Museum of Archaeology in Bol

55、zano,Italy。Otzi the Iceman is the oldest human body ever found.Because of Otzi,we can touch the distant past and imagine the lives of our human ancestors.1。Who found Otzi?A。An archaeologist。B。The local people.C。A policeman.D。Two hikers。2.Whats peoples reaction to the discovery?A.Critical.B。Curious.C

56、.Terrified。D.Uninterested.3.Otzi probably died of injuries he received .A。while escaping from a snow slideB。in a fall from the mountainC。in a fight with enemiesD。from a wild animal4.Why did it take so many years for Otzi to be found?A.He was buried underground.B。He fell into a hole in the glacier.C.

57、He was covered in snow and ice.D。He was hidden deep in the mountain。BYou may normally think you eat food because its food,and dont eat other things,because theyre not。But a look at other cultures will show you that that is not true。“Food behavior is a product of culture,” according to an article by

58、Robert A。Leonard Ph.D。and Wendy J.Saliba,MA,MBA。“Food is an important part of who you are。” It goes on to name different cultures,and how food choices change through generations as immigrants seek acceptance into an American lifestyle。Growing up in a Jewish neighborhood,and being an Irish Catholic,I

59、 found my friends families served different food than mine.Foods that were never served in my home yet were common in theirs.I read their article just days after attending my fortieth high school reunion,where many of my classmates returned from various parts of the country。The common comment from t

60、he outoftowners was,“I have to get bagels (百吉圈) to bring back for everyone.” Bagels are especially popular in communities with a large Jewish population。When people moved away they realized the bagels they grew up with,are a part of their being.Leonard points out that “Others food generally means cl


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